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(SPOILERS) Making the wrong decision in TWW


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OK So when I was playing the war within quest, I had the biggest desire to change my decision in the quest, I regretted my last decision on the mountain, I chose to consume rather than control or destroy, now if I could go back on my word I would totally destroy the Kuva, now that I've had time to process everything its made me so frustrated with myself and I'm afraid in future quest-lines I'm going to suffer for that choice, to top it all off I chose every good decision before it, I chose to not kill the queen, I chose to resent the void taking me over, I chose to believe there was hope for the Zarimon crew (I cant remember the spelling).

Has anyone had a similar experience to me and would like to change their option, BTW Could you please state wether your staff colour was the default or another colour, mine was yellow same as my operator and my Warframe

This is just out of curiosity and doesn't need to be a feature in the game where we can change our decisions, I just wish I could :(

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I chose neutral variants everywhere but the mountain, where I destroyed the kuva, and now I'm stuck with a little tilted decision thingie instead of a nice straight true neutral one. Well, at least I did what I felt would be right to do.

I didn't really pay attention to the scepter's color in that quest.

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Teshin hints that the kuva is just a symbol , that's what the player chooses to do is what's really important in defining the Tenno... Aka the morality behind the choices , more than actually consuming the liquid itself.

As such, I really don't think the choices will matter in the overall narrative. The old queen will get revived by the younger queen if you killed her, making both outcomes identical in terms of overall narrative. The red liquid will probably not manifest any notable powers regardless of being consumed, destroyed or given away, as I doubt DE wants to develop two or more branching paths for newer quests due to these things.

What however will remain is the moral alignementt, as there's supposed to be the nemesis system and reworked syndicate missions where you will get unique assasination missions and missions where you help people. My guess is that players will start this new content with the existing alignement from War Within, and depending of choice, will fluctuate their alignements towards what kind of tenno they want to be. If you want to be a murderer , your balance will gradually shift to the dark, whereas tennos that are more helpful will embark on positive missions and will get progressively more light.

I doubt DE would seal players into an alignement for good ,especially when no explainations are given during the quest. With the focus, you did have to do a "blind" choice, but it could be changed afterwards by equipping another lense and unlocking another three for 50k focus... Not such a big deal. Pretty sure the ying yang system will be the same... You'll have your starting point based on War Within , then you'll fluctuate towards a polarity based on gameplay decisions and systems.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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When asked what the Kuva represents, Teshin says some thought it a chance at immortality and power while some thought it something of corruption and madness; Teshin himself says he thinks it both but says you ultimately have the choice of what to do with it. We will have to see what karma our characters have earned for themselves.

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I totally understand where you are coming from its tough to make a choice and regret it later.

I personally decided to play it how i would personally do it if i was the character but i am a big role player so i have a very clear personality for  my tenno in mind.

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5 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

I dunno why, but something tells me the meter is at least semi-bugged in hot it tilts at the end. Pretty much everyone else's alignment is neutral with a slight leaning to the light.

May be coincidence but we'll see I suppose.

This is a bug, most people veiw everyones allignment the same as your own

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