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Don't Be A Tunnel Turd


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I have come up for a name of these people who just basically stand in the tunnel and kill ruining it for everyone by not watching the pod and not sharing XP.


For those of you that don't know XP is shared amongst your team if you are in a certain range and standing in the tunnel on Xini or Io or any mission that has that same tileset.


Now me and just about everyone i know there are 2 rules of thumb when doing a defense mission.


  1. Mark Mods

  2. Don't kill In the tunnel


Now i rarely ever play online and whenever i do i seem to come across these Tunnel Turds and they are annoying they really are and they never want to actually come back to the pod or listen to the 3 other people in the team.


Now don't get me wrong not everyone who kills them in the tunnel is a tunnel turd.

Not everyone knows about the shared XP, and not everyone knows how spawning works.


A Tunnel Turd is someone who knows of sharing xp and how spawning works and still decides he or she is going to stay in tunnel ruining it for everyone else.


FYI: If you stay right where they spawn they will not spawn from there and they will spawn from the other side swarming the pod.

You guys share XP you get from killing, using warframe abilities and what not if you are in range and being in the tunnel and killing enemies in the tunnel is out of range to share XP which is why it's very annoying for those people killing in the tunnel turds.


Now I always inform these people about these because I know not everyone knows about it, it's not their fault. I mean this information isn't given to you when you start the game. Most of the time they say they didn't know and come back to the pod, and some say IDC and stay there and these are the Tunnel Turds.

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You realize 95% of forum players know this right?


The only thing to do is say "Hey, we are denied EXP when you are too far away, the drops are further, and it's an overall hassle. Please come to pod."


If they do come, good for them. If they don't, when they die, they are dead.

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You also have to keep in mind that if you're leveling weapons, especially melee, waiting for them to come to pod so someone can spam their ultimate over and over and over and over, means you don't get to level up the weapon you want, as fast as you could be, because of too much frame exp going on.  That doesn't mean they should block the tunnel, but you guys have to realize that this is just as annoying.


Edit: Plus people are going to play however they want, no matter how many of these posts pop up, so it's really pointless, actually.

Edited by iPrevenge
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I only stay in tunnels if no one of us wants EXP and we just want to get to an high wave.


And even then, I still try to get as close to the pod so if enemies still go to the pod via another way I can still stop them.

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You also have to keep in mind that if you're leveling weapons, especially melee, waiting for them to come to pod so someone can spam their ultimate over and over and over and over, means you don't get to level up the weapon you want, as fast as you could be, because of too much frame exp going on.  That doesn't mean they should block the tunnel, but you guys have to realize that this is just as annoying.


Edit: Plus people are going to play however they want, no matter how many of these posts pop up, so it's really pointless, actually.


Teammates receive XP for all their weapons + frame. Only the killer gets all of the XP directed at the kill attack.

Even if it's only a quarter/third of the per-creature kill XP, the volume of death from a teammate spamming ulti will give you more progress than trying to melee kill by yourself.

Edited by Kyte
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Teammates receive XP for all their weapons + frame. Only the killer gets all of the XP directed at the kill attack.

Even if it's only a quarter/third of the per-creature kill XP, the volume of death from a teammate spamming ulti will give you more progress than trying to melee kill by yourself.

Not at 250 melee kills during a kappa, it won't.  I can level a melee weapon, unbelievably fast with Loki.  Of course it's still best to have both.  But by these standards set in this thread, I might as well just camp at the pod and afk, then.  I have only melee weapons to level.

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But by these standards set in this thread, I might as well just camp at the pod and afk, then.

The general point of this thread is that people who only care about their own stuff, going off and killing things so only they get XP for only what they want and then not even marking mods are not helpful to the community. Personally, I could care less as that I just leave at wave 5 and enter a different game.

However, taking the idea of "be a team player, stay close enough everyone gets XP and mods" and replace it with "since I am only here to level my weapon, and you don't want me camping the tunnel, I may as well just AFK" is exactly the sort of thinking that is the problem.

EDIT: On the other hand, how this was presented (insulting the people who do this for starters) is not how it should have been presented.

Edited by liavalenth
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frankly there's simple solutions to this. if spawning forces the mobs to spawn form the other side. you kinda stay right there instead of migrating towards the tunneler, especially if they are killing a good amount of mobs without help. and if the pod is being swarmed just why the the F*** are you hanging with the tunneler when you could achieve a joint amount of kills with the other two people defending the pod? also, you can go ahead and ask and there are plenty of reasons why they wont listen. either wanting to get the waves done with faster, or getting to higher waves in shorter amounts of time so they can collect on hopefully better rewards. and calling a group of players some kind of derogatory term isnt making your group of players seem any better. instead of complaining about tunnelers use the tunnel to your advantage, get them to work for you rather than blame them for pod being swarmed. if they're being guard dog and more mobs spam towards the other half of the map then you and your team can take the kills from there, while the tunneler spanks the mobs on their end. you get to reach higher waves, better chances of getting something juicy the more waves you go, you'll be bound to run into something you like. and eventually they'll be forced back when things get too hot, so then they start working with the team like you want.

or you can kinda ask them, it's not that hard. sometimes people cant hear it when you're using C so try hitting T and typing it out.

and it's not like it isnt called endless defense. eventually the tunneler WILL be pushed back so at some point once the team is all together you'll be making up for all the XP the tunneler took up if you manage to soar through the waves

Edited by MagnumKnight
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If someone is really bad about being a tunnel turd and the whole team starts to turd up the tunnel and leave me at the pod, I just leave the pod and join them. No reward is as sweet to me as that moment when you see one of them notice the pod is dying and he tries to run back.

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I prefer the term "Defence hero", suits them better.


I think stuff like this should really be in the tutorial, 4/5 games I end up teaching atleast one of the players how xp works in the game and why they should not solo in defence.


Sometimes they take the advice, sometimes they don't even speak English.




If someone is really bad about being a tunnel turd and the whole team starts to turd up the tunnel and leave me at the pod, I just leave the pod and join them. No reward is as sweet to me as that moment when you see one of them notice the pod is dying and he tries to run back.


This is exactly what I do too, and tell the others in the game to do if there's a Defence Hero around. I usually do it with just one mob though, gets the message through and you aren't guaranteed to lose if the Hero doesn't save the day.

Edited by CeePee
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If you're playing Xini I fail to see how you are not receiving kill exp from the guy in the tunnel, unless the pod now somehow manages to spawn magically across the map in a different room, standing on the pod will grant you exp from everything in the map, shared exp has a very long range. 


So i'm going to assume a couple things.

1) New player

2) You don't actually know how exp is shared.

3) You're under the impression that everyone needs to stand on the pod 25/8 [yes that is intentional]

4) You're under the impression that anything before wave 40 is "difficult" and requires people standing on the pod.

5) Even then you shouldnt stand on the pod, one group of ancients can come in, CC you and then wreck your pod in about 3 hits.

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If you're playing Xini I fail to see how you are not receiving kill exp from the guy in the tunnel, unless the pod now somehow manages to spawn magically across the map in a different room, standing on the pod will grant you exp from everything in the map, shared exp has a very long range. 


So i'm going to assume a couple things.

1) New player

2) You don't actually know how exp is shared.

3) You're under the impression that everyone needs to stand on the pod 25/8 [yes that is intentional]

4) You're under the impression that anything before wave 40 is "difficult" and requires people standing on the pod.

5) Even then you shouldnt stand on the pod, one group of ancients can come in, CC you and then wreck your pod in about 3 hits.


Not a new player and not calling anything difficult and actually killing everything in tunnel doesn't grand shared xp and i am not here complaining, Just sharing my opinion i usually solo rather than try to play online, and fyi when i do play online and i take my spot on the 3 crates in the center covering whole map in chaos  and i have that one guy just standing near the pod watching it die, gets a bit annoying.

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actually you ARE complaining, or rather you're creating an unnecessary derogatory term for a group of players. if their tunnel bugs you but they dont yield to coming back to the pod how about you inform them to try and make it so the mobs chase them more towards an area closer to the pod that will give you the oh so desired XP (which most of the mobs from defense missions are pretty meager, especially early infested defense) while allowing them to tunnel and bunch up the enemies together or what ever,

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I've never had an issue with my friends in defense when I'm obliterating tunnel with my Saryn.  They stay on pod side, I camp just outside the tunnel near the crates and cover the big door that occasionally spawns some stuff, kill that stuff, then sprint into tunnel and melt the 30 or so corpus away in one big poot.  And they have been recieving the exp from it just fine.


Of course, i too hate it when people go INTO tunnel and stand there preventing the mobs from spawning. But, that's why I basically only play with people i actually know and skype with while playing.



Find some people you can rely on to play with, stop pugging.

Edited by SanguineXIII
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It's not so bad when it's one guy, it's pretty bad when it's two, and downright infuriating when it's three. I don't even care about shared experience, the thing is, most PuGs are going to leave before wave 20, and that means that all I'm ever doing is sitting at the pod, mostly just watching them do their thing while I get to pop the 2-5 trash mobs that threaten the pod each wave.

What this comes down to is that someone has to protect the pod against those chargers, but it's a dull job. Nobody wants to spend 5-15 minutes sitting there watching other people play and wiping up the mobs that they accidentally let through.

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I prefer the term "Defence hero", suits them better.


Defence Hero implies that they are providing an actual benefit to the game.  Tunnel Turd sounds more accurate, since we all have to deal with Turds and we don't want to keep them around.

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pff... simply it's the most efficient way to do the first 5-10 waves in few seconds, it's efficient, that's about it.


stay near the tunneller, steal his kills, annoy him and he will go away. stay with an eye wide open to the cryopod health bar, solved.

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If someone is really bad about being a tunnel turd and the whole team starts to turd up the tunnel and leave me at the pod, I just leave the pod and join them. No reward is as sweet to me as that moment when you see one of them notice the pod is dying and he tries to run back.


I start w a comment like - fight near the pod pls. no reply? Tunnel turding team?


me: "oh, cool you guys are gonna hunt the tunnel? I'll join".


everyone else: *silence/ignored*



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Let them die.  The idiots will come back to the pod after the 2nd or so revive.  It never fails.


I recently played a game with a Tunnel Turd.  I picked him up twice (using chaos) up to around Wave 15.  Then after that I let him take all of  his deaths. It literally took him using every single revive before he returned to the pod area.  The best lesson is a bought lesson.

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We call them 'Door Heroes'. It's insulting AND doesn't involve middle school level poop jokes. LOL TURDS.


Though, the XP system is something that should be in the game somewhere. Even if it's just in a stupid manual somewhere. I'm actually offended how much of this really important information isn't provided to us by DE. The more i play the game and read this forum, the more i feel like the game is deliberately wasting everyone's time with its insane lack of official information. It's disgusting.

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if they do it right, mark the mods, not die, and come back when the pod's in danger, I let them be. Good enough, speeds things up, I'll just stand on the pod and do nothing. Heck, I've got minis to prime.


If they don't mark mods, I'm pretty pissed. Playing a frost, I need to know where S#&$ is so I can go out, get energy, and be back in ONE round.


If they die ... I consider how well they've been doing. If they've been doing good, I can save them easily. If they haven't... I let them die. And then I start doing stuff and playing.


Basically, I learned to stop caring. If you want to keyboard mash all that S#&$, go right ahead. There might be no "I" in team, but there's a "Me", and for me, if you want to do all the work, I'm just gonna sit on the pod and do guard duty, save my ammo, so on and so forth. Provided you don't die and you mark the damned mods. MARK THE DAMNED MODS.

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Usual case in defense Corpus indoor map like Venera for example.


Getting the most kills amongst the people in the lobby is important to many people.

It's what makes them feel like a superior being.


I know of people who will not leave the session until you do because they want to have the most kills.

After being needed to be revived once due to their greed, they say something like 'I will have to go after wave 15' as a hint for you to stop too before you over take their kill score.

I don't leave ever when I come across these kinds of people.

Most of the time they will stay on for even another 10 rounds trying hard to keep kills ahead even though they are needing to be revived a few more times.


Then it comes time where they acknowledge they have lost.

To show they acknowledge this, they hide somewhere that they will not get killed and make you defend the pod by yourself in hopes you will get overwhelmed, die and be at fault for the mission failing because you did not leave when they said they were going to leave.


If they noticed, you are still able to solo with them afk they will disconnect.


For me GG!

Edited by VER1
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This seems like you are speaking of only the Xini type map tile, now if you are on the pod with the boxes on your right and the one ramp to your left, there is a big door to your right, with the door you come into and a large ramp on the left near where you come in. Just want to establish first locations. First off IMHO you have to be crazy to camp out at these points by yourself because if your not careful you will be overwhelmed. Also this is just silly strategy when the only focus the infested have is the pod. Why deprive yourself of more firepower near the pod when your dealing with the infested. Now you notice I said the infested, when you use this map for Corpus then I can see what I call plugging the choke point makes more sense. Each map has it's choke points and it's all in how you use them. Corpus are more of a danger because if your not aware a Blue Moa can take out the pod from long range so the less enemies that even survive the better.  I understand what your saying about XPs and all but to some like myself and maybe a very few protecting the pod and the strategic way you do it is more important. Also there are of course numerous reasons why they do it and not all are for the wrong reasons. Unfortunately in any online game you will have your a@# holes and there is nothing you can do about them except abort and play with another team, it's not worth the aggravation. 

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 One thing that will rarely work is asking them "Come back to pod".  They don't understand that.  Don't ask them to come back that far.  Try comments like, "Pull back outside the arch" or "Can you wait until they get to the crates."


 Those two comments don't tell them come back here and share,  they ask them to pull back a short distance and let the enemies get slightly closer.  You aren't just telling them what to do, and you aren't demanding that they share.  They are much more open comments and people are more likely to accept them.


 Though it still relies on them being able to read or taking the time out of their busy 4 pressing schedule to read 9 words.  Still, those alternate comments will have more impact then "Come back to pod."

Edited by JHarlequin
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