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Ash Revisited Feedback Megathread


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8 hours ago, (PS4)kingbrown2012 said:

Can you repost the rework again I wanna read all of it



Ash rework:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Increases Bleed damage by 20% and Duration by 50%

Passive: Mark of the Assassin.

While aiming, gliding or latching, Ash marks enemies. Marked enemies take 20% extra Finisher and Bleed damage. Mark lasts 10s and uses no energy. Enemies marked are highlighted on the radar. 50m range.



Tap: Ash throws a Shuriken in a straight line, dealing heavy Puncture damage, impaling enemies on walls. Has 3.0 punch trough. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Hold: After holding for 1s, Ash throws a barrage of smaller, seeking shurikens to all marked enemies, dealing Slash damage. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Seeking Shuriken:

 -Tap: removes 100% enemy Armor and ricochets on a surface it can't pass trough up to 3 times.

 -Hold: removes 50% enemy Armor.

Smoke Screen:

Ash creates a cloud of smoke that lasts for 12s (base duration at max ability lvl). Ash is invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving the cloud. Enemies inside the cloud are blinded and open for Finisher attacks. Cloud radius is 3m.

Tap: cast at Ash's feet.

Hold (1s): cast at the surface Ash is aiming (20m range max with default Power Range)

Smoke Shadow: Allies who enter/pass trough the cloud also gain invisibility while inside it and for 8s after leaving the cloud.


Tap: Ash teleports to the target location, stunning and opening nearby enemies to Finisher attacks. Cost 25 energy.

Hold: Ash goes into a rampage, teleporting and attacking all marked enemies with his currently equiped weapon (essentially current blade storm) for 15 energy (10 if invisible) per enemy.

Fatal Teleport:

 -Refunds 50% of the cost on next kill.

 -Tap: Ash will Finish the nearest enemy instantly, triggering a second radial stagger with opening.

 -Hold: Increase Finisher damage 200%


Blade Storm:

Ash enters into Blade Storm mode (he pulls his blades out and vents more smoke). Roll, Sidestep and Backspring are replaced by manic-like teleports. On Finisher attacks Ash will rapidly teleport between enemies assassinating small groups (alternatively 3 holographic clones will show up to do a Finisher on nearby enermies, essentially Ash Finish up to 4 enemies per finisher attack in this mode)

Combos are a mix of kicks and vicious blade attacks.

Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.

Duration based ultimate. Tap while active to refresh, Hold to cancel.

Rising Storm:

 -Increase COmbo counter while in Blade Storm by 10s and the combo counter increase by +0.25x


Conclave version:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Melee strikes inflict a Bleed proc dealing 10% of the weapons Slash damage per second for 3s

Passive: Mark of the Assassin

Only marks on radar. Has 10m marking range and falls off when enemy is 20m away. Lasts only 5s.


-Tap deals 70 Puncture damage

-Hold deals 25 Slash damage+10 Bleed over 10s

Smoke Screen:

Cloud duration is 6s, lingering invisibility is 4s. Attacking, casting abilities or picking items cancels lingering invisbility but not cloud invisibility. It also increases Mobility by 0.4

Tear Gas:

-Enemies that enter the cloud are Blinded while inside it and for 1.5s after leaving it.

Teleport: (Tap only, Hold function disabled)

Ash teleports to the location he is aiming. (Doesn't trigger a Stagger)

Blade Storm:

Doesn't trigger Finishers, instead it deals heavy damage (not oneshot though) and inflicts a Bleed proc on hit. Lasts only 10s.

Sinister Shadow (Augment):

Ash leaves an afterimage of himself whenever he performs a dash. Lasts 2s.

It creates a static decoy that doesn't move nor has collision of any type, it's purpose is deception/distraction.

Note: Conclave abilities work mostly the same as the PvE counterparts, the mechanics listed are only the changes for balance.

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7 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

A) Could you expand on it's description?

B) What about the rest of his ability set?

C) What about the Conclave workings?

D) Which anime is that?

A. Bladestorm: as you can see in the gifash will have the ability to summon 25/50/100? exalted daggers and launch it to random enemies within range. Ash will use up all his energy and damage is affected by number of energy used. OR hold 4 to have ash charge up bladestorm, daggers appear beside him the longer it is charged up to a maximum count. energy is drained as long as you hold 4 and automatically sends daggers to enemies around you,


B. rest of skills can be the same im not really thinking about them.
C. The skill should have low damage in conclave to avoid instakill, option 2 might be hard to do because of the charge required.

D) it is one of the Fate Stay Knight Anime, there are a lot of versions but basically he is called archer with the ability to open the gate of gilgamesh in which he can call all the ancient weaponry for his use. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

A. Bladestorm: as you can see in the gifash will have the ability to summon 25/50/100? exalted daggers and launch it to random enemies within range. Ash will use up all his energy and damage is affected by number of energy used. OR hold 4 to have ash charge up bladestorm, daggers appear beside him the longer it is charged up to a maximum count. energy is drained as long as you hold 4 and automatically sends daggers to enemies around you,

First one seems workable, though it wouldn't be practical since the wise choice would likely fall on SS and Fatal Teleport, unless we are talking a 400 energy BS can wipe pretty much anything in the game. Second option would be too slow or fall into first options' impractical nature, depending on the charge rate.


B. rest of skills can be the same im not really thinking about them.

Remember that the other abilties still have issues and that Ash is more than Blade Storm. A frame should be defined by it's theme, and his abilities around it, not the other way around.


C. The skill should have low damage in conclave to avoid instakill, option 2 might be hard to do because of the charge required.

So... current BS? oh wait, actually it might be better than the sh*t we have now. Still, if it drains all energy it better at least get me a kill, considering Excal can wipe a whole room with a few swings of EB.

The second falls on the same problems as it would do on PvE. Also remember that in Conclave, ultimates, channeled or not, require 100 energy to activate and drain all energy once they are over, so the difference would be minimal, if there is a difference at all.


D) it is one of the Fate Stay Knight Anime, there are a lot of versions but basically he is called archer with the ability to open the gate of gilgamesh in which he can call all the ancient weaponry for his use. 

Didn't recognize archer, it's been so long, I knew the big one was familiar, beserker iirc, right?

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2 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

First one seems workable, though it wouldn't be practical since the wise choice would likely fall on SS and Fatal Teleport, unless we are talking a 400 energy BS can wipe pretty much anything in the game. Second option would be too slow or fall into first options' impractical nature, depending on the charge rate.

Remember that the other abilties still have issues and that Ash is more than Blade Storm.

So... current BS? oh wait, actually it might be better than the sh*t we have now. Still, if it drains all energy it better at least get me a kill, considering Excal can wipe a whole room with a few swings of EB.

The second falls on the same problems as it would do on PvE. Also remember that in Conclave, ultimates, channeled or not, require 100 energy to activate and drain all energy once they are over, so the difference would be minimal, if there is a difference at all.

Didn't recognize archer, it's been so long, I knew the big one was familiar, beserker iirc, right?

yeah it is not perfect but you can work out the balance about damage, energy drain etc so it is not the OP yet still feel bladestorm, what i really want for the skill is to remove the targeting requirement like before but not make it spammable. 

yeah that is berserker from the looks of it.

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Just now, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

yeah it is not perfect but you can work out the balance about damage, energy drain etc so it is not the OP yet still feel bladestorm, what i really want for the skill is to remove the targeting requirement like before but not make it spammable. 

Remember we are talking about WF of today, were Nidus and Limboom are a thing. So it's safe to assume that, for draining all energy, instagibbing anything caught alone or in group by it, up to raid bosses, is acceptable. The only way to make something NOT spammable, is if it has a setup, which opens another can of worms: Ash is a ninja and skirmisher, he is designed to get in and out of combat at will, which makes any ability that can't be setup before engaging or during a single SS is too long. The targeting requirement was DE not properly adressing ANY of the issues the frame had in the first place other than P42W.

I recomend you to expand this idea, but try to identify and hopefully solve most (if not all) the issues, both the ones present and the ones that could be created as a byproduct of the change. If the change solves one or two issues, but creates 2 or more in the process, then the change was pointless. That's how we got here in the first place.

Remember, the idea is to make the frame not only consistent in theme, but also Fun to play, effective and balanced both for PvE and PvP (the first being "effective up to sortie/raid level" and the second "good but not easy victory, worth using")


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super newb here.  so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.


come up with a new 4 ability.


combine the idea of 4 to a more limited scope and combine it with 3.


now 3 is a teleport that only works on target and you teleport to them dealing a massive damage finisher move.

ash is a assassin style ninja.  he has the shuriken, the smoke bomb/stealth the teleport/assassin.  

his 4 creates several copies of himself (clones, shadowclones, yeah yeah naruto whatev) that are immune to damage but do damage equal to the damage you yourself do.   for x seconds your abilities cost no energy.  and shuriken/teleport each teleport to your chosen target (so 3x teleport massive damage finisher or 3x seeking shuriken throws, etc).  after x seconds you go to 0 energy + whatever energy orbs you have picked up during the duration.  

I think this would keep sort of the spirit of ash.  but i may be going about it wrong.  plus i feel it would be less clunky.


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41 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Ash is a ninja and skirmisher, he is designed to get in and out of combat at will, which makes any ability that can't be setup before engaging or during a single SS is too long.

1. use invisibility
2. charge 4
3. invisibility runs out
4. release 4
5. profit 

thematically the idea might work

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5 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:


1. use invisibility
2. charge 4
3. invisibility runs out
4. release 4
5. profit 

thematically the idea might work

What about Conclave? You need max energy to use ultimates, which means SS isn't an option, and combat is too fast paced for a charge.

Make the following experiment. Look at the example I put before (the one above with a Spoiler). See all that information and details on mechanical working, up to including Augments. Now do the same, but with your ideas. Then try to make them fit into a Ash's theme and fast pace playstyle.

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8 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

What about Conclave? You need max energy to use ultimates, which means SS isn't an option, and combat is too fast paced for a charge.

Make the following experiment. Look at the example I put before (the one above with a Spoiler). See all that information and details on mechanical working, up to including Augments. Now do the same, but with your ideas. Then try to make them fit into a Ash's theme and fast pace playstyle.

so you want to spam 4 in conclave? so how would you like his bladestorm to be?

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49 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

so you want to spam 4 in conclave? so how would you like his bladestorm to be?

No, just making you look into that can of worms.

On 2/4/2017 at 3:50 AM, Nazrethim said:


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Ash rework:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Increases Bleed damage by 20% and Duration by 50%

Passive: Mark of the Assassin.

While aiming, gliding or latching, Ash marks enemies. Marked enemies take 20% extra Finisher and Bleed damage. Mark lasts 10s and uses no energy. Enemies marked are highlighted on the radar. 50m range.



Tap: Ash throws a Shuriken in a straight line, dealing heavy Puncture damage, impaling enemies on walls. Has 3.0 punch trough. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Hold: After holding for 1s, Ash throws a barrage of smaller, seeking shurikens to all marked enemies, dealing Slash damage. Also applies a Bleed proc.

Seeking Shuriken:

 -Tap: removes 100% enemy Armor and ricochets on a surface it can't pass trough up to 3 times.

 -Hold: removes 50% enemy Armor.

Smoke Screen:

Ash creates a cloud of smoke that lasts for 12s (base duration at max ability lvl). Ash is invisible while inside the cloud and for 8s after leaving the cloud. Enemies inside the cloud are blinded and open for Finisher attacks. Cloud radius is 3m.

Tap: cast at Ash's feet.

Hold (1s): cast at the surface Ash is aiming (20m range max with default Power Range)

Smoke Shadow: Allies who enter/pass trough the cloud also gain invisibility while inside it and for 8s after leaving the cloud.


Tap: Ash teleports to the target location, stunning and opening nearby enemies to Finisher attacks. Cost 25 energy.

Hold: Ash goes into a rampage, teleporting and attacking all marked enemies with his currently equiped weapon (essentially current blade storm) for 15 energy (10 if invisible) per enemy.

Fatal Teleport:

 -Refunds 50% of the cost on next kill.

 -Tap: Ash will Finish the nearest enemy instantly, triggering a second radial stagger with opening.

 -Hold: Increase Finisher damage 200%


Blade Storm:

Ash enters into Blade Storm mode (he pulls his blades out and vents more smoke). Roll, Sidestep and Backspring are replaced by manic-like teleports. On Finisher attacks Ash will rapidly teleport between enemies assassinating small groups (alternatively 3 holographic clones will show up to do a Finisher on nearby enermies, essentially Ash Finish up to 4 enemies per finisher attack in this mode)

Combos are a mix of kicks and vicious blade attacks.

Basic combo (EEE): Does nothing special.

Combo 1 (EEpauseEE): hit>hit>radial attack with Bleed procs>Open an enemy in front of Ash to Finisher attack.

Combo 2 (Ermb+EE) Ash lunges forward in a puff of smoke, stabbing and inflicting Bleed on enemies in line.

Duration based ultimate. Tap while active to refresh, Hold to cancel.

Rising Storm:

 -Increase COmbo counter while in Blade Storm by 10s and the combo counter increase by +0.25x


Conclave version:

Passive: Hemorrhage

Melee strikes inflict a Bleed proc dealing 10% of the weapons Slash damage per second for 3s

Passive: Mark of the Assassin

Only marks on radar. Has 10m marking range and falls off when enemy is 20m away. Lasts only 5s.


-Tap deals 70 Puncture damage

-Hold deals 25 Slash damage+10 Bleed over 10s

Smoke Screen:

Cloud duration is 6s, lingering invisibility is 4s. Attacking, casting abilities or picking items cancels lingering invisbility but not cloud invisibility. It also increases Mobility by 0.4

Tear Gas:

-Enemies that enter the cloud are Blinded while inside it and for 1.5s after leaving it.

Teleport: (Tap only, Hold function disabled)

Ash teleports to the location he is aiming. (Doesn't trigger a Stagger)

Blade Storm:

Doesn't trigger Finishers, instead it deals heavy damage (not oneshot though) and inflicts a Bleed proc on hit. Lasts only 10s.

Sinister Shadow (Augment):

Ash leaves an afterimage of himself whenever he performs a dash. Lasts 2s.

It creates a static decoy that doesn't move nor has collision of any type, it's purpose is deception/distraction.

Note: Conclave abilities work mostly the same as the PvE counterparts, the mechanics listed are only the changes for balance.

The idea of a storm of blades is cool on paper, but it must be well thought before saying "yeah, let's do that". My Stance Blade Storm idea isn't my first, is the result of contemplating all the posibilities and find a solution to most if not all of the issues, both in PvE and PvP. It's a concept that has been evolving and it's now on it's final stage: the stage were it could realistically be implemented without any major gamebreaking issue. I encourage you to take the same path Tenno!

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just curious to see what people think of my idea.  i understand it sorta nullifies a mod ash can get.  but i do feel it would be a more complete package overall.  maybe thats just me, i do like the idea of warframes that want to use all there abilities.

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On 4/4/2017 at 10:57 PM, Nazrethim said:

Didn't recognize archer, it's been so long, I knew the big one was familiar, beserker iirc, right?


I had to correct this because OCD but that character is not archer but Gilgamesh the King of all Heroes. The ability he unleashes is the gate of Babylon which is a vault that holds weaponry of ancient civilization and hyper advanced technology that he fire out at 0 mana cost due to his A rank skill autonomy.

Its an infinite ult he can spam with 0 draw backs because anything that leaves the gate and misses you will warp back into the gate and fire again. Anything that goes in the gate cannot leave unless he allows it.

His class is an archer class (held very loosely) but the Character named  Archer is another (equally overpowered) entity that at 1 point due to a high luck stat beat an ability that circumvented probability.


Its called Fate Stay Zero. Stay far away from Fate Stay Night.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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Ash for conclave:


First ability: The behavior of Ash's first ability, to throw a shuriken, should act like Frost's first ability. Frost has a great lockon ability, but Ash's instance should require the reticle to be a bit closer the the actual target in order to follow through and make contact, considering  the projectile move much faster.


Second ability: The ability in it's current state is fine.


Third ability: The only change that should be made is the ability to freely teleport and have a small stagger on enemies you teleport to.

I forgot to mention in my main post: Ash can not teleport to targets in the air. This needs to be change by allowing Ash to do so and refreshing bullet jump/ double jump.


4th ability. Ash pulls out his Blades as an exalted ability. Works like Valkyr's or Excaliburs. The only change being a set damage fixed for conclave and to freely teleport with no cost.

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On 4/4/2017 at 8:54 PM, W01fe said:

super newb here.  so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.


come up with a new 4 ability.


combine the idea of 4 to a more limited scope and combine it with 3.


now 3 is a teleport that only works on target and you teleport to them dealing a massive damage finisher move.

ash is a assassin style ninja.  he has the shuriken, the smoke bomb/stealth the teleport/assassin.  

his 4 creates several copies of himself (clones, shadowclones, yeah yeah naruto whatev) that are immune to damage but do damage equal to the damage you yourself do.   for x seconds your abilities cost no energy.  and shuriken/teleport each teleport to your chosen target (so 3x teleport massive damage finisher or 3x seeking shuriken throws, etc).  after x seconds you go to 0 energy + whatever energy orbs you have picked up during the duration.  

I think this would keep sort of the spirit of ash.  but i may be going about it wrong.  plus i feel it would be less clunky.


This could not work because the number 3 in it;s current state can carry an experienced player to rounds 200-400+ in a solo survival.

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Just now, TheWhitterMatter said:

This could not work because the number 3 in it;s current state can carry an experienced player to rounds 200-400+ in a solo survival.

see this im glad to know.  but how does it do that? last time i tried to use it it teleported me into a target and got me killed.


or do you mean the modded teleport strike?    perhaps at a reduced damage then and requiring the mod to get to such a damage level.

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2 minutes ago, W01fe said:

see this im glad to know.  but how does it do that? last time i tried to use it it teleported me into a target and got me killed.


or do you mean the modded teleport strike?    perhaps at a reduced damage then and requiring the mod to get to such a damage level.

You need the Augment for his 3 and preferably something like the Rakta Dark dagger, where stealth kills with it give you energy back.You also need the Augment thing of Trickery so you can ave that chance to go inbisible as well.

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1 minute ago, TheWhitterMatter said:

You need the Augment for his 3 and preferably something like the Rakta Dark dagger, where stealth kills with it give you energy back.

ah so it requires a mod and a specific type of weapon.  

easy to address, reduce its scaling...lower levels you cannot use it infinitely without something like said dagger severely limiting its performance, and requiring the mod to scale appropriately to be used at higher levels.


this would create a situation where ash could have a playstyle that can be used as a beginner, but has to be worked for later in game to keep it working.  and still only being one way to play, not the only way.

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6 hours ago, W01fe said:

ah so it requires a mod and a specific type of weapon.  

easy to address, reduce its scaling...lower levels you cannot use it infinitely without something like said dagger severely limiting its performance, and requiring the mod to scale appropriately to be used at higher levels.


this would create a situation where ash could have a playstyle that can be used as a beginner, but has to be worked for later in game to keep it working.  and still only being one way to play, not the only way.

Well, that's a problem with Augments in general, they either completely useless or so powerful they are mandatory. The current problem with Teleport isn't FT/CL combo, it's the teleport-to-object instead of a much more versatile teleport-to-terrain.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


I had to correct this because OCD but that character is not archer but Gilgamesh the King of all Heroes. The ability he unleashes is the gate of Babylon which is a vault that holds weaponry of ancient civilization and hyper advanced technology that he fire out at 0 mana cost due to his A rank skill autonomy.

Its an infinite ult he can spam with 0 draw backs because anything that leaves the gate and misses you will warp back into the gate and fire again. Anything that goes in the gate cannot leave unless he allows it.

His class is an archer class (held very loosely) but the Character named  Archer is another (equally overpowered) entity that at 1 point due to a high luck stat beat an ability that circumvented probability.


Its called Fate Stay Zero. Stay far away from Fate Stay Night.

No wonder I didn't recognize him, I haven't gotten around to Fate Zero (it's roughly at the center of a 200+ series list I still have to go trough)

Also, yeah, classes in Fate are hilariously loose.

On another note:

Ha! Imagine if BS worked like that! (please no no no)

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With this rework, I still main Ash and in my opinion the '4' animation is by far the longest compared to any other ult. Like what @[DE]Danielle said, they wanted to incorporate a participatory power so my idea is they can keep the same mechanic as it is right now, BUT create multiple clones equal to the number of IDed enemies that INSTANTLY appears above/behind the enemy to attack all of them WITHOUT the animation sequence. So basically, Ash doesn't go into an animation sequence but sends out clones of himself to attack. It would bring it on the same level as other CC ults. If it doesn't kill the enemy at least it should stagger for a couple seconds and slash proc as it always has. If some people still like the animation sequence, I think it should just be an option to be toggled on/off.

This way there's still "participation" from the user by IDing the enemies but the time it takes to use the ult doesn't cost you anywhere from 1-5 seconds of just watching Ash jump around. 

As for damage scaling you could increase the (Modded?) base attack by a certain percentage depending on the number of enemies IDed. Of course not to the point of instanuke like limbo cataclysm but at least to a certain degree that its still viable at high levels. 

Or if not damage scaling, you could scale it with increasing stagger time + bleed DoT.

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15 hours ago, Hafilgar said:

With this rework, I still main Ash and in my opinion the '4' animation is by far the longest compared to any other ult. Like what @[DE]Danielle said, they wanted to incorporate a participatory power so my idea is they can keep the same mechanic as it is right now, BUT create multiple clones equal to the number of IDed enemies that INSTANTLY appears above/behind the enemy to attack all of them WITHOUT the animation sequence. So basically, Ash doesn't go into an animation sequence but sends out clones of himself to attack. It would bring it on the same level as other CC ults. If it doesn't kill the enemy at least it should stagger for a couple seconds and slash proc as it always has. If some people still like the animation sequence, I think it should just be an option to be toggled on/off.

That's not participation, that's just a nuke. The point of Blade Storm is that Ash is the one doing the killin'. DE just failed titanically to make it interactive by refusing to give it an actual rework that removed (or at least made optional) the cutscene. The targeting mode also doesn't make it any more interactive as it is always active, or it isn't, there is zero difference in playstyle if you have it on or off. So they failed there too. It's not really worth the tittle of "Ultimate ability" anymore. BS may as well be 1 or 3 and there would be zero difference.

15 hours ago, Hafilgar said:

This way there's still "participation" from the user by IDing the enemies but the time it takes to use the ult doesn't cost you anywhere from 1-5 seconds of just watching Ash jump around. 

Aiming carefully is participation, spinning the camera like you are having a seizure isn't.

15 hours ago, Hafilgar said:

As for damage scaling you could increase the (Modded?) base attack by a certain percentage depending on the number of enemies IDed. Of course not to the point of instanuke like limbo cataclysm but at least to a certain degree that its still viable at high levels. 

Or if not damage scaling, you could scale it with increasing stagger time + bleed DoT.

Blade Storm already scales indefinetly with a bit of effort (unlike Limboom) because it's damage is affected by the COmbo counter and Steel Charge aura. Ash is a melee oriented frame, never forget that.



Still, for the time being, and as a QoL doable change without changing almost anything in it's mechanical workings, Blade Storm could be turned into a 10s duration mode with a flat cost (ie: 100) and for the duration you mark as many enemies as you wish/can (mark cost per enemy equal to zero) and once the timer runs off or you cancel it by pressing BS key again it goes off and attacks all targets. It would be exactly the same as it is now, but with a less stupid high base cost.

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