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Is it possible to ever return to the "old meta?"

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This is a thread about farming techniques, nullifiers, and our current damage-centric focus on Warframe abilities. Please be polite.

About 2 years ago when U15 came out, the player base was welling in controversy about Archwing and Limbo.  in the same Update, the 6 syndicates were released with their "standing" system.  The drastically low rates of gaining standing popularized a new style of farming, Viver.  Many older players may argue that Xini farming actually came first,, while that was centric around abusing powers to aide in farming, It was based around Loki's decoy and didn't require anything else.  Viver took 4 players all spamming in sync effectively to pull off.  

With update 15 we also got a new mod "Transient Fortitude"  the combination of damaging abilites being used to great  effect in Viver, along with the buff they recieved shifted warframe away from the CC-obsessed game it had been prior, before that point, Ash, Saryn, and other damaging frames were useless and Loki Master Race was entirely accurate; a Disarm Loki and a Slowva were always present in difficult missions.  

With this change in Meta, something interesting happened, experience farming became somewhat detached from the rest of the game.  Now people used Draco for what they needed and didn't take weaker frames into more difficult missions as often.  But the style of farming spread, when the Greedy Mag epidemic broke out it became possible to automate any type of farming.  and players did, now the style of pressing 1 key in time to the group. After greedy pull was nerfed the community seemed more split than ever, but only about the draco farm, nobody reallky talked about the end of the CC meta.

Many a man has said the Nullfiers were introduced to combat Standing farming the physically weak corpus. Who were still the target of choice after Viver had been replaced.  Nullfiers of course don't only act as shields from damaging abilities, but area denial for cast on self and crowd control abilities as well. This was one of the last strikes in the old meta.

I want to ask the community: players old enough to remember before the meta shift, and newer guys just getting situated into the forums.  Which meta do you think makes for a better game -

The old CC nerf fest, or the newer focus on farming a separate entity from playing?

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Just now, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

I'm sorry but what is "HL?"  


but you're right it's wonderful to add diversity.

High Level. A lot of dps frames will do nothing to really high content, but CC frames will still lock the map. You have some rare things that can destroy any level tho, but it's rarely a single ability, more like something paired with a weapon.

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8 minutes ago, SenariousNex said:

I think current system is better than old radial jav/old sary/old greedy mag/old mesa peacemaker spam hands down. Now they added Ash to the mix of reworked BS.

That isn't old enough. This is going back pre augments, Mesa, etcetera. Back in the day when the go-to farms were MD, Survival and Defense (Interception wasn't even a thing yet). This meta was ruled by Soma (no prime yet) and Synapse. Penta and Ogris were also top tier, their damage was plenty to compete and their CC gave them an edge over the DPS hoses Soma and Synapse. 

We are going way back...


I don't really think we can go back, we have too many new toys. Just imagine Ogris being a top tier weapon for its AoE... S. Simulor laughs at such a concept. People complain about the game getting easier... It did. Do you really think DE has the balls to make the game as a whole harder? This is the same community that was threatening a mass exodus when Vacuum, an entirely QoL item, was nerfed. 

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imo the root of most problems is the way DE keeps tying every system with affinity in abysmal and extremely grindy way - gaining standing was truly awful at first. players, naturaly wanting to get new stuff asap, came up with solution, DE came up with lots of knee-jerk nerfs first before changing the system. then came focus which is still horrible. 

if they came up with way of gaining standing/focus that is not related to affinity but more on the skills and actions of player, idk - do x things in y or z way, collect the collectibles, play these optional missions whose objective is ~somehow related to syndicate/focus  - maybe we as playerbase wouldn't feel the need to take shortcuts - we wouldn't be handed things on plate, but we could work towards our goals in manners we see fit, with whichever frames and weapons we prefer, and reworks probably wouldn't be as jarring, since

a)when a meta frame/weapon/combo shows up de knee-jerk nerfs it


b)meta frame/weapon/combo rework comes some time later when the playerbase got very used to it, so any rework is awful bad no-good horrible

we need more options to gain things outside of gaining it through affinity, is all i'm saying

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