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Banshee's anti-fun sound quake


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1 minute ago, ChasePanic said:

Where am I over exaggerating?

The dude managed to keep the entire map on lockdown for 10 minutes. There was no area of the map that I could find enemies who were not stun locked, and it is a large map.

By nature of my original claim that I was looking for enemies, would suggest that I was not watching the player permanently. I don't know how he did it, and to quote myself above:


Whether he had infinite energy hax0rz, dropped energy regen pizzas, or collected blue orbs between waves is immaterial. My problem is that where enemies were observed, they were stun locked. I don't really see where anything I have said has been a lie or exaggeration.

He managed to do it by spending at least 25-30 large energy pizzas, I could take a Mag's ultimate build, an Ember, or a lot of other frames and do the same for similar costs. Do I really need to explain everything in such detail? The problem is that you people look at one ability and cry for nerfs, at the same time you can get the same effect by pressing a different button (hell, you can do similar things with Banshee's other abilities.) But noo, let's nerf this one ability that I personally saw abused.

We need balance, not individual nerfs.

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19 minutes ago, Soketsu said:

and energy eximus, and ancient heal

So now the popular call for nerf is on banshee instead of ember, mirage simulor ? good nerf banshee & put her again back in the underused frame

She's already an "underused frame"

The only things she can do is press 4 to lock & kill the whole map OR play as a glass cannon that get OS if her team isn't there to protect her.


Banshee needs a rework, badly, and mirage does aswell.

Ember.... I don't know....

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7 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

We need balance, not individual nerfs.

If we were to balance warframe it would require reworking every frame.

Just to make myself clear here, I'm not overly concerned here about balance. I don't care about frames that can one shot level 100 bombards, or AoE crowds of enemies, or stun enemies. My problem is that SQ was used in the way that it was is able to shut down the entire map, killing the fun for 3 other people. This is closer to griefing than it is to balance imho.

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Just now, ChasePanic said:

If we were to balance warframe it would require reworking every frame.

Just to make myself clear here, I'm not overly concerned her about balance. I don't care about frames that can one shot level 100 bombards, or AoE crowds of enemies, or stun enemies. My problem is that SQ used in the way that it was is able to shut down the entire map, killing the fun for 3 other people. This is closer to griefing than it is to balance imho.

And, would I be wrong to tell you that you are wrong for griefing? That's what it seemed to boil down to.

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Every chance I get I will: 

Soundquake the entire map.
Molecular Prime the entire map.
Chaos the entire map.
Bastille the entire map.
Rest the entire map.
Divine Spear the entire map.
Stomp the entire map.
Overcharge the entire map.

and you will cry EVERY time.

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11 minutes ago, --Q--DeineMudda said:

you are probably to bad to get to a point where those enemies become to a problem...

Or maybe I still don't have any problems with the enemies when they become a problem for you. What's the hardest non-pointless (that means "rewarding") content in the game? Sorties, right? Never had any problem with them.

11 minutes ago, --Q--DeineMudda said:

The fact you are a Machine with incredibly awesome abilities makes the game to what it is.

Awesome abilities, not boring abilities. I absolutely love Exalted Blade, Peacemaker, Chaos and so on, these abilities are incredibly powerful but they also require players to take a real action, not pressing 4 and sleeping on the keyboard. I don't want Banshee to become an ineffective warframe (in fact, her other abilities are extremely useful and powerful as well yet not boring), I want her to get an interesting and powerful ultimate she deserves, that's it. No one wants to nerf your capabilities, it's that you should actually PLAY the game, not watch it being played for you, this is not YouTube.

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I love reading posts from people who complains about AoE skills in a horde game.
About topic theme...So, you are saying you were standing 3 (!!!) interception rounds with an uncomfortable for you team? May i ask...why? Why not just to re-join the mission?

Yeah, Sound Quake' stun kinda annoying, but once again....if you don't like something and you are able to avoid that....avoid that!


P.S.  I am really afraid of all these "nerf aoe" posts. This is not Splinter Cell. This is not CS:GO. This is a  mass-murderer-grinding-simulator, God damn it!

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well actually is true.


how you going to create a balance in PVE ? the whole idea of modding your frame is to make it imbalance vs PVE.


If you guys continue this path, the result will be simple :

1. I twill get nerfed ( got used to it till immune)

2. DE will introduce more new imba frame ( just wait )

3. You will use it and make it imba

then DE will repeat step 1 to 3.


So technically what you guys doing is jsut helping DE become sloppy and lazy


2. ABOUT the ability

max efficiency for banshee 4th skill is 3 energy / secs

from 6.25 activation)


so most optimum way for this is, range, str and efficiency

so you cant put overextended either so only can relly on stretch.


so thats mean, starting 29m ( with stretch) and need 21 secs for it to be 50 m

at energy expectd at 8  energy / secs


at 50 m, banshee still can die easily without team protection. So it cant solo sadly




at some point, the quake will reach up to a point where trin cant charge its energy or too costly to continue.


even i can say that ember can afk with the augmented auto knock down when hit by fire, Just bring along shade or stealth dog to make u invisible.



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3 hours ago, Lindsrhyl said:

That ember profile picture tells us you too like to "ultimately (lel, punz) kill the fun" [/ad hominem]


Meh, the whine steam train just made another stop to refill its tear tank... Yes Sound Quake has a huge range. Yes it has an awesome CC. Yes It kills everything, like Ember does, or Ash does (but now needs to move his &#! to... but destroys things nonetheless), or X does, or Y does. Those skills are not called ultimate for nothing...

Besides, if you want a nerf, please have the balls to ask it with actual terms.

Unlike Sound Quake, the others don't stun-lock or annihilate everything in range.

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5 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

Yeah, but not all of them can hit everything in range. Mesa can only focus on one at a time. Hydroid can only pin down as many enemies as there are tentacles. Ash can only hit up to 18 targets. Ember's is (if anything) more controlled since it hits up to five at any one time... there are limits to all of them... Banshee, though, is a case of "Get to mid-map, pop an energy pad and hit 4." After that, they hit everything within range that isn't a Tenno or friendly.

Once enemy reaches her / energy goes down - she is dead. You always have to decide what exactly you go for. Like other people said, it's not possible to build her with max str / en eff / range at once. Sounds fair enough, if you ask me.

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Just now, WhyNotBro said:

Once enemy reaches her / energy goes down - she is dead. You always have to decide what exactly you go for. Like other people said, it's not possible to build her with max str / en eff / range at once. Sounds fair enough, if you ask me.

They also never said she'd been built for Strength... not that it'd matter if the Banshee in question used Resonating Quake.

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31 minutes ago, WhyNotBro said:

I love reading posts from people who complains about AoE skills in a horde game.

People complain about abilities that stop all the action.

33 minutes ago, WhyNotBro said:

This is a  mass-murderer-grinding-simulator, God damn it!

With the current Sound Quake at interceptions it's more like boring-enemy-seizure simulator.

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4 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

People complain about abilities that stop all the action.

People can run and kill these mobs, you know :D Not a big deal, really.

5 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

With the current Sound Quake at interceptions it's more like boring-enemy-seizure simulator.

1) The definition of fun is a very subjective thing. 
2) Go and kill these enemies, what's the problem?
3) How often do you see Banshee with a correct ulty build on interceptions?
4) I thought the whole idea of interception was about to block enemies untill you capture all spots Oo

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39 minutes ago, WhyNotBro said:

People can run and kill these mobs, you know :D Not a big deal, really.

1) The definition of fun is a very subjective thing. 
2) Go and kill these enemies, what's the problem?
3) How often do you see Banshee with a correct ulty build on interceptions?
4) I thought the whole idea of interception was about to block enemies untill you capture all spots Oo

1) Yeah, search every respawn point to find the enemies immobilized for entire mission. Much fun.

2) I don't have any problem killing them. The problem is that they can't shoot back at all.

3) More and more lately. Reminds me of "nice" and "fun" times with Mirage Prism.

4) I thought the whole idea of a game was to have at least some challenge.

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41 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

1) Yeah, search every respawn point to find the enemies immobilized for entire mission. Much fun.

2) I don't have any problem killing them. The problem is that they can't shoot back at all.

3) More and more lately. Reminds me of "nice" and "fun" times with Mirage Prism.

4) I thought the whole idea of a game was to have at least some challenge.

1) Yeah i can understand that. At some point you are right. But once again :D This is your own definition of fun. And if the situation isn't what you are looking for...well, you are free to re-join the mission. It's okay.

2) Guess i can reply the same what i said in first paragraph.

3) Don't you see?:D First we had Saryn, then Ash or Mirage with her Prism. Now Banshee. Even if DE will nerf her, people will find another way to spam aoe. This is not about specific frames, it's all about human nature. We (fine,not all of us) are lazy. Especially if you have done something so many times you can't even remember. This is natural to try to make all things easier and quicker. Routine sucks.

4) Well...i don't even know what to say :D Yes, i'm looking for more chalenges in this game, it's true. However, the main idea of all online games is...press X Y times, kill N enemies, obain Z items. Repeat. Repeat once again. Aaaand once more. Here we go, you are awesome. If you got some fun while you were doing this...grats. If not...your own problem, seems like you entered a wrong place. About Warframe...why you think the idea of this game was about bring some chalenges? More likely it's about farm everything in this game. The definition of  chalenge also kinda subjective. And mostly the player decides what to do. I mean...if you want a chalenge take sniper rifle and go infested surv, for example :D The game itself doesn't bring almsot none of chalenges. Sorties...easy. Raids? After 2-3 runs it's easy too. What else?

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5 minutes ago, WhyNotBro said:

1) Yeah i can understand that. At some point you are right. But once again :D This is your own definition of fun. And if the situation isn't what you are looking for...well, you are free to re-join the mission. It's okay.


How about instead of forcing three people to leave squad and try again, we get a kick vote option so those 3 players can use majority vote to remove the player they don't want to be teamed with? After all, if all three people would vote to kick the fourth, isn't that going to reach the same goal while minimising the effort exerted by all parties?

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5 minutes ago, ChasePanic said:


How about instead of forcing three people to leave squad and try again, we get a kick vote option so those 3 players can use majority vote to remove the player they don't want to be teamed with? After all, if all three people would vote to kick the fourth, isn't that going to reach the same goal while minimising the effort exerted by all parties?

Yeah might be a good option. I would vote for it.

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Mentioning Ember in the same argument as Banshee is a joke. Ember has nothing like the range, and her 4 damage doesn't scale very well past level 50. This was a level 60+ Sortie Inteception, not Akkad.

Anyways, I had the same experience as the OP in last night's Sortie. It was a level 60 interception and a Banshee just sat in the middle cc'ing the entire map - and this is a BIG map we are talking about. I ended up seeing about a half dozen enemies TOTAL for the entire Interception, while just sitting at my capture point waiting patiently for some fun. There was none to be had. And this is our end-game content remember....

Banshee is absolutely an auto-quit the mission now for anyone who actually wants the fun of fighting enemies rather than just being carried to the extraction while afk making a cup of tea and some toast.

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This thread is full of unconstructive replies and even off topic discussions. I started to hide many of 'em.

Please focus on answering to the OP's feedback with a detailed opinion and possible improvements on Banshee.

Remain respectful and do not attack others because they have a different opinion than yours.

You can reply to others, only when you have replied to the OP's concerns.

Otherwise, this thread will be locked.

Do not reply to nor quote this post, it'd be offtopic.


Thank you.

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11 minutes ago, Yaerion said:

possible improvements on Banshee

Just make cc pulses less frequent past normal quake range, making gap between aug range pulses 2 seconds at middle and 3 at max.

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3 hours ago, WhyNotBro said:

Rhino, Equinox, Ember, Saryn, Ash, Nova, Vauban, Oberon, Mesa, Mirage, Hydroid, Frost, Nezha can do this. Just for example.

Not on Sorties they can't. There is an important distinction between Star chart missions that are just progression (like Helene) and end-game. I don't care if a dozen frames can nuke the map on trivial content, but in end-game that's broken. I've played a million Sortie interceptions (exaggeration ofc) and they all have plenty of action, thrills and spills. Never have I experienced such an un-fun and pointless one as last night with Banshee. Not once did we lose any of the capture points - or even have one of them contested. Pointless.

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As a Banshee main, I'm glad more people are finally talking about this. It's been mentioned before, of course, but now it seems people are really noticing. With DE cracking down on "non-interactive" abilities, Sound Quake definitely needs some attention. Of course, by "it needs attention", I mean remove it entirely, and give Banshee a real ult that befits her mobile, disruptive (to enemies), tactical/opportunistic playstyle.

Sound Quake is useless to me, because I know how to use Silence. If I wanted to, I could build for range and efficiency, use Resonating Quake, and AFK in the center of Xini while other players clean up, occasionally stopping to drop energy restores and spam Sonicor at my surroundings. If there were a Greedy Mag in the squad, thanks to Zenurik and Arcane Energize, I would never need to stop at all. But why would I do that when I can cover the same area with parkour, and actually play the game while enabling my teammates?

Despite people trying to defend the mindlessness of Sound Quake, it is a glaring example of the (lack of) gameplay DE is working to remove, on a woefully underused frame that is also due for a Prime. It seems only a matter of time before they do something to change it. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

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It's the expanding stagger area that really makes this ability w/ augment so broken. Yes you will eventually get to a point with sorties or marathon endless missions where the damage isn't killing the enemies effectively, but that Banshee is still keeping everything in range completely helpless in their spawn rooms ready to be off'd by any teammates still around happy for the chance to feel somewhat useful. You still have a no-risk scenario, you're just finally at the point where the other players actually have a reason to be there.

If Banshee isn't going to get the rework, DE should really change the augment so the range of the staggering doesn't increase with the range of the damage, if not remove it entirely. That might still make it broken for farming the defense in Saturn, but at least in Sorties there is the chance of an Ancient Disruptor or Bombard to sneak up and ruin that Banshee's attempt to win the map by herself.

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