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Can we please nerf Mirage + Simulor?


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2 minutes ago, Fast_98 said:

Hmm practically my build but I use speed trigger and 90 percent damage mods might have to change some around. 


you might not be shooting fast enough. Left clicking by itself isn't enough. There is a delay.

You need a second key for shooting as well. My damage and CC comes from how fast I shoot

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4 minutes ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

this is literally what i'm using. I only have 7/8 mods installed. It takes like 10-15 seconds to kill a 125+ kuva bombard. They get stunlocked by the constant orb convergence plus you can explode them for safety + use a frame with simple CC

not hard game



I thought Split Chamber was pointless on a Simulor, because of how convergence works.

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Like arguing with a collection of particularly thick brick walls. You guys don't want it changed because you yourselves use it or enjoying benefiting from those who do. You guys will use any and all mental gymnastics that you can possibly come up with to avoid admitting that there is an issue with the combination. You try deflecting the attention by pointing out OTHER gamebreaking combos as if somehow that absolves this one. Then there are the people who don't even TRY to come up with a reason or an excuse and simply just keep saying everything is fine when (judging by this 12 page thread) its clearly not. 


But you all know as well as I do that regardless of whether you not agree with what I am saying DE will not be letting this stay the way it is. They are systematically removing or altering all of the "win button" mechanics from the game and this one is gonna be no different.

So it may not be this patch or the next one, but this combination WILL be removed or adjusted and I am completely fine with that. Then hopefully they can make their way onto the various other room clears that are abused.   


My entire point in this thread is that if you are in a group with this combination odds are you are doing NOTHING. 

You are standing around while the Mirage solo's the entire mission. 


That is not fun. That not okay. That is not how the majority of players want to experience the game. 


Edited by (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk
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2 minutes ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

you might not be shooting fast enough. Left clicking by itself isn't enough. There is a delay.

You need a second key for shooting as well. My damage and CC comes from how fast I shoot

Why now I see and I am going to assume that you're using split chamber to make them merge more constantly interesting so instead of full damage you went fire rate. Hmm I gotta try this out. Thx.

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12 minutes ago, Tuxie said:

Oh yeah the them caving into the nerf beggers after they cry enough? After a long series of nerfs after nerfs. Like that'd be to anyone's surprise. You'd sure show me! Cry enough and you'll get what you want! What a way to go through life.

Yeah and then there are YOU people that blame ALL of the balance adjustments on the community as if DE can't think for themselves. 

Gives you an easy way out on all arguments and gives you people an easy insult. 


"But but but come on guys! Its not DE's fault that they adjusted that weapon! Its the communities fault! How dare they speak up about things on the forums! What jerks! >:C "


As if DE is somehow incapable of seeing when something needs to be changed or adjusted. 



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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

My entire point in this thread is that if you are in a group with this combination odds are you are doing NOTHING. 

You are standing around while the Mirage solo's the entire mission.

If your in a mission without a META setup odds are you wont do much when others on your team do.



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3 minutes ago, Fast_98 said:

Why now I see and I am going to assume that you're using split chamber to make them merge more constantly interesting so instead of full damage you went fire rate. Hmm I gotta try this out. Thx.

Now I just read something. Multi shot is weird on this gun.

I don't even know if multi shot helps or hurts.

But again, it never let me down so idk.

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2 hours ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

Idek mang

This gun hasn't failed me once. If split chamber is useless then....

I am a shameless Simulor Mirage and I can tell you about my personal findings.


With Split Chamber, the convergence happens a bit faster thus kills trash mobs a fraction of a second faster, and somewhat raises ammo effciency.


It may not seem much but when you fight something like an Arctic Eximus, you can see a huge difference.


You see, without Split Chamber, the orbs take a fraction of a second too long to converge, making it hard to make convergences before the orbs bounce off from the Arctic globe.


...On the other hand, replacing Split Chamber with a God-Tier Riven mod pretty much doubled my effective DPS.


I just momentarily switch to my sonicor when I encounter an Arctic Eximus.

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13 minutes ago, Tuxie said:

Oh yeah the them caving into the nerf beggers after they cry enough? After a long series of nerfs after nerfs. Like that'd be to anyone's surprise. You'd sure show me! Cry enough and you'll get what you want! What a way to go through life.

It's still noticeably unbalanced and detrimental to group gameplay in a game where group interaction and participation is a cornerstone.

Proponents will cry...and then Opponents will Cry about the crying...but the above is still true.

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2 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

I am a shameless Simulor Mirage and I can tell you about my personal findings.


With Split Chamber, the convergence happens a bit faster thus kills trash mobs a fraction of a second faster, and somewhat raises ammo effciency.


It may not seem much but when you fight something like an Arctic Eximus, you can see a huge difference.


You see, without Split Chamber, the orbs take a fraction of a second too long to converge, making it hard to make convergences before the orbs bounce away from the Arctic globe.


...On the other hand, replacing Split Chamber with a God-Tier Riven mod pretty much doubled my effective DPS.


I just momentarily switch to my sonicor when I encounter an Arctic Eximus.

so my build must be fine, besides the fact it's literally incomplete lol

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

It's still noticeably unbalanced and detrimental to group gameplay in a game where group interaction and participation is a cornerstone.

Proponents will cry...and then Opponents will Cry about the crying...but the above is still true.


I'd done arguing  though. The adjustment will be made no matter how many times I respond in this thread. All its doing is killing my mood and wasting my time. 


Gonna go farm Prime parts :) 

Edited by (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:


I'd done arguing  though. The adjustment will be made no matter how many times I respond in this thread. All its doing is killing my mood and wasting my time. 


Gonna go farm Prime parts :) 

I think the problem is more with simulor itself.

I cheese with it on any frame. I dedicated a greater lens to it because it works with every frame to the cheese factor.

I think simulor maybe should be more opticor-like

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:


I'd done arguing  though. The adjustment will be made no matter how many times I respond in this thread. All its doing is killing my mood and wasting my time. 


Gonna go farm Prime parts :) 

Whether I agree or disagree, you are forever a valued contributor to the WF community.  Everyone who participates constructively is.

May your farming be fruitful and your Fashionframe forever shine bright!

I hope to see you in-game.

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12 minutes ago, --GOOLOO_GOOLOO_GOOLOO-- said:

Now I just read something. Multi shot is weird on this gun.

I don't even know if multi shot helps or hurts.

But again, it never let me down so idk.

Multishot will help you form singularities quicker, but most of your damage comes from the explosion when the orbs merge, so you're better off with a damage mod. I'd definitely replace Split Chamber with Heavy Caliber if you can only fit 7 mods on.

I need to review my build now aoe has a harder time getting headshots.

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1 hour ago, schilds said:


She's not tricky, she's just boring. It's sad that all she's known for is SS spam. If they take that out I'll probably never see her again in a group (unless I run into you, yay!) hence why I think she needs a rework.

So far I've read the post of others and feedbacks its seeming to me that, your talking based on your own liking. Skillful players actually always try to utilize every frame they use you know tactically. Danm I hated mirage for all those pooping but when I had to rank her up for MR fodder, I found out that she has some usefulness after all and since then I'm using her every now and then along with fashion framing. I play warframe as tactfully as it can be played and I know for sure that I'm not amongst the researched and built maniacs out there but still I try whatever I can take out of a frame. She is good and you will only know when you get to use her all the abilities synergistically in a mission and get kills more than others ofcourse without using pooper or any cheese.

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1 hour ago, DxAdder said:

What are you talking about ?

A PUG is public space where everyone has an equal right to be there, I can do ANYTHING i want as long as Im not breaking any rules.

My example may suck but still, this world is a place to live on for everyone but still it has got some maintenance need to be done to keep it living worthy, none of those are imposed on the living beings but again its the responsibility to keep it up to the standard. An equal standard doesn't mean one can cause on harm others on his/her free will.

Its all about standard, Miramulor breaks that minimum standard of staying in the game and therefore needs to be taken care of for the reason Mesa/Ember/Saryn/Ash and even mirage got treatments previously.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

Nerfing frames and weapons only confirm what i have said from long time ago: DE and the devs they don't know what they are doing and they lack of vision.

I guess they should create an R&D dept in that company or a strategic planning.

anyways, it's just a game, the day i get fed up, i can always switch to another one as i did with other games before i switch to warframe.

Only diamonds last forever

I am playing Titanfall 2.

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On 12/4/2016 at 11:16 PM, ensignvidiot said:

This is what NERFED trinity to uselessness

>implying a frame that can restore massive amounts of energy within milliseconds while simultaneously providing overshields and doing endlessly scaling %-based health damage with the touch of a button, PLUS being able to instantly heal all allies within 50m to full health+shields and make them all take 25% of the damage they take usually for a decent amount of time with the touch of another button... is useless.


I mean if that's "useless" to you, if you honestly believe that, I really don't know what to tell you.


Let's face it. A frame that got rid of 99% of the damage one takes was bound to get nerfed sooner or later, and let's be real here: she totally deserved it. It trivialized LOR and Sorties to a ridiculous degree.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

Like arguing with a collection of particularly thick brick walls. You guys don't want it changed because you yourselves use it or enjoying benefiting from those who do. You guys will use any and all mental gymnastics that you can possibly come up with to avoid admitting that there is an issue with the combination. You try deflecting the attention by pointing out OTHER gamebreaking combos as if somehow that absolves this one. Then there are the people who don't even TRY to come up with a reason or an excuse and simply just keep saying everything is fine when (judging by this 12 page thread) its clearly not. 


But you all know as well as I do that regardless of whether you not agree with what I am saying DE will not be letting this stay the way it is. They are systematically removing or altering all of the "win button" mechanics from the game and this one is gonna be no different.

So it may not be this patch or the next one, but this combination WILL be removed or adjusted and I am completely fine with that. Then hopefully they can make their way onto the various other room clears that are abused.   


My entire point in this thread is that if you are in a group with this combination odds are you are doing NOTHING. 

You are standing around while the Mirage solo's the entire mission. 


That is not fun. That not okay. That is not how the majority of players want to experience the game. 


I wish it were possible to favorite forum posts. This would definitely be present in my personal list.

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Skill has nothing to do with it. She's not hard to play with, she's just boring. She's not fun. She's not interesting. Of course that's just my opinion, it goes without saying. I offer my opinion, but I don't expect every aspect of this game to appeal to (or be changed for) me. Maybe she's a frame that appeals to other people, that's fine, except I rarely see her used out of SS spam. So I'm guessing - and I may be wrong, my evidence is just anecdotal - that she's not really all that fun or interesting for many other people either.

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