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[Suggestion] Two more mod slots for Melee weapons


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So, with all the talk of Damage 3.0 and the removal of mandatory mods (which I totally approve of, I just lost all faith in D3.0 happening), I have a small suggestion. Give Melee weapons 10 mod slots, just like Sentinels currently have (or 11 with the stances slot). Why? Because, frankly, out of all the things in the game, it's Melee weapons that have the most mandatory mods. Pressure Point is a given, Blood Rush and Body Count are a must if you want your weapon to be remotely useful, Life Strike/Healing Return are a must if you melee primarily, Primed Fury/Berserker are a must to take advantage of Blood Rush and Body Count... That's already at least 5 mandatory mods, and I have yet to mention Condition Overload, which, albeit new, looks like a must for a melee weapon that is paired to, say, Saryn. What are you left with? Two slots, which you either fill with the critical chance and multiplier mods, or two elemental mods.

Warframes don't have that problem at all. Heck, there are some Warframe builds that don't even use all the slots. Primary and Secondary weapons have, maybe, 4 mandatory mods each, and only Shotguns seem to stray a bit further, with Primed Point Blank, Primed Ravage, Hell's Chamber, Blaze, Vicious Spread and Blunderbuss, so, 6, but, with these 6 mandatory mods alone, shotguns are incredibly useful, so, it's not much of a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, the 6 mandatory mods for Melee weapons aren't only disadvantageous, they literally make them worse weapons than they should be, because the compromises for each build are ridiculous. That can be solved with just 2 more mod slots, I believe. It will still maintain that decision making and compromising that is present for everything else, but it will make Melee Weapons a much, much more useful class than it currently is.

Well, that's just my suggestion, in case Damage 3.0 never happens.

Thank you for reading!

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16 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

So, with all the talk of Damage 3.0 and the removal of mandatory mods

This isnt going to happen any time soon. Neither the devs or any community member has any idea how to get this working, specially the members that complain the most about it, when asked how they think it should be, they go silent.

As for the topic its self, i admit it would be Fun seeing the new build variations people would come up with tho i think Melee would become too OP.

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This won't happend any time soon and I said many times so I say here too. If they removal the pure damage mods they should buff to a level the weapons which could be on the current level with mandatory damage mods. If they remove something they should give in return something if they not touch the damage and enemy armor and stat scaling. If they just remove the damage mods and add 2 more slot then they should compensate the damage and now you have more powercreep than before. So the logical step is to them if they remove damage mods they will remove 1-2 slots to try keep balanced the stuffs and not reach too much powercreep. For this they should finaly decide to listen to those whom want a hardcore warframe and skill based game in this case they should kill the modding system because it recreate the powercreep because they doesn't know how to balance well. Another option to keep the game for gamers and for casuals and in this case they should keep those mods which seems their goal because the more casual player and pleasent player the more money for them so they will keep the "everyone" have a chance to fun concept. I would like to see a different warframe but too many component in this game is broken or half baked and they eagerly defending their milestones and if you critize the system then they will ban you or just ignore your advices. They know their game is currently in a stage where the game can be something but they artifically keep the game on this level because the game profitable to them and if they should touch the core mechanics that is either eats time and maybe they touch a part which worked relatively well.

The recent riven mods and primed mods just shown how they wish to fix the problems with the simple idea " If you have only a hammer then you will see everything as a nail".

So their solution is almost the same to everything and basically the core gameplay and flaws never change because they doesn't want touch it. If they just trying to buff the lower level weapons to a better levels and just slightly reduce the damage mods and trying to keep the balance on the mid way then thegame would have been much better but their effort to make money could fail.

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You need to understand, currently the only "Required" mod is pressure point. I have made weapons that can kill lv200+ enemies that do not use life strike, blood rush, body count, etc.


I do agree standard mods like pressure point should be gotten rid of. Until they come out with damage 3.0, I still maintain that it seems like they could just give all weapons a flat stat increase based on the affects of primed pressure point, then remove the mod.


As it currently stands, my weapon builds can scale to upwards of lv 600+ enemies. The limit is really at which point are the enemies so strong that I can't stay alive anymore.

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Melee is already the most overpowered thing in the game. Far beyond anything you can reach with primaries or secondaries. And the stance slot makes it easier than ever to mod them with 2-3 forma, for comparison my Quanta Vandal is maxed 7 forma with polarities in each slot and it is nowhere as strong as half of my melee setups.

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On 12/7/2016 at 4:24 PM, RacerDelux said:

You need to understand, currently the only "Required" mod is pressure point. I have made weapons that can kill lv200+ enemies that do not use life strike, blood rush, body count, etc.


I do agree standard mods like pressure point should be gotten rid of. Until they come out with damage 3.0, I still maintain that it seems like they could just give all weapons a flat stat increase based on the affects of primed pressure point, then remove the mod.


As it currently stands, my weapon builds can scale to upwards of lv 600+ enemies. The limit is really at which point are the enemies so strong that I can't stay alive anymore.

Soo Naromon, covert lethal, finishers,  and Slash, Case proccs on stealth damage multiplier?

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How do people claim melee is overpowered?  I'll admit to being terrible, but even a 1k combo counter doesn't help me defend a hijack objective or keep me in affinity range of my allies.  I can't cancel my animations, and I enjoy heavy weapons, so I end up exposed or animation-locked out of doing stuff like picking up power cores (you know, being a helpful teammate).

I've felt for a while now that stances shouldn't give bonus drain (I don't even forma most melee weapons with all that bonus drain); I'd be interested to see the results of a system where they instead granted bonus slots (probably remove levels altogether and say 1 slot, 2 if it's matching polarity), which would actually encourage forma.  I make no guarantees it wouldn't be horribly OP.  I'm just saying I'd be interested to see.

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21 hours ago, Replacement said:

How do people claim melee is overpowered?  

It's all a matter of math. Melee scales so well that there is no real need to use primary or secondary guns, unless for long to extreme long ranges or flying/elevated mobs, or mass AOE with Synoid Cheese Dispenser

Consider Venka Prime, a newest monster they unleashed.  You can reach 5x combo very fast, with maiming, organ shutter and blood rush, you are looking at

4.8^5*5=~12,000 damage without considering its base damage or damage mods.  Melee is orders of magnitude stronger than ranged weapons.


Also 1k combo? You need to try harder.


Edited by SenariousNex
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