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My personal Apology to the Fans


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9 minutes ago, Flackenstien said:

DISCLAIMER: I understand full well that the original artist and others may be frustrated over changing the concept, but.. it's just that; a concept. It takes many stages to come to a final product, especially so when the design gets passed over from an outside source.    

Let's go over the changes:  

They fixed the proportion of the left arm and the groin area.  
They also simplified the torso, removing what they felt were some excess lines.  

They then smoothed out the corrupted parts, likely due to how many small bits like that could make the final model tougher to make properly, meaning they might not be able to live up to the original concept. I believe this was the same reason why Banshee's skin didn't have the thin and ghostly dress, which was what killed the skin in her case.  
With the corrupted elbow, I DON'T think they went in the right direction here.. They could have kept it spikey while making it simpler to model. 

As for the blade on her helmet, Ember has always had something on her head, which makes sense of why DE added it. I personally like DE's version of the helmet.  

I really DON'T like how they added a clothing element on her hip. I suppose they wanted to stray away from matching Nova's silhouette with this skin, but I really preferred the original transition here...  

In the end, I feel that the decisions DE made were quite logical, just that the execution could have been better, specifically with the corrupt elbow and the white hip's dress flap. Those seem like overly excessive changes.   
Again, I feel for the artist and the fans, but also I understand why DE changed what they did.   

The designs for Rhino, Trinity, and Ash, and Oberon were adapted perfectly. They even went as far as letting Trinity and Oberon keep their small feet, something that after the fiasco with the Valkyr concept, I thought would have never made it through.  
Loki's entire skin proportions, and what happened to Banshee's torso/dress were very unfortunate.. but they were mostly different in terms of an awkward adaption into 3D.  
Provided they do end up making it into the game; Deluxe Frost shouldn't need any changes based on the concept, but I could see Mag's hands and the floating pieces by her hips seeing changed to simplify them.  

Please don't turn DE into a villain over this, and inversely, treat the original artist with respect and understand his situation.

AT LAST! At last someone gets how things are done. And I honestly agree with the eblow part, making it sharper won't hurt anyone. I personally like the hip thing, since it makes her clothing resemble a dress.

You also forgot the "spike" parts on the dagger skin, while I personally think those are some kind of firey elemental effects, which are going to be shiny, glowy and (maybe) animated.

I also think that judging a model looking at a very schematic CONCEPT is kinda wierd too, that includes myself and everyone in here. Many people didn't like/understand the changes made to the concept - there they are. There's a reasoning behind them. That's all that matters.


Edited by LeCauchemare
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5 minutes ago, Ternski said:

When DE showed this concept on stream most people was like WOW this is so cool! And it is. I don't care was it better before or not. It looks cool, I will buy it.

I think many people will agree with me.

Many people wont even acknowledge your existence either since its likely the majority don't even look at the forums outside patch notes.

Regardless if people cough up their money or not for a piece of cosmetic item there is obviously still a divide about this. People will look at this with disgust and either be a hypocrite or avoid buying it. And others wont really care because it means more content for the game. I don't touch ember so I can easily avoid buying it.

I just don't really smile at this whole situation in general.

Edited by VermillionScourge
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personally i liked alle the realeased designs,but i can see why the OP doesnt like the changes.


i personally wouldnt have added the bulge on the burned arm, just simplyfied it to make it easyer to model (i dont like it looking that much different).


the head blade is okay, afterall ember nearly always has that.

the skirt just looks a bit off compared to the rest of the design.

also in the original it looked like the cloth were the skin, so the burnt part feels like a burnt skin part. in the new one it just looks like another layer, like the burnt one is the actual skin and just thuged in some cloths ..... but that might just be me.


but still, sad to see you go, good luck on your search for work. We will see how the next designs will end (for the worse or the better).

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Well, let's see. DE has not only every right to do changes as they see fit, but I'm pretty sure that was something they already made clear when contacting Francois.

I mean, I can see why some changes are made. One has to remember a model must be done afterwards, with textures, and that sometimes the designs that look awesome on paper are hard to transition over the engine on a mesh. In Ember's particular case, I can see an elbow that'd be hard and the knife thing on her head is meant to represent the Phoenix vibe she gives in absolutely all her designs.

Remember Mynki is behind most if not all the Warframe designs so he better than anyone knows what makes a Warframe a Warframe. Key elements, etc.

In the end I find all this is a bit too desproportionate (spelling?) and I hope DE reconsiders.

Unless you threw some words their way that went too far.

EDIT: Just to make it clear: I'm not siding with anyone and I like the work you've done throughout these months. I gotta say they also respected most of the designs so...

Edited by NightmareT12
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8 minutes ago, xFrostKnightx said:

Yup. I didn't hate, but i didn't like the design either and seeing the previous version i still don't like/hate it. It's just ok.  I'll still get it, but i was hoping the skin would be a little more phoenix like. 


Seems to be going for a volcano aesthetic.

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8 minutes ago, VermillionScourge said:

Many people wont even acknowledge your existence either since its likely the majority don't even look at the forums outside patch notes.

Regardless if people cough up their money or not for a piece of cosmetic item there is obviously still a divide about this. People will look at this with disgust and either be a hypocrite or avoid buying it. And others wont really care because it means more content for the game. I don't touch ember so I can easily avoid buying it.

I hooonestly think you're going overboard. If someone would look at a pretty decent design "with disgust" - there's obviously something wrong with them. You either like it or not. If you like it - you buy it. Changes that were made are extremely minor, and there they are. People that are freaking out already.

Not to mention, skin isn't even released yet, and people would barely care about all these changes, I bet, IF... if there wasn't "I'm leaving, bye babes" message attached to it by the person who made these skins. Which is honestly unnecessary, because it sounds more like "DE kicked me out while I've been protecting my art, please bash at them" kind of message.

I personally think that considering the fact that one reads what he writes, there was no reason for this thread to be so "sad and dramatic". But alas, it is.

Edited by LeCauchemare
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8 minutes ago, Flackenstien said:

DISCLAIMER: I understand full well that the original artist and others may be frustrated over changing the concept, but.. it's just that; a concept. It takes many stages to come to a final product, especially so when the design gets passed over from an outside source.    

Let's go over the changes:  

They fixed the proportion of the left arm and the groin area.  
They also simplified the torso, removing what they felt were some excess lines.  

They then smoothed out the corrupted parts, likely due to how many small bits like that could make the final model tougher to make properly, meaning they might not be able to live up to the original concept. I believe this was the same reason why Banshee's skin didn't have the thin and ghostly dress, which was what killed the skin in her case.  
With the corrupted elbow, I DON'T think they went in the right direction here.. They could have kept it spikey while making it simpler to model. 

As for the blade on her helmet, Ember has always had something on her head, which makes sense of why DE added it. I personally like DE's version of the helmet.  

I really DON'T like how they added a clothing element on her hip. I suppose they wanted to stray away from matching Nova's silhouette with this skin, but I really preferred the original transition here...  

In the end, I feel that the decisions DE made were quite logical, just that the execution could have been better, specifically with the corrupt elbow and the white hip's dress flap. Those seem like overly excessive changes.   
Again, I feel for the artist and the fans, but also I understand why DE changed what they did.   

The designs for Rhino, Trinity, and Ash, and Oberon were adapted perfectly. They even went as far as letting Trinity and Oberon keep their small feet, something that after the fiasco with the Valkyr concept, I thought would have never made it through.  
Loki's entire skin proportions, and what happened to Banshee's torso/dress were very unfortunate.. but they were mostly different in terms of an awkward adaption into 3D.  
Provided they do end up making it into the game; Deluxe Frost shouldn't need any changes based on the concept, but I could see Mag's hands and the floating pieces by her hips seeing changed to simplify them.  

Please don't turn DE into a villain over this, and inversely, treat the original artist with respect and understand their situation.

This is a very fair view about the changes made to the concept, as well as a brief on this situation. 

I assume the elbow pieces was blunted out for modeling purposes, as soft, wispy edges may use an unnecessary amount of polygons, similar to how they toned down the Soprana elbows. It may even be an issue with weapon holsters and awkward positioning which could cause unsightly clipping on the model. I agree that it ruins the look, however it may be a necessary change.

I actually prefer added clothing simply because it detracts from existing designs like the Strega (somewhat), Nova and Mag (and her upcoming skin) models. I might be a bit biased towards this change simply because I've grown with an obsession of sketching dresses, and I simply can't deny one which looks so fierce yet elegant. 

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4 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

This is a very fair view about the changes made to the concept, as well as a brief on this situation. 

I assume the elbow pieces was blunted out for modeling purposes, as soft, wispy edges may use an unnecessary amount of polygons, similar to how they toned down the Soprana elbows. It may even be an issue with weapon holsters and awkward positioning which could cause unsightly clipping on the model. I agree that it ruins the look, however it may be a necessary change.

I actually prefer added clothing simply because it detracts from existing designs like the Strega (somewhat), Nova and Mag (and her upcoming skin) models. I might be a bit biased towards this change simply because I've grown with an obsession of sketching dresses, and I simply can't deny one which looks so fierce yet elegant. 

I actually think there's also another reason why they blunted the eblow.

As in, I just noticed while the left arm has a smooth shoulder - it has a sharp eblow part. The "burnt" right hand has this vice versa. And I'm kinda into that, tbh. Somehow looks fancy once you look into that like this.

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11 minutes ago, LeCauchemare said:

I hooonestly think you're going overboard. If someone would look at a pretty decent design "with disgust" - there's obviously something wrong with them. You either like it or not. If you like it - you buy it. Changes that were made are extremely minor, and there they are. People that are freaking out already.

Not to mention, skin isn't even released yet, and people would barely care about all these changes, I bet, IF... if there wasn't "I'm leaving, bye babes" message attached to it by the person who made these skins. Which is honestly unnecessary, because it sounds more like "DE kicked me out while I've been protecting my art, please bash at them" kind of message.

I personally think that considering the fact that one reads what he writes, there was no reason for this thread to be so "sad and dramatic". But alas, it is.

Nah people can look at this in disgust knowing morally what its attached to. I'm not going to look at this and feel disgusted from a general eye contact encounter with it unless it was intended to be offensive on image. That is not what I was trying to say.

You are right people wouldn't have cared and paid for it if they didn't know about what was going on behind the curtains. People will change their mind on things if they are seen a negative side of it.

However we are at this point and because of it people can decide what they do regarding it. I don't really support throwing off the creator because of a dispute he had regarding it even if i've said in a previous post i'd rather he not go back to DE.

My point is that it doesn't matter how many people will buy it there will be people who wont. For whatever reason.

But then again this is my opinion on it currently and until DE says something, well. Its not going to change.

Edited by VermillionScourge
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4 minutes ago, LeCauchemare said:

I actually think there's also another reason why they blunted the eblow.

As in, I just noticed while the left arm has a smooth shoulder - it has a sharp eblow part. The "burnt" right hand has this vice versa. And I'm kinda into that, tbh. Somehow looks fancy once you look into that like this.

sounds plausible, i think that bloated part looks like magma on top of the spikes, forming the blob that we see there.

anyway, has anyone noticed that her dark-side hand looks kinda mechanical? almost robotic? her light-side hand then again looks "normal"

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Just now, LazerusKI said:

sounds plausible, i think that bloated part looks like magma on top of the spikes, forming the blob that we see there.

anyway, has anyone noticed that her dark-side hand looks kinda mechanical? almost robotic?

All her burnt parts look more like knight amror or something like that, honestly.

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Wanted to say thank you, really enjoyed you input into Warframe and hope you are able to continue what you love doing somewhere else.

Firm believer that you did what was right for you as a person, to many people don’t stand up for what they believe is right and wrong.

Personally I am saddened that I will not get a more complete Warframe style set, but it seems that consistency in Warframe is over rated (i.e make a set of 6 x weapon styles then a different set of 6 Y weapon styles) can only hope that the Graxx sets ever get to consoles and are continued (or start playing PvP as they have a 31 set of skins in the same style)

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1 minute ago, LeCauchemare said:

All her burnt parts look more like knight amror or something like that, honestly.

mhh her leg yes, that one looks like an evil overlord armor, but not her arm. the arm is too chaotic for that, only the hand sticks out and fits as an armor again.

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4 minutes ago, VermillionScourge said:

Nah people can look at this in disgust knowing morally what its attached to. I'm not going to look at this and feel disgusted from a general eye contact encounter with it unless it was intended to be offensive on image. That is not what I was trying to say.

You are right people wouldn't have cared and paid for it if they didn't know about what was going on behind the curtains. People will change their mind on things if they are seen a negative side of it.

However we are at this point and because of it people can decide what they do regarding it. I don't really support throwing off the creator because of a dispute he had regarding it even if i've said in a previous post i'd rather he not go back to DE.

But then again this is my opinion on it currently and until DE says something, well. Its not going to change.

There is no "negative side", people are just making pointless drama of that situation. 
I really can't understand, why designer needed to start all that. I think THAT is disgusting,

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4 minutes ago, VermillionScourge said:

Nah people can look at this in disgust knowing morally what its attached to. I'm not going to look at this and feel disgusted from a general eye contact encounter with it unless it was intended to be offensive on image. That is not what I was trying to say.

You are right people wouldn't have cared and paid for it if they didn't know about what was going on behind the curtains. People will change their mind on things if they are seen a negative side of it.

However we are at this point and because of it people can decide what they do regarding it. I don't really support throwing off the creator because of a dispute he had regarding it even if i've said in a previous post i'd rather he not go back to DE.

But then again this is my opinion on it currently and until DE says something, well. Its not going to change.

You're going overboard again. People don't care about what's going on "behind the curtains". Because that's how it should be and how it works. 

We are consumers, first and foremost.. We buy the product, and as long as we like what we get - only that's what truly matters.

Right now, the thing that you describe as the "negative side" is worthless and unnecessary drama.

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3 hours ago, IgnusDei said:

As people already assumed, my main issue was with the blade that had been added to Emblem Deluxe's helmet, and I started an argument over it. It got settled with an email telling me that my services will no longer be needed.

Once again, I understood that this was likely to happen. Legally speaking, DE has every right to do whatever they liked to what I submit to them, and the only thing I could do to prevent them from doing what I thought was a grave mistake was to voice my concerns. I could have done that better, I admit.


Really? You got fired because of the ugly head blade? Wow... That's.. Astonishing actually... yea it's pretty ugly honestly. Good on you for pushing against it dude

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Just now, Ternski said:

There is no "negative side", people are just making pointless drama of that situation. 
I really can't understand, why designer needed to start all that. I think THAT is disgusting,

With what he said he got into an argument and he's not on the team anymore? Its up to whoever looks at this to take it how they want to take it.

The negative side was this design threw someone out of a job over some design changes that either people view better or worse but that doesn't matter what does matter is he got tossed off the team and from the looks of it without any warning beforehand.

Again DE has been silent about it or not spoken against what he said. Hell no moderator has even removed his thread for saying anything that could be a lie.

He never actually said go start that or gave hints he just said he's not on the team anymore and why. It was either he tell you or DE tell you (If they even bother to. Be easier to toss him under a rug to be forgotten.)

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Just now, Ternski said:

I really love how it looks now, like knight-princess, very interesting for me. Can't understand so much hate.

Welcome to warframe. If you think this is bad, you should see other game forums. People literally support being dumped on by other companys, at least here theres some sensible discussions. It's just posts like these bring out players who just want to get angry about everything. 

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9 minutes ago, unknow99 said:

From one of our reddit brothers, tyrannoAdjudica :


thanks for that, now i can finally see the divider/skirt/shirt thingy, and i admit, it doesnt look like a strapon that way. i was simply assuming that its a single piece like in the original concept, and DE added that smokey piece on top of it.
It still looks a bit weird though, i wonder how the backside looks like

also i hadnt even noticed the added spikes on the blades

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1 hour ago, MirageXV said:

Much This ^

Won't bother purchasing the new upcoming deluxe skins. With this course of action, it seems that the quality of deluxe skins will decrease bc of his absence.

Oh well, DE's loss. 

Take Care @IgnusDei You'll be missed!

Hey hey hey hold on, that doesn't automatically make all the future skins rubbish...

Mynki & the others still manage to do good stuff, eventhough Ignusdei's designs are great!

Fashionframe took a hit, but next deluxe stuff won't necessarily look like a toddler's work aswell. Those who don't know who's behind their pixelated characters won't probably notice a huge difference. :p

Bonne chance pour la suite, on regrettera tes choix artistiques!

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8 minutes ago, LeCauchemare said:

You're going overboard again. People don't care about what's going on "behind the curtains". Because that's how it should be and how it works. 

We are consumers, first and foremost.. We buy the product, and as long as we like what we get - only that's what truly matters.

Right now, the thing that you describe as the "negative side" is worthless and unnecessary drama.

So what you are saying is we don't matter? Our opinions don't matter and how we view this situation doesn't matter because we will eat it up like the good 26 million registered "users" we are?

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