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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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11 minutes ago, AnitaRose said:

My wish list

  1. Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection
  2. Infested Color Palate
  3. Oxium
  4. Plastids


Happy Holidays, I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. For those who do gift items<even if not to me> you are the real  mvp's for helping others out  ^_^

infested colors coming your way!


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4 hours ago, Astrus_Darksun said:


  1. Forma
  2. Exilus Adapter
  3. Forma Bundle Thank you, DeltaPhantom!
  4. Solstice Glyph Pack
  5. Ice Palette
  6. Smoke Palette
  7. Orokin Palette Thank you, Xenoraptor!
  8. Rhino Palatine Skin
  9. Loki
  10. An ugly christmas sweater for my Operator

Happy TannenTennobaum to all of you and thank you kindly in advance if anyone should decide to gift me anything.

Quoting myself to make sure people see me thanking the generous folks who've gifted to me.

Getting some sleep now so further updates will be slow.

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2 hours ago, NotYoCookiez said:

My gift list :)

1. Always wanted a deluxe skin for either Banshee (Thank you amanda for Nova!!)

2. Always could use Forma Bundles/Orokin Reactor/Orokin Catalyst 

3. Any of the limited edition winter syandana (hope we get to keep it afterwards, it's my first warframe Tennobaum!)


Thank you all in advance if you decide to gift me. I have looked at this thread and donated some gifts (Those that I could afford). Let's keep the holiday spirit going :) 


Happy Holidays!!

Thank you at @Amanduh and @CheckMate343 for the skins! Love you guys! I just hit an Ember Primed BP from my Axi E1 relic and sold it so I'll be able to gift some more things now! 

My list is now down to 3 things:

1. Saryn Orphid Skin

2. Operator Suit Collection

3. Salic Syandana 


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my one and only wish is a few colour packs

twiglight , smoke colours , ice

i luv cosmetics and iv allways been a big fan of them but most of the colour variation costs platnium and i dont get to express my true colours so if santa could stop buy with any cosmetic id be much appreciated <3


Twiglight and smoke colours gifted by Azifel MUCH THANKS!!! made my day <3

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My wishlist

1- solstice syndana or any syndana really

2-forma/forma bundle

3-focus lens (any) >>>Thank you @Irixa! Happy Holidays! ^w^ <<<

4- any prime warframe/weapon (im not picky but i would prefer frost prime)

5- any ship (xiphos,mantis,scimitar)

6- a kavat incubator segment

7-10 ship decorations (namely noggles or display poster things) >>> Thank You @Nate1387 Happy Holidays! ^w^<<<


thanks in advance to anyone thats gonna gift me! :D I can gift you back if you want as long as its not super expensive for me :3

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I don't really expect anything to be honest, literally my first ever post on the forums. If I had to make a list of something it'd be:

1. Forma Bundle (same as above)

2. Resource Booster

3. Resource Chance Booster

4. Affinity Booster

5. Credit Booster

6. Greater Zenurik Lens (same as 1 and 2)

7. Weapon Slots

8. Hunhow's Gift (don't care about skins or armor, just want War. If it's possible to gift War bp and parts, that would be better)

9. I guess more of 1, 6, and 7?

10. Up to you.

If anyone decides to actually gift me something, I WILL return the favor.

Edited by (PS4)LustrousSpecter
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My wish list

  1. Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection**Thank you WhyNotBro for making this wish come true^_^**
  2. Infested Color Palate**Thank you HerpDerpy for making this one come true ^_^**
  3. Oxium
  4. Plastids


Happy Holidays, I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. For those who do gift items<even if not to me> you are the real  mvp's for helping others out  ^_^

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My top ten wishlist would include

1.) Color Pack Alpha

2.) The Warframe Mesa

3.) Salix Syandana (festive?)

4.) Hunhows Gift

5.) Daedalus Armour (Also Festive?)

6.) Sugatra Pack

7.) Warframe Slots (heh)

8.) Jordas Syandana Pack

9.) Any other good color pack really 

10.) Continuity collection i guess

Thank you in advance if anyone decides to gift me, it's great to see this sort of thing happen in any community, and I think DE and the warframe community in general do deserve respect for all the charitable things they're doing.   


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1. Hunhow's Gift

2. Ash Koga Skin Bundle

3.  Solstice Glyph Pack

4. Rhino Palatine skin

5.  Banshe Soprana Collection

6. Xiphos 

7.  Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection

8.  Valkyr Gersemi skin

9. Color pack alpha

10. Color Pack Beta

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays fellow

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55 minutes ago, ItsMeDG said:

My wishlist :) :

1. A warm hug

2. A snowman (no snow in my country XD)

3. A dog

4. A hot chocolate from a fellow tenno :)

5. FORMA BUNDLES (cant get enough of them XD)

6. warframe and weapons slot (thankyou @Irixa !!)

7. any color palette is nice

8. thats all i guess XD

happy sharing guys! cant wait christmas is near :D

http://www.bakersbodega.com/c/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/xmas-cookie.jpg    http://stemjobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/snowman.jpg

Sent Hot Chocolate and a Snowman + Weapon Slot

6 minutes ago, UltraZap said:

My wishlist:

Solstice Salix Syandana 

Weapon Slot

Warframe Slot

Thanks guys, happy holidays!

Sent Weapon Slot

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Hello Tenno!

Anything at all (especially on my ingame wishlist) would be much appreciated and would really make my Christmas, though I don't expect much so here are some things that aren't as costly. I hope everyone gets what they want for Christmas! :)

1. Tarrasque Chroma Helmet/Arrester Volt Helmet (;-;)

2. Solstice Salix Syandana

3. Titania Aurai Helmet

4. Forma Bundle

5. Solstice Glyph Pack

Thank you SO much if you choose to send me anything, I won't forget it. :)

Merry Tennobaum!


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