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Kuva Flood and Scorches


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So .... it's about time to reignite the Scorching hate train on scorches. As everyone already knows, scorch has been absolutely bonkers broken since the ignis got a buff way back when. Now with kuva floods we get to see a similar problem to when fissures were first introduced and nullifiers would literally spawn ontop of you and poop on your powers. With kuva floods, we see lvl 90 scorches and to a lesser problem hyekka masters spawning at random. If your team isn't using some sort of hard CC, you get to see a blinding light so bright you can't spot its source and anything in your team within 50m that isn't using a invincibility power is instantly incinerated.

So DE.... is it time yet? ... Can we finally make a real balance pass on scorches?... please?

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Kuva Hyekka Masters use the same Ignis as Scorch, instead of the 'spray' one that the normal variant uses. I currently believe this to be unintended.

Even worse, Hyekka Masters fire when targets are within 10m, and they stand around in the open. Scorch only fire within 6m of targets, and run for cover when not firing. Hyekka Masters have a lot more Health and Armor too.


In regards to balancing Scorch, limiting the range of the fire to ~9m and reducing the brightness of the effects would make them a fairer encounter.

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It needs to be fixed. Cheese is becoming the norm for floods, as frames without it just die in less than a second. Even if you don't instantly die, the range is high enough that you aren't going to get away.

Easily the most annoying kuva mission enemy.

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21 minutes ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

Kuva Hyekka Masters use the same Ignis as Scorch, instead of the 'spray' one that the normal variant uses. I currently believe this to be unintended.

Even worse, Hyekka Masters fire when targets are within 10m, and they stand around in the open. Scorch only fire within 6m of targets, and run for cover when not firing. Hyekka Masters have a lot more Health and Armor too.


In regards to balancing Scorch, limiting the range of the fire to ~9m and reducing the brightness of the effects would make them a fairer encounter.

I mean how far the scorch has to be to light up their flame thrower doesn't mean much when the flame thrower blinds, has enough damage to kill in 0.02 seconds because of damage scaling, has enough range on the flame cone to blanket half a room because range scaling, has roughly 20m circle of damage around the scorch because why not and range scaling, and punches through any and all obstructions in the way of damage.

so yes, we should be seeing flames instead of a blinding light,the range should be constrained to the flames, there should be no circle of cause why not damage, and after all that has been fixed we'll see whether the punch through is still a problem

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It would also be nice not be damaged through walls by scorches too... yes they don't fire the weapon unless they see you but I've had damage from them through a wall because they saw another person or enemy...

I can live with it going through obstructions like boxes/crates that sort of thing but not walls/floors......


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Maybe a more productive question to ask is what scorches OUGHT to be doing.

They're a close quarters unit, what their flamer and all, so high damage is kind of a given. That said, I think that their damage too far beyond what everything else in the game can do at equivalent levels for what is not actually a heavy unit per se. I figure that hitting an extended cone through walls is just their sortie augmentation in much the same way that shield ospreys give elemental immunity at high levels.

I feel like Scorches should be getting kills on Tenno with their burn damage, not incinerating you with direct fire. Something like what Napalms used to be like. Not an instant kill, but if they land a solid hit on you, you have a countdown to get some healing or else you're dead. Maybe give their Ignis a mod (and add it to the game at the same time) for increased status damage/duration and reduced damage? Would also be a handy boost to status immunity, which is currently a feature of a lot of very underpowered abilities right now.

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