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New Warframe: Nidus Feedback


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20 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Glast Gambit: Update 19.6.0

Nidus Changes & Fixes

  • Increased the base health of Nidus’ Maggots to 1k.
  • To increase the visibility of Nidus' Maggots, holding down Nidus’ Virulence will now display a HUD marker on them. Keep in mind that casting Virulence on Maggots cause them to detonate!
  • Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all. 
  • Improved the FX of Maggot explosion to better represent the intended area of explosion.

*laughs microscopically*

That was the general reaction. Now, for details.


To increase the visibility of Nidus' Maggots, holding down Nidus’ Virulence will now display a HUD marker on them. Keep in mind that casting Virulence on Maggots cause them to detonate!

When your teammates are all spamming their powers/simulors/grenade launchers/fireworks/etc, it's really hard to not get an epilepsy seizure or vomit (I'm looking at you Vauban...). It's harder to actually notice the tiny little buggers that decide to wander off in a random direction. But the hardest thing of all is trying to hold 1, while also trying to strafe left with A, while the whole world around you explodes in all colors of a schizophrenic rainbow.


Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all. 

 Majority of the grunt work? Didn't feel like that to me personally, even before, now, they just feel useless. Like i said previously, they tend to wander off in a random direction and attack whatever they want. The enemies keep getting killed by AOEs powers or weapons and the stack gains are underwhelming to say the least. Truth be told, now I only cast Ravenous for regen boost. 


Improved the FX of Maggot explosion to better represent the intended area of explosion.

Yeah no, still pretty much nonexistant compared to everything else being used on the battlefield.

To sum it up: in my opinion, changes done to Maggots force players into micromanagement (get it? cause the maggots are like... nvm), making gameplay feel more awkward and tedious. Frankly, it feels unnecessary and hard to keep track of. The simpler the system, the better. Less opportunities for something to go wrong.

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Also, not sure if I'm supposed to post it here or in the bugs section but:

1. When I try to recast Ravenous in the same spot, it just drains stacks without actually doing anything. I'm positive it started happening after this update. If this is intended, I'm not sure what the point of it is, since I can recast it literally a couple of steps away.

2. I was wondering if the maggots are supposed to be the same color as your Ravenous garden? They were always sorta purplish and then they popped up as blue once and I was quite surprised.

3. The Larva grabbers seem to bug out from time to time and latch on to enemies too far, unable to pull them closer. I think sometimes it tries to drag them through walls and/or boxes.

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I don't like the latest nerf.


The fact that his maggots don't explode on their own creates a window of usefulness for the damage dealing nature of his ult that goes away once you get enough stacks. That might sounds weird, but check this math.


At max stacks, the stomp already does 29,000 with JUST intensify. Even level 100 units are not going to live through that. Since the maggots ONLY explode when hit by Virulence, once Nidus has enough adaptation stacks, they will already always be dead from the Virulence attack and the explosion from the maggot will not only be pointless, it won't even give you any adaptation stacks. If the maggots don't have a way to be detonated without Virulence, they become useless once you have enough Adaptation Stacks, and there is little point in casting his ult other than some mild crowd control after this threshold is reached. It won't produce stacks or deal damage, yet will cost adaptation stacks to cast.


I hope that makes sense. Stomp = Virulence, Stacks = Adaptation.

Edited by Yuni_Hermit
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56 minutes ago, Yuni_Hermit said:

If the maggots don't have a way to be detonated without Virulence

You can blow them up with some weapons, but then again the same situation happens what you were complaining about, the targets are dead already. 

I really wish they just reverted the ravenous change and kept the rest. Like meet us halfway, DE, c'mon.

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I'm really in love with Nidus' abilities and his looks.

His 1st ability, visually, is amazing. It's like summoning spiked pillars from the ground and impaling your enemies, staggering them if they survived. Along with the fact that this can regenerate his energy, it provides more reasons for me to start using the ability.

His 2nd is a good CC. I don't mind the timer on it, since it's not ridiculously long. And it works well with his 1st ability, so that's a plus in my book. ( Just like chroma's 2nd and 3rd abilities. Ability synergy for me is always a plus)

His 3rd is a nice support ability for his allies or make Nidus himself tankier. No comments really.

His 4th is on the okay for me. Since Nidus is an infested based warframe, I was thinking that the maggots can be changed into bigger infested unit depending on the power strength (and/or mutation stacks). Anything lower or equal to base strength (Or X amount of mutation stacks) will spawn maggots, but the more strength/mutation we have, the bigger infested units we get, ranging from crawlers >> Leaper/Runner >> Ancients. 

His animations fit him perfectly. His agile makes him look like he still has infested instincts and ready to ambush someone (similar to how a predator would lower itself when ready to pounce on a prey)

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New Nidus doesn't really feel any different from before, that doesn't mean that I didn't have any problems with it. It's more on the "annoying" kind of side. 

Larva, is kinda unreliable. Most of the time it drags enemies into a lovely ball of... flesh? and sometimes you get that one straggler that would get stuck on something and have to wait 10 seconds (depending on your durability) for your Larva to reset before casting it again. Please... let us somehow pop it. Either pressing 2 again or something else. I need a way to kill Larva before I get myself killed because my only source of CC is locked and I can't find that last enemy that's locking it. Please.

Ravenous. I don't mind the manually popping my maggots. Most of the time I don't really care cause they are a great way to annoy your enemies. What I hate and what I didn't see from the patch notes is that you can't refresh Ravenous. No, you have to go to a different area to spawn a new "Ravenous" or you'll just waste 3 stacks. Hopefully this is a bug. If its intended. Yeah, no.

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4 hours ago, Starwake said:

Why cant we recast Ravenous befor the duration ends to refresh it. dont know if it was intended but it more of a qualtiy of life in my opinion and nerfs it alittle in not beaing able to keep it up in same spot.

Yes, THIS!

May be this is a bug that wasn't meant to be ? Anyway please make it like before where you can recast to refresh duration. Makes no sense why you can't now.

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Maggots need to expire after a certain duration or after reaching a certain distance just for sanity sake.
In small defense maps, it is okay, but in large maps good lor, the maggots go all over the place and you will find your having a hard time getting any stacks at all.

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15 hours ago, Gunning_With_Scissors said:

Also, not sure if I'm supposed to post it here or in the bugs section but:

1. When I try to recast Ravenous in the same spot, it just drains stacks without actually doing anything. I'm positive it started happening after this update. If this is intended, I'm not sure what the point of it is, since I can recast it literally a couple of steps away.

2. I was wondering if the maggots are supposed to be the same color as your Ravenous garden? They were always sorta purplish and then they popped up as blue once and I was quite surprised.

3. The Larva grabbers seem to bug out from time to time and latch on to enemies too far, unable to pull them closer. I think sometimes it tries to drag them through walls and/or boxes.

About number 3, im experiencing the opposite, after the update, larva often misses enemies (more that before the update), it only grabs one or 2 when there are a dozen of them around, well withing range and no obstacles between its point of cast and them, some times it just links a theater to a enemy (same visual effect as parasitic link) and does...well absolutely nothing. i prefer the "old" helicopter effect where it would spin and spin the enemy and then fling it across the map, at least that was fun to see...

Thanks and sorry for any bad english

PS: no changes to mods either

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So they nerfed  a already useless ability...
The 4 was a waste of mutation stacks - slow, weak maggots.
I didn't use it before and certainly will not use it now.

And nullifiers draining mutation stacks is horrible. I't makes NO sense.

revive from 10 to 15? Unless you play a long endless game - getting stacks is rather hard. Considering everyone else kills them before you can get stacks up.
a 5 wave def etc in pug most of the time does not have enough mobs to even hit 10 stacks - let alone ext, spy or any other game type.

Edited by Ketec
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Well, I just start playing warframe again after a long time, and notice this new warframe in the launcher cover.

Overall when it is first time introduced, I absolutely loved this warframe, it feels solid and just right. The synergy between skills and his passive is great and can make him to some role in team play or just fun experience in solo play. It is my first warframe that i play using all 4 skills and not just spamming ults. For me, it's a fun experience to a warframe that required all skills to be used and not just some one or two skill spammed. I love this frame and really thankful for DE for actually putting some hardwork making this frame solid. His 1st skill are great, it can build up stacks in the beginning, synergize with his 2nd that can CC easily, after got some stack comes his 3rd skill that makes a good tank or support just using link on enemy or allies. His 4th is indeed good too for some health boost and building up stacks. His passive are great that cost 10 stacks to enter undying form, that 5 seconds are great just for crowd control, reviving allies, or get out from tricky situation. Overall he was a great frame and I personally thinks that DE should rework other frame so that others can be a solid frame and maybe have some passive that also synergize.


After the U 19.6 Nidus have some changes like adding 5 more stacks, a total 15 stacks needed to enter undying form, his 4th ability doesn't auto detonate and need his 1st to activate the maggots bomb, and also the stacks draining if enter nullifier. I know that everyone have their own opinion, and after seeing many threads about this, the opinion diverse, from those who said some of the change are goods and one or two are just simply bad, or those who just said all the changes are bad. Well, for me, i thinks that the nidus change after the U 19.6 have both sides, goods and bads, i know that DE are trying to improve the gameplay qualities especially for the team plays, that's why the change from the update happens. However, before the update nidus already a solid frame that have pros and cons, he is not that overpowered for every type of missions, he is only good mission that endless or a long run mission like survival type, in exterminate, spy, sabotage, capture, etc. He just simply a mild frame because he have no times to build up his stacks. When i go in short run mission, i just use my weapon to finish the mission, different from survival type, that from the beginning i just need to go all skill combo to build up my stacks.


In early games sometimes it can get hard to build up stacks, to get 10 stacks is already hard when your teammates already spam CC or global skill, and use weapon spam like tonkor, now to get to 15 stacks, it can takes some time, because when you in the mid stacks like 6-9 stacks for example and got bleed out it start from zero stacks, it can be a bummer for early game, especially if you in a difficult situation for building stacks, the 10 stacks drain it's just right, it's great in early stackings, and not to OP in late game, because you can lost easily 1 or 2, 10 stacks because of higher level enemy, the nullifier drains can be a bummer too but I don't mind because like rhino skins that will be lost if enter that null, you got to know how to kill them without entering it, but stills a bummer haha, but for the real bummer is the 4th change that makes it lesser use in building stacks because the needs of constant 1st skill, before the update i can cast the ults, leave it in full HP, move around, kills some enemy with my weapons and get some stacks from the ults that i left behid, it have some advantages in early stacking, and can have a major difference in late game, in a situation when you surrounded with massive enemy, losing constant 10 stacks (15 now) and reviving fallen team mates.


 I know he can be some "OP" frame in late endless game but in team play, it turns out great for team mates that use other frames, he will become a support that can link with his 3rd or just simply help to revive if the enemy are just high leveled in late game. So, overall, I thinks that nidus is already great before the U 19.6, he was already a solid frame that have pros and cons, i would not said that he is OP because he just good on some mission type and he needs to build up his stacks first. If there are another rework, i would love to see DE put some work to make frame have amazing synergy like nidus. I don't mind for the change that already happened in U 19.6, but personally i just disagree that he needs to be change or in others said "nerfed".



P.S.  sorry for my bad english or grammar mistakes

Have a great day guys! Love you all tennos and DE! =D 

Edited by -N0ire-
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I don't like the changes to the Nidus, and this is the first time I've had any real issues with DE's decisions

1. The stacks from 10 to 15. I read that play testers found it too easy to gain stacks? Were they only playing against infested? On endless missions? Alone?
Playing with a full group of frames it can be incredibly hard to build up stacks especially if you're not doing an endless mission, 10 was good because just when it started to get difficult on Sortie missions you could be ready, now you're likely to die at 10 or 11 and lose them all anyway
Not to mention that the stacks are what keeps you alive and strong, and losing 15 in a tight spot instantly is a massive loss

2. Nullifiers for Nidus were big bubbles with squishy things in the middle that you aimed for so that you could protect your allies
Protecting your friends from the hoards of Nullifiers before they lose their abilities was hard enough
However Nullifiers just weren't scary for the Nidus, they almost became trivial, but now needing 15 stacks, trying to stay above that in a Corpus Sortie is nearly impossible
If the amount of stacks are brought back down to 10 this is a change I can live and agree with

3. Ravenous, probably the biggest issue here, and by reading the thread not just for me
The maggots are stronger, yes, but this also means that they won't die when they run off, and since they no longer explode by themselves they may never go away until the duration is up
It really makes the maggots kinda useless, since now they don't really do much besides stunning nine people a room or two away because even if Virulence does hit them the damage from the maggots is unnecessary overkill
Even before the patch I only used Ravenous for the regen boost, seeing maybe 3-5 stacks from my maggots if I was just standing there, the majority of the stacks come and will always come from Virulence
If you think that you still gain too many stacks from it make every second maggot a "special maggot" that when it explodes gives you the stack
And I really do hope this is a bug, but not refreshing the time but losing stacks when recasting the ability is not nice

Rant over

tl;dr Revert all changes back except the Nullifier Drain please and thank you

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For all of the people on here who are enjoying Nidus, good work DE :). For everyone like myself, 20+ C rotations ( 80+ waves) in and 7 Chasis BP but nothing else, can you maybe consider.............ah screw it, the rng has always been idiotic in Warframe and you haven't found a solution yet. Guess I'll come back in another month and hope I can play what truly looks like an awesome frame lol.


I love this game, and DE you guys are amazing. Honestly the best developers of any game I have ever played... and I am old enough I used to have a colecovision, then an Atari, then a NES, and a Turbo Graphix 16 and so on. You guys take a lot of S#&$e, you don't deserve it. You care so much about your players and it is obvious and immensely appreciated. You are fackin awesome.

I'd still prefer not to get any more Nidus Chassis though...

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19 hours ago, Caderynn said:

I don't like the changes to the Nidus, and this is the first time I've had any real issues with DE's decisions

1. The stacks from 10 to 15. I read that play testers found it too easy to gain stacks? Were they only playing against infested? On endless missions? Alone?
Playing with a full group of frames it can be incredibly hard to build up stacks especially if you're not doing an endless mission, 10 was good because just when it started to get difficult on Sortie missions you could be ready, now you're likely to die at 10 or 11 and lose them all anyway
Not to mention that the stacks are what keeps you alive and strong, and losing 15 in a tight spot instantly is a massive loss

2. Nullifiers for Nidus were big bubbles with squishy things in the middle that you aimed for so that you could protect your allies
Protecting your friends from the hoards of Nullifiers before they lose their abilities was hard enough
However Nullifiers just weren't scary for the Nidus, they almost became trivial, but now needing 15 stacks, trying to stay above that in a Corpus Sortie is nearly impossible
If the amount of stacks are brought back down to 10 this is a change I can live and agree with

3. Ravenous, probably the biggest issue here, and by reading the thread not just for me
The maggots are stronger, yes, but this also means that they won't die when they run off, and since they no longer explode by themselves they may never go away until the duration is up
It really makes the maggots kinda useless, since now they don't really do much besides stunning nine people a room or two away because even if Virulence does hit them the damage from the maggots is unnecessary overkill
Even before the patch I only used Ravenous for the regen boost, seeing maybe 3-5 stacks from my maggots if I was just standing there, the majority of the stacks come and will always come from Virulence
If you think that you still gain too many stacks from it make every second maggot a "special maggot" that when it explodes gives you the stack
And I really do hope this is a bug, but not refreshing the time but losing stacks when recasting the ability is not nice

Rant over

tl;dr Revert all changes back except the Nullifier Drain please and thank you

Depends on your playing style. When first trying out Nidus, I used to have the same issue until I discovered the nidus/shade combo. Now getting 15 stacks is a breeze as long as the mission speed allows me to do so. And on that subject Nidus is an endless mission frame not a utility frame like some people use him for - defence, overly long mobile defence, survival. Anything else and it does matter what buffs/nerds DE implement, fact is you're on to a loser unless you change your mod and weapon loadout accordingly. Nullifiers are annoying but again with the shade combo, they barely register as I can get in close kill them and run away to safe distance or immediately press 1 if in a crowd. Your point about ravenous is correct - the power seems a bit more unwieldy now the maggots don't auto die, however as most use it as a health regen pool anyway...perhaps we're getting an augment mod that corrects it back to the original state. Cynical I know, but of all the nerds DE could have done, this has the least impact. Speaking of augment mods, I'm hoping DE does a Nidus version despoil for ravenous that uses energ/health not stacks or a damage dealing 2 when it expels enemies.

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2 hours ago, Kidkilla said:

Depends on your playing style. When first trying out Nidus, I used to have the same issue until I discovered the nidus/shade combo. Now getting 15 stacks is a breeze as long as the mission speed allows me to do so. And on that subject Nidus is an endless mission frame not a utility frame like some people use him for - defence, overly long mobile defence, survival. Anything else and it does matter what buffs/nerds DE implement, fact is you're on to a loser unless you change your mod and weapon loadout accordingly. Nullifiers are annoying but again with the shade combo, they barely register as I can get in close kill them and run away to safe distance or immediately press 1 if in a crowd. Your point about ravenous is correct - the power seems a bit more unwieldy now the maggots don't auto die, however as most use it as a health regen pool anyway...perhaps we're getting an augment mod that corrects it back to the original state. Cynical I know, but of all the nerds DE could have done, this has the least impact. Speaking of augment mods, I'm hoping DE does a Nidus version despoil for ravenous that uses energ/health not stacks or a damage dealing 2 when it expels enemies.

You know what, you're absolutely correct, Nidus is an endless frame who is very good against infested and I guess that's what it should be used for
He's not an all purpose frame, and really none should be, DE wants us to experience all the frames and use them all situationally, same with weapons, hell they give us enough loadout options

I lost sight of this while playing the Nidus, but realise again that we shouldn't let ourselves be locked down to one frame

Currently doing a solo Derelict Survival, and Nidus feels perfect, even just realising that holding down 1 shows the location of your maggots from Ravenous

The whole rework actually appears to work really well, I should have just trusted DE as I have in the past

I recant what I previously said and will use the diverse range of frames as the situation requires instead of trying to force frames into an all purpose position

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Having said that, you can mod him for quick for missions by changing his aura polarity to match energy siphon, give him loads of energy efficiency, healthand durations mods as well as a decent weapon set. This will allow him to use 2 extensively and just shoot the crap out of immobile enemies (as long as you don't mind not getting stacks).

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On 12.1.2017 at 10:06 PM, Gunning_With_Scissors said:

To sum it up: in my opinion, changes done to Maggots force players into micromanagement (get it? cause the maggots are like... nvm), making gameplay feel more awkward and tedious. Frankly, it feels unnecessary and hard to keep track of. The simpler the system, the better. Less opportunities for something to go wrong.

Nicely said above! I think Oberon is also one of the micromanagement-masters. But thats different topic... anyhow, yeah the stack gain is now just tedious. its not more fun, its not more rewarding, its just plain nerfed!

And considering that Nidus is a frame that is best played solo and for pure pleasure, its as if you just smacked a loved toy out of kids arms, who played alone with it and was very happy. So you ripped an arm or wheel out of the toy and gave it back?!... CRUEL! Nidus wasnt threat to anything. 90% of registered Losers were using him for pure fun and not to "bypass" some tough parts of the game.... sigh... only elitists are happy now with the nerf... Elitism hurts my tender heart.

This is a free-time game, not a job, for registered losers at least, and besides even for you, im not sure if he posed some platinum threat so that you would earn less, quite the contrary, make loveable content, release "jewelry" for it- earn money or something! dont break a healthy pups leg just cuz its running too fast! Wheres your heart!? ( Q n Q )... but oh well. Im probably getting more personal about this. But there are others who explained the downsides of the nerf in better and more objective way, which you might be more likely to consider.

Sorry for whining, and love Y'all!

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I agree with everyone who is saying Nidus' nerfs are way too hard. Getting 10 stacks was reasonable while in a group, but it's a massive pain to get 15 before Nidus is sustainable, and I've not been able to get it with any level of consistency. He now feels like a warframe that punishes you for playing in groups, because groups will take your kills before you can get the necessary stacks. He's no longer fun to play with even friends anymore, since you can't expect people to just hold back on attacking just so you can gain stacks. 


The rate at which nullifiers remove stacks (or rather, portions of stacks) is a bit much as well combined with the 15-stack requirement nerf. Just touching a nullifier removes the portions you've acquired of a stack, and with the 15 stack nerf it's that much harder to gain stacks without even thinking about nullifiers. Nidus has become a warframe that requires too much worrying to be that fun to play; I understand he was gamebreaking when he was released, but now you're going too far in the other direction and making him simply not fun to play. If you're going to add these annoying nerfs, at least don't let him lose all his stacks when he goes into bleedout.

Edited by Deiser
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Last night I spent most of it trying so understand why I struggled being any good with Nidus and I came to the conclusion that it's because I was in a team XD 


Seriously trying to build stacks in Survival was difficult let alone any other mission type as the moment a wave of enemies come in your teammates wipe the whole lot before you've even managed to line-up a few enemies for your first ability and trust me, they don't like queing up in single-file.

To make things worse, Nidus has just been nerfed........Well that was a complete waste of plat buying him -_-   .....Unless he gets reverted back but in his current state he's barely useful in Survival and even then you just need to hope that your teammates go AFK for a few minutes.

In survival last night it took me the best part of about 10 - 15 minuts to get to around 15 stacks and that's because of teammates wiping everything (as they should....that's the point of the game).

Let's hope that DE take EVERY scenario into consideration next time they tweak Nidus.

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Basic Nidus test complete.

Feedback 20 01 2016 - After a 1 nerf wave (due to angry who probably didn't unerstand the consequence of asking to nerfing nidus)

1 : Good to dispose of some  foe group when you stack your mutation level, but if you hate spell spaming, as it is you really need to spam this spell, especially when the enemy can kill you quite fast + ally might kill the foe before you can get any stack.

In order to provide the boost that nidus need know in order to survive in the 1st minutes of the mission, when your ally don't let you build your mutation,

An extra hitpoint pool (like frost "4" augment {and who knows equinox "4" augment, I know I dreaming} ), that you gain from dealing damage to foe who deacrease over the time and are capped (something like 2k max, in order to peer like a pseudo overshield?), or armor boost who get remove partially removed (1/3 each hit a little like health conversion ?)

2 : CC, quite efficient & useful to pair with your 1, gathering foe to the same place, making them helpless and ez target to generate mutation stack.

The cheap cost make this spell almost perfect, perhaps the augment should let have multiple instance of this spell.

3: Marvelous, giving 90% extra damage to ally & you give a good boost to your teammate but making a linked foe invulnerable can be quite annoying in some case (extermintion, defense).

Otherwise I find this spell already perfect, I don't what could be improved.

4:Soft CC zone in enclosed place, efficient against melee foes ike infested, soft confort zone

but wont save any teammate from a direct hit at higher level where nidus seem to be designed for, increase the heal rate or give a protection against death like oberon with the "3" augment.

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Here's the easiest feedback for nidus. He loses everything to nullifiers.while this isn't AS bad for any other frame the fact that he loses his stacks means half his kit gets disabled by the magic antifun bubble until you rebuild your stacks from scratch. while we're on the subject how does a void nullifying field even affect the infestation? They sure as hell can't stop a charger from mauling them and nidus is essentially the same thing. We console players never even got to play this one when he was fun so thanks a lot DE way to start the year as you mean to go on with one foot off a ledge and the other on a banana peel.

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I played with Nidus a bit more last night and it turns out that he's pretty useless in anything other than survival / infestation......Even then in the first 5 - 10 waves he's useless especially if you have frames with good CC on your team (Ember kept wiping everything). 

In normal missions you're kind of forced into relying on your weapons as your team don't leave you anything to build stacks on (which is understandable). 

Sooooo.......It looks like I'll be trying to get used to Limbo again and neglecting Nidus :)

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