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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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*chants* one of us, one of us...


very well :p






I’m not sure how long its been since I’ve actually climbed up something.


From Novas, to Valkyrs, to Zephyrs, and my own decoys , I have trouble recalling the last time I didn’t switch-teleport my way to my destination.


Thankfully there where plenty of hand-holds on the mountainside, though unfortunately progress has been slower than I’d liked. There have been flying patrols of Grineer Helions on this side of the mountain; it seems the brutes have gained a bit of intelligence. Lotus help us all.


I’ve been neglecting my own innate abilities. While I’ve ensured to keep a deeper pool of energy reserves for missions like these, there isn’t much opportunity to restock when you are traversing 100 yards of solid rock.


Left hand, Left foot, Right hand, Right foot. A small and nearly autonomous routine carried me silently up the mountain, the Moon of Earth being my only witness. I froze only to allow Helions to pass me by without noticed, I continued upwards without delay.


Roughly 10 yards from the top the terrain changed dramatically, the Grineer had the sense to level the top and placed a strong metal foundation to support their structures. I took this time to firmly slip in the shadows while I quickly cleared the last stretch.


I cleared the ridge, and stood proud to survey the task that had been laid before me (being invisible is such a lovely thing). A clear metal platform, several cargo containers, all backed by the superstructure of the facility. Each feature in turn being illuminated by several searchlights that panned back and forth along the landing platform. This landing platform is Very Large. The VIPs would likely enter through here; it would seem I’d be better off sneaking my way down the lower levels to reach the Tenno Cell that would be joining me in a few hours when it is time for me to leave.

The indicator that monitored my Invisibility quickly ticked down, I took the time to quickly survey current visible patrols (Six man squads. A shield, a seeker, and 4 lancers in each one, dark forms moving on top of the building, likely Bastillas and Helions) before drawing my Vectis and sliding into cover.


Stealth is simple. It requires one principle virtue: Patience, and lots of it. Honestly I think it’s the only thing I have patience for.


I timed my movements with the search lights, moving from container to container, and even shadowing a squad or two once I ran out of containers to move behind.


It was roughly 45 yards from the ridge to the main building, and it took me the better part of an hour to clear it without a trace. Not a single bullet fired, not a blade taken across a throat. I’ll need to continue to not engage anything until the distraction team arrives. I cloaked again once I reached the building and made my way to the front door.


Yes, the front door, not a vent or a window, the front door. Open vent coverings are a clear giveaway of Tenno presence, and I don’t really feel like climbing around much more at the moment.


Slipping inside was little issue while I was unseen, no magnetic screens on the doorway where present (thank God). Patrols inside of the compound where just as intensive as outside. Only here each squad was lead by a Grineer Female, either a scorpion, or a heavy gunner. I made my way around the complex until I found an ideal place to wait; it looked like a heavy freight elevator, no doubt used to take vehicles dropped off onto the forest floor. A lot of patrols passed through the room, and with the high ceiling, sitting on top of some lighting fixtures made for a decent place to watch guard patterns. And once the alarm was sounded, I would immediately know what direction to run in and NOT to run in.


With the amount of patrols coming through here, I really hope who ever Lotus sends is experienced.


I laid my Vectis across my lap while sitting in the rafters and brought up my mission timer in my HUD.

1 hour approximately until another Tenno comes to stir the hive.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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Grr...Need to fight the feeling of considering my stories to be sucky away from my head...


I failed english, Twice, before graduating HS from FLORIDA. If i can snag a few bits of praise from the masses, you are sure to knock em dead.

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I failed english, Twice, before graduating HS from FLORIDA. If i can snag a few bits of praise from the masses, you are sure to knock em dead.

I'm still in high school lol. My main issue is that I'm never satisfied with myself. Call it perfectionist syndrome, if you will. Pretty stupid, I know, but that's my malady right now.

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I'm still in high school lol. My main issue is that I'm never satisfied with myself. Call it perfectionist syndrome, if you will. Pretty stupid, I know, but that's my malady right now.



Well, then dont beleive in yourself. Beleive in the ME that beleives in YOU




More stuffs, because when something Taps my artistic Keg, i find it hard to stop going





My vantage point has been safe, and undisturbed.

But my worst enemy has come to face me again.


Truly, Boredom will be the end of me.


after tracking commander after commander through the Scope of my Vectis, I’ve taken to giving them names, and taking educated (HA!) guesses at what they where yelling at the other lancers about. I don't really know too much about the Grineer Language, I know enough to read; Armory, Reactor, Brig, Coms, Hanger, and Recreational Entertainment Facilities (turns out its just a Torture center. Apparently that’s how Scorpions enjoy their spare time). Oh, and I know "Squad Formation, get slaughtered by Tenno".


Still patrols passed below me, completely oblivious to my presence.


I’ve even seen the main freight elevator in the area get used to cart down Supplies and Platoons to and from the lower levels. Its design is hilarious, and seems to be to the detriment to life and limb of all who dare challenge the might of the Grineer elevator piston. I mean, anyone could fall into the mechanisms because almost all of the integral parts are expo...


I got an evil though, and an even more wicked grin to go with it.


I stood on the Rafter-railing I was using as my temporary roost, and returned my Vectis to my mag-point.

A lot of people outside of Loki frames find Radial Disarm a wondrous, or useless ability. What they don’t know is how simple its function is. All I do is expend enough energy to cloak all targeted items (usually weapons) and teleport them 3 to 10 feet away. Some other Loki achieve the same effect in different manners, but I like the way I get things done.


It makes things like Guns, Weapon systems, and Pneumatic Piston Containment Rigs fairly easy to deal with.


I waited until the next platoon move onto it with a small vehicle and a number of vehicles, between the bark of the Commanders, and the sounds of Ferrite Boots hitting a metallic surface did well to mask the sound of me working my magic.


It wasn’t instantaneous, there where 3 more of the pistons on the other 3 corners of the elevator... none of which where occupied with an unknown amount of Grineer Supplies and munitions.


The elevator emitted a small whine, unable to bear such strain on one part of it, yet still it went unnoticed.


The weak protest grew into a dull scream, loud enough to silence most activity in the large room. Though at that point, it was a bit too late.


The leader of the platoon managed to get 2 syllables out, of what I assume (and hope), a cry of dismay. Before the platform VIOLENTLY swung down on and slammed against the elevator well, dumping its current load, and following its lost payload down the shaft.


Satisfied, I returned to my seat. All the while Grineer where scrambling around the elevator equipment. Sure it COULD have blown my presence here, but it didn’t. I think even THEY know how shoddy their technology is.


Well worth it to see the idiots scramble about in dismay for a time.


Edited by ensignvidiot
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Clever use of radial disarm, heh. An old favorite of mine is to cover a decoy in castanas, disarm everyone so they rush the decoy, then set them off. Makes me laugh every time. Mind if I step in?




Excalibur readied himself as his snub fighter approached the drop zone. Sure, he hadn't rested much since his last mission recovering the Rhino Prime data, but the mission called for a distraction, and he had been the only one in the area to accept so far. 


The magnetic seals released, and he dropped like a rock into the middle of the forest, landing on his feet with cat-like grace. Raising a hand, he opened a secure channel to his infiltration contact, supposedly a Loki.


"Excalibur Prime reporting in. I'll be your distraction for this mission. Ready when you are."

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Calm down, Rachim, they don’t know it’s you. Be Calm, Be Disciplined, And Be Tenno. I slowly stood again on the railing, calming my self and reciting my mantra. Battle is almost upon me, there can be no mistakes.

"This is Loki, the facility is more garrisoned than original reports stated. I hope you brought a lot of Ammo, chances are there are more Grineer here than we have bullets.”


Prepared to vanish at a moments notice and move as quick as I can. And quickly begun a quick function check on my Warframe Systems and Equipment.


“I am prepared to move when you set off the alarms, I leave it to you to wait for additional Tenno or to begin now”


Ammo, check. Energy, check. Shields, check. I'm as ready I can be for this mission.


“my initial sweep revealed several places I can provide fire-support from. The Lotus has given me my own task to complete, ill see what I can do to help see you through yours”.


Rounds Chambered, blades sharpened. its time to get to work.


"Standing by and ready for your Go."

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Frosty in on a collab with our new person? This is going to be good~~~~~!


Squee!!! *gets popcorn and plops down to watch the ensuing awesomeness (or carnage, if you're a Grineer)*


... dunno if I should join in on this or not... I might just watch the action for once. I know you two don't need my meddling xP

Edited by Jeahanne
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Happy birthday Spikey! *Noms a piece of cake*



X decided that if anyone wanted to join, they could just come in late. After all, he wanted to get back to the dojo as soon as possible.




As he spoke, he broke into a run, Super Jumping over the wall of the Grineer prison and slamming his Orthos on the ground. The shockwave hurled several lancers off their feet. Several mounted chainguns on the walls turned towards him, only to have their riders get a Vectis round to the skull, courtesy of the hidden Loki.


A sawman typed desperately at a console, wondering why the hell they didn't just have a single button to set off the alarm. Finally the sirens began to wail and troopers rushed from all corners of the base to intercept the Prime slaughtering their men.


The sniper shots continued for exactly 5 more minutes, crippling or killing several heavies  before stopping, as the Loki went off to fulfill his own objective. X had yet to even draw his Boltor, instead preferring to get up close with his Orthos at a range where any enemy gunfire was more likely to hit his foes than him. The clones had yet to figure this out, however, and all but the closest still chose to stupidly fire their weapons into the middle of the melee.




Two motorcycles and a jeep tore out of a garage, making a beeline for the unstoppable Tenno. Finally he chose to draw one of his Vastos and fire off two quick shots, planting a bullet in the heads of the cyclists before sidestepping the car and bringing his Orthos to bear. The double bladed spear bit deep into the metal, slicing both the vehicle and it's driver in half.


X glanced up as more and more clones poured into the yard. He began to wonder if maybe he should have waited for backup after all. He crushed those thoughts as the Grineer made another charge. Now was not a time to second guess himself. He would do his duty.

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Even before I heard the signal I slipped into the shadows and began to move towards a better vantage point.

The main elevator room seemed to draw the majority of Grineer personnel. There will still squads moving towards the room I departed. I'll have to stop by later, that room will likely be funneling the majority of the Cal-Prime's resistance.

I found a promising location, found a storage room with a door leading to a catwalk running along the upper portion of the facility. I quickly scanned the room, dagger in hand, it was devoid of foot traffic, only the occasional Hellion flying outside disturbed the silence of this location. I uncloaked a did a quick sweep for any surprises, which led me to a beneficial discovery; Hellion fuel cells where stored in this location. I quickly re-appropriated a few to restore my energy reserves before Re-cloaking. I stepped out through the exterior door.

I sheathed my dagger as the doors opened and pulled out my Vectis. I had no worries for additional concealment. Between my invisibility, and the reduced noise profile of my rifle I had nothing to worry about for the next minute.

The sight of the Basin was not a pleasant one, the scope quickly counted targets as I passed over them. Over 50 bodies outside patrolling, barely a threat to a lone Tenno. Now, the Six, Mounted Twin-Barrel Heavy Machineguns looked like they may cause a Warframe some minor discomfort.

A glint on my helmet's optic sensors shifted my attention to a form on the far side of the basin. The Excalibur Prime.


The golden form leaped into the sky at that message. And I quickly brought my rifle to bear on the first turret.

Sight, I centered center-mass on the operator of the turret
Squeeze, pulling the trigger is horrible discipline for a Sniper, you need to gently squeeze at a steady rate to ensure you don't mess up your own shot.
Cycle, with case-less ammunition, once the breach on the Vectis opens, you don't have to wait for the previous cartridge to eject.
Chamber, as the breach-action opened, another round was in my firing hand and being loaded.

I didn't wait to see if the initial target was dead, nothing that lightly armored can survive a high-caliber round from a trained sniper. I repeated my mantra almost reverently 5 other times for the other 5 operators. And checked my mission timer, 2 minutes in.
I reapplied my cloak again (it shuts off after a minute to prevent completely draining my energy reserves) and looked for high-profile targets.

Sight, Squeeze, Heavy Gunner, Cycle, Chamber
Sight, Squeeze, Bombard, Cycle, Chamber
Sight, Squeeze, Eviscerator, Cycle, Chamber

At four minutes and 20 rounds in, I decided to holster my rifle and get moving. Lotus will be expecting her first report soon.

I passed the central elevator room again on my way deeper into the complex, the Grineer have bolted and anchored repelling lines so their platoons can be slowly funneled down the shaft. I assisted them in this endeavor, and used my disarm ability to remove the bolts attaching the cabling to the anchors, getting a small smile at the various Grineer curses I heard.

I didn't bother conserving energy as I sprinted full out to get to something worthwhile. I stopped at a locked door, and quickly attempted to crack the cypher... which was pitifully easy. I think they used 'Password' as the password for this door.
Latos in my hand I quickly scanned left and right.
Office, patrol paths marked on maps on wall (scanned and noted for later) composition of the platoon's under this grineer's command. Small locker, personal armaments. Another locked locker, I decided to slice this one open with my Ether Dagger to discover...

...ten thousand credits.


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