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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Searc had been sulking around Aequitas for several days since she spray painted the wall, much to the chagrin of the initiates charged with cleaning the wall. Still, it had been a good introduction...as introductions from Valkyrs went around here anyway. For the most part, from what she had heard Valkyr tended to 'introduce' themselves violently and ended up being rehab cases. Her voicelessness and use of digital applications to vocalize her intent was mild compared to attempting to tear apart important Clan Figures. In any case, she had been put through registration as a temporary member for the moment, so she was granted access to areas not involving sensitive information. Not the least of which was the Memorial Hall.


Hesitating, the tiger-schemed Valkyr looked through the open door to see an impressive room. Even from the outside she could feel the sanctity of the room. There were a few Tenno and Initiates paying their respects, perhaps praying for strength in coming missions. It was not a place for one such a her. She hunted her given prey and monitored Mirage's mental state. Searc was the container, the one who prevented the twin pistols from going berserk. It was a duty Searc had only recently come to recall, a duty she had failed in once before to disastrous results.Still, there were no signs that Bone and Marrow had found a new host as Mirage had feared. In fact, Mirage seemed to have left no trace of her presence in the Dojo. Turning her head away from the reverent display, Searc resumed walking down the hallway. Mirage was gone for now, but that would change. They would gravitate toward one another like opposing ends of a magnet. Ironic that one was the personification of savagery and yet a protector, while the other was meant to be the strongest of minds...and yet a destroyer.


Searc would have sighed had she the capability to do so. It was better to stay solo, and yet she'd let herself get drawn here.


"It must be defective." A younger Vauban tilted his head, looking at a floating Helios Sentinel that was spazzing out in the Foundry. His companion, a Mag, folded her arms and looked annoyed with the spazzy thing. Obviously it was meant to be her Sentinel and it wasn't exactly acting as she'd expected.


"So what do YOU intend to do about it?" The mag pouted, her voice plainly showing her agitation at the situation. "YOU built it so YOU fix it!"


"Look I can't change the core AI, that's beyond even me. It's supposed to be a regular Helios I swear! I can't account for sentience development defects!" Throwing his hands up the Vauban gave an exasperated sigh, neither Tenno noticing the curious Valkyr peering into the Foundry. "I'll make you another one if you're so just calm down. We just gotta figure what to..."


No sooner had the Vauban started to ponder what to do with the Helios than Searc was right up there with the other two Tenno staring at the Helios spazzing out. Suddenly it turned to face her, getting WAY too close for comfort, starting to scream through nearby comm circuits. "BARRELS! The barrels, they come for me! Barrel...barrels! Do you hear them? They mock my genius! I spit at you barrel! Barrel. Barrelbarrelbarrel. DESTROY THE BARRELS! You understand? Yes? No? TAKE ME TO THE BARRELS FOR THE DESTROYING OF BARRELDOM! The kingdom is taken by barrels, break the barrels! Mocking, vile cylinders of contained and mysterious blight upon all life ITSELF!" This continued even as Searc found herself looking at the other two for an explanation. The Mag and Vauban seemed as weirded out as she did.


It took a moment but Searc found the spazzing a little...cute...when the Sentinel finally calmed down, occasionally 'twitching' for lack of a better word. The other two started conversing again, trying to decide what to do with the 'defective' Sentinel. Unheeding of their desires Searc plucked the Helios from the air and tucked it under her shoulder, leaving the Foundry as if nothing was wrong. "Are we going to the death of the barrels?" The Helios whispered, its eyepiece twitching back and forth a bit.


"That's right. A potato just called your eyes fat." Searc replied in a flat tone with her female-voice in the soundboard.


"Potatoes IN the barrels?"


"You like revenge right? Everybody likes revenge. Well let's go get some."



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"Have any of you wondered why all of you forget when you're purged from cryosleep?! Only a select few among the Tenno even remember the time before the long sleep, much less the time of the Orokin. I've perused countless scrolls, talked to so many people, and it's all the same. They remember bits and pieces of their lives, clearer in the later years, but then a gap. Nothing about what came just before the Long Sleep. What were the Tenno doing?"


X was getting worried. Tyranthius had this look in his eyes sometimes; it was usually a sign that he was getting off the deep end. The last time anyone had seen it was the Gradivus Dillema, and a more famous case was the time he beat a Corpus Tech to death with his own Osprey. Did he lose it while he was out there?


Tyranthius slumped, and all the mania left his features. What remained was the face of a man who had seen and done too much; tired, dangerous, and frightened all at once. "I learned exactly what it was we did so long ago. Curse my infernal curiosity, I found out what happened. I saw and heard as if I stood there myself. I even recognized some of you; I wonder if you remember.


You don't have to take my word for it, though. I'll just - wait one second, how do you - uh, this projector's more complicated than I - there-


All at once, X was assaulted by a wave of stimuli so vivid, real, and great that he felt as if he might vomit. Voices, sounds, screams and cheers, the sound of blades and guns, overlaid on each other to create a mind-crushing cacophony of audio, along with smells, colors, and feelings that were far too numerous to describe. But thrumming through them all was the constant beat of drums. 






When X regained awareness, he was on Earth. What? He looked around. He'd assumed it was Earth judging by the atmosphere's color, but all else was indistinct. Then, everything grew into sharp focus.


A festival. He saw it clearly, bright colors, predominantly white and gold were on every surface. He saw men, women, and children moving about, fathers, mothers, and children with smiles on their faces. And the noise. Cheers, yells, whoops, and fireworks. "Were saved!", yelled a man, running wildly through the streets. Laughter and cheers. But X had been to far too many civilian settlements to not notice it, for underneath the joy was a sense of relief; these people had been in some sort of crisis, and this was their relief boiling over into joy. He looked at his surroundings more closely. Sleek, white architecture, pristine... yet that was obviously a scorch mark. There, and there. Hastily patched walls, broken glass and general military detritus were visible to those with eyes to see. A war. It all came back to him. The Tyranthius and his ramblings, the disk, and... he looked around again and nearly kicked himself. This was the time of the Orokin.


X looked out on the horizon and saw the outline of the palace he somehow knew would be there.


As good a place to start as any.




X reached the palace quickly, finding to no one's surprise that he could not be perceived and that he passed through any object he cared to pass through. He found the palace surrounded by Orokin footsoldiers, their white and gold finery worn by hard use. Banners hung bravely in the bright morning, and even here the sense of gladness to be alive was palpable. X followed the crush of people, who all seemed to be heading towards the parade ground.


Finally updated. More later.

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Nice story Tyranthius. If you need help catching up, feel free to ask man. I'm sure everyone would be glad to get you up to speed. Just let us know what was the last thing you remember reading here so that we can continue from there. :D

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Nice story Tyranthius. If you need help catching up, feel free to ask man. I'm sure everyone would be glad to get you up to speed. Just let us know what was the last thing you remember reading here so that we can continue from there. :D


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Kris woke up to a tapping on his shoulder. As he turned his groggy head around, a skittish looking banshee was in the act of removing her hand from his shoulder. It took him a few blinks to wake up fully enough to muster a few words.


''Yes? What is it?'' He asked, his voice tired and quiet.


''u-uhm...Are you Kris? There is, uhm, a delivery for you in the shu-shutte bay.'' She said, nervousness filling her voice.


''Oh, there is? Thank you for telling me.'' Kris was still not quite fully awake as he started walking towards the shuttle bay, leaving the Banshee to hold something in the air and trying to communicate with him, only managing to squeek out ''Y-You dropped t-this!'' at him as he disappeared from her view.


After a few minutes of wandering Kris finally reached his destination. An Excalibur and a Trinity stood near a large crate near the door Kris had entered through. The Trinity noticed Kris almost immediatly and waved him over, handing him a note and making him sign for the delivery as soon as he came. After signing the paperwork, he asked the two tenno to help him carry the crate back to the pond room. It took them a while but when they finally arrived Kris could hardly contain his excitement. As he quickly hurried the Excalbur and Trinity out of the room, he glanced at the silver crate, eyes filled with longing.


Before he opened the box, he remembered the note the Trinity had handed to him, pulling it out of his pocket to read it.


''Dear Kris. Within this crate lies your brand new Hydroid type warframe, as well as your Nami Skyla. However, before you go and excitedly enter your new frame, there are some bad news. Upon wearing this frame, you will not be able to wield any other frame, ever, again. We still haven't figured out why that happens. I urge you to reconsider your choice.


DR. Viltrim.''


A stray thought entered Kris's mind. ''What have I done? Have I chosen to throw away ten years of my life? Was all my training for naught?'' He sat down as he started thinking. ''Maybe I have done that, maybe I haven't. Maybe I made a rather good decision with this. I deserve finally settling down in a single warframe.'' He continued his thinking hours on end, until his mind reached a conclusion. ''I deserve this.''


Sighing, Kris opened up the crate, revealing his brand new warframe. The Hydroid was fairly standard in terms of Hydroids, coloured in the standardized colours of the frame type. Grabbing its shoulders to lift it out of the crate, a feeling of touching a wet surface surprised Kris. The frame wasn't wet at all, yet the outside felt like it. After getting the frame out of the crate, leaving only his Nami Skyla in the crate, Kris took his hands of the frame and inspected them for any wetness. In a not so surprising revelation, his hands turned out to be dry. Shaking his head, he proceeded to get into the warframe, surprised again by the cold feel the frame had as it enveloped his body. A very short period of pain shot through his body as the frame linked itself to him and activated, sending another sensation through his body. Not pain, but as if he could sense something in the room. It took him a few moments to figure out that he was sensing the water of the room as he felt it when one of the koi parted the water with its dorsal fin. Considering this sense his biggest surprise, it was followed by a smaller surprise as the frame revealed itself to be far lighter than its looks portrayed, forcing Kris to adjust his movements a little bit to fit the frame.


After spending some time moving around in the Hydroid, Kris went back to the crate to pick up his new blades. Placing them on his back, he walked towards the shuttle bay, intent on a test run for his new abilities and weapons.


''The Grineer shall drown in the vengeance of their forgotten victims.'' He thought as the snub closed in on the Grineer Galleon. As the snub latched onto the ship, a smile spread across his face. He was back in action.

Edited by FatViking
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In the depths of the Quin'Tar Dojo, 180 Tenno sat in the largest Ceremonial Dueling Room. Not a word was spoken, not one sound marred the silent ritual. The passing on of a Prime frame was a very rare and important ordeal, Only 4 such frames had been passed on in a great many years. This was even more special, since this frame was not only a Prime, but an Ember Prime. Zel had never been so nervous in her short but eventul life. She stood between her two Mentors, Aigloblam and Skirata. Aigloblam had taught her Speed, Power, and Ferocity. Skirata taught her the opposite, Meditation, Composure, and most importantly, Control. She knew that without both of them she might have died a hundred times over by now.

The three of them stood in the center of the Dueling Room, surrounded by what seemed to Zel thousands of Tenno faces, Every one of them in their full battle dress. The dimmed lights still reflected off gleaming bits of Warframe. Of all the eyes on her, Zel felt a tickle of familiarity when looking at a certain Tenno. She recognized the newest Warframe model, Hydroid, instantly. Even though she swept the gathering with her eyes all the time, as she had been taught, she kept coming back to the wet looking Warframe in the back of the room. Something in that one's eyes...something she could almost remember.
At some unheard signal, every eye in the room locked on to the doors. As they slowly opened, the head of a Vauban came into view. He walked slowly, but purposefully. Behind him came 4 Rhinos, each carrying one corner of a large Orokin styled box, which seemed a cross between a CryoPod and a Coffin.
As the procession walked slowly to the center of the room, a shudder ran down Zel's spine. Everyone knew what was inside that box, but for her it was something different than a relic or new technology, It was the beginning of her new life.

When the Foundry Master and box reached the center of the room, the Vauban held up one hand, signalling the Rhinos to put the box down. They did so, and the solid metal floor vibrated a bit with its weight.
As the Rhinos turned to walk away, the latches on the box popped one at a time. A slight mist rose up from inside. The Foundry Master walked to the box and leaned over, and when he stood back up, he held a Gleaming Warframe by its shoulders. Even empty, it held a sense of reverent power that filled the room.
Zel's throat seemed very dry. She knew her lines, she knew her part in all of this, but it still felt as if none of this should involve her, none of it was real.
A rich voice came from the Foundry Master Vauban, a voice that was seldom heard.
"Esmerella Camella Zella, You have been chosen to carry on the Warframe and Legacy of Bruni Eldur, First Of Flame. Do you truly comprehend the Honor and Duty that this places upon you?"

Zel stood tall, Holding together despite her raging emotions, replied "I do. Nothing would please me more than to carry on her greatness, If i have proven myself worthy"

The Foundry Master nodded "You have Proven yourself. But for the Wielder of this power, The task is never completed."
Zel walked slowly over and held her arms out to her sides. Aigloblam and Skirata each took an arm. With her whisper of "Ready", the both pulled. The Ember Warframe parted down the center, hissing oxygen and hydrogen puffed out from the decoupling heat generators as the Warframe slid away from Zel's small body. Her Teachers stepped back and stowed her old Warframe in a small storage compartment.

Standing in nothing but her Undergarments in front of the gathered Tenno would have normally left her embarrassed to the point of fainting, but Zel didn't even notice. She was unaware that now, nearly naked, her Scars were exposed for all to see. Both wrists had lines of burned areas around them, the backs of her thighs were discolored, and across her entire back were scars that bore a striking resemblance to feathered wings. Zel had told the few that had seen them before that they were her "Phoenix Scars". They did little to hide her beauty, but they were obviously from some sort of major burn injury.
Unseen by anyone, the Hydroid lowered his head, He did not want a reminder of the cause of the scars. That was a different life, one only minutely his own.
The Foundry Master held out the Warframe, and Zel began to slip her legs inside. She had a small moment of astonishment at how well the frame fit her, how close to her exact size and shape Bruni Eldur had been.
When she had her entire body inside the frame, it closed onto her with a quiet slithering sound, and she felt it tighten all over her body. A few seconds after her Helmet had formed its seal, Zel felt for the immense power that this suit supposedly had. But all she felt was its tight fit and how much more flexible it was than her own.
Zel turned to the gathered Tenno and took a deep bow. The assembled Tenno all stood up and returned her bow. Then the Foundry Master spoke again, somehow his quiet voice still carried throughout the room.

"As is the custom, Zella will now Duel a worthy fighter, to demonstrate that she has truly mastered the intracacies of Ember. Adhering to the Custom, Aigloblam shall be her first du-"

"No. He will not." came another voice, deeper and with an odd accent, from the back of the room. Everyone looked back over their shoulders, as the Hydroid strode to the front of the room, the gleam of his Nami Skyla blades twinkling as he walked.

The Foundry Master stood between Zel and this newcomer and said "Who are you, And why do you disrespect our ceremony?" His voice was threatening, a very odd thing indeed for the gathered Tenno to hear.

The Hydroid pulled off his helmet, and spoke to Zel, ignoring the Foundry Master completely. "My Name is Kris, And I do not wish to disrespect anyone, least of all this ceremony. My actions caused those scars Zel. I believe I owe you an Apology. What better way to do it, than to Honor you in combat. Or do you find me an unworthy opponent?" As his words rolled across the room, Kris went down to one knee, lowering his head. Nothing could be heard for the next few seconds but a stunned silence.

Zel almost couldn't breathe, and her scars tingled at the sight of the face of Kris. It was almost the face of Berserker, the wild giant that almost brought death to her entire Clan. Fear and anger fought inside of her like berserkers in their own right. She wanted to stomp out his life force now, immediately. But she also wanted to run and cower in a corner. Even without Berserker taking over, Kris had more experience than she could earn in several lifetimes.  She knew that in a life and death struggle, she had a fair chance, due to the powers of being an Ember. But here, in a duel, She knew she had no chance. But Honor demands sacrifice. She would give that sacrifice.


Aigloblam bowed slightly, indicating wordlessly that if this was Zel's choice, So be it.

Trying not to let her fear show through in her voice, Zel loudly stated "You are indeed worthy, Kris." and with a wave, all the other tenno spread out behind the protective force wall that hummed into life around the two combatants. With Kris still kneeling on the floor, Zel said  "You are a mighty opponent, but I promise you this: If I see one hint of Berserker, I will burn you and him both to cinders, if it's the last thing i do"

With almost a whisper Kris replied "That Bastard is dead." as he rose to his feet, Drawing his swords. "This is MY life now!" He roared as he launched himself at Zel with deadly speed.

Zel ducked, and tried to roll out of the way, but this new Warframe felt clumsy, her body had not yet adapted to it. She hoped it would happen fast.

As Kris soared over Zel's head, he aimed a lightning fast stab at her head, aiming to disable her frame quickly. The attack missed by less than an inch, as Zel tumbled across the floor and jumped to her feet, Drawing her Dual Zorens. Zel had not even the slightest idea what kind of power this new frame had, but knew her only chance was in the fact that Kris couldn't have been wearing it for more than a couple days. He would be as Clumsy as she was. Still, his skill would be a nightmare to defend against.
The two Tenno circled eachother, each taking in the measure of their enemy. Zel struck first, jumping up and kicking off the energy wall and spearing directly at Kris. He tried to leap out of the way, but with how light this new frame was, He instead launched himself much farther then intended, colliding with the opposite wall, 15 feet to his left.
Zel knew something had gone wrong the moment Kris left her field of vision. Just before she also impacted the force wall, the thought of "He shouldnt be that fast!" flew through her mind. As she whirled around to face him again, she saw nothing but a giant rushing wave. She turned and ran straight up the wall, feeling it shake as the wave battered against it. When she had hit the floor on the other side of the dueling room, she was astonished to see Kris standing where the wave had been, dripping with water and already back into a fighting stance.
Realizing it was impossible to fight him without her powers, she engaged the heat generators of her Warframe. A few milimeters above the metal skin she wore, a haze of heat shimmered into life. It felt odd, the heat took almost no energy to generate. As a test, she increased power. The heat haze turned into a slow crawl of flames covering her body, licking her curves and turning the splatters of water on her instantly into steam.
Kris saw his opening, and sent a number of liquid bombs falling onto Zel's head. But they erupted into steam the second they got within a couple feet of her. Now the whole room inside the force walls had filled with roiling waves of steam. Zel found herself as good as blind.
Realizing his opponents weakness, Kris attacked again. This time his Nami Skyla solidly hit Zel on her left arm. The force from the attack knocked her over onto her side. From her new vantage point, she realized that there was a small layer of unclouded air right next to the floor.

With a quick twisting roll, Zel lashed out with her Zorens. Both of them impacted one of Kris' boots, and the force sent him toppling to the ground. Both fighters were quick to their feet, and were also quick to back away to opposite walls. Zel knew she had to get rid of this steam, and fast.
Increasing the power to her heat generators again, she sent out pulses of superheated air. All the steam in the room evaporated almost instantly, revealing nothing else in the room but a large puddle. She stalked around the room slowly, scanning every inch. For almost 30 seconds she saw absolutely nothing, when suddenly a watery tentacle exploded from the puddle and wound itself around her waist. She hacked at it with her Zorens, but even the suicide-sharp blades simply passed through the tentacle, barely disturbing its surface. Before she could do anything else, she felt herself pulled into the puddle.
Kris held tightly to Zel with all his strength. He knew if he kept her underwater, her powers would be useless. There was enough air in her Warframe to last several minutes, so drowning her wasnt an option, but this would at least allow him to think.

Pain suddenly shot through Kris' body. He felt like every inch of his being was being heated and pulled apart. With a cry of pain, He ended his ability. Instead of reforming from the water, an explosion ripped everything apart and send him splattering against every wall in the dueling room's energy wall enclosed section. By the time he pulled himself together, he saw Zel standing on wobbly knees. She had only wanted to heat the water, but the power of her new Warframe was more than she imagined.
Kris leaped at her, his blades aimed at her chest. She paried with her Zorens, and soon the two were fighting hand to hand. While the Zorens were orders of Magnitude faster, The skill of Kris with his Nami Skyla fended off every blow. When the combatants realized this was getting them nowhere, they broke apart again. Kris sent a couple smaller waves at Zel, but she simply blasted them apart with white hot fire balls.
With an unexpected slide, Zel rocketed across the floor, holding her Zorens both out to one side. One of them drew a small line of blood on Kris' left shin, but he had been too fast for any real damage. But in leaping that attack, he fell into Zel's trap. She had noticed how clumsy he had been, how going from a Vauban to this Hydroid made him badly misjudge the power required to move quickly. This time when he went too far upward, He left himself in clear line of fire. Zel instantly burst into white hot flame, then summoning up her most powerful ability, she set torrents of Plasma out from her hands. Sweeping left and right she kept them aiming at Kris. He realized almost too late that this was something new, something never before seen from any Warframe that he had ever heard about.
Kris leaped back, throwing a giant crashing wave at Zel. The water never got closer than 8 feet to her before it instantly evaporated. Even the steam was burned out of the air by the force of her heat. Kris called upon his own power and covered himself in a thick layer of super dense water. He took two steps, jumped, and started running along the energy wall. He made it past the plasma streams, to a point where he could see Zel unobstructed. It was now, or never.
Grunting with effort, Kris darted behind Zel. He grabbed her plasma spewing hands with his own, and felt sickening pain as the water casing around his hands and arms instantly began to boil. Ignoring the pain, he yanked hard on her arms. She was strong, impossibly strong for such a small body, but he was stronger. He slowly forced her hands closer to her face. She realized that if she didn't let go, she would burn her own head out of existance before she could do something. In a last ditch effort, she shut off her Plasma and kicked up into Kris' goin, aiming to finally put him out of the fight, since she knew he had countered her last hope. An inch from her target, she felt a cold tentacle wrap around her calf, stopping her kick in its tracks. She began to heat up her whole body, but suddenly there was a cold hard sword tip digging into the side of her helmet. The dagger of Kris' Nami Skyla was being held by one of his watery tentacles. She didnt know if it had enough force to penetrate her Helme'ts armor, but she didn't want to test it.

A whisper came from the tenno who was holding tightly to her " Zel, This battle is over"
Her reply came back not as a whisper, but a growl "I could kill us both, You know that."

Kris let go, and stepped in front of Zel. He held out his hand "You could kill everyone in this room, including yourself. But you have learned...You are different now. Just as I am different. Can you forgive me for what the other part of me has done? For what that disgusting ...Animal has done?"
Zel looked to her left, and staring back at her was Aigloblam and Skirata, Igilblix and Acantha, The Foundry Master, and Heus. Her eyes scanned the room, the sea of faces, touching briefly on every Aequitas member in attendance. Each nodded. They had seen enough.

She took his hand, and once again her voice rang true and clear.

"I Yield, Kris, I Yield smiling. And Yes, I forgive you. It seems we had more in common back then than I'd like to admit.....I guess we still do."
The once bitter enemies shook hands. She knew everything was far from "good", But it was good enough for now.
With wide grins on each of their faces, Aigloblam and Skirata turned and walked out of the Dueling room, and practiced an ancient victory ritual. A High Five.

Edited by Aigloblam
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My debut return story...




Eden's right arm convulsed violently, the syringe having just been emptied of its payload. Nakarn drew his own arm away from Eden and replaced the syringe next to the others on a stand. Eden grabbed at his convulsing bladed arm with one of the stubby protrusions growing out of the thick mass of flesh on his chest, trying in vain to keep it restrained. The blade came perilously close to his face on occasion, nearly skewering an eye. Nakarn watched well away from Eden; he was staring at the arm with a look of intense concentration plastered on his face. After several muttered curses and nicks on his face, Eden's arm became still once more.
“That reaction was one of the most violent I've ever seen in a patient...I can't wait to see how it affects your genetics!” Said Nakarn, which rewarded him with a look of utter contempt and hatred from Eden. “Wanna know what it was?” Nakarn asked, sounding not unlike a guilty child.
Eden looked at him, massaging the tissue around where the needle went in, “What?” He growled.
Nakarn grinned and answered simultaneously, “A very finely powdered mineral known as Rubedo mixed into a nerve stimulant.” Nakarn started to giggle near uncontrollably, as if his statement was of great amusement to him. Eden stared at him with a look of concern and befuddlement. Nakarn started coughing and clutched at his side with his disfigured arm.
“Like I said though, I'm very eager to see what happens.” Said Nakarn through chuckles and coughs.
Eden stood among five other “infested” as Nakarn had told him that that was what the “Orokin” called them. They were just as menacing, if not more so. Two had no ounce of sanity left and were scratching at each other with enlarged hands. The three others were from Nakarn's own experiments, large creatures that were communicating to each other via clicking. Nakarn stood off to the side, writing furiously on an electric pad. He finished the writing and motioned Eden over.
“The injection seems to have done nothing except increase your resilience and suspend your mental state...” Nakarn began pondering over his notes once more.
“Suspend my mental state? As in...I won't go insane?” Eden inquired. Nakarn nodded, then looked up from his notes with a wide grin.
“Kill those other five, I need to record a few things.” Nakarn said, nonchalant and casual. Eden spluttered.
“KILL THEM?!” He screamed, “I won't!” At this, Nakarn tutted. “Yes, you very will.” He called over to his three subjects and let off a series of short, staccato clicks. They clicked in unison and rushed at Eden, who had just enough time to make growl threateningly at Nakarn.
The first one slammed into Eden, screaming and thrashing it began clawing at his face. Eden pushed with all his brutish might on the beast with his now-closely-resembling-arm-protrusions on his chest. The other two joined in and came at him from behind and to the side. The one on the side was quickly impaled and fell over, screaming and scrabbling at the gushing hole in its abdomen. The first one redoubled its efforts, running in place and churning the rocky soil beneath its feet. Eden pushed hard and began to slash at the one in front and behind, the latter of which was relentlessly jabbing at his back.
Nakarn was jotting things down on the electric pad, engrossed in both his notes and the fight before him.
Eden manage to push the first beast away with a mighty surge of power, then, turning in the blink of an eye he cut the other down and spun in the same motion and impaled the first through the head.
The two natural beasts, who spectated the fight, rushed at him. Screaming with all of hell in their voices they began to madly claw, rip and lunge at Eden. Eden blocked the fury of attacks, and with a mighty swing of both arms, crushed their guard – and skulls.
Nakarn began clapping and hooting, the epitome of an animated display of enthusiasm.
“Excellent! Now, we are ready to move and find a place more...permanent. Your strength is more than enough for several Tenno cells!”
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