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Riven mods have a bias to roll a specific kind of stat?


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I am almost certain riven mods have a bias to roll one specific stat for particular weapons. I had this experience now with several weapons when basically every second or third reroll would have a specific kind of stat as outcome. For example Sicarus had now Flight Speed for the 4th time on 7 attempts. AkMagnus would have Ammo Maximum ALOT and there are other examples I could think of. 

I don`t think this is coincidence by now, it feels way to prominent to be the case. I get why Zhuge should or could have a tendency to receive "flight speed" often, it makes sense and people might looking for it, not so much for Sicarus which is afaik a hit-scan weapon? It is already frustrating to have stats as a positive which a weapon can`t even utilize. 

I thought the deal with riven mods was also experimentation? Well I don`t need to have a look on 5 different values of reserve ammo on AkMagnus. OR 3 different flight speed for Sicarus "Oh look IT`s +150% FLIGHT SPEED" Am I going to be excited to see the difference to 120% flight speed.  :crylaugh:

It looks as if DE has a strong saying how a riven mod will most likely turn out to be, which somewhat defeats the point? Could be wrong but I`v seen to many rolls and mods a bit on the nose "How surprising Latron with stabilizer again...." 


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I think AGGP said it best, and take this with a grain of salt, but every weapon has its own "personality" and as such gets certain stats more frequently, even if they don't make sense? But, in reality, it's because the RNG is still just as bad as ever and DE should have locked certain stats such as flight speed to a pool of projectile based weapons. What I mean with that is they should have made a special list with weapons like the Boltor, Dera, and Drakgoon, etc; on it, so once your Riven mod is unveiled, if it's for one of those weapons, then flight speed actually becomes a perk to pick, otherwise if the riven mod is not for one of those weapons flight speed shouldn't even be a pickable perk

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42 minutes ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

I think AGGP said it best, and take this with a grain of salt, but every weapon has its own "personality" and as such gets certain stats more frequently, even if they don't make sense? But, in reality, it's because the RNG is still just as bad as ever and DE should have locked certain stats such as flight speed to a pool of projectile based weapons. What I mean with that is they should have made a special list with weapons like the Boltor, Dera, and Drakgoon, etc; on it, so once your Riven mod is unveiled, if it's for one of those weapons, then flight speed actually becomes a perk to pick, otherwise if the riven mod is not for one of those weapons flight speed shouldn't even be a pickable perk

They already have such a list... That's why you can only equip flight speed mods on projectile based weapons.

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17 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

They already have such a list... That's why you can only equip flight speed mods on projectile based weapons.

Then why didn't they implement it for Riven mods is what I am saying. Considering that the mod rolls a random weapon anyway first, it can easily check to see if it's one that flight speed will apply to instead of having us waste Kuva, since that mission side objective is boring af

Edited by 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4
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6 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Wait, flight speed rolls on hitscan weapon rivens?

Wow. Yes. That's stupid if true.

It is. Just watch any Warframe Youtuber or find your own riven mods lol. It's really stupid when you Karak or Hek gets flight speed. Then again, that only makes your bullets kill S#&$ faster, since they teleport into an enemy instead of having to pull the trigger.

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I certainly would prefer more fixed stats, Rivens as stronger augments for weapons.
At the very least 1-2 stats as fixed, tailored to ACTUALLY help the weapon.

Crit chance won't get the Daikyu to 100%(so no rng on a slow bow) until you get around 666% crit chance.
Instead a Daikyu Riven could come with flat crit chance(the boring easy solution), or augmented damage on weakspot hit(All snipers need this btw!), and a faster draw(not one to make it a Rakta Cernos, keep it comfortably heavy, and rewarding for it).

A Burston could get increasing stats on one burst, similar to it's Conclave augment.

Impact weapons could get a Shattering Impact effect, reduce armor(maybe based on impact damage portion?).
So they could get a fighting chance against armor, maybe end effective at high level with the effect + corrosive procs.

And so on.

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15 hours ago, AcceptYourDeath said:

I am almost certain riven mods have a bias to roll one specific stat for particular weapons. I had this experience now with several weapons when basically every second or third reroll would have a specific kind of stat as outcome. For example Sicarus had now Flight Speed for the 4th time on 7 attempts. AkMagnus would have Ammo Maximum ALOT and there are other examples I could think of. 

No, it's not. At least there is no such definition in game files.

But there is one possibility -- bad RNGenerator. You know, most of computer random not a true random.

And, in other way, there must be few people who will get one stat in same mod at raw. You know, there is not really much of stats in list and you get 2-3 of them. And, by a big numbers low, must be a person, who will see something "strange".

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On 1/1/2017 at 6:21 AM, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:


No, it's not. At least there is no such definition in game files.

But there is one possibility -- bad RNGenerator. You know, most of computer random not a true random.

And, in other way, there must be few people who will get one stat in same mod at raw. You know, there is not really much of stats in list and you get 2-3 of them. And, by a big numbers low, must be a person, who will see something "strange".

Warframe is notorious for its bad RNG honestly. It's almost as bad as the RNG of the XCOM series

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2 hours ago, CraziestOfRabbits said:

I wouldn't know... for the past 30 sortie runs I got 2000 endo and two lenses. Be glad you got SOME rivens...

Same problem, almost every day do sorties - 2k endo, 4k endo, small lense. Last riven mod got from sorties before current rotation (before secondary mods added).

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3 hours ago, T362 said:

Same problem, almost every day do sorties - 2k endo, 4k endo, small lense. Last riven mod got from sorties before current rotation (before secondary mods added)

I only managed to get two riven mods and that was about week and a half after the release of TWW, no rivens since then

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