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They mentionned that the cure is simple. Go to the infected room when your cyst fully grown then sit to the chair. They also said no need to do the quest or have a nidus enough just an infected frame who have a fully grown cyst then they can pass to the room without any quest needed. This was badly explained and I think everyone would like to be sure not to get this aids again and they instead of this make a normal antidote which kills the cyst then immunize your frames to get again the infection.

The current state of cure can ruin the quest for those whom want the mystery of that room and the newbies still not know what to do unless the read the wiki or in the devstream they state it.

But I can agree this shouldn't be reality what they did but at least hopefully they will show some about the quest.

Edited by Sziklamester
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6 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Should probably not make a post about something that already has a remedy in the works.

While the solution is in the works, the other point of OP is that this should never have been contagious to start with.

Although I am thinking this system would be develop further and could be tied into more early-game experiences, e.g. the Once Awake quest, or even new Dark Sectors.

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5 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Should probably not make a post about something that already has a remedy in the works.

I think it's less about the cyst and more about how it was dealt with. We were given a system that nobody was given any information on, then forced to sit with it for the entire holidays without word on when it was going to be handled. On top of that, there was nothing on the forums from those who WERE there that even acknowledged that it was a problem, despite so much player outcry. It was something we had no control of, no advice or instruction on how to handle it, and it spread like crazy before anyone who hadn't done the quest even knew it existed. 

So anyone who didn't watch the devstream or doesn't prowl the forums won't know they can get rid of it until they wander into the room and trust the talking chair, and that only works once the cyst is fully matured, after they've been dealing with it for a week. 

This whole thing was handled poorly and that would have been partially fixed by not letting the cyst be transferred from player-to-player so that the only way to get infected is to go into the room and see everything for yourself, no forums or wiki required. That would also lead people to the conclusion that if the chair giveth, the chair can taketh away. 

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31 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

when your cyst fully grown

On top of not having a cure for three weeks minimum, I must give this ugliness to all my frames, even these I only played solo during the epidemy, to become immune to it? I'M SURE THIS BRILLIANT PIECE OF... CONTENT WILL BOOST FASHION ITEMS SALES THROUGH THE ROOF

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7 minutes ago, Tsoe said:

you guys are lucky i been contaminated IRL now i have a cyst on my neck and no hellminth

maybe i should drain it and feed my cat





I got the cyst and infection without any contact with an infescted person. Not sat in the chair and not traded with peoples but somehow the code managed to infect me just because have a nidus.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Real Life cysts can usually be drained by any cosmetic surgeon. Your doctor can refer you to one. Usually, unless it's something cancerous, a cyst is just a giant zit which has become inflamed and infected. Either they (carefully) remove the entire cyst with a simple incision and some forceps, or they drain it like a giant zit. Either way, you'll feel much better once you get it removed. They'll pack the interior with gauze, and have you come back several times, as it dries out and closes. You'll probably feel a little like a walking box of tissues with gauze literally stuffed under your skin inside the empty cyst cavity, but as it closes, they'll use less and less, until it just goes away. The trick of it is that you can't just pop it like a zit and expect it to go away. There's infected tissue in there as well, and it has to come out for it to heal.


Living with it does you no favors, and it's usually really easy to get rid of. So I'd recommend talking to your doctor about having it removed.

Edited by Kitsushadow
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11 hours ago, infamouscycle said:

It singlehandedly managed to trash Nidus' reputation

I don't think so.


11 hours ago, infamouscycle said:

On top of that, there is absolutely no in-game explanation for why the cyst can be drained into a kubrow egg. Newbies who contract the cyst (which is going to be... ALL OF THEM, at this point) will have no idea how to get rid of it outside of checking the wiki or forums, which a relatively small percentage of our huge playerbase does.

That's warframe.  One screen for the game and another screen for the wiki.

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On 1/8/2017 at 1:43 PM, Troll_Logic said:

That's warframe.  One screen for the game and another screen for the wiki.

That's not really valid here.  Asking the player to stop their action shooter experience to do outside research is really only going to work if they're already fairly invested in the game, and this is the kind of thing that can kill that investment.

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2 hours ago, EternalFireseal said:

That's not really valid here.  Asking the player to stop their action shooter experience to do outside research is really only going to work if they're already fairly invested in the game, and this is the kind of thing that can kill that investment.

Dude, that's the game.  That's just how it is.  Part of me actually likes that DE doesn't spell everything out for everyone, but unfortunately there is no other way for players to discuss such things except for the wiki.

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Or the forums.  But, there's a difference between players discussing the inner details of something or endgame effects and simply letting the player know what's going on.  When players hit walls, especially walls that seem to come out of nowhere and contain things they don't like, they tend to simply stop playing.  Player-based help takes time to mature, too, and is often composed as much of theories and guesswork as actual data. The game needs to give you enough information to at least react to what's going on.  You're certainly not wrong, but "check the wiki" isn't really a satisfactory answer if you're trying to figure something out while playing.

DE actually has been on a slow march to provide more meaningful information to the players.  The updates to the tutorials in the codex, the new new player experiences, the improved ability summaries, the use of mastery challenges to ensure players are exposed to mechanics...  That's part of why  the cyst was such a shock:  it simply happened and there was nothing you could do about it.

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I very much agree with the OP. I mean it's great that there will be a cure/immunity for frames but that doesn't change or excuse the incredibly poor decision to have this thing be contagious in the first place. It serves literally no purpose with the current state of the system. Few if any players want more than one charger pet, so why make it anything more than a Nidus exclusive thing in the first place? If you need more cysts down the line then just make it so Nidus can get another shot from the chair.  

What's more is that the actual way it spreads seems incredibly bizarre and punishing. If you have one infected frame it seems like it can spread to your other frames even if you don't play the infected frame or indeed play at all. My Titania got infected last week and that was the last public mission I played, I've only played maybe a half dozen solo missions since. However today I look through my frames and my Banshee, Ember, Excalibur, Hydroid, & Wukong are all sporting fully formed cysts. What the actual F***, I haven't even played any of those frames since the Nidus update hit. Am I just going to have to wait for it to spread to every single one of my 30+ frames before I can be done with this annoyance?

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All of this because DE wanted to give everyone the chance at getting a charger.

People cant hold off for a couple weeks because a little ball on the neck somehow completely destroys the whole game.

if one thing we got out of this is how funny this situation has been.

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I can kinda get what DE wanted to do with the cyst infection, but I think the execution was really bad. There are other games that have done something similar, but they executed it much better.

The idea of a reward that can only be obtained by interacting with people access to that reward isn't a bad idea. Blizzard did something similar with one of their heroes in Hero of the Storm. It started off with a limited number of players having access to a Co-op hero, and the only way to obtain that hero was to play it with someone who already owned it. The result was a unique player interaction.

DE's version instead made Nidus available to anyone who purchased him or earned him through missions. And to top it all off, DE also made the cyst spread through easy and meaningless means. Meaning what we got was exponential growth of the cysts. And what was probably intended to give a unique player interaction turns into a never ending plague.

Edited by Zyion
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Nobody but DE knows the ultimate purpose or lore behind the cyst, so making conjectures like "it should never have been contagious" is quite presumptuous.

It just baffles me that people are more concerned with fashion and screaming "fix this" rather than finding out the story behind it.

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22 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

Nobody but DE knows the ultimate purpose or lore behind the cyst, so making conjectures like "it should never have been contagious" is quite presumptuous.

It just baffles me that people are more concerned with fashion and screaming "fix this" rather than finding out the story behind it.

As someone who is deeply annoyed at the cyst and the charger having a placeholder model, I can't disagree with the first point.

And still, I would have very much preferred if they would wait until both the quest and related systems, and chargers, were more fleshed out before release.
For now there's no "finding out", and until then, all my infected frames have a disgusting thing in my face.
A simple mea-culpa and a script to disable cysts and cyst transmission (so it can be re-obtained from Helminth), done. Short term problems from this are solved.

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From what the devs said once the cyst has fully matured (tendril waves at you out of it) you can enter the room on any frame. This will mean you wont need nidus at all to access the room and remove it.

The cyst has 0 affect on gameplay. It doesn't do anything but be there so I really don't see it as a problem. If anything this allowed them to test a new transmission system that could be used in the future for other things. It's really not a big deal, I don't understand the huge fuss over it. It's not like you can't attack or use abilities if you have one.

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