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Solo survival missions are boring due to low enemy spawns, let's make them better


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Survival missions in solo mode are really annoying to play because there are simply not enough enemies spawning. Oxygen drops are too low(not thaaat bad, there were harder times), and don't even get me started on reactant drops in survival fissures. It would be so damn nice if we could adjust the enemy spawns somehow in the starchart when choosing the mission. With 10 enemies every now and then it's just not fun to play it solo. Sometimes I don't want to play with randoms or gather my friends/people from recruiting to be able to farm some resources or void traces, but alone it's too tedious because less enemies means less drops.


I understand that some players don't have the equipment and higher spawns would simply overrun them, but having an option (Option means you don't have to) to increase the enemy spawns to like there were 2-4 players would REALLY, REALLY give some people more options to test their skills and gather items/resources at an acceptable rate.


Please, I want to bathe in infested and grineer meat, throw them at us, DE, give more options to players who want them all for themselves!

Edited by Genoscythe
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Pretty sure setting your game to invite only and playing by yourself has the same affect as playing in a party of 2-4, I've noticed more spawns when doing that over solo

Allowing players to choose spawn rates would probably trivialize things like item drops if you can just pick a nuke frame and go to a low level area.

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1 minute ago, -Amaterasu- said:

Allowing players to choose spawn rates would probably trivialize things like item drops if you can just pick a nuke frame and go to a low level area.

Won't be an issue. We are talking here about a single player fighting the same number of enemies as a squad of 4. There is nothing that single player can do better or more efficiently than a full squad can.

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3 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

Pretty sure setting your game to invite only and playing by yourself has the same affect as playing in a party of 2-4, I've noticed more spawns when doing that over solo

Allowing players to choose spawn rates would probably trivialize things like item drops if you can just pick a nuke frame and go to a low level area.

So instead they would take a lootframe or two, a nuker and a trin prime and go to the exact same low level area?

Edited by Genoscythe
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2 minutes ago, ComCray said:

Great idea, let me expand on this... Why not, when going solo, have a difficulty setting.. something like, oh, I dunno..

  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Unreal

..should ring a bell somewhere in the studio (I hope)....

  • Are you serious?
  • You are not serious...

as extra difficulties on top of that. Some will understand the reference ;)

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Other games with RPG elements have had this work perfectly. Just make the spawns the exact same as for say, 3 players or whatever the solo player chooses. Done. You can't even abuse it because nothing you do will be MORE efficient than what a combo of farming frames or whatever is going to do. It'll literally just make the game more fun and rewarding solo. 

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A suggestion to make this a reality is to add a "Virtual playercount", like what Assault Android Cactus has in its options. To put it simply, if the name itself is not obvious enough, it adjusts the spawns to the level that a party of the same number of player would have, while keeping only a single actual player. it would only scale upwards, so that a party of 4 could not set the spawns to that of only 1 player.

Loot drops would be an issue, as it could be a way to farm a ton of resources easily (such as Plastids, who wouldn't pass up an opportunity to farm those easily?), but the loot can scale directly with the amount of actual players, as opposed to virtual.

Just a thought.

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It's the same problem as the Borderlands games basically, isn't it now?! I believe there was a mod for the first game at least that made it so the difficulty solo scaled as if it was 2, 3 or 4 players. I think the desire for that was because of a lack of challenge while solo if you started doing everything and became overleveled. I think that's valid for Warframe too, but as you said, in Warframe's case it gets to a point where it becomes a "challenge" in a different way because it's so easy to the point that you can't survive long enough because of life support reasons. It would be cool if we had different difficulty levels similar to how Vindictus had I believe, or again, even just being able to make it scale to what it would be in 2,3,4 players if the squad size is lower than that, meaning even in 2 players you could make it act like it's 4 players.

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Agreed, and I do think maybe it should be taken seriously as an option to introduce good old fashion difficulty options for players, give players the option to either play it on easy or the craziest difficulty they wish. This is a coop/solo game after all, not your typical PvP multiplayer game.

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12 hours ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

Agreed, and I do think maybe it should be taken seriously as an option to introduce good old fashion difficulty options for players, give players the option to either play it on easy or the craziest difficulty they wish. This is a coop/solo game after all, not your typical PvP multiplayer game.

Well, we have a rudimentary difficulty with the nightmare mode, but what really bugs me is really the enemy spawn. In an ideal warframe we could maybe just edit our missions, like choosing tileset, difficulty from easy to hard (starting elvel of enemies) and factions. What DE teased for clan leaders, to make their own missions basically, but with some more global options (not choosing which enemies will exactly spawn, but only faction, etc.).


18 hours ago, Ciaus said:

Other games with RPG elements have had this work perfectly. Just make the spawns the exact same as for say, 3 players or whatever the solo player chooses. Done. You can't even abuse it because nothing you do will be MORE efficient than what a combo of farming frames or whatever is going to do. It'll literally just make the game more fun and rewarding solo. 

Basically this, it can just be more fun, and that's what we paly games for, right?

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