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A Weapon You Want To Like But Can't


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The Paris


I really want to like this thing, and I suppose as a stand alone weapon it's just barely decent, but now that we have the Snipetron Vandal, this thing is just abysmal by comparison. Why charge the thing to do moderate damage against regular enemies when I can just use the SV to 1-shot heavy gunners?


I suppose a crit build COULD save it, and not everyone owns the SV, but I really hope this thing gets some kind of buff in the future to put it on par with the Vandal (IMO, it should do more damage considering the charge time, travel speed of the arrows, how spiratic enemies are, etc.)

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quite long, so inside a spoiler:


for starters, the Glaive. 

i mean, it looks cool and all, and at first, wow a range weapon, that's cool. but it didn't take long for me to tire of it. the damage output is only good if you're hitting the head or other weakpoints, and not being a gun, good luck hitting them. it also is basically useless against two enemies, unless you throw twice. it also flies rather slow, and why does it fly so far? it's not going to hit any of that crap. 

being able to recall it would fix that, though.

and why doesn't it have some of the cool features like the Glaive in Dark Sector had? picking up and bringing ammo, items, etc to you? that would be great utility for the thrown melee items. i'd love to be able to throw my Glaive/Kestrel out there, pick up a mod, and bring it back so my teammates can pick it up more conveniently. i'd even rope them into piles in rooms so people don't need to run around. and not needing to go chasing ammo would be great. 



Boar and Strun - they look stupid as hell. they're performance is also ehhh.



Kraken - it looks ridiculously stupid. i get there's an art style to Warframe, but what the hell is that. 

it's recoil mechanics also, while doable, make it annoyingly difficult to land both shots on target. the idea of having burst weapons kick once after all rounds fire, might be a good idea. though the ROF on Kraken might be too low for it to look right.



Hek  - it looks like sewer pipes welded together(though i can live with this). and there's a foregrip looking thing... ON THE OTHER SIDE. so you hold it from the bottom like a rifle anyways, despite there being a foregrip on it. i understand animations and such are all pretty global since those are relatively minor, but who's bright idea was it to put the foregrip on the right side when all our characters are right handed, and hold the gun from the left side. durp.



Acrid - i feel that chamber of acid should be at the rear of the weapon... it does fire projectiles, so how do the projectiles fire through a container of liquid, without blowing the gun apart? also that thing hanging off the bottom looks odd.



Bolto(s) - the weird spike pin thing on the end of the handles really bug me. the rest is fine.



Despair - now that the holsters show the models in them, Despair looks weird. the back end of the blades look like spoon handles. what, am i throwing two knives in my hands, with a bunch of spoons as backup? in other words, the rear end of the blade just looks like a stick. the blade itself looks great, just that stick thing.



Hikou - those holsters look so bad they gave me cancer.



Sicarus - i don't get the wood handle. and why is this thing as big as my arm? that's crazy. it's a burst pistol, not some portable cannon.



Bronco - i literally don't understand how this weapon works. so the magazine drum thing there, what does it do? teleport the ammo to those oddly placed firing chambers? it looks ridiculous. Bronco Prime has things more inline, and looks cool due to this.



Vulkar - that wire going down the barrel is why it's called the 'fishing pole'. it makes it look kind've silly. i also feel the gun overall is subpar in performance.



Kogake - i feel they look a bit... simple.



Gram - i do actually really like Gram, it's my main melee weapon. i enjoy using it. i do know, however, that it looks slightly ridiculous.



Amphis - why is this so cool to ground smash, but then, so useless? oh, right. it does only electric damage. :(

seriously, this is a corpus only melee weapon. against other factions, it's total crap. it should atleast deal decent blunt damage, it's like saying a baseball bat with a stun prod on it doesn't hurt if you aren't a robot.



Lato - other than being overall crap(base version that is), that tootsie roll under the body of the gun has always looked weird to me. why is there a tootsie roll there?



Paris Prime - wtf.



Torid - gee, that looks vaguely familiar to another weapon...

Ogris - ^ (and still uses rifle ammo.....)



Supra - i don't even not like it really, just surprised / dissapointed. i was expecting this to alternate the 3 barrels, effectively being a laser chaingun. instead it fires all 3 barrels at the same time o.0 lolwut.



Ignis - gee that looks familiar



Boltor - i love Boltor actually, i find it really fun to use. just wish that accuracy cone was like 2-3° less ridiculous... shots leaving the barrel at almost 30° angles is... well, i don't even.



Braton - who the hell can fit their finger in the trigger guard of that? seriously. and on the Prime, where the hell is the trigger even? o.0



Burston - the size of this has always felt a bit small. not by much, but it looks smaller than the Braton, or the same size atleast - when it clearly shoots bigger bullets.



Reaper Prime - this thing. is the ugliest thing i have ever seen. also how is it a prime? there's no 'Reaper'. it also still has no place in melee, it's just yet another generic weapon. 



Hate - it looks cool, most certainly. but it's range feels weird, and man is that thing slow. it's okay with +60% speed, but stock that thing is slow. sloooooow. Baywatch could finish running down the beach in the time Hate finishes a swing.



Mire - did i rip someones' spine out?

The Mire is an Infested weapon, so your conclusion might not be that far off, if at all.
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Despair. It's really powerful, useful, the knives themselves look quite cool, the pouches fit well with my Trinity's "skirt." I even potato'ed them.


But it's so overwhelmingly boring to me when I use them. It's like "hold Fire Button for derp mode super damage". The damage it deals is so ridiculously high compared to what you actually see (just a knife throw). I acknowledge its strength and they serve a very nice purpose to me for high level defenses, but I don't like using them.


I also don't understand why it's automatic, which makes the bolto/akbolto completely useless in comparison (though Kunais are a better comparison with those guns due to damage type).

Edited by Casardis
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I also don't understand why it's automatic, which makes the bolto/akbolto completely useless in comparison (though Kunais are a better comparison with those guns due to damage type).

DE can't fix the semi auto glitch and they appear to be making new weapon full auto as a Band-Aid fix. They should just make akbolto/bolto full auto as well since it been so long and the bug still is here.

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The lex is very useful in T2 and T3 missions. Add a zoom mod at maximum and it will have near the same zoom of the vulkar, a kind of sniper pistol. Put a damage mod at high level and it will kill a corrupted soldier at T2, with a single shot.


I dont switch my lex for a kunai. Kunai is so common, so noobish. Maybe I build one someday, but I still prefer lex and afuris as side-weapons.

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Let me explain, I LOVED this weapon when I used it. It's still one of my favorites. It looks awesome and feels awesome.


The problem?


Despair. Its just better. And its a shame because I like the look of the Kunai so much more. The blades and holster looked much nicer than Despair. Despair's holster is just super ugly and way too big.

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