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2 weeks in (New player experience)


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17 hours ago, Suv8894 said:

With only 68 hours spent ingame you are acting all superior about how you like the grind and the op is lazy and want free stuff??? Seriously??

Tell you what,why don't you try farming normal Saryn or Equinox / Ivara or Vengefull Revenant/Tempo Royale/Crimson Dervish.....heck,forget the frames/mods...just do the Atlas quest and farm the Phelriac Pod BP and see if you are still standing here at the end of the month with the same attitude you've shown in your post.Oh and the fact that you're using Nidus without completing TWW shows that you didn't even bothered to farm him.so,that only makes you a big f-ing HYPOCRITE.

Lol. I just started my PC account. Have almost 1000 hours on the ps4. (Also my steam says i have close to 140 hours played. Dont know where you got 68)

Also you must not of noticed the (i like the grind) part of my text?

Your talking to a EvE online and Monster Hunter player. Grind is something im cool with.

Also yes i have this thing called a job. Its used to earn money to buy stuff you would like.

Buying something doesnt make you a hypocrite.

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On 2017-01-16 at 0:53 AM, JSharpie said:

I have to ask, what was the point of this thread?

sounds like a whiners thread actually, the game was too hard, the game doesn't hold my hand enough, people don't give me enough free stuff, grow up is all I can say, the game was much more challenging back before all the updates and when people mostly solo'd everything, it doesn't take much to progress in this game, only patience...something I'm guessing OP lacks.

Edited by Knight_Ex
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19 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

sounds like a whiners thread actually, the game was too hard, the game doesn't hold my hand enough, people don't give me enough free stuff, grow up is all I can say, the game was much more challenging back before all the updates and when people mostly solo'd everything, it doesn't take much to progress in this game, only patience...something I'm guessing OP lacks.

I'm sorry what?  How is this game more challenging back before all the updates?  When Hek could kill the final boss on Pluto without a reload, when Volt could wipe out 3 or more rooms with one cast of Overload.  When said Overload could also one shot any bosses in the game at the time?  And we didn't even have power strength back then so all Volt had to do was level up to 30 and max out Overload in the talent tree.

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2 hours ago, Jorencice said:

Lol. I just started my PC account. Have almost 1000 hours on the ps4. (Also my steam says i have close to 140 hours played. Dont know where you got 68)

Steam hours are based on how long the game is active, even just having the launcher up, while Warframes hrs are based on in missions hours.

So steam says you've had the game running for 140 hrs, but Warframe says you've spent 68 hrs running missions.  

Any player can view your in game profile and get the hrs Warframe says you've played, it's a public stat.

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2 hours ago, Casval_Rouge said:

I'm sorry what?  How is this game more challenging back before all the updates?  When Hek could kill the final boss on Pluto without a reload, when Volt could wipe out 3 or more rooms with one cast of Overload.  When said Overload could also one shot any bosses in the game at the time?  And we didn't even have power strength back then so all Volt had to do was level up to 30 and max out Overload in the talent tree.


Well given that he's been here since 2015 I would imagine he didn't witness any of this and is yet another example of people who've been around for a relatively short time who think they're an authority on how much better things were "In the good old days".

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On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

When reaching extraction, the guy was using Switch teleport on me, saying "I won't let this end until you kill yourself." Didn't put up with this bull and aborted the game. 

take a pic and report him.

BTW, if you werent told, yes, this game is RPGish. So you will mostly be leveling up stuff and grinding for gear.

There is a pvp section if you are into that and there is also a sport section if you want PvP without shooting.

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On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:


My first few days, was interesting. Watching the introduction cut scene, one of the Grineers had this glitched face, hilarious at first, but immediately annoyed me right after. Getting into the gameplay, kinda fun, then I noticed the static reloading and magic cartridges flying out of my Lato. "Oh." I said. "Cute." Onto the Braton, I was trying to angle the camera so I can see how it do. "Oh." Again. I also like how when I "quick-melee," my primary weapon magically appear behind my back and I have to "draw" it out to use it again. I get it. "Quick-melee." Ha ha. 

War WIthin was recently released and was so large and rushed that it brought A FUCKTON of glitches and bugs, they are ironing them out hundreds at a time.


On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

Some of the transmission screens didn't have any lip sync, which was disturbing, and Dravo was apparently on a trampoline. 

Finally out of the cut scene and finishing this beginning quest. My impression was meh. I got worse as I realized from reading other reviews... The grind is annoying. Finishing ranking my first weapons to 30,(someone in region chat said to level all weapons to 30 before swapping to new ones) switching to a new weapon whilst mid way into Venus, everything became so bullet spongy. So I went back to Earth to level some weapons, then it hit me. "Do I have to do this for everything?" 

Grindframe used to be a big thing, but now with resources nods and lecta and smeta it's super easy to get pretty much everything except new stance mods when they are released. When you are a veteran, you will not grind unless you want to. Nothing in this game is bullet spongy, even lvl 200s can die in a single shot, if your setup is strong enough. (Levels 1000+ in under 10 seconds if you have enough time to scale that high) You are just clearly missing gear.

On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

5 days in, I wanted a mod, Thief's Wit, so I went to Maroo's Bazaar and asked around until someone was generous enough to give me one, expect this generosity wanted 10 platinum with it. Now reading the wiki, this mod is common, so I assumed people who are 5 times my level should have loads of this mod and kind enough to give one to me, I was naive. I rejected the trade and logged off for the day. Tried again the new day, some guy at Mastery Rank 5 gave one to me saying "I wasn't going to use it anyway." I guess all was well in the end.  

I will not trade anything for under 10p regardless of how easy it is to get. There is a limited amount of trades per day and your 3p are simply not worth the trade to most veterans. Sorry, but it is the truth.

On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

Nano-spores. The earliest I can get it is in Saturn and yet there are so many weapons and, most importantly, the Incubator Power Core. I don't understand and I expressed this before in another thread, but why is the Kubrow mission so early on? 4.5k Nano-spores and a argon crystal. Still haven't finished the mission yet. 

As a newb you will need to get taxied to mission to get the stuff you want faster. Join clans, gather friends, alone this game is a thousand times harder. Cause when you get to raids, and you are in a pickup group and it's your 1st time in the raid, you will fail 99% of the time.

On 1/15/2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

2nd week, grinding and slowly losing interest in playing. Today, during a Forma Alert, I was playing with a Loki Prime. When reaching extraction, the guy was using Switch teleport on me, saying "I won't let this end until you kill yourself." Didn't put up with this bull and aborted the game. 

Overall. I'm annoyed, probably won't be playing anymore. 

Trolls will be trolls, if there were 4 people in ground that wouldn't have happened. Never happened to me in 2+ years of playing this game.

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5 hours ago, Jorencice said:

Lol. I just started my PC account. Have almost 1000 hours on the ps4. (Also my steam says i have close to 140 hours played. Dont know where you got 68)

Also you must not of noticed the (i like the grind) part of my text?

Your talking to a EvE online and Monster Hunter player. Grind is something im cool with.

Also yes i have this thing called a job. Its used to earn money to buy stuff you would like.

Buying something doesnt make you a hypocrite.

1) Again you just straight up lied in the forum. If you've had 1000 hours on PS4 like you say you had then you would've known where I got the 68hours.1000 hour is a long time to notice that. 

2) You're right, buying something doesn't make you a hypocrite. But You bought it because you didn't wanna grind it and then accusing another person of being lazy to grind does make you a hypocrite. 

And please don't say that you bought something for another reason other than to skip grinding it. Almost every trading in warframe takes place because someone wanted to skip grinding. 

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OP is it even the type of game you'd enjoy? What do you enjoy? I've played many f2p titles most of which I didn't care for but this game is *massive*. It seemingly never ends which is why I'm into it. I'm new as well but thoroughly addicted, forcing myself to take breaks as to not burn out. Destiny was my daily grind but I've literally done and gotten all but to the lighthouse in trials - sweaty PvP isnt my bag. I was referred to try out WF and glad I did. 3rd frame, a dozen weapons, half the star chart, mr5 and I've barely scratched the surface.Plus digital extremes seems to update content on the regular, which in itself it worth a shot.

I'd say give it another go. Study the Wikia, maybe join a clan and ask questions. The clan I joined is always happy to help as are most folks here

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4 hours ago, Littlerift said:


Well given that he's been here since 2015 I would imagine he didn't witness any of this and is yet another example of people who've been around for a relatively short time who think they're an authority on how much better things were "In the good old days".

Hey Littlerift, did you know that they didn't start tracking stats until you actually made an account on steam or used the forums? I was present for the parkour update, so yes I consider it being around a long time, when coptering and stamina used to be a thing, since they updated the movement and got rid of the stamina bar this game got a whole lot easier, though I'm glad that they at least brought something close to the old starmap system, I mean before you only had the one hub and it was very basic. Would you like to see my Loki prime access accessories?

Edited by -Himari-
Edited to fall in line with "Code of Conduct".
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8 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Hey Littlerift, did you know that they didn't start tracking stats until you actually made an account on steam or used the forums? I was present for the parkour update, so yes I consider it being around a long time, when coptering and stamina used to be a thing, since they updated the movement and got rid of the stamina bar this game got a whole lot easier, though I'm glad that they at least brought something close to the old starmap system, I mean before you only had the one hub and it was very basic. Would you like to see my Loki prime access accessories?


Yeah, I don't much care. You see, being insufferably smug is still being insufferably smug even when you have some minor justification for it.

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On January 15, 2017 at 11:47 PM, SCP-000 said:

I wonder if this should be in feedback, oh well. Hi, I'm relatively new and I would like to share what I had experienced in my two weeks of playing this game. 

Don't care? Move along, nothing to see here. 

My first few days, was interesting. Watching the introduction cut scene, one of the Grineers had this glitched face, hilarious at first, but immediately annoyed me right after. Getting into the gameplay, kinda fun, then I noticed the static reloading and magic cartridges flying out of my Lato. "Oh." I said. "Cute." Onto the Braton, I was trying to angle the camera so I can see how it do. "Oh." Again. I also like how when I "quick-melee," my primary weapon magically appear behind my back and I have to "draw" it out to use it again. I get it. "Quick-melee." Ha ha. 

Some of the transmission screens didn't have any lip sync, which was disturbing, and Dravo was apparently on a trampoline. 

Finally out of the cut scene and finishing this beginning quest. My impression was meh. I got worse as I realized from reading other reviews... The grind is annoying. Finishing ranking my first weapons to 30,(someone in region chat said to level all weapons to 30 before swapping to new ones) switching to a new weapon whilst mid way into Venus, everything became so bullet spongy. So I went back to Earth to level some weapons, then it hit me. "Do I have to do this for everything?" 

5 days in, I wanted a mod, Thief's Wit, so I went to Maroo's Bazaar and asked around until someone was generous enough to give me one, expect this generosity wanted 10 platinum with it. Now reading the wiki, this mod is common, so I assumed people who are 5 times my level should have loads of this mod and kind enough to give one to me, I was naive. I rejected the trade and logged off for the day. Tried again the new day, some guy at Mastery Rank 5 gave one to me saying "I wasn't going to use it anyway." I guess all was well in the end.  

Nano-spores. The earliest I can get it is in Saturn and yet there are so many weapons and, most importantly, the Incubator Power Core. I don't understand and I expressed this before in another thread, but why is the Kubrow mission so early on? 4.5k Nano-spores and a argon crystal. Still haven't finished the mission yet. 

2nd week, grinding and slowly losing interest in playing. Today, during a Forma Alert, I was playing with a Loki Prime. When reaching extraction, the guy was using Switch teleport on me, saying "I won't let this end until you kill yourself." Didn't put up with this bull and aborted the game. 

Overall. I'm annoyed, probably won't be playing anymore. 

Join clan.  QoL +100.

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1 hour ago, zNightWolfz said:

it sounds more like the op was complaining that no one gave him mods for free

I understand his frustration about mod though.

I still remember my 1 week(which is long for a common mod) grind for serration, because without it all my primaries suck.

And it's a Thief's Wit mod that some of us have thousands of it, so i don't think begging for a free one is that bad.


But from what i gather from his rant, he simply dislike Warframe because it's a grindy game and lacking the patience to play this kind of game.

Also him having a bad first impression of Tenno's community (the trading and a troll Loki) contribute the most.

If only he met a rather reasonable tenno, he won't quit this quick. Maybe in a few months, but not 2 weeks.


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13 hours ago, Suv8894 said:

1) Again you just straight up lied in the forum. If you've had 1000 hours on PS4 like you say you had then you would've known where I got the 68hours.1000 hour is a long time to notice that. 

2) You're right, buying something doesn't make you a hypocrite. But You bought it because you didn't wanna grind it and then accusing another person of being lazy to grind does make you a hypocrite. 

And please don't say that you bought something for another reason other than to skip grinding it. Almost every trading in warframe takes place because someone wanted to skip grinding. 

Nah i go for steam numbers over warframe numbers.

Also i didnt accuse him of being to lazy to grind. I said he needs to quit the game as the grind is LITERALLY what the game is about.

You cant change the grind or else it would be a totally different game. Thus making his entire post pointless.

Its helps no one and solves nothing.

I hate racing games except for burnout. You dont see me on racing forumns  complaing about how i cant crash into 50 cars in forza. He obviously hates grind. Why complaing about a grindy game then? It makes no sense.

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On 1/16/2017 at 0:04 AM, Suv8894 said:

Some people will be jerks no matter where you go.They like to troll and frames like Loki and Limbo gets the hate because of trolls like this.

Some points -
1) If you reach the extraction and stay there then Loki can't switch teleport you.
2)You don't have to complete the kubrow quest immediately.(I didn't complete it until I was MR12 and got all the resources needed,but that's just me).
3)Join a clan if you can(small like ghost/shadow is the best).In most clan people will help you.
4)Check out this site "warframe.market" before buying anything.
5)The most important thing is - Play the Game,as in enjoy it,not make it a job or it will drain you out.

I'm glad someone had the maturity to make a constructive post rather than attacking the OP.

We've all had bad experiences in life and felt the desire to "vent" or have a "shoulder to cry on".  I don't know why some people pretend to be so surprised when someone does this.

A sad world we live in when compassion is perceived as weakness, and apathy is strength...

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11 hours ago, Littlerift said:


Yeah, I don't much care. You see, being insufferably smug is still being insufferably smug even when you have some minor justification for it.

lol me playing the worlds smallest violin.....have a listen ..........    Now that that's out of the way I think OP needs to spend more time on the game instead of just trying to rush through it, average player taking their time should be about 1-2 months, but if you try to rush through the content you're gonna get frustrated.

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4 hours ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

good to see our loving community still treats newer players who dont know better poorly . sometimes i'm even ashamed of being a part of the warframe community.


1 hour ago, Naskoni said:

And people said Warframe had the 2nd best community ever. All I see in this thread are a bunch of a-holes and trolls posting crap because somebody dared to have a negative experience starting to play this game...


From a quick skim through, around half of the posts in this thread are positive, and quite a few more are questioning the purpose or placement of the thread rather than actually attacking the OP. And it's not really like either of you did anything to help the issue of toxicity that you find so apparent.

'tis easier to destroy than build, I s'pose.

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On 1/17/2017 at 0:10 PM, Knight_Ex said:

sounds like a whiners thread actually

Says the guy who went out of his way and complained about Nidus with little to no basis to back it up. Pot and kettle, if you catch my drift.

On 1/17/2017 at 0:10 PM, Knight_Ex said:

the game doesn't hold my hand enough

You know, DE Steve had a very similar statement to that when he did his stream a while back. He called the tutorial the worst part of the game, as memory serves. But hey, if you think he's immature...

On 1/17/2017 at 0:10 PM, Knight_Ex said:

the game was much more challenging back before all the updates and when people mostly solo'd everything

Everything is harder when you do it by yourself. That's just the way that it goes. Also, it sounds like you're more interested in bringing the game back into the stne ages in terms of its development than you are seeing it progress. If you really want difficulty, bring a Braton on an endgame mission, see how it goes. I bet you you'll find the rush you're looking for.


On 1/17/2017 at 0:10 PM, Knight_Ex said:

it doesn't take much to progress in this game, only patience...something I'm guessing OP lacks.

Judging by the way you handled Littlerift...

21 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Hey Littlerift, did you know that they didn't start tracking stats until you actually made an account on steam or used the forums? I was present for the parkour update, so yes I consider it being around a long time, when coptering and stamina used to be a thing, since they updated the movement and got rid of the stamina bar this game got a whole lot easier, though I'm glad that they at least brought something close to the old starmap system, I mean before you only had the one hub and it was very basic. Would you like to see my Loki prime access accessories?


1 hour ago, Knight_Ex said:

lol me playing the worlds smallest violin.....have a listen ..........    Now that that's out of the way I think OP needs to spend more time on the game instead of just trying to rush through it, average player taking their time should be about 1-2 months, but if you try to rush through the content you're gonna get frustrated.

...I would say it's a virtue you have yet to master as well. I wish I could say this level of toxic surprised me coming from you.

To the OP (because I get the feeling that you're not really tracking this thread anymore and have moved on to other things) I extend my formal apologies. This game is indeed amazing, but it's also not easy to get started in. I've only spent about a year in this game (which is about 400 actual hours ingame if you want to check my logs) and I've not regretted any of it. Yes, the grind is very, very steep, but the feeling of satisfaction you get when you finally get what you're looking for is really, really nice. But if you don't like grinding, I get it. That's a perfectly respectable outlook to have, and I certainly am not going to judge you for it (unlike a certain player). That said, I'm going to echo what other people have said on here. Find a small clan and go ahead and join it. Or, alternatively, if you join a Mountain Clan (which is around 150-200 players) you'll normally have most people online for any given point of time, one way or another.

Again, I know this is a rough ride to begin with... but it's worth it. Take it from a guy whose steam tracker has 1200 hours ingame (most of which was waiting for updates because my internet is absolute trash). Cheers, and I wish you the very best of luck. Hmu ingame if you ever want help.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

good to see our loving community still treats newer players who dont know better poorly . sometimes i'm even ashamed of being a part of the warframe community.


5 hours ago, Tizodd said:

I'm glad someone had the maturity to make a constructive post rather than attacking the OP.

We've all had bad experiences in life and felt the desire to "vent" or have a "shoulder to cry on".  I don't know why some people pretend to be so surprised when someone does this.

A sad world we live in when compassion is perceived as weakness, and apathy is strength...


3 hours ago, Naskoni said:

And people said Warframe had the 2nd best community ever. All I see in this thread are a bunch of a-holes and trolls posting crap because somebody dared to have a negative experience starting to play this game...

I'm pretty sick right now, so I'm a bit touchy & emotionally but dangit, I put a lot of effort into my post not being negative nor belittling.  So, thanks for completely dismissing and shaming at least half the posts here that were positive and helpful.

Maybe you should take a look at your own behaviour before trying to talk down to the community. 

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1 minute ago, Noamuth said:

I'm pretty sick right now, so I'm a bit touchy & emotionally but dangit, I put a lot of effort into my post not being negative nor belittling.  So, thanks for completely dismissing and shaming at least half the posts here that were positive and helpful.

Maybe you should take a look at your own behaviour before trying to talk down to the community. 

With all due respect, my friend, I don't think that was the intent of their posts. To be totally fair, there are quite a few "lol git gud" posts on this thread. That said, your post, as well as the post of those who have genuinely gone out of their way to offer advice or even direct help, are acknowledged and appreciated, if not by them then by me. Thank you for being part of our community :)

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1 minute ago, Angrados said:

With all due respect, my friend, I don't think that was the intent of their posts. To be totally fair, there are quite a few "lol git gud" posts on this thread. That said, your post, as well as the post of those who have genuinely gone out of their way to offer advice or even direct help, are acknowledged and appreciated, if not by them then by me. Thank you for being part of our community :)

It was the intent of at least two of the posts, but, thank you.

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6 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

It was the intent of at least two of the posts, but, thank you.

I can see where that reading would come in. And to agree with you, those two were in fact rather close-minded statements that dealt in absolutes, which is an unfortunate tendency for this particular forum (and all internet forums in general). I'm not saying that you're wrong, but I also would like to think that they're not judging all of us who are actually trying to alleviate the situation somewhat as being cringy edgelords doing nothing but making the problem worse. 

Perhaps that's misplaced optimism, I dunno. Only time will tell.

And you're quite welcome. I think that recognition is worth mentioning, especially when it's for something positive like this.

Edited by Angrados
Added a thing.
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