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A question for the veterans


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16 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.

4 years in warframe here :| 
1) Welllllllll you grind much more than before but its fair for the free to play players LIKE ME! i never ever spend any coin in the game i live in poor country : \ 
2) The funn surely encreased A LOT.
3) Yes. But they mut hurry with the orbiter expansion already ....

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1. The grind is fine for me, although it's a bit too easy imo. I know a lot of people want everything right away for free, but this feels really decent for a free to play (which everyone chooses to forget) Hema is a bit on the far end, but it's still very obtainable through a group effort.

2. Nope, it's growing more and more. I'm into it more than I have ever been.

3. It's fine. As long as I have a sweet sci-fi shooter it's all good for me. 

Edited by Ker-Blammo
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let me answer this way:

after playing need for speed world with a lot of cash which was more then wasted because EA killed their own game by allowing cheaters and more crap a year before they shutted it down i searched long for a new game, i was fed up with cod because i like to play with lets say "intuition", i get several banns on servers because people and hosters didnt like that i was able to feel the other players around corners, nothing special, im that in a way since my birth ...

so i found warframe before around 3 years and all looked really good, since a year all i wanna say to the warframe development without detailing it again is, NO

to your questions: YES - YES - NO ^^)

and, as i started my internetgaming with q3a-arena and unreal and unreal tournament (where are the times) i have a even better clear answer:

i will go "back/forward" to a dream from this times: QUAKE CHAMPIONS ... so there is all said now, as the eula here is rewritten and even more killing free speech which is my birthright im not willing to participate here at the forum as i did before, and, what should i share here ? right now there is not much left ... a wasted ton of cash finally into warframe, as it look like right now ^^)

there i go:

QUAKE CHAMPIONS ... it looks lovely ^^)

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17 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.

1. The grind has turned from grinding to doing a lot of different missions every day. Farm sortie, farm kuva, farm focus, farm rep, farm relics, farm prime junk for Baro, farm mutagen for Hema. Maybe farm raid. So, i'd say - no

2. Yes. I had more fun when i was busy finding decent randoms for the void missions, now i don't even play with my clanmates, i don't have to. I had fun mixing kubrows when we had no market pallets and skins for them. And.. i actually don't remember what else i was doing, but i really had more fun.

3. Absolutely NOT. I started to dislike the direction since the Second Dream. Sure i still like the game, otherwise what am i doing here? But it's not that game with dark spooky atmosphere, drums and lack of backstory. There are still questions about the lore, but no intrigue anymore. I don't want any mommy in my life, i already have one, i want the old Warframe

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19 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.

1) Depends on what, but in general Yes especially since Specters of the Rails

2) Not Really I've been playing for 2 years and a half and the game feels more or less the same to me in many ways, just refined in some places and a few extra gimmicks here and there. Also I don't rush all the content as soon as it comes out so I don't burn out.

3) As of now, No. Because there is no benchmarks to try your shiny new toys as there is no point in doing high level endless missions and DE doesn't seem to have any plans yet. Sorties and Kuva Flood are okay but it's nowhere near as satisfying as 1h T4. That being said I didn't ran that many endless but I liked the fact that we had that option at least and it was rewarding. Now it's just camping the simulacrum. 

Edited by lightvee
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20 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

I don't claim to be a veteran (since I started playing in 2015) but I have been watching my friends play long before that so I think I'm eligible to contribute to this thread.

1. Not very much. I used to watch my friends grind for hours on end for some resources and keys (back when abilities were mods) and DE, in my opinion, has not made the grind that much worse or better. They've made some grinds easier, some harder and implemented new ways to grind.

2. No, not really. I still have fun doing things like trying out new weapons and playing around with new frames and fashion. Occasionally I get bored but I'll just go play another game for a few days and come back.

3. No and yes. I don't like the fact that they claim to want to reduce the grind but instead creatively implement more ways to do so. I don't like the fact that they seem to focus so much on new content and fashion rather than fixing age old problems. I don't like the fact that they want to keep on this trend of steadily increasing resource costs. I don't like the way they band-aid fix problems (like the reason for implementing rivens) instead of giving the problems the attention they deserve.

I do like where fashionframe is going and the concepts behind the new frames (love Titania and Nidus) and I like where the game is going graphically.

DE just isn't very consistent in my opinion. Which doesn't help them in the least. Maybe they're going through a phase.

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20 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.

1) For me about the same. The grind is just different (e.g. instead of oh damn I need all these resources, it becomes damn, I ran out of polymer bundle) and not as confusing or hard as you know so much more about the game. The main grind is forma.

2) Yes. I regularly take long breaks then come back to play the new content. However, I find the new void so underwhelming I don't even feel like obtaining the new primes / a few I'm missing.

3) Mixed feelings here. I think they need to fix the void, not necessarily go back to what it was, but definitely something better than the fissure cancer. In general, I think Waframe is at a very good place for new players / up to about MR15 now compared to when I started. But, there's really not much end game or truly challenging content for veterans. With a good group NM LOR and JV can be pretty trivial. Sorties were a very good idea, but only a few of them are actually hard.

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1. The farm shifts around. New coat of paint, same house.

2. It always comes and goes, sometimes 'goes' gets a push with some decisions.

3. Not really. Rivens shamelessly creating and flaunting the potential of ridiculous power with a high chance of failure. letting the player base do the ridiculous plat gouging for them. Hema. A 2490% increase in clan sample requirements over all other research because how else can they push a large amount of people to buy something at once or at the cost of clan social norms and forced reorganizing. I feel clan research shouldn't be on market and potential money ringers should be left in market, like Sibear. The war within did so little with so much. New map, no reason to go there after quest. New extra long multi part mission... no real reward. Lets not add to focus, lets do this completely new thing thats used for one thing. The new map made along side transference didn't even bother incorporating the operators new powers, who knows when if anything will come of those abilities. Helminth started with no clear goal and was rushed to placate people. Fixing it as they go. patch patch patch. Damage 3.0 has basically abandoned "mandatory" mod changes and will now instead skirt around that whole chuck of 'old content' and make new enemy tiers that require what? different mods? Like Rivens perhaps? For the people applauding DE saying they aren't rolling over to the masses anymore with some recent affairs stuff. They sure wont shake the foundations of old systems because of 'honoring' same masses.

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21 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

1) yes, yes because every new thing gets more and more rng based, with more and more grind. Void keys were one thing.. sure those 20 minute survivals were long, and got boring but it still felt much better to just do the mission than collect the glowy orbs everywhere all over the map. And I could stay an hour to get the most out of my key rather than waste one relic every 5 minutes. 

2) yes, I'm frequently left with nothing to do other than grind, and more grind. Nothing has been added to alleviate this. 

3) no, because current trend is to make sure everyone uses all their accumulated resources as fast as possible to force the grind wall up even further. I do not approve. I'd much rather spend my plat on cosmetics and things i can keep rather than boosters. 


I agree

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On 28.1.2017 at 4:29 AM, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.


It's more of a sine curve. When it stops being fun I take a longer break. 

Not really. Imo a lot of the recent decisions were rather cashgrabby. That doesn't even include the increasing resource requirements and rivens. 

Edited by Skycook3y
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On 28/1/2017 at 4:29 AM, StahlEngel said:

I've been seeing different posts , you tube videos, reddit post that state a few different things, so my questions to you are thus.

1) Has the grind gotten worse since the start?

2) Has the fun been slowly dying for you?

3) Do you like the direction DE is going with warframe?

as these 3 things seem to show up in all different places, I started wondering what people here actually have to say on these questions.

yes, yes, no warning point thank you.

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