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Why is this not nerfed ? Yes synoid simolor


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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)CannyJack said:

Sarcasm detectors are on the fritz!

Nope, they work just fine...Try actually using sarcasm if you want to set off sarcasm detectors.

Image result for that was sarcasm boy

I can appreciate a wry wit, but nothing you've said applies as sarcasm so far.

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10 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

To date, most of the nerfs have accomplished nothing truly notable. 

In the Simulor's case, they could remove it tomorrow and Mirages would go to a different weapon and ruin your day with it too.

You are wrong they have accomplised very notable changes.

They made weapons and skills into useless garbage.

Just think about the sniper nerfs. They werent the best weapons for a horde killer game like this and they managed to make them worse.

I hate the fact that these people dont want to balance this weapon, they want to outright destroy it and once they got what they want they go for the next "it kills faster then me, nerf plz!" gear.

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12 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

I hate the fact that these people dont want to balance this weapon, they want to outright destroy it and once they got what they want they go for the next "it kills faster then me, nerf plz!" gear.

That...is a gross hyperbole. AFAIK, no one in this thread (or others) is advocating making the weapon useless. The goal is to make it less uber meta/obnoxious to other users.

Granted, nobody has come up with a fair/balanced solution, as weapon-balancing is far from an exact science. Painting such a broad brush over the side against you is a great tactic if you want to show you don't have an actual argument.

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10 hours ago, Magneu said:

That...is a gross hyperbole. AFAIK, no one in this thread (or others) is advocating making the weapon useless. The goal is to make it less uber meta/obnoxious to other users.

Granted, nobody has come up with a fair/balanced solution, as weapon-balancing is far from an exact science. Painting such a broad brush over the side against you is a great tactic if you want to show you don't have an actual argument.

Look i have posted many possible solutions in this or in another miragulor thread.

I have seen people suggesting to delete the weapon and the frame, further decrease its damage output by 50%, make mirage unable to use the simulors and an idea to make the clones unable to deal damage. Now dont tell me that these dont sound like people want to trash them.


But heres some solutions to make people happy.

Gear filter: People who hate the mirage and the synsim will never need to lay their eyes on them again.

Hall of mirrors fixing: each orb can only merge with the one shot from the same clone.

Visuals and audio modified: because many people have problem only with the effects of the weapon. (i personally use black color for it because it hurts my eyes)

Make the orbs explode if they hit an enemy or object: this would fix the careless spamming atleast.


These are the solutions i could agree with.


But now let me ask you, how would you adjust this weapon or the frame without turning them into trash?

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dont get it..?

u want a nerf on simulor or a nerf on mirage
lets be honest from the moment tonkor come out i was like WTF DE nerf this because of the lack of down sides
now simulor is op like many other weapons 
and the best way too use it is combining with mirage they make a nice combo
like lanka and mag wich are 300% more op
like lanka and sayrin wich are more op 
there are alot of combos in game that make things kinda what the Fk
but simulor have there flaws and are not that small as it seams u can say is op and it is but dont think are that game braking
now u see alot of players playing with that the same way u see alot of players playing with ember ......  is ember needing a nerf ?? maybe a rework little one but not a nerf ate late game she can only give CC because auras bubble and all that sht u see late game and armor she mehhh and u have 20 warframes better at cc then ember 
simulor is OP but not on the lvl she needs a nerf

if u nerf simulor u have tigris lanka tonkor and other weapons too nerf
result ppl kk and u have not dmg for late game 
ofc u can go around with CPs with some abilitys  Daggers CLs and other ways 

and lets not talk about warframes CC abilitys that pfff so many things needing nerf from that point of view of urs


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don't like it ? ignore it,

some players enjoys this weapons, but instead of nerfing, maybe you could....you know BUFF some ?

i do understand the AoE damage that allows you to clean rooms, 

but just take buddies and make sure no one use it


but man.....there's not a lot of people using this weapon since the riven system came out..honestly


you know that the forum is mostly fulfilled by toxic people ? have you ever wondered if they are not the origin of most warframe's problem ? the rushed stuff ? the pressure on realesing always more content ? i do realize that this is maybe what is wrong with this game : the damn forum and the community

Edited by The_Splentforcer
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I just want to add that:

A) When I go to Host ODD or the like, my post often says "NO Frost Bubbles NO Synoid Spamulor."
Helps a TON to avoid the Spamulor folk (and the Frost Bubble-Crutch folk, all due respect to Bubble being quote useful at the right times). :)
People seem to strongly appreciate it too.

B) Although I belong to all 3 left-side Syndicates, I only ever max out Steel & Arbiters, and trade those weapons (Vaykor & Telos).
READ: I won't even sell someone a Spamulor anymore, even when I am desperate for plat.  Anyway, the Hek and the Boltace are almost as popular, they are good weapons, and they sell well.  :)

C) The ONE TIME that I think the Spamulor comes in handy in a team is in Sortie part 3 against Hordes.  That is about the only time my usual cringe relaxes and I think to myself, "yah, thats actually useful."  :)

D) If you love running SOLO missions, then by all means Mirage-Ulor it up!  :D

But yeah, if AT LEAST you could just LOWER THE LIGHT GLARE & NOISE from the Spamulor singularities that would be awesome.
For example, Vauban's Vortex is perfectly palatable and nearly the same effect.  :)

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i do not think it needs a nerf. I would however love to have an option to mute sounds form a player in the lobby as some weapons [not just the simulor] can get kinda anoying really quick.


when there is a mirage simulor in my game i just try less, cause i know i don't need to worry about getting targets, mirage has that covered.

I also tend to take my headphones off and i feel much better.

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I ran across the most courteous Miragulor the other day. Used Hall of Mirrors occasionally; fired the similar only when enemies were visible, judiciously placing a few shots where they'd do the most good, and used black as the energy color. Couldn't do anything about the noise, but man, I salute that person. 

But as the previous poster says, when a spammy similar mirage shows up, I basically just stop playing the game and steer my character toward extraction. No need to try to shoot anything, you just look foolish anyway. 

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