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Light Sabers


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Light saber is the coolest science fiction sword of the modern world. It will be super amazing to have Tennos cutting through mobs of enemies like Jedi Knights. As a Starwars fan myself, it will be an extremely big plus for me to have a light saber in Warframe.

I was thinking that DE can make a Light saber skin instead of a weapon but after some consideration, I feel that it will be better for DE to make a Light Saber sword than a Light Saber skin (should they decide to make Light Saber). Reason: if you watch any Starwars movie, Jedi knights handles their swords in a continuous and flowing motion unlike the current sword fighting styles thus new animation moves a will be needed. However, I can't just stop here... No Jedi will be complete without a cloak (you know... The cloaks they wear during recon missions).

Please share your views on this matter and upvote this if you too will like to cut down enemies with a Light Saber.

Thank you for your time.

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the plasma sword is close enough to a light saber, shame that its' an alert bp, it looks fancy and awesome :<


but i'd love an actual light saber weapon. with the charge attack shooting some kind of pulse that staggers enemies within X distance in front of you (force push)

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the plasma sword is close enough to a light saber, shame that its' an alert bp, it looks fancy and awesome :<


but i'd love an actual light saber weapon. with the charge attack shooting some kind of pulse that staggers enemies within X distance in front of you (force push)

Neon sign =/= light saber

As for my opinion, I definitely would like some kind of light-based blade but fashioned to be more ninja-like. What do I mean specifically? I have no idea.

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I colored my Bo to look like a double bladed lightsaber.

My Volt is a Sith Lord.




I support this idea, although it is out of place in this game, but who cares when it looks nice? You can just refrain yourself from getting it if you don't like it.


Gram and Plasma Sword are too flat to be light sabers.

It'd be cool to add a new weapon that's similar to lightsaber if there are no copyright issue. Perhaps after the "Too many Melee weapons" problem is fixed.


And know what's more out-of-place? CAPES!

I know you all love capes like I do.

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I support this idea, although it is out of place in this game, but who cares when it looks nice? You can just refrain yourself from getting it if you don't like it.


Gram and Plasma Sword are too flat to be light sabers.

It'd be cool to add a new weapon that's similar to lightsaber if there are no copyright issue. Perhaps after the "Too many Melee weapons" problem is fixed.


And know what's more out-of-place? CAPES!

I know you all love capes like I do.

Nah, no capes, no lightsabers. They don't fit with the theme of warframe, they'd look out of place and silly imo.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Nah, no capes, no lightsabers. They don't fit with the theme of warframe, they'd look out of place and silly imo.

But then again the theme of warframe is too mecha, players get bored and fall asleep during missions easily. Adding some greens will help. And why not capes, lightsabers, tone down the overall heavy mood of the game? Chicks don't dig mecha, I've surveyed.

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Stop stop, we aren't starwar people here or either phansty star people...I like the game phansty star, but anyway main subject, pretty much we only having heat blade like gundam' zealot guy...not light saber which they have heat axe or battle axe some sort.  Which it would be nice to have heat blade axe, back subject again the reason why I don't want light saber, if anyone remember about light saber is only made out of light energy that cause overkill still, look at the jedi vs stuipd robot, massive overkill for jedi with their light saber and you want bring it in?


It be like 100 dmg permint there cuz your just swinging blow tourch there, a very hot blow tourch.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a real energy sword, not some tubes of light strapped to the side of a sword and call it a plasma saber. Not a straight up saber that looks exactly like Luke's but a different shape and all that other stuff. Just as long as the blade is made of energy.

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But then again the theme of warframe is too mecha, players get bored and fall asleep during missions easily. Adding some greens will help. And why not capes, lightsabers, tone down the overall heavy mood of the game? Chicks don't dig mecha, I've surveyed.

Doesn't fit with the theme. The theme is supposed to be fairly heavy, not silly and nonsensical like borderlands 2, or Saints Row the Third. The tenno are fighting for survival vs the infested, corpus and grineer, not enjoying a friendly spat/tea party. It'd be like if GTA (not a super serious game, but fairly serious) added in light sabers, or other weapons that don't fit the theme (i.e. any of saint's row's guns)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Aww man... I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of out-of-theme to get more chicks to play. In fact it'd be funny, not really sacrifice.

Such a heavy theme sometimes contributes to players dozing off during missions, lack of motivation etc.


Moreover, there are too many &#036;&amp;*^s in here. Everywhere you go you can almost guarantee a sausagefest.

Before more lore kicks in, we should probably do something crazy and stuff. Good way to start might be to introduce light sabers? Both have a common futuristic theme. But there are too many Melee weapons, so perhaps add more primary & secondary to balance it first?


Or how about starting with capes? Full body cloaks would probably make it hard to identify your Warframe's class.

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Aww man... I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of out-of-theme to get more chicks to play. In fact it'd be funny, not really sacrifice.

Such a heavy theme sometimes contributes to players dozing off during missions, lack of motivation etc.


Moreover, there are too many &#036;&amp;*^s in here. Everywhere you go you can almost guarantee a sausagefest.

Before more lore kicks in, we should probably do something crazy and stuff. Good way to start might be to introduce light sabers? Both have a common futuristic theme. But there are too many Melee weapons, so perhaps add more primary & secondary to balance it first?


Or how about starting with capes? Full body cloaks would probably make it hard to identify your Warframe's class.

The game is not for dating :) (so fack yo argument about "sausagefest")

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Aww man... I wouldn't mind sacrificing a bit of out-of-theme to get more chicks to play. In fact it'd be funny, not really sacrifice.

Such a heavy theme sometimes contributes to players dozing off during missions, lack of motivation etc.


What? Are you implying that chicks dig Star Wars? I must've missed the memo there.

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