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So about the slide attack macro


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On 2/19/2017 at 7:59 AM, WingsOfGryphin said:

Most people are clearly using macros and personally it kinda triggers me. I have played the game for nearly 4 years (on and off) and i am so used to ctrl spamming (especially back in the day of bottom-sliding and ground/air coptering) that i am fully capable of executing slide attacks even at volt speed with relatively low % fail rate.

I can do it just fine, but it seriously annoys me when there are other people who clearly use macros - run into walls and like keep on sliding for 5 seconds or when they execute perfect inhuman slides with volt or valkyr buffs. It feels like an insult to my skill. Because of them i've been accused of using macros, it's also because of them that everyone is so annoyed with slide attacks. And also it just makes me angry that i have to do it manually while those scrubs just keep on macroing (there is no definite answer on this matter so i don't feel safe to start macroing) It will probably be because of macro-abusers that we will see slide attack nerfs and changes. At this point i'm about 80% sure that the changes are coming. 


EDIT: I never liked macros out of principle. It's cheating no matter how you look at it. Using macros to fire faster than you can humanly click? It's cheating. Using macros to increase your effective damage out with massively reduced execution strain - It's cheating. Might as well just turn on Aim-bot while we are at it because some people feel like it's too tiring and unimportant in warframe to aim and fire. 

Statement to DE: Ban third party macros and support own macros within official means - allow people to bind slide attack as an separate key or allow semi-auto weapons to be used as full auto. 
If you think that you cannot support it official because it is kinda cheaty and beats the purpose of semi-auto and makes melee slide damage too abusable then why don't ban macros already ? Support it officially or ban it for good - you cannot give some players more advantage than others that know how to abuse third party software. 

Maybe educate yourself instead of trying to dictate the way other people play and asking for people to lose their accounts for using their hardware the way it was meant to be used.

Edited by --M--
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27 minutes ago, --M-- said:

Maybe educate yourself instead of trying to dictate the way other people play and asking for people to lose their accounts for using their hardware the way it was meant to be used.

Educated myself in what matter?
Dictating the way other people play? You do realize that this reasoning applies to cheaters, hackers and trolls right? "I want to cheat, it's my playstyle, i want to scam you because i feel like i deserve more and you shouldn't stop me, because that's discrimination" .

27 minutes ago, --M-- said:

[..] for using their hardware the way it was meant to be used.

Recently Overwatch had the issue where in consoles people started using Keyboard and Mouse to gain the edge over people that were using controllers. It's obvious that keyboard and mouse is better at shooters and there is no denying that it's technically cheating against people that use controllers. But according to you it's totally fine because those dudes are using hardware as it was meant to be used. I personally think that any form of multiplayer should be fair and equal "Controllers vs controllers; keyboards vs keyboards; mice vs mice". 

And what about fighting games that rely entirely on how well you can execute key sequences? Would you also bind 10hit combo to one button and go into multiplayer? That's a low blow, man.

I could also justify real world hackers that hack the banks because they are using computers as they are meant to be used. 
I could even justify killing people with guns because they are being used for their purpose. 

I have played online games more than i have played single players and i have developed some sense of what's fair and what isn't when we are talking about multiplayer environment. My proposition at the very end was fair for everyone - support macros through official means so that everyone can use them but obviously then the slide attacks would also need to be balanced since it would be one trick pony to kill everything. As it stands now - the attack is only powerful since the execution is not simple and macros are cheating their way through that condition. 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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2 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

Educated myself in what matter?

Learn to use the macro on your keyboard/mouse if you have one. 


2 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

Dictating the way other people play? You do realize that this reasoning applies to cheaters, hackers and trolls right? "I want to cheat, it's my playstyle, i want to scam you because i feel like i deserve more and you shouldn't stop me, because that's discrimination" 

You are comparing apples to oranges. Hacking and using a macro to hit one button instead of two is so different. I can concede that some people may see it as cheating. I would see it as cheating if it was something crazy like actually botting. People who use the macro are still playing the game. They still run, jump, and aim. I personally only use the telos boltace because it makes it super easy to break crates open and find stars. If I wanted to kill everything I would just use Mirage/synoid. In fact, that's what I used to use to break crates.


2 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

Recently Overwatch had the issue where in consoles people started using Keyboard and Mouse to gain the edge over people that were using controllers. It's obvious that keyboard and mouse is better at shooters and there is no denying that it's technically cheating against people that use controllers. But according to you it's totally fine because those dudes are using hardware as it was meant to be used.  I personally think that any form of multiplayer should be fair and equal "Controllers vs controllers; keyboards vs keyboards; mice vs mice". 

Once again comparing apples to oranges. Overwatch is a competitive pvp game where Warframe is (for most people) a casual pve game. IF the devs of Overwatch or Warframe decide that using certain hardware is against the rules and they want to enforce the rule, then that is fine. I wouldn't want to risk my mr23 over a stupid macro. What you think should be doesn't really matter. Only what the devs say matters.

2 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

And what about fighting games that rely entirely on how well you can execute key sequences? Would you also bind 10hit combo to one button and go into multiplayer? That's a low blow, man.

I could also justify real world hackers that hack the banks because they are using computers as they are meant to be used. 
I could even justify killing people with guns because they are being used for their purpose. 

I would agree with you about the fighting games, but once again that is so much different that using a macro for slide attack. The rest of that about hackers and guns is irrelevant to anything in this topic. 

2 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

I have played online games more than i have played single players and i have developed some sense of what's fair and what isn't when we are talking about multiplayer environment. My proposition at the very end was fair for everyone - support macros through official means so that everyone can use them but obviously then the slide attacks would also need to be balanced since it would be one trick pony to kill everything. As it stands now - the attack is only powerful since the execution is not simple and macros are cheating their way through that condition. 

Once again, (not trying to be rude) you aren't the arbiter of what is fair and what is not fair. DE is. If you think they don't know that people use these slide attack macros you are mistaken. There are youtubers and streamers that made videos about their macros. If they wanted to crack down on this, I am sure they would do so. Everybody can use the macros, although I wouldn't if It wasn't built into a mouse/keyboard. The execution is extremely simple. Hold your direction and hit ctrl+e. I can even do it like 2x faster without a macro than I can with one. 

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sometimes I feel people forget this isnt a pvp game.

if the game was competitive and mainly pvp then ya, macros and hardware would be cheating. But it isnt so there is literally 0 harm in being able to use macros.


If you feel like its an unfair advantage because it lets people do things faster than what they should, then why have weapons that even give the possibility to shoot faster than is humanly possible? Your time would be better spent complaining to DE that semi auto weapons can shoot 30 times a second, or that melee weapons can spin attack 10 times a second rather than complaining that people are using macros to actually achieve those numbers.

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1 minute ago, HorridaMessor said:

After today's Sortie expirience I can say only one thing - ban the usage of macros - having to constantly abort missionsor play exclusively solo just ot avoid getting an eye strain and a headache in $&*&*#(%& and tiresome.

as many people have pointed out before, thats a problem with the weapons effects, not macros. I can give you just as many eye strains without using macros.

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3 minutes ago, --M-- said:

Learn to use the macro on your keyboard/mouse if you have one. 

I have used macros before , i have written scripts for games before, also written amateurish bots for idle games. Even now i'm using autoclickers in other idle games because their click intensive gameplay is pure nonsense. But when it comes to warframe - i'm not using any of that. Everyone changes when it comes to multiplayer since in online games there is economy and power balance. 

For example why do you think nerfs and buffs happen? To please some people and anger others? no. It's to keep the game balanced and make content both challenging and easy but overall fun. Macroing affects balance. Have you ever cheated in the games for real? Once you do you ruin the desire to play them entirely for quick fix of massively exaggerated and fun gameplay that lasts for few days, maybe weeks but it wouldn't be possible to play warframe as long as i have been if i were cheating. Macroing isn't as extreme as full on cheating with bots and aimhacks, but it's the "cheaters little brother" - once you start macroing you won't be able to come back to playing the game how it is intended. The more you indulge and excuse macroing the deeper you will go with it until you'll realize that you are botting since there is a very thin line between botting and macroing (like i said previously - dudes running into walls and keep on slide attacking - it's because they are not paying attention to screen anymore. They are partially idling while watching TV show or something and just move mouse around while having slide attacks auto-executed). Even cheat-detection cannot tell a difference between mild macroing and botting. That's why it's an issue. 

24 minutes ago, --M-- said:

You are comparing apples to oranges.

Kinda true. But i was mostly attacking your reasoning. Reread your line, they pretty much said "Don't dictate how other people should play" and "It's ok to use hardware as it's intended". That's why i used those examples - they all follow the same logic. 

31 minutes ago, --M-- said:

Once again, (not trying to be rude) you aren't the arbiter of what is fair and what is not fair. DE is. If you think they don't know that people use these slide attack macros you are mistaken. There are youtubers and streamers that made videos about their macros. If they wanted to crack down on this, I am sure they would do so. The execution is extremely simple. Hold your direction and hit ctrl+e. I can even do it like 2x faster without a macro than I can with one. 

I don't see you as rude, so no problem. 
Well it's pretty true that i'm not the one that calls the shots, but i can still tell what's fair and what isn't through subjective opinion or proposal. DE can deny it, but you are as worried as i am - DE can be influenced. Even though DE is aware of the "issue" they still haven't decided what to do. There are multiple quoted forum posts about macroing. At first they were against it unless you had a handicap that needed fixed with macros, then they let people use macros to reduce strain with condition that macros weren't used to AFK, now it's straight up OK but at the same time it never really was an official statement - it was always dodged. It's the same for "Coptering" It took them nearly 3 years to take action (let's count 2 years) even though they and everyone else knew that it was an issue. The game was more enjoyable without coptering - i tested it, many others tested it. It was more enjoyable and harder of a game when we couldn't flying around. Ofc that wasn't fixed with Parkour 2.0. imho it made it worse, but at least now it looks intended instead of swinging melee attack in the air to fly forward (lol). 

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13 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

as many people have pointed out before, thats a problem with the weapons effects, not macros. I can give you just as many eye strains without using macros.

macro (unfortunately) highly increases the amount of slide attacks per a unit of time, so it has its effect in this case.

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53 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

sometimes I feel people forget this isnt a pvp game.

if the game was competitive and mainly pvp then ya, macros and hardware would be cheating. But it isnt so there is literally 0 harm in being able to use macros.


If you feel like its an unfair advantage because it lets people do things faster than what they should, then why have weapons that even give the possibility to shoot faster than is humanly possible? Your time would be better spent complaining to DE that semi auto weapons can shoot 30 times a second, or that melee weapons can spin attack 10 times a second rather than complaining that people are using macros to actually achieve those numbers.

I never really understood this mentality. 
Is it Pay 2 Win? " in PVP - OMFG ! in PVE - pfff who cares? " i care either way. 
Can you cheat in the game? "in PVP - OMFG! In PVE - pff who cares?" i care either way. 

As long as it's online game i don't tolerate any form of cheating. Since you are still directly or indirectly affecting other people.
For example i could be a cheating addict and i am happy that i can play in environment where cheating is not possible. But what if other people start cheating? It affects me. I want to do that too. I start cheating and slowly ruin the game for myself. Because there is no way in hell i can come back and play the game normally after i have cheated. 
And what about sense of achievement? Everyone seems to be ignoring this and calling it a "false sense of achievement" but truth be told - it works. Even in the past people liked to compare each other even in PvE and single player games. And what if you take cheating in equation? Comparing doesn't matter. Looking at people doesn't matter. "pff he just cheated, F*** that guy".

Like it or not you are looking at other people, get influenced and affected by them. That's why this is an online environment. If you spread cheating in this weird relationship - it screws up the game for everyone. 

Image this: You're grinding for something that requires few days of work. Will you be able to keep on grinding if 90% of other people knew a way how to skip the grind? Would you lie to yourself that it doesn't bother you and you will just keep on doing what were you doing. 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Don't use AFK macros, they're not allowed. Macros themselves are fine though. I used a Slide + Melee Macro due to physical injuries which makes it hard to constantly press Ctrl and E at the same time, its bound to one of my extra mouse buttons. But it isn't an automated one; I still play the game.

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22 minutes ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

I have used macros before , i have written scripts for games before, also written amateurish bots for idle games. Even now i'm using autoclickers in other idle games because their click intensive gameplay is pure nonsense. But when it comes to warframe - i'm not using any of that. Everyone changes when it comes to multiplayer since in online games there is economy and power balance. 

For example why do you think nerfs and buffs happen? To please some people and anger others? no. It's to keep the game balanced and make content both challenging and easy but overall fun. Macroing affects balance. Have you ever cheated in the games for real? Once you do you ruin the desire to play them entirely for quick fix of massively exaggerated and fun gameplay that lasts for few days, maybe weeks but it wouldn't be possible to play warframe as long as i have been if i were cheating. Macroing isn't as extreme as full on cheating with bots and aimhacks, but it's the "cheaters little brother" - once you start macroing you won't be able to come back to playing the game how it is intended. The more you indulge and excuse macroing the deeper you will go with it until you'll realize that you are botting since there is a very thin line between botting and macroing (like i said previously - dudes running into walls and keep on slide attacking - it's because they are not paying attention to screen anymore. They are partially idling while watching TV show or something and just move mouse around while having slide attacks auto-executed). Even cheat-detection cannot tell a difference between mild macroing and botting. That's why it's an issue. 

Kinda true. But i was mostly attacking your reasoning. Reread your line, they pretty much said "Don't dictate how other people should play" and "It's ok to use hardware as it's intended". That's why i used those examples - they all follow the same logic. 

I don't see you as rude, so no problem. 
Well it's pretty true that i'm not the one that calls the shots, but i can still tell what's fair and what isn't through subjective opinion or proposal. DE can deny it, but you are as worried as i am - DE can be influenced. Even though DE is aware of the "issue" they still haven't decided what to do. There are multiple quoted forum posts about macroing. At first they were against it unless you had a handicap that needed fixed with macros, then they let people use macros to reduce strain with condition that macros weren't used to AFK, now it's straight up OK but at the same time it never really was an official statement - it was always dodged. It's the same for "Coptering" It took them nearly 3 years to take action (let's count 2 years) even though they and everyone else knew that it was an issue. The game was more enjoyable without coptering - i tested it, many others tested it. It was more enjoyable and harder of a game when we couldn't flying around. Ofc that wasn't fixed with Parkour 2.0. imho it made it worse, but at least now it looks intended instead of swinging melee attack in the air to fly forward (lol). 

Okay, so from what I can tell, it's not the macro itself that is the issue but the way people use it. The main example would be making you spin attack super fast. That with the combination of bright energy colors could be very annoying. Maybe they can limit the amount of times you can attack in a second? I have seen all different speeds of macros used from multiple attacks a second to slower than you can perform manually, just for comfort.

Sometimes in more open areas, mostly akkad, I will just spin up against the defense target or something blocking my movement target because it's easier than trying to control your warframe while you spin to win. You don't need a macro to do that. You also don't need a macro to not be paying attention fully. Ember ftw. hehe

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36 minutes ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

I never really understood this mentality. 
Is it Pay 2 Win? " in PVP - OMFG ! in PVE - pfff who cares? " i care either way. 
Can you cheat in the game? "in PVP - OMFG! In PVE - pff who cares?" i care either way. 

As long as it's online game i don't tolerate any form of cheating. Since you are still directly or indirectly affecting other people.
For example i could be a cheating addict and i am happy that i can play in environment where cheating is not possible. But what if other people start cheating? It affects me. I want to do that too. I start cheating and slowly ruin the game for myself. Because there is no way in hell i can come back and play the game normally after i have cheated. 
And what about sense of achievement? Everyone seems to be ignoring this and calling it a "false sense of achievement" but truth be told - it works. Even in the past people liked to compare each other even in PvE and single player games. And what if you take cheating in equation? Comparing doesn't matter. Looking at people doesn't matter. "pff he just cheated, F*** that guy".

Like it or not you are looking at other people, get influenced and affected by them. That's why this is an online environment. If you spread cheating in this weird relationship - it screws up the game for everyone. 

Image this: You're grinding for something that requires few days of work. Will you be able to keep on grinding if 90% of other people knew a way how to skip the grind? Would you lie to yourself that it doesn't bother you and you will just keep on doing what were you doing. 

everything you just pointed out is a personal problem. except for a way of "skipping grind". but unfortunately that doesn't count since macros don't give people a way to skip grind. At most macros give people a way to make grinding easier on their hands.

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5 hours ago, WingsOfGryphin said:

Educated myself in what matter?
Dictating the way other people play? You do realize that this reasoning applies to cheaters, hackers and trolls right? "I want to cheat, it's my playstyle, i want to scam you because i feel like i deserve more and you shouldn't stop me, because that's discrimination" .

Recently Overwatch had the issue where in consoles people started using Keyboard and Mouse to gain the edge over people that were using controllers. It's obvious that keyboard and mouse is better at shooters and there is no denying that it's technically cheating against people that use controllers. But according to you it's totally fine because those dudes are using hardware as it was meant to be used. I personally think that any form of multiplayer should be fair and equal "Controllers vs controllers; keyboards vs keyboards; mice vs mice". 

And what about fighting games that rely entirely on how well you can execute key sequences? Would you also bind 10hit combo to one button and go into multiplayer? That's a low blow, man.

I could also justify real world hackers that hack the banks because they are using computers as they are meant to be used. 
I could even justify killing people with guns because they are being used for their purpose. 

I have played online games more than i have played single players and i have developed some sense of what's fair and what isn't when we are talking about multiplayer environment. My proposition at the very end was fair for everyone - support macros through official means so that everyone can use them but obviously then the slide attacks would also need to be balanced since it would be one trick pony to kill everything. As it stands now - the attack is only powerful since the execution is not simple and macros are cheating their way through that condition. 

Wow, so now using a keyboard and mouse is cheating?


I am sorry but i do not agree with you. As i stated before, macros are a part of PC gaming.... they are not going anywhere.


From your logic, anyone with a better machine than you is "cheating" because in this game engine better fps means better speeds.... (Check lunaro feedback about this)

So should we limit every ones fps and ping to ever has the lowest/highest for each? because you know.....  cheating?

This is a PVE game mainly. While i personally love conclave... most dont. IT ONLY becomes an issue if macros give an advantage in conclave... which they dont.

Who care if someone can do more damage than you? if you dont like it, queue with your clan or friends only. STOP trying to control how others enjoy gaming.

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I'll state it as I've stated many times on other games too:

Macros are fine as long as they don't automate your full combat cycle.

What this means, a macro spamming 4 buttons is fine as long as you still control the character. If you use this macro to AFK farm, that crosses the line.

A good macro: One slide attack (ctrl+e) with one button press

A bad macro: Fully automated Grineer puzzle solving with one macro press or fully automated Excal #3 spam afk farming with automated EV spam from trinity.


Game devs will never tell you an exact line which you cannot cross with macros, they leave the option open to ban you if you abuse the system.

So yes, keep on slide attacking with macros, as long as you press one button and you do one slide attack.

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My god...you people are missing the point, I want to know if something that is supposed to be used for people that have a disability....usually...should also be used by people that are lazy and only want to AFK farm or just ruin the squad experience for others, If the person does in fact have a disability then thats fine, but I'm thinking that people who are disabled using this marco wouldn't put it to the point where they are spamming the attack without any kind of delay.

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4 hours ago, HorridaMessor said:

macro (unfortunately) highly increases the amount of slide attacks per a unit of time, so it has its effect in this case.

but it is still the effect that causes your headache. If I do the same with the atterax you wouldn't even notice (apart from the bodyparts flying around).

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1 hour ago, Knight_Ex said:

people that are lazy and only want to AFK farm or just ruin the squad experience for others

That is quite a statement. Got any numbers to back up that claim? That this is the prime reason people would use macros? That these are the only two options: either you're disabled or you're a lazy c#nt. You DO realize that this can be taken as an insult yes? Because I surely do at this point.

Oh and BTW. Those of you that really think you can write a whole movement-and-melee-attack macro that enables AFK gameplay (to the extend you're on about) should really try and make such a script. See how that works out for you. Because from what I know about these macro programs, that in itself would be feat.

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4 hours ago, ComCray said:

That is quite a statement. Got any numbers to back up that claim? That this is the prime reason people would use macros? That these are the only two options: either you're disabled or you're a lazy c#nt. You DO realize that this can be taken as an insult yes? Because I surely do at this point.

Oh and BTW. Those of you that really think you can write a whole movement-and-melee-attack macro that enables AFK gameplay (to the extend you're on about) should really try and make such a script. See how that works out for you. Because from what I know about these macro programs, that in itself would be feat.

I watched someone use it in akkad, its not hard to get a slide attack macro going, then have it constantly slide into a wall or snag on one of the boxes and then walk away from the computer, I was gonna record it had I known what it was sooner, of course that would be considered naming and shaming on the forums if I were to post information like that.

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7 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

I watched someone use it in akkad, its not hard to get a slide attack macro going, then have it constantly slide into a wall or snag on one of the boxes and then walk away from the computer, I was gonna record it had I known what it was sooner, of course that would be considered naming and shaming on the forums if I were to post information like that.

That is NOT "a whole movement-and-melee-attack macro" that is a simple slide attack macro. Ctrl+E, on repeat. SIMPLE. Nothing as intricate as people here are proposing people use. 

And "I watched someone" hardly covers "Got any numbers to back up that claim?".


There's a dutch proverb "storm in een glas water". It applies here.

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1 minute ago, ComCray said:

That is NOT "a whole movement-and-melee-attack macro" that is a simple slide attack macro. Ctrl+E, on repeat. SIMPLE. Nothing as intricate as people here are proposing people use. 

And "I watched someone" hardly covers "Got any numbers to back up that claim?".


There's a dutch proverb "storm in een glas water". It applies here.

And that Macro is ban-able. It falls into automating the game.

THe moment you are no longer having to put in commands is when you are automating game play.

Ctrl+ E <= That is fine

Ctrl+ E (repeating) <==Ban

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I don't have a problem with players using macros to do slide attacks. But spamming slide attacks because it is now possible with macros is probably something that is not intended. I don't think they should ban macros just for this. They could just do something simpler, like limiting the number of slide attacks you can do in 2 seconds. Like, if you slide attack more than 2 times in 2 seconds, you stagger. That would make sense lore wise too. Not even a nerf to people who use slide attacks regularly too. Just a curb for macro spammers.

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1 hour ago, JalakBali said:

I don't have a problem with players using macros to do slide attacks. But spamming slide attacks because it is now possible with macros is probably something that is not intended. I don't think they should ban macros just for this. They could just do something simpler, like limiting the number of slide attacks you can do in 2 seconds. Like, if you slide attack more than 2 times in 2 seconds, you stagger. That would make sense lore wise too. Not even a nerf to people who use slide attacks regularly too. Just a curb for macro spammers.

Finally, someone with solutions. You, sir, deserve a medal.

As for your proposed solution: brilliant.

There's a stance for the scindo where one of the sets ends up in you spinning the blade multiple times in a row. Do that 4 or 5 times and you stagger like dizzy. Which is, indeed, perfect for the situation. Yes, some people find workarounds, as they always do, but others will be discouraged too.

So, DE has a solution, already has the implementation and neceasary code. Now, how do we get them to implement somesuch?

And then two sliders in video settings:

  • particle density: amount of particles, from no particles to full particles, in steps of 10/20 (%)
  • particle opacity: opacity and brightness of particles, from invisible-dark to fullbright, also in steps of 10/20(%)

Affects weapon and frame particle effects. 

Shouldn't only alleviate some peoplea headaches but also help with older system's framerates.

Anyone else with a non-simplistic viable solution?

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