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Void Rework: Improvements and Ideas


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Remember the old Void?

I know a lot of people didn't like it for its repetitiveness and almost everyone, including myself, suffered from Void fatigue and got burned out on running Void missions. So in order to overcome that obstacle, DE created the Fissure Missions and the Relic System, which in my opinion was a step in the right direction to solve Void fatigue. However, now because Relics exist, there is no purpose for the Void other than Argon farm. Honestly, when was the last time you went to the Void for something other than a random Fissure Mission (which doesn't make sense by the way) or Argon Crystals? The Void used to be mysterious, a high end mission that gave insight to the lore of Warframe and required a certain level of skill and strategy in order to reap the sweet rewards of Primes.

Now look at the Void. Its abandoned and no longer offers players anything interesting or worthwhile. It might as well be the Derelict for all tense and purposes. It disappoints me that arguably the most aesthetically pleasing and interesting tileset lacks a purpose.

So as a old fan of the Void, I have a few ideas that would do as the title says, give a reason for players to go to the Void. I would like to add that these are entirely my opinions and I honestly want to hear others ideas and suggestions. I cant be the only one that feels this way.

Idea #1: Make Void Traces a Resource Drop in the Void.

Wouldn't it make sense for Void Traces to drop in the Void? I mean they have Void in the name and it would be a useful resource other than Ferrite or Rubedo. If I were to choose one resource to replace it would be Ferrite because; 1: Its a common resource on every beginner planet and its not used a lot for crafting, and 2: In the actual description for Ferrite it says "Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing" and if I recall the void is Orokin Faction. I think that it would add some unique value to the Void and give new players as well as vets other ways to get Traces.

Suggestion by RPColten: Make void traces not a resource, but a guaranteed reward for doing a mission. This would level with the mission and would prevent the player from hunting down Traces.


Idea #2: Make New and Interesting Hidden Challenge Rooms.

Man, Challenge Rooms used to be cool. They still are mind you, but they are so lack luster in rewards and the overall "challenge" that they might as well be a dead end on a regular tileset. Their main problem is that they offer little to no challenge since they were made before Parkour 2.0. I would like to see new challenge rooms, much like the Lua Principle Rooms that take advantage of the new movement system as well as updating the old rooms. These are/were supposed to be like doing a hard dungeon in other games where the risk was high but the rewards matched the risk, and right now they do, but the rooms were made for a much "simpler" time where golden mods like Intensify and Continuity were huge rewards. Which brings me to their second flaw...


Idea #3: Make Hidden Challenge Rooms Drop Ayatan, Relics, and Lenses.

Challenge Rooms need better rewards to reflect how Warframe is now. They have already teased this with Maroo and her special missions, but honestly I think it would be better for regular missions to have a chance at sculptures, maybe not guaranteed like Maroo, but at least a chance. I also firmly believe that Lenses and Relics need to be part of the rewards for these rooms.

First lets start with lenses. Lenses are something introduced to players after completing the Second Dream to help them with their specific schools, and they drop from Sorties as a reward, but now that Sorties are locked behind The War Within it forces players to basically complete the Star Chart AND play through a second quest BEFORE they even get a CHANCE at using their new found abilities and collecting focus. This is broken. This needs to be fixed because it deters players from collecting focus and basically locks them out of useful abilities. I believe that Lenses (basic ones not Greater) need to be removed from Sorties altogether and put in the higher missions (after Uranus) in the Void or in Lua.

Alright rant over, lets move on to Relics. Relics are remnants of the Orokin Era, so shouldn't they be found in the Void? Making Relics drop depending on the level of mission in the Challenge Rooms would get people back in the Void and also make lore sense for why they would hind their treasure behind difficult obstacles. Also with the added bonus that you could get Traces for doing the mission would definitely reduce the amount of grind a player would have to do.


Idea #4: Give Corrupted Vor His Own Assassination Mission.

This is just a concept but I think that having Corrupted Vor have his own Assassinate mission in the void would be really cool to see, rather than a Void only Stalker. Maybe the mission would be about him trying to take the power of the Void for himself and take control of the Tower or something like that. If he was a boss he would drop either a new frame or Relics as well as an increased chance at Argon Crystals. I think that having him drop Argon Crystals would be a huge improvement to the Void altogether.


Idea #5: Have Endless Missions Drop Mostly Relics.

This one is pretty straight forward, make the Endless Missions drop mostly Relics. Lets face it, it sucks when you survive a couple of tough waves only to be rewarded a unranked Vitality for your effort. Its a slap in the face to the players that put in the time and effort and the only reply is a shrug and "That's RNG for you". Lets take Survival for instance, the Lone Tenno Operative is raiding the ship for supplies and the best he can muster is a couple of credits and some common mods? Come on, the Void is supposed to be the treasury of the Orokin, a grand vault that holds secrets and riches. The only other drop would be Endo in the form of Ayatan or in packs of 400. The drops should reflect that and it would give the Void some purpose and a reason to get your &#! handed to you by a level 60 Corrupted Bombard with five Corrupted Healers by his side.


Idea #6: Add Void Spy Missions.

Credit goes to Xardis. Lua Spy missions are interesting and fun, but they had to have come from somewhere. Adding Spy missions to the Void that required 5 or 6 terminals to hack would be a fun and interesting mission, something different for a change, and if they functioned like Challenge Rooms (cmon they are basically the same thing but require an extra step) it would really add to the idea that we are raiding vaults for loot. Their drops could be anything from Lenses to Relics as well as a chance for an Argon Crystal Cache. Maybe the mission could also be about shutting down the Cephalon controlling the Tower. All in all it would be a welcome addition to the Void.


Idea #7: Have a Elite Enemy That Drops Relics.

Credit goes to RPColten: Have an elite enemy like a bursa/juggernaut/manic that drops Relics in the Void. Originally, DE said that they were planning on having Eximus enemies drop Relics, but that idea has been scrapped. I think that there should be an enemy that is special to the Void that drops Relics and possibly Argon Crystals or even Golden Mods. Actually, wouldn't it be cool if it was the Golden Maw? Even if it isn't, having an enemy that is unique to the Void that drops worthwhile loot would be a welcome addition.


These are some of my ideas on how to make the Void a palace of treasure and mystery. Please leave constructive feedback as well as your own ideas on how to give the Void more purpose. Thank you for reading and I hope DE sees these ideas and takes them to heart.


Edited by DariusMcSwag
good feedback
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Interesting ideas over all.

I don't think however that Void Traces should necessarily be a resource in the Void. This will essentially make it a "Do survival and only survival if you want Traces" kind of situation. Allowing it to be given to the player in stacks of 10< 20<30 (Level 10-20, 21-35, 35+) depending on the mission level, as a reward, would make it a far greater incentive for all of the missions available, not just survival/defence.

Ayatan sculpture as potential reward on treasure rooms? As long as it is not high enough drop chance. Say 10% chance a sculpture will be at the end.

Will I agree that relics should be a good potential reward for the void, making them the only attainable reward in endless missions is a bit too simple. Another solution could be to include some unique enemies in the towers that carry relics and killing them rewards the players with the relic. They could be for the Void/Towers what the Bursas/Juggernaught/Manic are for the other factions.


Just throwing this out there. On a past and recent Devstream (After launch of War Within) it was brought up that they wish to give players more of an incentive to go to both the Kuva Fortress and the Void. While I don't believe they have elaborated on this further, I would say keep this in mind for now.

Edited by (XB1)RPColten
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35 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RPColten said:

Interesting ideas over all.

I don't think however that Void Traces should necessarily be a resource in the Void. This will essentially make it a "Do survival and only survival if you want Traces" kind of situation. Allowing it to be given to the player in stacks of 10< 20<30 (Level 10-20, 21-35, 35+) depending on the mission level, as a reward, would make it a far greater incentive for all of the missions available, not just survival/defence.

Ayatan sculpture as potential reward on treasure rooms? As long as it is not high enough drop chance. Say 10% chance a sculpture will be at the end.

Will I agree that relics should be a good potential reward for the void, making them the only attainable reward in endless missions is a bit too simple. Another solution could be to include some unique enemies in the towers that carry relics and killing them rewards the players with the relic. They could be for the Void/Towers what the Bursas/Juggernaught/Manic are for the other factions.


Just throwing this out there. On a past and recent Devstream (After launch of War Within) it was brought up that they wish to give players more of an incentive to go to both the Kuva Fortress and the Void. While I don't believe they have elaborated on this further, I would say keep this in mind for now.

If the endless missions were to drop anything else I think it should be Endo, either in Ayatan form or in packs of 400. I like the idea of adding enemies that have an increased chance of dropping Relics because it would contribute to the whole risk reward mentality. I would like to see these enemies not just in endless though but throughout the Void. Thank you for the constructive input.

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8 hours ago, Syq111 said:

Maybe Orokin Vaults in void like in derelicts but with very very slight chance for build up prime weapon??

That would be interesting, but I think that Prime stuff is going to stay away from the void now that we have Relics. I would really like to see Orokin Vaults in the Void however. I think it would really add some depth to the Void.

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Anything to get more void traces, honestly. ANYTHING. 

But I do like all of these ideas; once I unlock the Void mission nodes (still have a couple I just haven't bothered with), the only reason to go back is fissures. Of course, that can largely be said for all of the mission nodes: I go to them for alerts, fissures, and syndicates, and occasionally for leveling up or farming relics or specific resources, but I don't just play through the planets again or anything. 

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I like a lot of these ideas, here are some more (or opinions/elaborations on other mentioned topics):


  • Refresh the resource drops. The void is more of a late-game tileset. Let's add some stuff later-game players need. Polymer, orokin cells, etc. Polymer would be great because no late planets really drop it (id if uranus counts, but the tilesets are generally disliked anyways), and orokin cells are also great, esp with how much you need from prime gear. Not to mention the latest planet that has is is saturn, since the derelict both requires keys, and doesn't spawn them a lot since it also has neurodes. Oh yeah, did I mention they are orokin cells, and that this is the orokin void?
  • Adding a way to get traces (be it rewards, loot, etc) is great!
  • Making the rewards more relic-heavy is always appreciated, I'd also love to see ayatan sculptures in there too, being orokin artifacts and all.
  • For a late-round reward in endless, or if anything more difficult is added, I'd love to see potato blueprints added. Not as confident in this one because I know how much DE wants us to spend plat on these...
  • I'd really love a spy that poses a challenge. Not necessarily as "weird" as lua principle rooms or spy nodes (those took me a while to figure out since I didn't google them),  but more difficult. Small windows to move, needing parkour 2.0, etc. Maybe even operator use?


Any further comments, critique, (and of course praise) is welcome!

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This sure is some ambition you got there. At the very least, I can see Void Traces and Relic Drops being a commonplace thing in the void. hopefully it could be that running void missions can become a source of Relics and Forma, even the non endless missions. As great as added tilesets would be for future stuff, I think I'd be happy with the addition of new drops and such.

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