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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Faction: Infested.


Brief Description: The "fingers" open and unleash the tentacle that is hidden in the interior. In rest position, the "fingers" would open slightly and the tip of the tentacle should be seen moving a little (just like a tongue in the mouth). For each strike of the Biomorph Lasher, there´s a chance of the targets get Toxic status.

Tapping the melee would use the Scoliac Whip animation. Pressing to charge the attack, would grab an enemy and squeeze him, causing extra damage due to the small teeths on the tentacle (would be necessary a custom animation for this effect).

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Brief Description : The Lotus is the Guardian of the Tenno and a symbol of order. The Solace was forged by the tenno to honour her. Peace cannot exist without war, and order cannot exist without chaos. Solace, a catalyst used to incite chaos amongst wicked, to bring forth order, and liberate the innocent, worthy to be wielded only by the noblest of tenno.

Name : Solace

Faction : Tenno

Grip Type : Rapier (Cause we only got 1 of em right now)


This is Solace, a rapier weapon (as we are lacking those). I would want this weapon to mainly deal slash damage (and/or maybe radiation?) and have an effect where whenever this weapon procs status it receives bonus radiation damage and a status chance buff for several seconds. Also I think the weapon should have a slam attack AoE that has a high chance of proccing status. Hopefully the simplicity of this weapon's design doesn't ruin its chances, wish me luck! And good luck to everyone else.

Edited by MiorAkif100
Made some minor edits
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Name: Herensuge (means dragon in my language)

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Polearm

Description: Featuring both thrusting and slashing attacks, and its innate elemental power, this naginata can face multiple kinds of enemies. It can be used to attack a large group of foes, or focus on  a single one while keeping a safe distance thanks to its length. If charged, it releases a energy wave of the current main element.


Edited by Xabiru66
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.eJwFwdsNwyAMAMBdGADzsJKQZSIXKKGCEhlH_ai                                              Name: Kisai Katto

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Radial Blade

Stance: Dancing Blades

Description: Those blades fixed on each arm of your warframe should have a fast attack speed and deals mainly slash damages.



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Name: dual Sharkaxe/ Sharkaxe

Faction: Infested

Type: dual axes / "sword"

Description: it should be a dual weapons, like Dual Zoren, but probably it can be a single axe (bigger, obviously), tha use Sword Stances . I imagine it makes mainly Piercing Demage (infact it has a lot of teeth), with a little bit slash demage. 

During the channeling, the "dark spots" could blaze, as part of the blade, in the upper part of the axe.

Edited by RAPTIMUS
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On 17/3/2017 at 7:22 AM, (Xbox One)Pagnotta90 said:
I was wrong to write the name in the drawing. The name is STUNTAROS

If possible I would like to put in more action that I forgot to include. Following the chroma Warframe model, you parry enemy attacks, the greater the damage inflicted by STUNAROS.

with this I finished my ideal model.


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On 15/3/2017 at 1:10 AM, (Xbox One)Pagnotta90 said:


Faction: TENNO

Brief Description:

My idea is to use the weapons block ability and not a shield. Playing i noticed that not too many players use the parrying ability of their close combat weapons and not even mods related to it.

Stuntaros is a one handed weapon which if blocking while using it will activated the 10 glyphs placed on the weapons blade, each glyph gives 15 armor for a total of 150.

However if the player was to suffer a fatal blow while all the glyphs were active it would fully restore his health and shields deactivating all the glyphs.23vg6y1.jpg

If possible I would like to put in more action that I forgot to include. Following the chroma Warframe model, you parry enemy attacks, the greater the damage inflicted by STUNTAROS.

with this I finished my ideal model.

vote me 😜

Edited by (XB1)Pagnotta90
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Hey my name is Sean and this is my first wepon.

The faction is Tenno/Corpus.

The name is not official but I call it the the Magna Blade and Sheild. It is a sword and that is magnetic base. The special thing about it is that it can catch and send bullets and projectiles back to the enemies when you block.

Art work will be comming later.

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Faction: Corpus

Grip type / stance: Staff

Brief description: Built-in magnetic fields allow this weapon to partially absorb incoming damage while blocking and convert it into charge. The staff can absorb up to X / 30 * 1000 charge points (X = weapon rank). Stored charge has 2 usage options:

- adds fire damage to the weapon (X% of the base damage; each hit consumes X charge points);

- transforms into overshields by pressing the secondary fire button (X% of the max shield amount); warframes without shields get an armor buff (X% of their max armor) for X / 30 * 10 seconds.


P.S.: All given numbers are a rough example of how the weapon works. The final ones might be different.

Edited by AtheeA5
slightly edited and uploaded a better quality image
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I am going to say something that i am pretty sure people mighty noticed. Most of the "Art" people did are the copy from google images. 95% of the art is already created by another artist or someone draw it on paper from design found on internet. 

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5 minutes ago, NightKillZ said:

I am going to say something that i am pretty sure people mighty noticed. Most of the "Art" people did are the copy from google images. 95% of the art is already created by another artist or someone draw it on paper from design found on internet. 

some use MS paint, some use krita to trace maybe , and create some derivation of other work. but im not sure how thats factored ? 

overall some artists did do their own work , i think, some of these designs are very unique , some are more common / mainstream, but that i think is what will separate them in the long run 

just my perspective on things 

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Right now as we speak i am drawing my weapon and i am pretty sure DE's should make the rule to draw them because its more authentic than using MS paint or krita because there are certant programs which you mark the weapon,the weapon transfers on MS paint/krita and then they draw a sh**tier version of it and put watermark at bottom as theirs

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21 minutes ago, NightKillZ said:

Right now as we speak i am drawing my weapon and i am pretty sure DE's should make the rule to draw them because its more authentic than using MS paint or krita because there are certant programs which you mark the weapon,the weapon transfers on MS paint/krita and then they draw a sh**tier version of it and put watermark at bottom as theirs

but those are pretty apparent  in truth. im sure DE can spot them out 

and cant wait to see it  

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So I have a weapon concept that uses a grip animation similar to the Nikana. It is a Weapon known as Unteathered Fury with similar energy effects like the War and Broken War.

Now this is a rough design and it's original colors are to be Purple Silver and Black.  

Link: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/nbyCoYSqp15Kk-y_IYA4pmnRUrl0QLcW7INrAE_DWYCPs_FGUDh29gTXnHdOQKleJqGLHBevJBHsNQ1OXVfi_KoaayOVOzirftu3JTM2I4YwXmLAupr5p9ArEnQvAn-InzWKFnLxnPXuQ866cfzZXTdwiHhPq-Csr3UW0MFhpnk3qjcrd3mwFxHYiFRBkeQn7Q87p4KsBKA-eQhWT0TJYSSk9ZwaLqLVh16nflkh1HZcE7x8Qbd332QakzEwyQBLRLra5W9QVkD2OIGWkH9OM3me-6C8K3ndCb8roqWwpiW5L-n1YN2skNyOWQYFWMyV5hVi8gFrMGgDz_DjTta-V9ds2KyVPZ3hRUegCvB7MuBEJEHP7PcsFTSDg9FjetkPHUSpppmjC6QVNg8v92ftEdBUz8deVOVaxkRCJ4iJgm5uD71YQ50KhKyscSSUVjbXrw_t1V9rHCMRcF8Gc-LtVYZYK9gQYEitYxAB7w1eHF1oJE389cVGYLzrG1o7rdP-KTI9_RqG_BuAST4hoPpTgWhWT8sHcNOFQprFClm48RHBhn0hpuKaBqCDUaAzN5-7Bvqyy2xqMncUCqBf4uX-ZQnF=w400-h300-p-k-nu



Edited by (XB1)creeper1242
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Faction: Grineer (Pressure/ Gas Propelled Projectile)

Brief Description: Gunblade Grip. Grineer Harpak Design Minimized and Fitted with Blades in an attempt to Mimic Tenno Gunblade Technology. Blades Thrusted for Puncturing Damage. Spear gun provides Light Distance damage while a Charged Harpoon can be Fired to Grapple and pull Larger Threats towards the User for Enhanced Torso Thrusts. The Bolt on the side retracts the Harpoon and can be held for additional leverage.



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This thing is hard to create,spented over 10 days trying to figure out what  iwant and the style,type and everything. I am finnaly at the finish off the story,stats and desing. Just need the type of the weapon. Full melee wil lcome out maybe in 1 day :) 

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Weapon name: Stinger

Style: Whip

Faction: Tenno

Special: Toxic/puncture main damage. Charge can imale and bring in enemies( similar to ancient attack)


An old weapon used by only the most graceful masters. (Weapon idea based on kunai and chain weapon of Hanzo Haiashi aka Scorpion of the Mortal Kombat series)

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In my opinion, the best defense is a good defense. Since I'm 9 pages in and have seen about two pieces of "original" creations, while most are just blatant steals from other games (or yet another polearm, like we need more of those) I'm just going to blatantly steal from our OWN game. Originally. :cool:


Here we have it boyos. The good ole, state of the art Shield-shield.

As we can see, rather than taking something random lying around (a pole, a whip, an axe, etc) and adding an axe to it, labeling it as a "Tenno"-alignment weapon, we have here a bonafide classic, a random-&#! slab of metal with some peekaboo eye-holesies, labeled as a Grineer weapon, as the peel, lick, and slap label of Grineer Superiority is located on the top right corner.

Below, we will discuss the details of this fine-&#! piece of weaponry.

As you can see, this is a blunt weapon. No, there isn't a needle hidden somewhere to add puncture. No, there's not a buzz-saw that pops out and eviscerates foes when you use your finishers on them. To be perfectly blunt, this is the most original non-deviantart un-special not-tumblr weapon that could POSSIBLY be added to warframe going into update 20-something.

So it doesn't have a hidden blade, or some kind of gun?
Didn't you just read the last paragraph? No, this thing's a fine-&#! classy woman, she doesn't need to carry around blades and guns and whatnot, that's what she has her man for.

What about a hidden laser?
Pls oh gawd no. Just a slab of metal.

What if we mounted a turret on it?
Stop guys. Really please stop.

Why don't we make it summon a torrent of water to blast foes away?
What on earth is wrong with you? It's just. A slab. Of metal.

If we're going classic, can it actually copter?

Edited by Sir_NoScope
Accidental early posting.
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