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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Name: Grimskull

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Longsword


End Your foes rightly with this new addition to your armory! This slash-based sword has a special abillity to throw his razorblade-equipped pommel at your enemies. His two blades are attached to rails that will propel placed between them pommel at high speeds. Charge attack will initialize pommel throwing: rails will open wide, allowing tenno to put the pommel between them, then they will clamp onto the pommel, then pommel will be thrown with a swing of the sword (no throw on quick melee, no swing before throw, as swing, load, and another swing to throw would take too long ). The pommel has many razors inside, that will unfold while in air, they can either be metallic, or made from energy, whichever is more fitting to faction style (but energy blades are imo way cooler). Razors are packed in similiar fashion as atterax blades. Pommel doesnt bounce as glaives, instead it flies straight, possibly piercing some enemies, and returns to the tenno. Size similar to frysta skin, im my drawing it is way shorter. Primary and tertiary surfaces are matt metal, secondary is shiny metal, accents are leather-y, energy is energy.

Main attack status-focused, charge attack crit-focused.

Energy spots are on center of the pommel, its energyblades, and on rails (if somebody didnt notice).Sorry for bad drawing.


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Faction: Tenno

Weapon Grip: Heavy Blade

Description: In searching where Chroma was created, the long lost heavy blade Tempest was found. Much like Chroma, the sword's base elemental damage is dependent on the energy color. With the concave body, nothing will survive the slice from Tempest or will they survive the piercing stab from the convex head.



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Name: Atticus
Faction: Grineer
Stance/Grip: Defiled Snapdragon

Description: The Atticus is a Grineer multi tool turned lethal. Welding together a single Ripka and parts of an Aterax whip, this bladed nightmare was developed as an anti-infestation tool. Dealing high amounts of slash and impact damage, the Atticus is a brutal weapon that knock enemies off their feet and rip through the scaled hide of the Infested.

Charge attacks will throw the mace-like Aterax end and either stagger or knock down enemies.

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eXkBqZ0.jpgdesigned an orokin inspired heavy blade. 

Name: Sentient Slayer 


slash 130

puncture 25

wall attack 290

status chance 20%

spin 280

leap 280

crit multiplier 2.5x 

crit chance 25%

attack speed 1.00 

Special effects: increased dmg against sentients and also increased drop chance of resources. (Perfect for all you farmers)! 

Hope i can submit a weapon that is hand drawn! Goodluck all :D

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Drakin Ax-Hammer

Faction: Orikin

Grip: Two-Handed Heavy weapon

The Drakin is a Hammer Ax combo weapon. In its "passive state" the Drakin clearly is a heavy hammer, but the energy blade can be activated revealing the hidden blade from the other-side. Rotating the weapon, the user now has a crushing blade.

[Image pending due to technical problems]


(Can a forum admin send me a message to help me out? I'm having issues inserting my jpg)

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When I heard about this contest, I decided that I wanted to design a cephalon weapon, not only because they look cool, but because I thought there ought to be more of them. I also thought there ought to be more sword and shield weapons, so this is the result :3

  • Faction: Cephalon
  • Grip Type: Sword and Shield
  • Description: An impact-based weapon, the [Lumacor and Lux] utilizes magnetic force to knock back enemies on channeled and slam attacks, while channeled blocking reflects projectiles with x% magnetic damage. Secondary fire emits a codex scan beam from the shield (whilst blocking) that can also be helpful with stealth. Both the mace and shield are collapsible.




*Initial idea courtesy of CubanCuisine, who unfortunately did not have the time (nor the artwork skills ;) to bring the idea to life. Used with permission.

Edited by Gladewing
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Name: Thrace Split-Sword
Faction: Grineer
Grip Type: Hybrid (Split-Sword)
Description: Sometimes the best defense is more offense. The Thrace Split-Sword offers multiple ways to take down opponents, from cleaving your way through multiple enemies with two smaller Machetes to rending through your toughest foes with a Lance. 



Side Note: This was actually a tough call to make. I wanted to redo my Zecta and Brontix [Found Here] for this event, but in the end I settled with the Thrace Split-Sword as the only one to occupy that category is the Dark Split-Sword, and I figured we needed a non-element form of the weapon at some point.

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Combined melee weapon: 
1. Spear throwing armlet for the left hand
2. Bladed armlet for the right hand

Mechanic enhanced or alternative attack:

1. Throwing spear
2. Pull object
3. Capture and damaged object
4. Throw object to the ground

5. Finishing attack (as an option)




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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: Tonfas type weapon, the first one got the height of excalibur and the second is approximately 1/3 of the first. Use slash and puncture damage. The handle is made with orokin's wood type. This weapon is adapted to any tonfas stances or maybe a new stance based on heavy slash.







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Name: Ferroh
Description: A Corpus collapsible Gunblade using Bullet Dance/High Noon stances.
Made by fusing the technology of the Ferrox, the Ohma, and the Lecta, the Ferroh is a Melee weapon equipped with laser blades and a powerful charge-shot plasma launcher.



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Description : Tsurara is a Tenno dagger made from the heat dagger's systems augmented to instantly drain heat, replacing the heat's dagger's heating elements with refined cryotic crystals to freeze and cut down enemies. 

Special effect: Tsurara freezes enemies affected by the cold status effect on hit. Tsurara has 100% to crit frozen enemies, and ingores 30% of their armor/shields.


15 slash damage

30 cold damage

30% status chance

0% crit chance

2.0 crit multiplier


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syndicate quest giver: Arbiters of Hexis

Name: Ragna Hex

Style: Katana morph to heavy blade.

 The arbiters of hexis forged a blade of truth and wisdom that could change like fire in the wind.

             the tenno only thought it was a story 

                                      TILL NOW!


this weapon is the first of its kind its a katana held ninja style, this mode of the weapon is quick and dashy

When its energy mode is turned on the stats double and is has a base fire percentage increase. The big blade mode hit multiple enemies. To go into mode you hold right d-pad and circle, this mode drains energy so be careful

but have fun

                                            Displaying IMG_20170324_011957_179.jpg


Edited by (PS4)shadow565026
spell check
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Well, here goes nothing....

Introducing the brand new Riplok, a Grineer gunblade (though "gun"blade is a misnomer).


The Riplok is a combination of a tool and weapon given to Grineer settlers. The blade is for cutting down brush, with the teeth also being able to be launched against attacking animals, while the blade can be launched, exploding wherever it hits (in other words, the charge attack causes a Blast proc along with some Slash, Impact and Puncture) to destroy any structures in the way, making it a formidable weapon.

It's really just a chainsaw converted to a gunblade, firing the blade. (Less than a second after one blade flies off, another teleports onto the blade to take it's place) Note: To make this weapon compatible with Bullet Dance, the weapon fires it's teeth instead of bullets. Also, the Riplok's blade has two chains, and the center is a thruster. Also, the high explosive does not activate when just swinging the weapon, a.k.a quick melee.

Here's a really rough version of what it looks like (again, really rough):

Go ahead and make some aesthetic changes to them. The first illustration is meant to be the preferred version of what gets into the game.

Translation of the Grineer text:

1st version:

On the grip/body area:

Deforestation tool


On the blade:



Keep hands away


2nd version:


And Conquer


Glory to our Queens

Strength to Grineer [sic]


3rd illustration:

Glory to our Queens

Strength to Grineer



Keep hands away

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This is a Orthos Infested type weapon that Flails Layers of Infested Flesh back and forth to gain and Drop Momentum meaning it can be thrown like a Glaive (Size of the Orthos with Huge Blades). Materials: Bone, Flesh and Sinew



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Weapon type/Grip style: Gunblade

Faction: Corpus

Normal fire mode (gun) shoots a flying disc that explodes (blast damage) on contact with an enemy or surface. Pressing the alt-fire button launches a grenade (similar to Tonkor) than does low damage with a guaranteed radiation proc.


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Faction: Grineer

Grip/Stance: Heavy Blade

DescriptionGrineer Chainsword Greatsword. Channeling would cause the saw to spin up and shoot sparks(?) Could even add in some pretty brutal custom finishers. With how big the grossguard is on Galatine Prime I figure a chainsword could have a massive engine. Colours could be Frontier based (nasty trees on Earth call for nasty chainsaws)



I'm no artist, but I think a chainsword would be nice. Get a step up from the Ripkas yeah?

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I present the first whip Tenno the "Euphrosyne" (by the Greek goddess of joy, Warframe use everything at your disposal to guarantee your work including a fun object like a yo-yo!  (English is not my native language. I'm sorry if there are any errors. I'm from Chile!)



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Faction: Grineer

Grip/Stance: Heavy Blade

DescriptionGrineer Chainsword Greatsword. Channeling would cause the saw to spin up and shoot sparks(?) Could even add in some pretty brutal custom finishers. With how big the grossguard is on Galatine Prime I figure a chainsword could have a massive engine. Colours could be Frontier based (nasty trees on Earth call for nasty chainsaws)



I'm no artist, but I think a chainsword would be nice. Get a step up from the Ripkas yeah?

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  • Pestilence
  • Faction: Sentient/infested 
  • Grip: one handed sword
  • Description: The Sentient trying to make a more powerful weapon fused infested parts into their technology.  The pairing did indeed make a powerful weapon but it worked too well and the weapon was too ravenous quickly turning on it's masters until it was sealed away to be forgotten. 

Pestilence Stats: 
Corrosive: 90
Crit Ch: 20%
Crit Dmg: 2.5
Attack Speed: 1.4
Status Chance: 30.00
Mastery Level: 15

Stance: Sword

As you attack with this weapon the eye glows more bright and when it's maxed you can hit the alt fire and shoot a penetrating beam from the mouth (front of the blade) dealing massive damage.



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Type: Sword and Shield

Name: Reformabit & Split

Faction: Tenno

         This is a Electric Shield include beam Sword( hang under the shield when inactive), when active the shield will split its parts to create a Electric net defending warframe from attacks( Special: when the shield is on active, and hold to block the attacks, it will absorb the damage turn it into energy to charge the shield, when it fully charged(when the energy gets brightest) release it by jump and slam it on the ground will knockdown the enemy.




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Name: Prensio

Faction: Corpus

Brief Description: Seeing how the tenno-made gunblades were obliterating entire armies of corpus soldiers, The Sergeant ordered one similar gun to be reverse engineered from captured tenno weaponry. It fires a Radiation Based laser while the blades deal mainly Puncture and slash damage

if it succedes in killing an enemy, the beam will bounce to the next near target, for a maximum of 5 bounces

Or, if it kills an enemy, it explodes, procing radiation in a medium radius


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