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Should every Frame have at least some tankyness or defense ?

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I think their system of, tank, support, damage, and healing works pretty well.  My only problem is that some frames don't really have it clearly defined or don't live up to other frames in that category.  Oberon is the perfect example   He doesn't heal as well as trinity and his abilities are quite static. 


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2 hours ago, Eric1738 said:

I do think the majority of Warframes should have some sort of defense/CC ability. It's mostly for pug and solo games, while in a coordinated group, not everyone should tank.

Very true, yet I wonder, are there really any Warframes without any form of reliable CC to save themselves that aren't tanky? The only ones I can really think of are Limbo and Hydroid, yet Limbo's getting reworked, so I suppose that only leaves Hydroid's spotty CC.

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15 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

I don't think any frame should have less than 65.0 armor at base.

There are too many disparities to assert that 15.0 armor is set so low to act as a counterbalance to something else.


Personally, I don't think it's okay to have anything less than 100 Armor nowadays, enemies just have way too many ways to bypass our Shields or completely erase them we need at least something to fall back on to protect us.

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32 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Very true, yet I wonder, are there really any Warframes without any form of reliable CC to save themselves that aren't tanky? The only ones I can really think of are Limbo and Hydroid, yet Limbo's getting reworked, so I suppose that only leaves Hydroid's spotty CC.

Limbo's only real issues are being tedious and not being terribly group friendly...The entire rift is a defense mechanism though.

Hydroid has Undertow and an augment that actually heals in it. Hydroid is notoriously squishy if you get hit though which encourages the use of undertow or his movement skill (which is slow and has animation concerns).

31 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Personally, I don't think it's okay to have anything less than 100 Armor nowadays, enemies just have way too many ways to bypass our Shields or completely erase them we need at least something to fall back on to protect us.

I used 65 because it is prevalent amongst control casting frames.and most of the ones who still have 15.0 armor fall into this category.

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as someone who enjoys playing as tanks the most, and enjoys frames with high armour: no.

reason being that it hurts diversity: you're encouraged to use a different playstyle when you play as a glass cannon like Banshee or Nova. the ENTIRE point of those frames is to give you insane damage and CC potential in exchange for survivability, but they can be backed up by tankier frames in a squad to make up for it. if every frame was tanky, actual tank frames would lose value, and people who like the challenge of using banshee or Nova in higher levels would get very salty very quickly.

5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

Once we get Shield Gating,

I admire your optimism, but Shield Gating will likely never happen: all you need is a shield gate to remind you "oh, I could have been one-shot *drops health pizza*", and the risk and challenge of being one-shot is gone. the game becomes even easier and sniper enemies are unable to kill even the squishiest frames without support from other units. it would make enemies far less powerful, and that's not on DE's agenda, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that at all.

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That is a very slippery slope. The problem with giving such frames not only greater defense stats but also scaling defense at that, is that such frames are essentially damage or crowd control based. Usually those powers allow players to murder entire sections of the map with ease and their only threat comes from enemies who slip through these rather over the top displays of power. (See nullifiers for an extreme example of this) 

Basically these frames are squishy to compensate for some other aspect of their kit. This is in general of course and usually these squishy frames are considered to be of the "higher skill tier" variety that demand a player who has a better grasp of the game's mechanics and systems. Who know how to use said kit to not die. Now I'm not saying that tanky frames are dumb or low-skill. But usually they are a bit more forgiving in taking damage but are offset with abilities that are limited in range or damage. 

Again, this is "in general". With the customization options in the game, you can easily go through the gray areas into the realm of "why was this allowed?" 

My stance on this type of discussion is one where to achieve late-game greatness in one aspect of a build, you should sacrifice in others. I main Excalibur and I build for endurance. I sacrifice my powers to achieve this. I think it more important to take a hit and keep going, rather then being capable of world shattering damage, but fall over at the slightest nudge.

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