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are Tenno really the good guys?


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What DwolfKnight said above, we are the good guys, according to us. We do what is best for our faction, and considering we are currently the strongest of all the current factions, that includes killing a lot of stuff and kinda doing whatever we want. 

If you're thinking of that way, I don't think you can classify any factions as being "good".

Personally I think we are doing more good than any other faction, as we keep the balance so to say. While the other factions just want to consume.

Edited by Michaelcf1
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i would wager on the side of no, we arent, if i had to bet. but for now, we believe we are. and there are some examples of us being good too. look at Inaros. but we also have to remember we are in a world of moral greys. we dont have to be good. 

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The Tenno are about preserving balance in the system. Sometimes that means being heroes (the recent event is a good example of this), other times it means committing assassinations or wiping out ships full of soldiers. It's less about good and evil, and more about power dynamics and avoiding extremes--things get bad for everyone if the Grineer, the Corpus, or whoever else dominate the entire system, after all.

Also, if you take Lotus as a trustworthy guide--and, to me at least, she usually is--she makes it pretty clear on important missions (e.g. assassinations) that you're killing Vay Hek, Ruk, or whoever else because a lot more people will die if you don't.

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We aren't good. We aren't bad.

I wouldn't even consider what the Corpus or Grineer are doing as morally, "evil," in any real way. Sure, we hear about a lot of bad things happening because of stuff they've done but from their side it was probably for the greater good and seen as justified.

About the only person I can see as a morally bankrupt individual is Alad V for succumbing to, and helping, the Infestation due to his own fascination with it.

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10 hours ago, NinthAria said:

Also, if you take Lotus as a trustworthy guide--and, to me at least, she usually is--she makes it pretty clear on important missions (e.g. assassinations) that you're killing Vay Hek, Ruk, or whoever else because a lot more people will die if you don't.


she's kept secrets from us before. she still hasn't told us her true motives either. she just dangles the concept of saving civilians by killing soldiers in front of us, because she knows it's something we care about, and will motivate us.

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also, what about syndicates? everything we've heard about the six syndicates makes them sound like they have noble causes, but they also hate each other. take for example New Loka's desire to preserve important life. as stated, this is indeed a noble cause. yet they also hate Suda and Steel Meridian because of how much they obsess over purity.

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1 hour ago, ZBanx said:

she's kept secrets from us before. she still hasn't told us her true motives either. she just dangles the concept of saving civilians by killing soldiers in front of us, because she knows it's something we care about, and will motivate us.

Keeping secrets is different from lying. She withholds information--a lot of information, even--but she has never, at least as far as I can recall, actively misled us. And while we don't know what her endgame is, it's clear from a lot of the quests that she's at least somewhat compassionate, towards both the Tenno and the people of the system at large.

I think at worst you could say she gives us tasks that serve both our goals in the short term and her own goals (whatever they are) in the long term--maybe a little suspicious, but still not what I'd call untrustworthy.

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