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Update 9: Vor's Revenge


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Where do you upload your clan emblem?


I would say read OP :) It's in the Warlord's account management on the Warframe main site. You click your name and voila you will see the AM button. But advice caution. It costs 150plat and you can only use it ingame if you buy a 30plat clan emblem from market.


By the way we have now Enemy Sense and Enemy Radar on the same list doing the same thing. Kinda redundant. Otherwise I like the aura slot - I dunno about people screaming "i have to forma my frame" as you got a new mod slot for the auras so I'm cool with the new system. They don't cost that much - if this difficulty stays it wouldn't matter anyways.

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Edited by K_Shiro
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new UI is all form no function

all planets drop the same resources

dojo resources are broken

aura is trash, not only as an idea but as an implementation. requires refitting of ALL existing warframe builds and usually a forma (which is allegedly broken, taking your forma and resetting the level but not changing the slot)

new boss scaling is hideous

materials etc dropped down holes don't come back

raptor pisses drops everywhere except on the map

dojo decoration placement is finicky and shaky and not precise at all

the list goes on

fix your S#&$

Edited by Naples
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Why are Focus Energy and Rending Strike the same thing, only one is better than the other? That seems to make no sense. Is the difference in polarities that big a deal? It's also a bit disappointing that of the 10 new Nightmare mode mods, there are duplicates like these.


Ancient Healers and Disruptors now look exactly the same. That's a big problem as you always want to look out for Disruptors primarily. They need to have different colors again ASAP.


Not sure if this is by design but Nightmare missions on early planets don't seem to scale properly. Mercury Nightmare missions have level 33 enemies, as do those on Earth. And Nightmare Defense missions don't have higher level enemies to start.

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Does anyone know how to get clan pic on the ensignia ? i bought it and i dont know where to put my clan logo ? :( need help :'(

Man, I won't say read 18pages but at least the last 5 messages before posting.


Anyways, is it only me or the new UI is reacting to the buttons I press? I mean I was typing a message to the Regional chat and the map was jumping from planet to planet, mission to mission and when I hit enter it started the countdown. I know it's to ease getting into a mission on an ever rotating map (which looks AWESOME by the way, I like it, will have to get used to it of course but looks gorgeous and clean) but you might have to take that out or at least force the game to focus on chat when it's active.

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I love the new update, but could you please make it show who in your party/group (people you maybe runnin a mission with) what mission they have clicked on again? You used to show that before and now it doesnt show. Also a glitch that my boyfriend, co-worker/friend and I found, there was a card and several pickups (as in ingredients) that dropped and we watched where they went but seconds later the card and pickups were gone. Can you please fix that? Also some of the lockers in the missions dont seem to have either red or green on them, can you tell us why? But we did enjoy the new looks and how much more tough the missions seemed to be the more people we had in our group/party. But over all the update was and is awesome!!! 

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This update is AWESOME

Lots of new stuff, it's great.

Just something I'd like to see back is the number of players (squads?) in a mission before clicking on it, like before. Overall, everything is amazing :)

Also nice to see the planets rotating again haha

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I was orignially excited for the update, then I saw what a complete mess it was.


-Artifact was completely ruined, as if mod points for it wasn't bad enough, polarities had to smack us in the face and force us to use forma?

-Drops are messed up

-The tutorial is unfinished

-The UI for foundry favored aesthetics over functionality


Sure it's great you guys are pushing out new updates but this was rushed so badly it needs major reworking -_-"

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Man, I won't say read 18pages but at least the last 5 messages before posting.


Anyways, is it only me or the new UI is reacting to the buttons I press? I mean I was typing a message to the Regional chat and the map was jumping from planet to planet, mission to mission and when I hit enter it started the countdown. I know it's to ease getting into a mission on an ever rotating map (which looks AWESOME by the way, I like it, will have to get used to it of course but looks gorgeous and clean) but you might have to take that out or at least force the game to focus on chat when it's active.

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 this was happening to me too, and I restarted my client and it stopped.

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"Clan Emblems have been added as an option to the game. Warlords, check the Account Management tab on the www.warframe.com website!"


Hmmm theres nothing about Clan emblems, in my account management tab on the web site???


has any Warlords found this yet???

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Just did a Nightmare mission on Eris, and the enemies were barely 5 levels above the normal. Hardly a big jump in difficulty. I feel the levels should scale a lot harder, if DE's intent was to create a mode that actually challenged players with maxed-out equipment.

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"Clan Emblems have been added as an option to the game. Warlords, check the Account Management tab on the www.warframe.com website!"


Hmmm theres nothing about Clan emblems, in my account management tab on the web site???


has any Warlords found this yet???


I have. Scroll down, it's under change password and account reset.


About the aura system - just checked my frost and it has a d polarity instead of a - which energy siphon needs. So what I said about Auras is scratched now :) At least I'm getting off my high horses and join the others that it's not that perfect. Anyways I can live with it but I hope they won't undo it after a ton of people spend formas on changing aura slot polarity. By the way, if it's like this I would have let people use auras in other slots too not just the aura only slot. That way at least something positive would come with this.

Now I can level my auras but that could have been done with the old system too after changing the selection screen to a modscreen so right now it certainly feels like an annoyance than a welcome change.

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