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For the people who bought frames before doing their quests


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1)Will they be retroactively getting rivens?

Personally I was giddy af for limbo, Inaros and Nidus and bought them before doing their respective quests (I did farm Nidus to check how grindy he is). Will this be happening? If not, why not?

2)Can the crafting stages be skipped?

2) (REWORDED EDIT:) Can the requirements to craft the frame components in the quests to progress be skipped?

I don't want to wait 12 hours to build Limbo helmet, chassis and systems, not when I already have him.

Feel free to share your thoughts, if you agree or disagree. It's all fine.

Edited by Evanescent
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On point 1 no, and thats because the "free" riven its only for  Otária ups i mean Octavia.

On point 2 yes, you can rush thing by paying plat, just go to the foundry and you sould have an opition to rush the construction of any item.

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Most certainly will not, nor should it be, retroactive.

DE finally decided to give something to players who like to get stuff right away AND still do the quest. Which is awesome. But that doesnt mean they are setting some kind of standard that it's how it should be.

I personally wish they hadn't tried to be nice at all, because now they've stirred up all the entitled babies crying for more free stuff. Not neccessarily you OP, but just in general.


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What they should've done with the Octavia quest is rewarding a veiled pistol riven for everyone regardless if you bought the frame or not. That way everyone still have a reason to do the quest and no one will be salty for old frames and quests.

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The quest felt difficult enought to deserve a reward for playing, yet this is an extra option only for a specific group of userbase, like a specific deal. Some people could feel divided and even punished for not spending real muni.

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7 minutes ago, Xionyde134 said:

Can you explain why you want to build a second limbo if you already have him?

Because I want to complete his quest, which would force me to make his parts?

5 minutes ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

On point 1 no, and thats because the "free" riven its only for  Otária ups i mean Octavia.

On point 2 yes, you can rush thing by paying plat, just go to the foundry and you sould have an opition to rush the construction of any item.

I don't think you understood the point of the post.

DE did it for Octavia not because it's something special to her lore but because they wanted to reward players who did the quest even after buying her. Why should it not  be the same for earlier cases?

If I already have the frame, I should be able to skip the segments where it forces me to craft the part and progress onwards since it would just be a waste of time and resources.

4 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:


Why retroactive Rivens?

See above!

2 minutes ago, Azlen said:

Most certainly will not, nor should it be, retroactive.

DE finally decided to give something to players who like to get stuff right away AND still do the quest. Which is awesome. But that doesnt mean they are setting some kind of standard that it's how it should be.

I personally wish they hadn't tried to be nice at all, because now they've stirred up all the entitled babies crying for more free stuff. Not neccessarily you OP, but just in general.


Mmm....I see your point, but there should be some consistency in my opinion. All, or nothing.

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4 minutes ago, Naftal said:

What they should've done with the Octavia quest is rewarding a veiled pistol riven for everyone regardless if you bought the frame or not. That way everyone still have a reason to do the quest and no one will be salty for old frames and quests.

I fully agree, actually. That way it's still worth doing for the riven, and even if you don't spend money you don't feel left out.

2 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

The quest felt difficult enought to deserve a reward for playing, yet this is an extra option only for a specific group of userbase, like a specific deal. Some people could feel divided and even punished for not spending real muni.

See above!

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1 minute ago, Evanescent said:

I don't think you understood the point of the post.

DE did it for Octavia not because it's something special to her lore but because they wanted to reward players who did the quest even after buying her. Why should it not  be the same for earlier cases?

If I already have the frame, I should be able to skip the segments where it forces me to craft the part and progress onwards since it would just be a waste of time and resources.

Makes sense...

Player gets some value add for purchasing if they choose not to skip the content outright and enjoys no wait time (the whole reason why they purchased to begin with ) with subsequent builds for a redundant item they already have but might choose to re-purpose.

There really isn't a downside for DE to do this when one stops to think about it.

They make money in at least 2 channels (frame purchase and additional slot purchase) and if the riven is sold via trade, they potentially make money in a third.

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2 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

I don't think you understood the point of the post.

DE did it for Octavia not because it's something special to her lore but because they wanted to reward players who did the quest even after buying her. Why should it not  be the same for earlier cases?

If I already have the frame, I should be able to skip the segments where it forces me to craft the part and progress onwards since it would just be a waste of time and resources.


You asked 2 questions and  i responded. First I never said that the riven has special to her lore DE did it to boost the early sales of Ocatvia, second if DE does do that the entitled babies will start with the " I buy this so I deserve more" (but with the riven system being the DE money grab that it is soner or late we will be seeing rivens for sale in the market) and soon every one that buys a frame or weapon will demand things like riven mod.

One the second point why should "you" (and by you I mean any player that buy a frame first and then does the quest) deserve a special free option to rush the build process, if "you" buy the frame and then does the quest it was by your one volition and its only fair to the "free to play" comunity that every one experience the quest the same way.

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56 minutes ago, Azlen said:


DE finally decided to give something to players who like to get stuff right away AND still do the quest. Which is awesome.

It was poorly thought over though. If you complete the quest and then buy the frame, you get no riven. Or maybe they dislike people who complete the quest, but still buy the frame, after all it's completely different from buying the frame and completing the quest, right?

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1 hour ago, Evanescent said:

Because I want to complete his quest, which would force me to make his parts?

Maybe you should try doing her quest first.


It doesn't require or give you any of the parts

Edited by Vilmu
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1 hour ago, Azlen said:

Most certainly will not, nor should it be, retroactive.

DE finally decided to give something to players who like to get stuff right away AND still do the quest. Which is awesome. But that doesnt mean they are setting some kind of standard that it's how it should be.

I personally wish they hadn't tried to be nice at all, because now they've stirred up all the entitled babies crying for more free stuff. Not neccessarily you OP, but just in general.



There's absolutely no reason why they should supposedly give out rivens retroactively to anyone that may have done these quests the same way they did Octavia's. It just sounds like you, OP, want the hand when DE offered you a finger.

Secondly, I dare to doubt that it can even be checked at this point, how someone completed all these frame quests going back all the way to Mirage. And obviously they're not going to toss out rivens to everyone who owns these frames.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

1)Will they be retroactively getting rivens?

Personally I was giddy af for limbo, Inaros and Nidus and bought them before doing their respective quests (I did farm Nidus to check how grindy he is). Will this be happening? If not, why not?

2)Can the crafting stages be skipped?

I don't want to wait 12 hours to build Limbo helmet, chassis and systems, not when I already have him.

Feel free to share your thoughts, if you agree or disagree. It's all fine.

1) No why would they ? it's a new bonus if you buy something with Plat.

2) Why would you build Limbo if you already have him ?


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1 hour ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

You asked 2 questions and  i responded.

With two answers that did not make sense at the time, yes.

1 hour ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

First I never said that the riven has special to her lore DE did it to boost the early sales of Ocatvia, second if DE does do that the entitled babies will start with the " I buy this so I deserve more" (but with the riven system being the DE money grab that it is soner or late we will be seeing rivens for sale in the market) and soon every one that buys a frame or weapon will demand things like riven mod.

I never said you did. I did proof the statement against a claim that could be made.

That argument doesn't hold water for 2 reasons:

1)They stated they did this so buying a frame does not make the quest reward unmeaningful. If this is so, it should be applied to the quests concerned that were added previously as this was then very much the case. For consistency, they should. Nothing makes them have to, but it would be nice if they did.

2)You have no claim to want a riven after every purchase. You do have a claim to ask the devs for some token so that supporting the game by buying something does not rob a quest of a meaningful reward for you. Totally different situations. The 'crybabies' would have no grounds to do so.

Your second point is nonsense. You can't bring the F2P argument into it because my purchasing the frame does not stop you getting the quest or doing it any way. What's it to you, if I jump over the wait times? It's not giving anyone a gameplay advantage. There's no reward for finishing it earlier. It is stopping players who purchased it being punished for supporting the game. So no, I can't say I agree with your point.

Honestly, your points seem a little petty, no offense.

21 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:


There's absolutely no reason why they should supposedly give out rivens retroactively to anyone that may have done these quests the same way they did Octavia's. It just sounds like you, OP, want the hand when DE offered you a finger.

It could be viewed in that way, I guess? No matter. As I stated before, DE does not have to. Would be neat, but they aren't obligated. It would however be a nice acknowledgement of supporting the game without hurting anyone too much.

21 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

Secondly, I dare to doubt that it can even be checked at this point, how someone completed all these frame quests going back all the way to Mirage. And obviously they're not going to toss out rivens to everyone who owns these frames.

I'm pretty sure DE has logs.

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1 minute ago, DxAdder said:

2) Why would you build Limbo if you already have him ?


Because, as I have stated a little bit higher up from your post, I would like to do the quest. And it won't let me do it without making me build a second one, and making me wait 12 hours for each part on top of rng on excavators to finish it. 

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2 hours ago, Evanescent said:

With two answers that did not make sense at the time, yes.

I never said you did. I did proof the statement against a claim that could be made.

That argument doesn't hold water for 2 reasons:

1)They stated they did this so buying a frame does not make the quest reward unmeaningful. If this is so, it should be applied to the quests concerned that were added previously as this was then very much the case. For consistency, they should. Nothing makes them have to, but it would be nice if they did.

2)You have no claim to want a riven after every purchase. You do have a claim to ask the devs for some token so that supporting the game by buying something does not rob a quest of a meaningful reward for you. Totally different situations. The 'crybabies' would have no grounds to do so.

Your second point is nonsense. You can't bring the F2P argument into it because my purchasing the frame does not stop you getting the quest or doing it any way. What's it to you, if I jump over the wait times? It's not giving anyone a gameplay advantage. There's no reward for finishing it earlier. It is stopping players who purchased it being punished for supporting the game. So no, I can't say I agree with your point.

Honestly, your points seem a little petty, no offense.


I know that my English is not all that good but dam I starting to think that I am speaking greenier because you are missing the point. If you need incentive to do the quest after buying "the quest reward" thats just seem a very greedy move. If you buy the reward and then go make the quest then it should be because you wanted to do the quest not because you get something that you only getting by paying money. (thats not P2W but we all can say that is a greyish zone some thing like pay-to-recive maybe)

You speak that "I" have no claim to want a reward (in this case a riven) for supporting the game, but then you says that "I" have a claim to ask a token for supporting the game (hum that makes sence). So in your mind buying slots\weapons does not support DE but buying a WF\WF bundles does (honestly, that seem a little elitist, no offense). My point (that you miss) is if they do the retroactively thing to the quest frames, then every one that buyed something will start asking for stuff.

On my second point (that for some reason you did not quoted) is if you want to "run through" a quest and allready have the reward just rush the parts and move one.

I forgot one thing, you asked "Will they be retroactively getting rivens?" and "Can the crafting stages be skipped?" which I replied "On point 1 no, and thats because the "free" riven its only for  Otária ups i mean Octavia". "On point 2 yes, you can rush thing by paying plat, just go to the foundry and you sould have an opition to rush the construction of any item." Im just falling to see why "That did not make sense at the time"



forget something
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DE basically gave players who bought octavia right away a reason to do the quest. The time frame to do it is a week after release iirc, and why should it be retroactive? What about players who already finished the quests?

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I agree with Limbo.

About rewarding quests ... I guess if it is important for DE themselves, like if you had to play Sands of Inaros in order to repair Outer Terminus and get the access key to Tau.

If you bought Inoros and ignored the Quest, you now are forced to play it anyway. I suppose their reasoning was akin to that with Oktavia.

Second Dream is like that, but then that was a game changer.

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9 hours ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

I know that my English is not all that good but dam I starting to think that I am speaking greenier because you are missing the point. If you need incentive to do the quest after buying "the quest reward" thats just seem a very greedy move. If you buy the reward and then go make the quest then it should be because you wanted to do the quest not because you get something that you only getting by paying money. (thats not P2W but we all can say that is a greyish zone some thing like pay-to-recive maybe)

You speak that "I" have no claim to want a reward (in this case a riven) for supporting the game, but then you says that "I" have a claim to ask a token for supporting the game (hum that makes sence). So in your mind buying slots\weapons does not support DE but buying a WF\WF bundles does (honestly, that seem a little elitist, no offense). My point (that you miss) is if they do the retroactively thing to the quest frames, then every one that buyed something will start asking for stuff.

I am not sure you are reading it properly. Let me make it clearer for you.

1)Rivens only apply for warframes and quests. When you purchase anything else you get what you paid for upfront, 100%. Therefore, you cannot claim anything else. This is why it will not cause everyone to want rivens for EVERY purchase.

2)A warframe introduction nowadays has 2 types of content: quest, and the warframe itself. When you pay for the frame, you get the frame itself. You get that part of the content, 100%. What you do not get if you paid for the frame is a meaningful tangible reward..You get lore, but nothing tangible. A warframe bp you have no use for. So you don't get all the mileage out of the content you should be getting.

This is why I say you have a 'claim'. Not literally, but in a matter of speaking-you have some ground to ask the devs to make the quest worth doing for you too.

If that seems 'greedy' to you then I respect your right to an opinion, but it is something I must disagree with.

9 hours ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

On my second point (that for some reason you did not quoted) is if you want to "run through" a quest and allready have the reward just rush the parts and move one.

The point went completely over your head. 

There is no logical reason for the crafting. If there were, I would have no objection. If I was crafting things I could use, or were required by the lore, I would have no objection. But making to do things over again for no reason? No. I don't want that.

But if you want to dance that way, I'll dance with you. Here's a cold hard cash reason why i shouldn't be doing those wait times-I paid to skip the wait. That is literally the reason I bought the frame-to skip all associated wait times.

9 hours ago, DRACO_VANWOLF said:

I forgot one thing, you asked "Will they be retroactively getting rivens?" and "Can the crafting stages be skipped?" which I replied "On point 1 no, and thats because the "free" riven its only for  Otária ups i mean Octavia". "On point 2 yes, you can rush thing by paying plat, just go to the foundry and you sould have an opition to rush the construction of any item." Im just falling to see why "That did not make sense at the time"

If you are failing, then we are at an impasse. If reading the points above don't convince you, we are just talking over each other without listening. No point in that.

Have a nice day.

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7 hours ago, arch111 said:

I agree with Limbo.

About rewarding quests ... I guess if it is important for DE themselves, like if you had to play Sands of Inaros in order to repair Outer Terminus and get the access key to Tau.

If you bought Inoros and ignored the Quest, you now are forced to play it anyway. I suppose their reasoning was akin to that with Oktavia.

Second Dream is like that, but then that was a game changer.

Yeah, that's what I meant.

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