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What is the most dangerous/challenging enemy to you?


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Sapping ospreys, the clemming sapping ospreys. Clemming flocks of them, clemming swarms. They annoy the clem out of me. Especially when I'm playing my main melee only Valkyr with Venka Prime, there's like 5 ospreys, you have to ripline down each of them, then another flock flies in, and you're getting shot at all the time by other enemies, and it's a clemming disaster. Clem this!

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4 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

Host migration.

Makes my butt clench so tight I could pickup sawdust.

Serious answer would be...

Grineer: Napalms, or more accurately their misleadingly small fire blobs. I swear that AoE is like 4 ft further than it visually shows.

Corpus: Nullies, but tbh I don't ever really have that much trouble with them unless they are corrupted and paired with...

Infested/Corrupted: Ancient Healers. F*** these guys. Bunch of fun ruining jerkholes. 90% damage reduction is lazy and ridiculous, there has to be a better way. The fact that it doesn't even need line of sight is incredibly frustrating. Nothing is worse than playing wheres Waldo while an energy sucking eximus is bleeding you dry, only to find the thing spinning around under the stairs. Really, that is my great enemy? Yet despite the complete failure of the AI, it still gets to make everything almost unkillable... ugh.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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The most dangerous ones:


  • Hyekka Master: is worse than Scorch (you can predict him at least) at high level thanks to her kebab-grenades
  • Seeker: loves to take cover and catch you off guard releasing his Kraken.


  • Tech (Eximi)... do I need to say anything? Super Ultimate Terminator Tech the Invincible.
  • Sapping Osprey: mostly annoying, 'cause all they do is grouping and mines spamming (with misleading hitbox) 24/7. Don't deal any noticeble damage at low level, but wreck you like an atomic train past high Starchart level.


  • TAR Mutalist MOA: dodges and throws lethal bullet-proof sheits at you while you're dealing with others. Just... duh.


  • Corrupted Crewman aka Yippee ki-yay aka Shotgun Surgeon: lets you know that you came to the wrong neighborhood, Voidflakker.


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2 hours ago, Antiks said:

closed doors in high level corpus with an army of detron crewman behind them.

That was the case back when DE had the mob spawn bug. Enemies would spawn out of control, so you'd end up for 60+ [and growing] crewmen in one small room. Eventually it was overwhelming and you had to run.

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