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Octavia’s Anthem: Hotfix 20.2.3


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DE is the ultimately one to be blamed for creating limbomb, then nerf it to pacify other players. This shows that whomever or whichever department that came out with the rework didn't think it through enough. They are giving themselves quite a bad name in this area.

So instead of re-nerfing 4 into something like no energy refund etc, DE has to double-nerfed it.. and the nerf has to be damage concern.

Well, expect this trend to go on, with the upcoming oberon rework and then nerf.

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Wo... So much fixes... ;) thks DE !

  • It still take soooo much time for items to show up : foundry, weapons in arsenal, missions rewards, codex, market, daily rewards, excavators...
  • Codex : still 2 transports in the objects part of the codex ;
    Earth Defense Mobile (Everest) : still really really dark lighting
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11 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:


Good, this change should end the LazyFrame 2.0 issue. Now, to work on Stasis and prevent it from freezing allies projectiles and forcing teammates into Melee.

"A stasis that doesn't do the stasis thing"
Just remove him from the game already, like Trinity, at this point.

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2 hours ago, AlboxXx said:

no, now only the people who know how use limbo will use it well.

The nuke limbo is not limbo

So unless you have an enemy freezed in the center of the cataclysm bubble you'll _never_ deal 100% of the """damage""". Pretty nice.

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2 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

Prisma Shade, Prisma Gorgon sounded better, personally.

Maybe in the future, they would also change those primed mods to be suffix.
Flow Primed, Shotgun Mutation Primed... to match Ash Prime, Banshee Prime, Euphona Prime.

This. Prisma as a prefix sounds better than as a suffix.

First was the Mara Detron and the Wraith Twin Vipers which weren't too bad, but seeing 'Shade Prisma' just looks weird to me. Might just be cos it's my favorite sentinel and I'm so used to seeing Prisma Shade though.

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4 minutes ago, rchl said:

This. Prisma as a prefix sounds better than as a suffix.

First was the Mara Detron and the Wraith Twin Vipers which weren't too bad, but seeing 'Shade Prisma' just looks weird to me. Might just be cos it's my favorite sentinel and I'm so used to seeing Prisma Shade though.

Not just because its your favorite. Unlike Prime all the others just flow better as a prefix.

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So, they changed the name of Prisma items (which I think is unnecessary and also doesn't really make sense since they are weapons made of "prisma crystals" meaning they literally are Prisma weapons, but whatever) and in the process reverted Mara Detron back from Detron Mara? It's most likely a bug/mistake, I know, but it just is such a silly and insignificant thing to change to begin with that I had a good ol' chuckle when I saw it.

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6 hours ago, AegisArclight1999 said:

Maybe you should stop whining since the old limbo sucks. Plus, no ZA WARUDO back then. WHICH SUCKS. Now, his new 2... Stasis (ZA WARUDO) is one of the best CC abilities. WHICH DOESN'T SUCK.

It doesn't matter when it brings with it problems for your teammates, making it unsuitable for missions that do require CC. Stasis is harmful to raids because it breaks teammates hacking and force them off pads. Stasis is harmful to defense/survival because it prevents shooting, forcing the team to get out of position to melee, Stasis is harmful in excavation because it prevents your team from picking up battery. Stasis is harmful to fissure because it prevents your team from picking up reactants. Stasis is only useful in 2 mission types: Interception and Mobile Defense. With this sort of utility, it's a mediocre CC at best.

Stop being a fanboy.

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12 hours ago, -STR-ChainWarden said:

Well thanks for the Banshee buff and limbo nerf. That was what im looking for ^^

It was a banshee nerf. Silence scales with negative duration in general (the only exception is when Banshee builds negative range, which is a rare occurence)

Neither of the 2 most popular Banshee buid, Quake banshee and Sonar banshee will benefit from a longer duration silence, and they will find little reason to use Silence as well

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9 minutes ago, HolyDemon00 said:

It doesn't matter when it brings with it problems for your teammates, making it unsuitable for missions that do require CC. Stasis is harmful to raids because it breaks teammates hacking and force them off pads. Stasis is harmful to defense/survival because it prevents shooting, forcing the team to get out of position to melee, Stasis is harmful in excavation because it prevents your team from picking up battery. Stasis is harmful to fissure because it prevents your team from picking up reactants. Stasis is only useful in 2 mission types: Interception and Mobile Defense. With this sort of utility, it's a mediocre CC at best.

Stop being a fanboy.

Since when did I say I was being a fanboy? That's your terms bud. Only noob players would do that. Real Limbo players uses their skills tactically. Hell, I used weapons more than abilities.

You can't label me as a fanboy, who rarely uses the warframe's skills.

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Just now, AegisArclight1999 said:

Since when did I say I was being a fanboy? That's your terms bud. Only noob players would do that. Real Limbo players uses their skills tactically. Hell, I used weapons more than abilities.

You can't label me as a fanboy, who rarely uses the warframe's skills.

Then what's the point of using a frame if you don't use its abilities? You might as well just stick to your starter frame (or Inaros because he has huge base stats)

And, you use the term "Real Limbo player" to address yourself, and you're telling me that you're not a fanboy? Denial much?

Also, a teltale sign of a frame being trash is when its "real player" prefer using weapons to its abilities. Look at weapon-buffing frames (which you should be using, not this piece of trash limbo) like Mirage, Mesa, Octavia, and Banshee, their abilties are used very often.


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7 minutes ago, AegisArclight1999 said:
15 minutes ago, HolyDemon00 said:

It doesn't matter when it brings with it problems for your teammates, making it unsuitable for missions that do require CC. Stasis is harmful to raids because it breaks teammates hacking and force them off pads. Stasis is harmful to defense/survival because it prevents shooting, forcing the team to get out of position to melee, Stasis is harmful in excavation because it prevents your team from picking up battery. Stasis is harmful to fissure because it prevents your team from picking up reactants. Stasis is only useful in 2 mission types: Interception and Mobile Defense. With this sort of utility, it's a mediocre CC at best.

Stop being a fanboy.


Oh, I forgot to add. Undoing the rework is the WORST move for DE to do. It would make Limbo back the way he was again. A trash frame unlike today. Besides, I heard that someone said that they can break Stasis by shooting 300 bullets (which isn't even hard or even take too long to do)

"Stasis is harmful to defense/survival because it prevents shooting" Not unless your team is in the higher levels now, You SHOULD BE USING IT.

"Stasis is harmful in excavation because it prevents your team from picking up battery" Just kill the enemies carrying the batteries and simply Banish the other threats so that way only the battery enemies remain.

"Stasis is harmful to fissure because it prevents your team from picking up reactants" Like I said again, if Cataclysm + Stasis is an annoyance, just the Banish and Stasis combo will do. Since Stasis only affects those in the rift plane, not the physical/material plane.

This is how I use Stasis tactically, while you are there calling me a noobish fanboy.

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8 minutes ago, armoredartist13 said:

Anyone else having problems with freezing and lagging every few seconds since this hotfix?

I been having that since idk when.  I see it happen all the time in my ship. But i also use a computer that is WAAAAAAY below the minimum requires for the game. So i cant really say if its the game or my comp

Edited by BlueTunicLink
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