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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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3 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

You're only as immortal as your energy holds out, and frankly? Oberon's got damned poor energy economy with renewal active. However i conceed the point and how about instead we trim it down to forty five seconds? Basically cut it in half yet still beyond the timer duration for bleedout without augment from renewal.

Again with this poor energy ecomony... Not going to get into it again. As for decrease the timer? Sure. But I'd say only by 30 sec. that way it's a solid minute.

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6 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

You're only as immortal as your energy holds out, and frankly? Oberon's got damned poor energy economy with renewal active. However i conceed the point and how about instead we trim it down to forty five seconds? Basically cut it in half yet still beyond the timer duration for bleedout without augment from renewal.

I'm fine if it's a 45s cooldown, even if it's 60s, but 90s is way too... 

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

Primed Vigor is already a thing and gives 220% at max.

Oh S#&$, I gotta get me one of those.  Would make my Oberon P even better.  Moar health, yes please.

edit: oh, 400 day login reward, no dang wonder I never knew about it...I think im at like day 150?

Edited by KnightCole
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1 hour ago, KnightCole said:

Oh S#&$, I gotta get me one of those.  Would make my Oberon P even better.  Moar health, yes please.

edit: oh, 400 day login reward, no dang wonder I never knew about it...I think im at like day 150?

Looks like you've got a long road ahead of you, bud. At least it's something to look forward to, yeah?

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On 4.6.2017 at 9:07 AM, redeyedtreefrog said:

I kid you not, renewal will heal mirage's mirrors.

Do they even have health bars?

Specific scenario aside, this is part of a much larger problem, which is that any warframe with summons becomes toxic to an oberon teammate, due to renewal's interaction with them. If renewal is going to heal summons at all, it shouldn't drain energy. The only non-player entities that really justify an essentially passive energy drain on oberon are rescue and sortie defense targets. Maybe syndicate operatives.

i think it shoulnd't drain as well, because it just sucks, energy per second goes up like a rocket, i even tend to not activate it if i have nekros in my team, or try not to give him/shadows renewal, which is kinda the opposite of supporting your team which i like. :/

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15 hours ago, Doomerang said:

I'm fine if it's a 45s cooldown, even if it's 60s, but 90s is way too... 

dont face tanking everything, jump a little, when invulnerable kill the high priority mob as fast as possible, escape/find cover to recover some health and shield, and  you would be fine

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53 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Phoenix Renewal needs an on screen effect similar to NIdus's Undying to give better indication that it's activated/during the invincibility phase.

It literally tells you, in big bold letters in the middle of your screen, "PHOENIX RENEWAL," whenever it activates. Pay more attention.

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I've been having a blast testing out things. So far I've found that Growing Power and Energy Conversion can be down right silly with him. On my build, if I proc both of those effects I can get 600+ armor and like 130+ health per second. It's honestly pretty awesome to play lol. Although my efficiency is kinda bad, i can work around it.

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58 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I've been noticing it's mostly console players sayign Oberons' great we're all stupid for thinking he has energy economy issues, blah blah blah....


why is this?

Honestly couldn't tell ya. Did you leave your tin foil hat on? But in all seriousness I'm sure it's the same for both parties. There are PC players that are fine with oberon and there are console players that aren't.

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Only thing I think is pretty $&*&*#(%& on Oberon is how Nekros is his worst enemy, ditch that and yeah, Oberon is cool.  I wish we had a Primed Rage haha.

Oh, and one other thing, wish his base duration on Hallowed Ground, allowed it to actually stay, more like Snowglobe, being "hallowed ground" instead of just "hallowed spot".  Let it last until it's dealt like 10,000 dmg or something.  It'd be nice if any mobs killed by radiation procs while on HG, restored like 0.5% energy. 

Edited by KnightCole
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47 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'm just.... Look I've said all I can think to say on the matter both good and bad. He's not BAD. He just.... these constnt little things combined with the past month in general has left me pretty damned sour.

I can understand that, but sometimes you just gotta take a step back and breathe. It's obvious you're very passionate about this subject, and that's not a bad thing, but just don't let it get to you.

Keep playing Oberon. Try new things. Think outside the box and adjust your play style. Heck I changed my build a little bit throughout messing with him and his rework. I now have negative efficiency and I'm doing alright. Hell, I don't even have vitality on, lol.

Yes you've said your part Tenno. It's up to DE on what happens next, not you. So don't feel discouraged if what you beg for doesn't come to fruition. Players may help mold this game, but ultimately DE are the sculptors. And if they don't feel like something should be added, they won't add it. Simple as that.

Though that doesn't mean you don't have valid points. It's just you haven't seen what many other Oberon players have been trying to show you. You feel as though Oberon has horrible energy issues and forced synergy. On the surface that may be true, but it's up to you as a player to find out how to make that work.

Oberon is probably one of the most mailable Warframes next to Equinox. You can do so much with him. He can tackle virtually any situation and a variety of mods have incredible applications with him.

I haven't had his much fun with a frame in a long time. I had my doubts about the rework, but as the patches came out and I continued to play it, I play Oberon almost exclusively now, just like I did when I started lol. He's great.

Again, you don't have to feel the same way. That's what these forums are for. Voice your concerns and offer ways to fix them. But never get angry about something not being changed. Don't get bitter. It'll only make you hate the game.

Sorry about that lecture, but I've been reading your posts. You have quite a lot to say, and that's refreshing, keep finding things to talk about, just don't lose your head. That is all and I hope none of what I said offends you.

Edited by (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan
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38 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Only thing I think is pretty $&*&*#(%& on Oberon is how Nekros is his worst enemy, ditch that and yeah, Oberon is cool.  I wish we had a Primed Rage haha.

I just did a mission on Akkad with a nekros. 20 waves. Not once did he manage to drain my renewal.

Max energy efficiency with either a 70ish% duration at the least can hold out.

Granted, I used decaying dragon key to basically strip my shields so I could get rage to work more efficiently and had a syndicate effect to restore energy, but still, it can be worked around. Was even able to keep a constant spam of smite blasts going.

Edited by (PS4)Zelisius
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41 minutes ago, (PS4)Zelisius said:

I just did a mission on Akkad with a nekros. 20 waves. Not once did he manage to drain my renewal.

Max energy efficiency with either a 70ish% duration at the least can hold out.

Granted, I used decaying dragon key to basically strip my shields so I could get rage to work more efficiently and had a syndicate effect to restore energy, but still, it can be worked around. Was even able to keep a constant spam of smite blasts going.

Was he casting his minions?

I have 100% energy efficiency as well, and the one time i had a Nekros with me, holy crap, did my energy go fast...

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)Zelisius said:

Ya he was. We're you using fleeting and streamline for 175% efficiency though? Because that's what I'm using, both rank 4 and my energy drain is real slow

Lol, no, im using Transient, INtensify and Blind Rage+15% Exilus mod for 254% Power Strength, with Streamline to keep me at 100%, but my duration is 73%. 

My Oberon does good damage for sure.  Carpet+#4, Carpet alone can actually do ok.  My armor buff is like 544 or 504, something likethat, and my heal is 102.

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7 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Lol, no, im using Transient, INtensify and Blind Rage+15% Exilus mod for 254% Power Strength, with Streamline to keep me at 100%, but my duration is 73%. 

My Oberon does good damage for sure.  Carpet+#4, Carpet alone can actually do ok.  My armor buff is like 544 or 504, something likethat, and my heal is 102.

In my testing I've noticed that, depending on the build, duration works better for Renewals efficiency. The build I'm working with has 75% efficiency but like 140+% duration. Keeps my energy drain in the green at the expense of a heftier cost for my other abilities, luckily I don't spam Oberon's abilities. I've also incorporated this with Growing power and Energy Conversion. When I get going I've got like 600+ armor and a lot of health per second. It's glorious and allows me to forgo Vitality, which I normally would never do, but it works.

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

In my testing I've noticed that, depending on the build, duration works better for Renewals efficiency. The build I'm working with has 75% efficiency but like 140+% duration. Keeps my energy drain in the green at the expense of a heftier cost for my other abilities, luckily I don't spam Oberon's abilities. I've also incorporated this with Growing power and Energy Conversion. When I get going I've got like 600+ armor and a lot of health per second. It's glorious and allows me to forgo Vitality, which I normally would never do, but it works.

Oh jeez, its really duration that increases oberon healing?  Not pwr strength?  THey still havent changed that?  Seems like they should. 

NM, just looked, its power strength, thought I was losing my mind for a second....

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Oberon's in a decent place right now, but I'd like some more tweaks before DE calls it a day:

Passive: Scrap his current passive, since it's really awful. It needs to be some form of energy sustain, since Oberon  is so energy hungry. I'd say just give him a built-in, maxed, rage (+40% damage to health converted to energy) and I think that would help out with his issues.


1). Smite - Pretty solid as is. Maybe make it drop an energy orb if it kills an enemy, to help out with Oberon's energy economy? 

2). Hallowed Ground - range scaling doesn't make sense. It should be a full circle by default (and not a 180 degree arc) and should have regular range scaling (not 11.25 * Range + 15 meters base range).

Status chance could be bumped up to 20-25% per tick to make it more reliable.

Maybe give it a few meters of verticality, to account for elevation change, or maybe make it persist for a few seconds after stepping off. 

Oh yea, the effect looks like toxic sludge, so that needs to be changed, but I think DE has addressed that. 


3). Renewal - two major suggestions:

I). Let the initial wave have infinite range (as opposed to 25 meters and then infinite range for marked allies). Maybe make it travel 25 meters/s? 

II). Heavily adjust the energy cost. Maybe make it 0 energy/s when not healing, and 7 energy/s when healing (so no penalties for healing allies). The actual energy value could be scaled up (maybe to 10/s or something), but it should be flat and only when healing. This would help out with his energy issues a lot. 


4). Reckoning

I). Health orb chance should have a probability to drop on cast, since Reckoning isn't intended to be a nuke. Maybe 25-33%  chance on cast to drop a health orb per enemy hit, and 50% on kill? 


I think these changes are fairly reasonable and would serve to making Oberon a lot stronger without necessarily making him OP. 




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1 hour ago, SquidTheSid said:

Oberon's in a decent place right now, but I'd like some more tweaks before DE calls it a day:

Passive: Scrap his current passive, since it's really awful. It needs to be some form of energy sustain, since Oberon  is so energy hungry. I'd say just give him a built-in, maxed, rage (+40% damage to health converted to energy) and I think that would help out with his issues.


1). Smite - Pretty solid as is. Maybe make it drop an energy orb if it kills an enemy, to help out with Oberon's energy economy? 

2). Hallowed Ground - range scaling doesn't make sense. It should be a full circle by default (and not a 180 degree arc) and should have regular range scaling (not 11.25 * Range + 15 meters base range).

Status chance could be bumped up to 20-25% per tick to make it more reliable.

Maybe give it a few meters of verticality, to account for elevation change, or maybe make it persist for a few seconds after stepping off. 

Oh yea, the effect looks like toxic sludge, so that needs to be changed, but I think DE has addressed that. 


3). Renewal - two major suggestions:

I). Let the initial wave have infinite range (as opposed to 25 meters and then infinite range for marked allies). Maybe make it travel 25 meters/s? 

II). Heavily adjust the energy cost. Maybe make it 0 energy/s when not healing, and 7 energy/s when healing (so no penalties for healing allies). The actual energy value could be scaled up (maybe to 10/s or something), but it should be flat and only when healing. This would help out with his energy issues a lot. 


4). Reckoning

I). Health orb chance should have a probability to drop on cast, since Reckoning isn't intended to be a nuke. Maybe 25-33%  chance on cast to drop a health orb per enemy hit, and 50% on kill? 


I think these changes are fairly reasonable and would serve to making Oberon a lot stronger without necessarily making him OP. 




I agree with most of this, I just think some of your numbers are too high lol. 10/s on Renewal? No thanks... the constant ~3(depending on the build) we get now is kinda wild. I say remove it per target cost all together and just give us a base 5/s flat amount. Or at the very worst leave current base amount at 2 and per target like 1, or 0.5 honestly, obviously not affected by mods. Why is it even higher than the base!? Makes sooooo little sense to be penalized for helping!!! With my build having red drain... currently with my personal build in spending a little more than 8 energy per second just to heal myself... And if there is a bombard make that about 13-ish to heal my carrier lol. This isn't cool man...

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2 hours ago, SquidTheSid said:

Passive: Scrap his current passive, since it's really awful. It needs to be some form of energy sustain, since Oberon  is so energy hungry. I'd say just give him a built-in, maxed, rage (+40% damage to health converted to energy) and I think that would help out with his issues.

His passive is not awful. Want an awful passive? Revert it to what it was before. 

And even if they did change it to built in Rage, it'd have to be toned down. Like to 5-10% MAYBE 15% not a max 40% Rage. As far as I know, no passive has that kind of viability.

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Here are two separate examples of the aforementioned bug. 

Sorry... I don't remember who it was I was trying to show this to.

As you can see, Renewal is clearly activated, and had been activated for some time... then randomly my teammates started getting closer to me and poof, magically the buff appears... there was a Nekros in one of the videos... this also happens with his shadows. I had a video of that too, but I accidentally deleted hehe. 

The fact that the drain is emmense on more than yourself and one other body AND that coupled by not being able to control who you heal is kinda.... bad to say the least. DE... pls :(


Edit: they had the buff until I manually turned Renewal off

Double edit: this bug would mean absolutely nothing to me if it didn't const SO much. What if there were Shadows? What if it was Nidus or Inaros who have no choice but to take health damage?? No bueno DE, no bueno. 

Edited by (PS4)BigEffinDud
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8 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

One more thing. Is there any way to have renewal reapply if oberon runs into a nullifier bubble then either kills the nullie or otherwise leaves Like... it's still draining power to keep allies going, why do I not instantly get my heal back? NOt having armor back is 'fine' insofar as anything with this dependence stupidity is 'fine.' I can just recast hallowed ground now and get it back. However to get my heal back I have to stop healing allies.

Honestly Nullifiers should just deactivate the ability entirely, leaving allies with the timer for the armor buff and that's it until Oberon casts Renewal again. I don't think you should be able to get your heal back after leaving the bubble. Ember stops burning everything when she enters a bubble. Exalted Blade disappears. Desecrate stops. Etc etc. why should this be any different?

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