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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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3 minutes ago, Doomerang said:

Seems this is the final patch for bro Oberon, not expected, but acceptable.

Reaaaaaaally wanted Reckoning to have better ways of dropping Health Orbs.

The fact that Nekros can tank harder than Oberon upsets me.

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7 minutes ago, LokiTheCondom said:

Reaaaaaaally wanted Reckoning to have better ways of dropping Health Orbs.

The fact that Nekros can tank harder than Oberon upsets me.

I can feel your pain... That health orb mechanics of Reckoning really does nothing for him...

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and that's it, just a tweak at his energy that with rage was covered already even in sortie 3 eximus survival grineer ( go figure lmfao )

this is so sad, but hey at least he got some attentions post his "revisit"

Ash didn't even get a word from DE after 105 pages lmfao

which is even sadder

Ps: get rid of the heal on Nekros Shadows because it's pure cancer for Obie running Renewal, seriously

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If I had to make one change it'd be to remove the additional energy draining per target healed. I've had my energy drop from max to 0 in just a few seconds when my team took some heavy damage. And if you can't provide healing during high damaging situations, you're useless. That's like having Excalibur's Exalted Blade drain additional energy for every target killed by it. It would become a completely useless ability if after killing 10 enemies you were drained to 0. You'd never want to use it. If Renewal just had a simple and consistent energy drain per second, it would be exponentially better. Also maaaaybe consider adjusting the values of Renewal's base heal/scaling with Power Strength. Renewal's healing is negligible unless you're at like +250% Power Strength. That's simply too much to ask for and limits him in terms of build variation.

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13 minutes ago, Ganonpurps said:

If I had to make one change it'd be to remove the additional energy draining per target healed. I've had my energy drop from max to 0 in just a few seconds when my team took some heavy damage. And if you can't provide healing during high damaging situations, you're useless. That's like having Excalibur's Exalted Blade drain additional energy for every target killed by it. It would become a completely useless ability if after killing 10 enemies you were drained to 0. You'd never want to use it. If Renewal just had a simple and consistent energy drain per second, it would be exponentially better. Also maaaaybe consider adjusting the values of Renewal's base heal/scaling with Power Strength. Renewal's healing is negligible unless you're at like +250% Power Strength. That's simply too much to ask for and limits him in terms of build variation.

I'd like to see your loadout, if your energy is dropping that quickly you maybe compromising efficiency for power.  Even when 4-5 targets are being healed simultaneously, I have a a comfortable amount of time to recover the situation. 

With 2 free slots, my stats: 






Let's say I used a couple abilities before the scenario and I'm at 550 en.  That gives me a solid 50 seconds to recover.  Of course reckoning will reduce that time but that is far from immediate drain.

Edited by robbybe01234
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29 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

I'd like to see your loadout, if your energy is dropping that quickly you maybe compromising efficiency for power.  Even when 4-5 targets are being healed simultaneously, I have a a comfortable amount of time to recover the situation. 

With 2 free slots, my stats: 






I am sacrificing efficiency for power, but I find that necessary. I think my efficiency is 90, I can't look at the moment. I have a blind rage on my build because I believe his healing is negligible if your power strength isn't sky high. With my build I get about 100 healing/second and give 500 armor. Which I firmly believe is a perfectly respectable amount of healing, especially with the damage resistance the additional armor is providing. But I feel it needs to be easier to maintain. And to do that I think removing the absurd energy drain would be the best way. However, you could also increase Renewal's base healing values so you don't need to invest quite so much into power strength. 

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9 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

'Better than nothing' is about all i can say. However i am GRAVELY disappointed in this. What we were asking was not unreasonable. At the absolute minamum have heal put at a flat cost... 


I just don't get it. They do something after a week of feedback that could have been done afte five minutes of the first rollout and clal it done.

I'm torn between anger resignation and 'now what'?

I feel like DE *Cough* Scott *cough* could give a S#&$ about Oberon. 

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22 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'm torn between anger resignation and 'now what'?

Now with a maxed primed flow Oberon has 638 max power. This is usable, as someone can turn off renewal use zenurik to get some power then turn the armor back on. 

I haven't tried using the healing for a team, but the heal per target being affected by mods might be enough to fix a bit of the problems.

Edited by LazyKnight
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10 minutes ago, LazyKnight said:

Now with a maxed primed flow Oberon has 638 max power. This is usable, as someone can turn off renewal use zenurik to get some power then turn the armor back on. 

I haven't tried using the healing for a team, but the heal per target being affected by mods might be enough to fix a bit of the problems.

As I understand it, it was since the rework.  The UI was bugged so the number wasn't representative of the mods effect.

Just played a survival with a Nidus.  No rage.  Kind of wanted rage for the first 5 min.  I totally demolished the nidus in terms of performance, he rage quit at 6 min. haha

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3 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

As I understand it, it was since the rework.  The UI was bugged so the number wasn't representative of the mods effect.

Well they did fix some of the other bugs with renewal, anyway. I'll admit, I didn't do much play testing with healing others beyond healing a kavat.

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8 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'm going to post a quote from elsethread that kinda shows what seems to be the prevalent attitude.


So how do we combat that kind of mentality from people who only see that Oberon got buffs and then a minor tweak to power and that we're still not happy?

"DE is still obviously showing they're still working on Oberon"

With Scott's comment, I highly doubt they are, and even if they are they're just doing it half-assedly at most. As for the people with these kind of mentality, leave em be. Contributes nothing to the table aside from being a metacomplaint.

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Honestly they addressed most of the problems I had with Oberon. Which was energy and not seeing Hallowed Ground. Only other not addressed was the energy regen but it's fine since I have grace and can easily buy guardian and truth be told Oberon is fine. Zero forma gets you through whole starchart and solo 1hr survival at any level.


Honestly very happy as an Oberon occasionally not main.

Edited by MartianGHunter
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On 4/26/2017 at 11:01 PM, Ordosan said:

no one wants to admite that a Jack can be decent.

More so that no one realizes that you can have all of these abilities/utility at the same time on the same frame. being a 'jack of all trades' is all about avoiding situational constraints/gimmicks, etc.

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On 4/26/2017 at 6:18 PM, ScribbleClash said:

Oberon Revisited:

Oberon now joins the likes of many other Warframes to receive ability tweaks! The vision for Oberon was to give his abilities synergy between them, and to ensure that he brought sufficient aid on the battlefield. Changes to Oberon’s abilities include the following:

Allied pets receive Health, Armor and Shield buff. In addition your pet receives 1 instant revive per mission. 


Damage from projectiles emitted from the enemy scales based on enemy level. Projectile damage spreads across all projectiles and is affected by Mods.
Hallowed Ground

Visually updated!
Hallowed Ground is now more of an 'arc' shape (Range Mods create a wider/longer arc).
Added a Status Chance that is affected by Strength Mods.
Adjusted damage and ranges.

Increased casting animation speed.
Changed to an expanding wave of healing instead of a projectile. 
Energy drain starts once wave hits allies, not leading up to it.
Whenever Oberon casts Renewal on an ally standing on Hallowed Ground, it activates Iron Renewal, granting an Armor boost for the entire heal process, once healing is complete the Armor Boost is on a timer.
Renewal doesn’t stop healing when the target ally is at full Health. It will continue to heal as long as it is active.

Enemies with a Radiation Status Chance will now take bonus damage from Reckoning.
Enemies standing on Hallowed Ground will receive Armor debuffs (affected by Strength).


The passive is perfect. Don't change that; it's not op, especially since sentinels are still usually the better choice due to their ranged weaponry.


Scaling on smite is great; that was needed. It's purpose is to single out an enemy; kind of mark them for death or whatever, then let the group around them finish them off. This doesn't work when the target doesn't take enough damage from the initial blast, or the rad proc doesn't last long enough for the 'finishing off.' The scaling ensures that the initial blast compensates for the relatively short proc. The alternative rework to this ability would have been buffing the proc time(In a manner that scales well, of course).

-Hallowed Ground-

Hallowed ground is used for 2 things- a defensive boost, and as a bottle-necking utility. It works best for experienced players that know where everything spawns.The stagger/rad proc slows them down while you or teammates blast away at the effective 'cork' that hallowed ground creates. Making the proc chance affected by mods was a needed internal change; as the ability's main utility (imo) comes from this, rather than its actual damage, and so now mods will alter this utility rather than the damage that (again, imo) is meant to just soften stuff up.

This change, along with switching the armor buff to an enemy armor debuff clearly shows that DE is trying to make it a more offensive ability, or rather a more proactive defensive one, (I hope everyone understands what i meant there), clearing the way for the new renewal mechanics to focus on pure defense. I understand this, however, please don't ever get rid of the debuff immunity; it's so perfect, and fits in with the purification theme so nicely.


Prayers answered. Mostly.

"It will continue to heal as long as it is active."

I don't understand why this wasn't implemented at the same time as Pheonix Renewal was added, but great nonetheless.

"Changed to an expanding wave of healing instead of a projectile. "

Mobility isn't a problem, even though the expanding wave healing limits things a bit. Gather everyone on your patch of magic ground, buff them, and turn the ability off at your leisure...

Hallowed ground has been turned into the ultimate refueling station, granted our resident Broberon has enough energy to sustain it.


--(Personal experience)

The biggest problem with this was that It stopped killing stuff at lvl 70+ (depending on your build), turning it into a pure CC ability rather than a kill everything ability, rendering the health orbs thing useless, even with the extra damage from its augment. I like running around with a maxed equilibium, (so expensive), and using the orbs to get back energy, but when it takes 2-5 casts to kill stuff this becomes innefficent. So... not good. 

2 solutions to this: Make orbs drop independently of death, or make it so everything always dies.

The second was implemented, more or less. I like it, because it adds killing power to the ability while the other keeps it almost the same.

--(More objective, but not completely)

It would have been better to either fix the orb spawning mechanics, or buff damage while removing the orbs altogether. The orbs just confuse the ability's purpose. 

Fixing the orbs (healing reliability): Leave it as a chance to drop the orbs, but make it upon being affected by the ability rather than upon death, or make it guaranteed upon death. By making the healing reliable, the damage/stun of the ability is there to serve as a pause in battle/ quick resolution, allowing time to collect the orbs and recuperate.

Buff (damage reliability): Straightforward. Turn it into a kill everything ability; remove the questionable heals.


I really think DE is responding to the community on this rework, which is great, but while we're at it the health orbs need to get looked at.

Edited by Etomb
Finished the post.
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Ehh, basically to the point where if you want to be a beast pre-level 100 use a max str/dur build with Smite Infusion and use energy restores or Rage, don't worry about Phoenix Renewal the big Iron Renewal buff should be good. If you want to go into endless use a range/eff build with Phoenix Renewal/Vitality/Rage/(Primed) Flow, you'll run into no energy issues at all even using Reckoning liberally and be able to solo 60-90 minutes w/o Naramon and until your weapons fall off w/ Naramon.

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3 hours ago, LokiTheCondom said:

Welp, Oberon lovers. As of 20.4 all we get is improved base energy pool and better visuals for Hallowed Ground.

More than a thousand replies and this is the best they will do.

I'm actually happy with that. I made a post that said "if nothing else improve the visuals on HG or raise his base energy pool to help with energy economy. Keep in mind they did listen to a lot of feedback more then ppl are giving them credit for. They made the armor buff a flat increase instead of percent increase. They buffed smite a bit by giving it base damage on top of the scale. They made renewal a toggle without duration as asked. They fixed the bleed out timer thing. A lot of the suggestions pre rework are in there. It's just the suggestions post rework that didn't really get implemented. His main issue to me was energy I'll take a raise to his energy pool over nothing.

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26 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Lucky you for having the arcanes. i don't and don't have treliable play time to feel comfortable raiding.

Truth I don't raid but I farm void relics and sell and get play plus I buy prime access (girlfriend loves me) and get plat whenever it's 75 off which is often than not.

Sorry but this is me I am willing to help you out hey as a fellow tenno.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

I'm actually happy with that. I made a post that said "if nothing else improve the visuals on HG or raise his base energy pool to help with energy economy. Keep in mind they did listen to a lot of feedback more then ppl are giving them credit for. They made the armor buff a flat increase instead of percent increase. They buffed smite a bit by giving it base damage on top of the scale. They made renewal a toggle without duration as asked. They fixed the bleed out timer thing. A lot of the suggestions pre rework are in there. It's just the suggestions post rework that didn't really get implemented. His main issue to me was energy I'll take a raise to his energy pool over nothing.

Why yes, some of the changes are nice (namely Smite now scales), but personally for me it's offset by other issues that arose from this rework

1. Renewal gives flat armor buff increase. Yes that's nice, but they removed Hallowed Ground's percentage armor buff in the process. And you have to cast Renewal and HG in tandem just to get that armor buff. If they kept Hallowed Ground's fixed 0.2 armor buff I'd be less salty, but the forced synergy they implemented ticked me off.

2. Renewal also has its range nerfed, and now it increases in energy consumption for each target affected by Renewal and that includes Shadows of the Dead as well. Your energy pool will drain faster than what an energy leech eximus can do to you. Not to mention making Renewal a toggle was long requested by most of us.

Scott's comment did nothing but added more salt to the wound. After nearly a week of skimming through feedbacks, all they did was increasing his base energy pool. Won't complain about the energy buff, but the rest of his abilities (except Smite) still needs to be addressed and tweaked.

Edited by LokiTheCondom
Grammar check
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13 minutes ago, LokiTheCondom said:

Why yes, some of the changes are nice (namely Smite now scales), but personally for me it's offset by other issues that arose from this rework

1. Renewal gives flat armor buff increase. Yes that's nice, but they removed Hallowed Ground's percentage armor buff in the process. And you have cast Renewal and HG in tandem just to get that armor buff. If they kept Hallowed Ground's fixed 0.2 armor buff I'd be less salty, but the forced synergy they implemented ticked me off.

2. Renewal also has its range nerfed, and now it increases in energy consumption for each target affected by Renewal and that includes Shadows of the Dead as well. Your energy pool will drain faster than what an energy leech eximus can do to you. Not to mention making Renewal a toggle was long requested by most of us.

Scott's comment did nothing but added more salt to the wound. After nearly a week of skimming through feedbacks, all they did was increasing his base energy pool. Won't complain about the energy buff, but the rest of his abilities (except Smite) still needs to be addressed and tweaked.

Renewal is solid to me just that really annoying nekros bug they need to address ASAP. I don't want to waste all my energy on sustaining dead enemies... Smite is a solid first ability. My main issues we're with HG and reckoning. Reckoning armor strip being dependant on HG and HG being an overall weak ability on its own without synergies. Also the range discrepancy on those abilities which is annoying. I still have those same complaints/issues but rather then boil up over what they didn't address/add I'm taking what they did add and seeing what I can do with that mod wise to get around some of the issues best I can because let's face it DE looks to be pretty much done with Oberon. But so far I've actually come up with a pretty solid build that doesn't need arcanes.

Edited by (PS4)destroyerchris1
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

Renewal is solid to me just that really annoying nekros bug they need to address ASAP. I don't want to waste all my energy on sustaining dead enemies... Smite is a solid first ability. My main issues we're with HG and reckoning. Reckoning armor strip being dependant on HG and HG being an overall weak ability on its own without synergies. Also the range discrepancy on those abilities which is annoying. I still have those same complaints/issues but rather then boil up over what they didn't address/add I'm taking what they did add and seeing what I can do with that mod wise to get around some of the issues best I can. So far I've actually come up with a pretty solid build.

I agree HG is too synergy dependant hey.

And truth be told this is Nidus's fault because everyone thought Nidus synergy is the way. Buy no-one plays nidus in coop and truth with all honesty Oberon is a Nidus coop version cause he does all that nidus does better in Co than in solo cause Nidus is very a solo frame and Oberon is a solo frame.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

Renewal is solid to me just that really annoying nekros bug they need to address ASAP. I don't want to waste all my energy on sustaining dead enemies... Smite is a solid first ability. My main issues we're with HG and reckoning. Reckoning armor strip being dependant on HG and HG being an overall weak ability on its own without synergies. Also the range discrepancy on those abilities which is annoying. I still have those same complaints/issues but rather then boil up over what they didn't address/add I'm taking what they did add and seeing what I can do with that mod wise to get around some of the issues best I can because let's face it DE looks to be pretty much done with Oberon. But so far I've actually come up with a pretty solid build that doesn't need arcanes.

How bout Reckoning and the health orb drops? :v You prefer it leaving it in its current form which is having it drop from killing enemies with it or having it drop from enemies struck by it? The latter would make the ability scale well in higher levels.

That's the last thing I'd want them to change to Oberon before they decide to leave him in the crapsack state he's in.

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1 hour ago, MarrikBroom said:

I'm going to post a quote from elsethread that kinda shows what seems to be the prevalent attitude.


So how do we combat that kind of mentality from people who only see that Oberon got buffs and then a minor tweak to power and that we're still not happy?

By understanding that what you're seeing isn't necessarily what's being said and that you aren't the only Oberon player in the world. Shocker, I know.

Edited by Chipputer
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3 minutes ago, LokiTheCondom said:

How bout Reckoning and the health orb drops? :v You prefer it leaving it in its current form which is having it drop from killing enemies with it or having it drop from enemies struck by it? The latter would make the ability scale well in higher levels.

That's the last thing I'd want them to change to Oberon before they decide to leave him in the crapsack state he's in.

The health orb on reckoning kills is nice to read in the ability description that's it because that's all the use you'll be getting out of it is knowing it's there lol. That feature is completely and utterly useless. You're not killing anything with reckoning later lvls so to me it doesn't exist. But putting a kill dependant feature on a non dps frame is pretty idiotic to me. But like I said I'm just taking what they did add. Reckoning has armor debuff now so I work around that and the radiation proc because that's what it has thats worth anything.

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