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What are the worst weapons in Warframe?


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On 4/30/2017 at 8:12 AM, DeMonkey said:


cycron is amazing when paired with a glaive-type.

but on topic:

primary? i'd honestly have no idea, since i've made just about all my primaries good, including my cernos prime.

secondary? seer. anyone who says akbronco prime is bad seriously needs to use it in it's zone(it's a shotgun ppl, not the euphona prime....in fact, if you ever go down and you're surrounded by mooks, well.....my akbronco prime has done wonders with 100% status and punch through. blast is fun....) but dear god the seer.....from what i can tell in my 2.75 years of playing, NONE of my other secondaries have sucked so bad.

melee? machete.....and im not talking about the gazal, that things awesome.....but the very pathetic default machete.

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I mean, a lot of these things are pretty strong with rivens now. 

But if I had to pick one of the worst depending on my tastes I would say any bow. 
I know theres lot's of people that like bow's and theres some insanely good ones that do absurd amounts of damage but
i just can't aim. It's not my playstyle and I don't think I ever see myself getting adept with a bow. 

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1 minute ago, TruthArbiter said:

Primary: Tetra

Secondary: Cycron

Melee: Machete


as orcus said above,  the cycron isnt that bad,  the worst secondary is the seer,  trash damage, low status and crit, pitiful crit damage.   the seer is all around bad,  the cycron on the other hand pairs well with a glaive prime that uses condition overload

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Dual Decurion is easily the worst weapon in the entire game and is intensely painful to level up. I'll forever have extreme hatred and bad memories of this thing.

Any Machete that isn't Gazelle Machete

Glaxion. I covered it head to toe with forma and put all kinds of powerful Rivens into it and it simply will never be good without some type of rework.

Tonkor because unpredictable bouncing grenades that 1hit kill self-damage is a terrible idea.

Helminth Charger because no Vacuum or Loot buff. GET OUT OF MY ARSENAL!

Paracyst because the more unique secondary fire a weapon has the more useless it's stats are. [DE Logic]

Grakata. Meme gun of Warframe is actually mediocre at all things TBH. If it wasn't such a popular meme and had a stronger Riven Dispo maybe it could be good. Low level play weapon. Primed disappointment.

Stug. Same reason Tonkor is terrible which is a shame because it's fun. KYS weapon that sticks to enemies (and allies) who you then have to "OH DEAR GOD RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" from.

Kestrel. I just want a Prime version already with good stats. This thing is just awesomely terrible.


Edited by Wolfdoggie
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20 hours ago, Rounpositron said:

No stereotypes, please. My Quanta Vandal does wonders.

I fully agree, I have a 4 forma Quanta Vandal that i absolutely adore.

Such a fun weapon to use and its alt fire is amazing as well. "You get a cube, you get a cube and here's a cube for your friend as well." 

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