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An Oberon Lover's Life Story


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Okay well not really life story but it's probably going to be semi-longwinded, I guess? Who cares let's get into it.




I started playing Warframe on a whim upon seeing a friend on Steam who had played it for an hour. My brother had seen it at E3 one year from being an ancient staff member from an RPG-centric website since the 90s. I'd seen previews for it, commercials on youtube. I love robots, I love space, I love swords and plasma sabers and rocket launchers covered in LEDs. So, I looked into it, expecting to play it for a week or two as I had been doing with many free-to-plays around that time. I began playing literally the day after the Dex Furis were first given out on the first anniversary, missing them by mere hours. Around that same time, Oberon had been shifted out of Earth boss drop tables, replaced by Hydroid—and put into Eximii drop tables instead.


Oberon was the first frame I really, really wanted. I made my newbie Rhino like most people do, and had fun going between Rhino and Excal for a month as I leveled up every weapon I could possibly get my grubby mitts on. That's when I realized, this wasn't going to be a one week-off exploration. I was hooked, this game had me in its steely light-sparkling techno fangs and I loved having its delicious venom destroy my free time—and time that also wasn't quite so free.


Then one day, I look at my inventory and saw a blueprint for a frame with a cool-sounding name. I looked him up and read that he was a multiclass frame with a heal... and wanted him immediately. This was before Eximii had a bonus chance to spawn in survivals, so looking for his parts was a laborious task that basically just meant "play as much as possible until you get him." In the process, I ended up snagging a Rejuvenation aura, and saw how potent actual HP healing could be. Everyone said Oberon wasn't that great, but I could see something other people clearly could not...





With that thought in mind, I set out to be the best Oberon I could be, knowing virtually nothing about what mods were out there, or what I'd one day be facing.


You see, something happened to me on my fourth day of playing that persuaded me not to ever dare venturing out of Mercury until I had a full suite of good, 30-ranked weaponry. I was fortunate enough to have a real cool guy take me on a taxi to get my Rhino early on, but had no idea how strong anything was on Venus, because he was Ember WoF wrecking everything. I never actually attacked anything, and thought I could only do 0 damage to the Jackal from not having the fight explained to me since it wasn't entirely necessary.

But, that's not "the thing" that happened... no. You see, I cleared out Mercury and had considered going into Venus but didn't really understand the way enemy levels were displayed. For some reason, I thought it was listing them like Super Mario Bros levels, as in, world 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and so forth. Completely not paying attention to the fact the "level" was the ENEMY'S EXPERIENCE LEVEL. So when I looked at Venus, I was like "woah wait, I thought Venus was the next planet but it's like world nine!!!??? How am I supposed to survive that?!"
This false belief was further compounded by a glitch that occurred my very first attempt at entering the first Venus node... a glitch that, for some reason, thrust me into NIGHTMARE MODE at MR2, as an Excalibur with a rank 2 Redirection and no Vitality mod at all. I can only guess the game read my nodes completed and thought "well, they're all the same so they're all clear HERE GO INTO NIGHTMARE LOL." Thankfully a Zephyr in the group was a total pimp, and soloed the whole extermination while me and some other dude were dead.
I ended up getting a Vigor mod from that, and boy let me tell you, Vigor when you had been playing the game for 4 days is a REALLY AWESOME MOD TO HAVE. LIKE, IT'S GOLD, MAN. IT'S A GOLD MOD. This thing's gotta be amazing right?! Literally had Vigor before Vitality. While it wasn't as amazing as I was hoping, that was the only way I had any extra HP for a while. Again, this was a long time ago—before Damaged Mods and the tutorial quest that outfits you a bit from the get-go.

While doing the defense mission on Mercury for the five-thousandth time, I finally saw another player using Oberon. His range was insane, and he seemed to be able to cast Reckoning endlessly with no concern. Whatever he was doing, I wanted to do that too. Deciding to check out this game's wiki, I was aghast at how thorough and in-depth it was. As soon as I found out what corrupt mods were, I dedicated myself to doing vault runs non-stop. Being stubborn as I am, I ended up soloing them as Bleeding Rhino with a single forma in him. A Penta, a Stug, and a non-prime Orthos with a catalyst. The only damage bonus mods I had were fire damage and Hornet Strike on the Stug. Every exterminate run was a grueling near hour-long struggle that used up every Small Health/Ammo/Energy restore I could manage to craft one at an agonizing time.


After a month I ended up with a trove of Narrow Minds, Blind Rages, Fleeting Expertae... but no Overextended, the main mod I needed in order to be a true Space Jam Chaos Dunker. With much chagrin, I gave up and resorted to a straight trade of a Narrow Minded for an Overextended. I threw everything I had into it, leaving it intentionally at rank 4/5. I knew that tiny, microscopic amount of power strength was going to be nice to have around... and I wish I remembered that, because I eventually maxed it, and hated how terribly it had made my heal's regen effect. But that's another hilarious story.


I devoted myself every day to farming Small Energy Restore resources for an hour minimum. Often watching Bob Ross videos in the process. Flow was the next mod I had to max, because all I wanted to do was facedunk the galaxy with a cosmic goatlord. For an entire year, I felt unstoppable enough, having gotten all the way to Pluto without using any forma on any equipment. Starting my own dojo devoured roughly fifty forma before I actually started using them on my own stuff. All I ever heard as I embarked on this journey was "Oberon is bad." "Oberon sucks." "Oberon is a bad frame don't use him."
Yet, I was destroying everything and never dying. How could he be bad? How could thousands and thousands of people be wrong?





Determined to prove the universe wrong through actions alone, I devoted myself to promoting our lord and goat savior to be the best he could be. I followed the most fragile frames around to be sure my heal would hit them. To Reckoning when they were about to die and allow them to regenerate their shields... and of course, their health. It wasn't about me doing the most damage, it was about letting other people do more. To let them feel secure enough to make reckless, extreme plays. To see people just starting out go to wave 20+ when they normally leave on wave 5 or 10. That was what it was all about to me... and being a really sexy goat robot ninja. I eventually got ahold of some Medium energy restores, and the violence only intensified as I simultaneously got my hands on my most favoritist weapon in the whole wide world... the Amprex. Or the Ampsex as I mentally refer to it as, because using it is roughly about as satisfying. It all started to feel right. Lightning gunning down enemies that got too close to my Reckoning range, being able to completely shut down anything and everything—even Ancient's damage absorption aura was an unknown factor to me; everything was always irradiated. Nothing could stop goatfra NULLIFIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS


... is what everybody else was saying.


I never really cared about Nullifiers, because I played a frame that could jump into their bubbles and instantly cast Reckoning and stop all attacks that would otherwise destroy most "tank" frames. Here was this enemy that was so hated on for what was it, two years?, until they were toned down and balanced recently (brilliantly if I might add). But even those were nothing to Goatframe. Nothing was ever anything compared to the omnipotent, galactic Dunk Lord of Avalon. And then... I got the 10X Large Energy Restore Blueprint... and then we got Overshields from Shield Restore pads. Everywhere I went, my team was perpetually engulfed in +1200 shields, enemies that could barely ever attack them, and a guaranteed source of endless heal spamming. This wasn't just about me being the best Goatframe I could be, this was about making Goatframe make others better, to get up on his celestial level, so to speak. Enter Smite Infusion, the best elemental-infusing augment a Goat could ask for. Suddenly I could stop enemies dead in their tracks, buff team damage, heal others and myself, remove debuffs (!!!), and lower enemy damage. My goodness, could this halidomic king get any better? At least that's what I thought. The internet, however, was still largely unconvinced after 3 years of public gaming with the divine goat.


Let us briefly discuss Overwatch, for just a moment... but not the game itself. Namely, I've never had a battlenet account. So, of course, OberonPrime came to mind in an instant. For over a year, whether it be in the public chat on the main title, in games, it doesn't matter. "Oberon sucks." "Oberon is bad." "Oberon will never get primed." "Oberon will never get reworked."

... well now. That's not quite the case anymore now, is it? o3o


Over the last few days, as the Oberon-bashing prevails over on OW, I can now respond in turn by telling them "Oberon's heal gives a flat armor buff." The responses have been "what.... srs? I'mma go patch the game." "Really? Oh, I want to try him again now then." And so forth. I have encouraged over thirty people to jump back on this game by finally being able to have a solid response. I don't even need to say anything else. "Flat armor buff" is all that is needed. My favorite frame, perhaps my favorite thing in any game I've ever played (and I've played a lot in 32 years...), can legitimately no longer be harshly shot down. The frame I've always been completely happy with, is finally even better. It's a trifle of a thing in the grand scheme. Oberon isn't paying my bills and buying me food... but, I really do feel this odd connection with him. I feel like he was the runt puppy that nobody wanted that I loved immediately, before I knew anything about him. I'm just writing all this basically to say how happy I really am about his rework. It's everything I ever really wanted.


I was going to go on a much longer tirade, but I think I made enough of a point.


Oberon rules.


ok thanks for reading my wordbarf have a good one



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You had me at Galactic Dunk Lord of Avalon. The best combination of words ever conceived. 

Broberon was the first frame I crafted, so he holds a special place in my heart. I can get that and truly understand a connection with a character.  Continue on Goat Daddy, and dunk to your hearts content. 

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I'll admit, Oberon just needs a few more tweaks and he'll be perfectly fine. His Energy pool is a little low for how much his abilities cost, and his Armor is a bit lame, yet I feel that'll be addressed with his Prime, so I'm not worried. Smite needs to deal that percentage-based damage on it's initial projectile as well, while Hallowed Ground needs to have some height so we don't just have to stand on it all day. Renewal's perfectly fine, and Reckoning just needs to remove more Armor. Then he's great in every respect, in my personal opinion, anyways.

Live on and prosper, fellow Paladin/Druid/King of the Fairies.

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In my time playing Oberon post rework and trying to avoid playing him as I used to.... he's fu-clem-ng rad. Put hallowed eruption on press 2 then 4 and 2 again and watch lvl 90 corrupted enemies get one-shot. I friggin love his new playstyle for a damage dealer even if the energy cost is TOO DAMN HIGH. I really hope more people see how he's meant to be played now and I just love it when people message me later and say "Damn man, you was right!". Fight on my wood brother, we may see the beauty that is to come from this storm, for "when a forest burns, new life is born from it" -Some dude.


edits: I forgot how 2 grammer

Edited by triasmatic
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Idk, I like Oberon and his theme, but to me this "rework" felt more like a "fix".  Like, they didn't really change his abilities so much as just make them work the way they always should've. And I'm still not sure if I was hoping for for an actual rework or for the fix we got 

just got a few somewhat minor complaints with the rework.

Energy. His powers are way too energy hungry for his pool now. He was a caster frame before, and even more so now with the forced dependencies his abilities have with each other. Even with a rank 9 primed flow and 170% efficiency, I still find I'm very closely watching my energy pool, trying to see if it's safe to spam refining again. Even mag I don't have to play like that, and to me she's the definition of a caster frame in this game.

Smite. My complaint with his 1 is that it doesn't seem to spread radiation price like it used to. I miss that. It'd be nice if his 1 could reliably proc radiation on multiple targets, so I can get the synergies with other powers without having to spend at least twice as much energy on his 2 or 4.

Hallowed ground. My complaint here is that it's not big enough. Wish it had the same range as his 4, just to make things nice and consistent.

Renewal. Healing is not strong enough. Energy drain on this is actually ok though, at least with the 170% efficiency I was running. (Forget my duration, it was well over 100% though.) I'm thinking that with the build I was using it might have had something to do with the inverse scaling I've heard exists with that ability. Which is very unfortunate that you cannot build for one of his abilities without significantly hurting another. I think if they just reworked the way the heals per second is calculated off his strength and duration to make it so that more of each both increased the healing rate, that ability would be fine. A little bit higher armor value would be nice too (maybe from 200 to 500, or from 40% DR to 62.5% DR), considering how difficult it is to try to catch all three teammates at once with HG's small range. That last bit's not quite as important as the other issues I have, but it would give him a place next to trinity in my mind (with her 50m range 75% DR, and even larger range than that with vazarin)

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/2/2017 at 4:03 PM, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

I mean, this is really sweet post and all, but Oberon still needs a lot of work. He's ok right now, but could be so much better.

Yeah, if he can't nuke the map, while making everyone invincible with unlimited energy, then he's absolute trash. I agree.

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On 2017-5-2 at 5:33 AM, DiosGX said:

Okay well not really life story but it's probably going to be semi-longwinded, I guess? Who cares let's get into it.




I started playing Warframe on a whim upon seeing a friend on Steam who had played it for an hour. My brother had seen it at E3 one year from being an ancient staff member from an RPG-centric website since the 90s. I'd seen previews for it, commercials on youtube. I love robots, I love space, I love swords and plasma sabers and rocket launchers covered in LEDs. So, I looked into it, expecting to play it for a week or two as I had been doing with many free-to-plays around that time. I began playing literally the day after the Dex Furis were first given out on the first anniversary, missing them by mere hours. Around that same time, Oberon had been shifted out of Earth boss drop tables, replaced by Hydroid—and put into Eximii drop tables instead.


Oberon was the first frame I really, really wanted. I made my newbie Rhino like most people do, and had fun going between Rhino and Excal for a month as I leveled up every weapon I could possibly get my grubby mitts on. That's when I realized, this wasn't going to be a one week-off exploration. I was hooked, this game had me in its steely light-sparkling techno fangs and I loved having its delicious venom destroy my free time—and time that also wasn't quite so free.


Then one day, I look at my inventory and saw a blueprint for a frame with a cool-sounding name. I looked him up and read that he was a multiclass frame with a heal... and wanted him immediately. This was before Eximii had a bonus chance to spawn in survivals, so looking for his parts was a laborious task that basically just meant "play as much as possible until you get him." In the process, I ended up snagging a Rejuvenation aura, and saw how potent actual HP healing could be. Everyone said Oberon wasn't that great, but I could see something other people clearly could not...


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With that thought in mind, I set out to be the best Oberon I could be, knowing virtually nothing about what mods were out there, or what I'd one day be facing.


You see, something happened to me on my fourth day of playing that persuaded me not to ever dare venturing out of Mercury until I had a full suite of good, 30-ranked weaponry. I was fortunate enough to have a real cool guy take me on a taxi to get my Rhino early on, but had no idea how strong anything was on Venus, because he was Ember WoF wrecking everything. I never actually attacked anything, and thought I could only do 0 damage to the Jackal from not having the fight explained to me since it wasn't entirely necessary.

But, that's not "the thing" that happened... no. You see, I cleared out Mercury and had considered going into Venus but didn't really understand the way enemy levels were displayed. For some reason, I thought it was listing them like Super Mario Bros levels, as in, world 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and so forth. Completely not paying attention to the fact the "level" was the ENEMY'S EXPERIENCE LEVEL. So when I looked at Venus, I was like "woah wait, I thought Venus was the next planet but it's like world nine!!!??? How am I supposed to survive that?!"
This false belief was further compounded by a glitch that occurred my very first attempt at entering the first Venus node... a glitch that, for some reason, thrust me into NIGHTMARE MODE at MR2, as an Excalibur with a rank 2 Redirection and no Vitality mod at all. I can only guess the game read my nodes completed and thought "well, they're all the same so they're all clear HERE GO INTO NIGHTMARE LOL." Thankfully a Zephyr in the group was a total pimp, and soloed the whole extermination while me and some other dude were dead.
I ended up getting a Vigor mod from that, and boy let me tell you, Vigor when you had been playing the game for 4 days is a REALLY AWESOME MOD TO HAVE. LIKE, IT'S GOLD, MAN. IT'S A GOLD MOD. This thing's gotta be amazing right?! Literally had Vigor before Vitality. While it wasn't as amazing as I was hoping, that was the only way I had any extra HP for a while. Again, this was a long time ago—before Damaged Mods and the tutorial quest that outfits you a bit from the get-go.

While doing the defense mission on Mercury for the five-thousandth time, I finally saw another player using Oberon. His range was insane, and he seemed to be able to cast Reckoning endlessly with no concern. Whatever he was doing, I wanted to do that too. Deciding to check out this game's wiki, I was aghast at how thorough and in-depth it was. As soon as I found out what corrupt mods were, I dedicated myself to doing vault runs non-stop. Being stubborn as I am, I ended up soloing them as Bleeding Rhino with a single forma in him. A Penta, a Stug, and a non-prime Orthos with a catalyst. The only damage bonus mods I had were fire damage and Hornet Strike on the Stug. Every exterminate run was a grueling near hour-long struggle that used up every Small Health/Ammo/Energy restore I could manage to craft one at an agonizing time.


After a month I ended up with a trove of Narrow Minds, Blind Rages, Fleeting Expertae... but no Overextended, the main mod I needed in order to be a true Space Jam Chaos Dunker. With much chagrin, I gave up and resorted to a straight trade of a Narrow Minded for an Overextended. I threw everything I had into it, leaving it intentionally at rank 4/5. I knew that tiny, microscopic amount of power strength was going to be nice to have around... and I wish I remembered that, because I eventually maxed it, and hated how terribly it had made my heal's regen effect. But that's another hilarious story.


I devoted myself every day to farming Small Energy Restore resources for an hour minimum. Often watching Bob Ross videos in the process. Flow was the next mod I had to max, because all I wanted to do was facedunk the galaxy with a cosmic goatlord. For an entire year, I felt unstoppable enough, having gotten all the way to Pluto without using any forma on any equipment. Starting my own dojo devoured roughly fifty forma before I actually started using them on my own stuff. All I ever heard as I embarked on this journey was "Oberon is bad." "Oberon sucks." "Oberon is a bad frame don't use him."
Yet, I was destroying everything and never dying. How could he be bad? How could thousands and thousands of people be wrong?


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Determined to prove the universe wrong through actions alone, I devoted myself to promoting our lord and goat savior to be the best he could be. I followed the most fragile frames around to be sure my heal would hit them. To Reckoning when they were about to die and allow them to regenerate their shields... and of course, their health. It wasn't about me doing the most damage, it was about letting other people do more. To let them feel secure enough to make reckless, extreme plays. To see people just starting out go to wave 20+ when they normally leave on wave 5 or 10. That was what it was all about to me... and being a really sexy goat robot ninja. I eventually got ahold of some Medium energy restores, and the violence only intensified as I simultaneously got my hands on my most favoritist weapon in the whole wide world... the Amprex. Or the Ampsex as I mentally refer to it as, because using it is roughly about as satisfying. It all started to feel right. Lightning gunning down enemies that got too close to my Reckoning range, being able to completely shut down anything and everything—even Ancient's damage absorption aura was an unknown factor to me; everything was always irradiated. Nothing could stop goatfra NULLIFIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS


... is what everybody else was saying.


I never really cared about Nullifiers, because I played a frame that could jump into their bubbles and instantly cast Reckoning and stop all attacks that would otherwise destroy most "tank" frames. Here was this enemy that was so hated on for what was it, two years?, until they were toned down and balanced recently (brilliantly if I might add). But even those were nothing to Goatframe. Nothing was ever anything compared to the omnipotent, galactic Dunk Lord of Avalon. And then... I got the 10X Large Energy Restore Blueprint... and then we got Overshields from Shield Restore pads. Everywhere I went, my team was perpetually engulfed in +1200 shields, enemies that could barely ever attack them, and a guaranteed source of endless heal spamming. This wasn't just about me being the best Goatframe I could be, this was about making Goatframe make others better, to get up on his celestial level, so to speak. Enter Smite Infusion, the best elemental-infusing augment a Goat could ask for. Suddenly I could stop enemies dead in their tracks, buff team damage, heal others and myself, remove debuffs (!!!), and lower enemy damage. My goodness, could this halidomic king get any better? At least that's what I thought. The internet, however, was still largely unconvinced after 3 years of public gaming with the divine goat.


Let us briefly discuss Overwatch, for just a moment... but not the game itself. Namely, I've never had a battlenet account. So, of course, OberonPrime came to mind in an instant. For over a year, whether it be in the public chat on the main title, in games, it doesn't matter. "Oberon sucks." "Oberon is bad." "Oberon will never get primed." "Oberon will never get reworked."

... well now. That's not quite the case anymore now, is it? o3o


Over the last few days, as the Oberon-bashing prevails over on OW, I can now respond in turn by telling them "Oberon's heal gives a flat armor buff." The responses have been "what.... srs? I'mma go patch the game." "Really? Oh, I want to try him again now then." And so forth. I have encouraged over thirty people to jump back on this game by finally being able to have a solid response. I don't even need to say anything else. "Flat armor buff" is all that is needed. My favorite frame, perhaps my favorite thing in any game I've ever played (and I've played a lot in 32 years...), can legitimately no longer be harshly shot down. The frame I've always been completely happy with, is finally even better. It's a trifle of a thing in the grand scheme. Oberon isn't paying my bills and buying me food... but, I really do feel this odd connection with him. I feel like he was the runt puppy that nobody wanted that I loved immediately, before I knew anything about him. I'm just writing all this basically to say how happy I really am about his rework. It's everything I ever really wanted.


I was going to go on a much longer tirade, but I think I made enough of a point.


Oberon rules.


ok thanks for reading my wordbarf have a good one



Wow, really happy for you man. And you should be happy, Oberon is MUCH better now. Im using him a lot and he is quite powerful now. 

I kind of understand your feelings I guess, I feel the same way about Nova.

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