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Mag rework - A force of nature.


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Hello everyone. A long time ago, I really loved Mag. She recieved some huge changes to her abilities and augments. There was huge discussions in this forum, reddit, etc. about all of this. She use to be a huge corpus nuker, her greedy pull was something amazing, but then everything changed. I left the game back then and returned not so long ago. One of the things I wanted to see was state of Mag. 

I came across the Magnetize builds, which appeared to be very fun and effective, but again the interaction with weapons and magnetize was "fixed" so I didn't enjoy her at that stage. But again, even if the magnetize builds were still strong (maybe they are), Mag keeps being a Warframe limited to one ability, as she was in the past, and not a very usefull or popular warframe anymore. 

So I have decided to suggest a rework for Mag, try to make her useful, with complimentary skills and interactions. I have tried to give her a supportive role as well as an offensive one. Give new players the opportunity to pick a support warframe since the beggining, but not being limited to that role, so also new players can enjoy a little bit of killing :smile:

Not only focused on new players, I want to give more advanced players a reason to play Mag: versatility and complexity. I hope you enjoy some of my ideas. Let's start. 




Brief description:

Mag becomes a real threat for the enemy or a real savior for her allies depending on what polarity she chooses to have at a certain moment.

With the first polarity, Mag is able to pull enemies into melee range, making them get out of cover and having to face her. Creates auras around enemies so that bullets won’s miss as long as they pass nearby their bodies. And finally Mag is able to crush enemies to the ground, damaging them in an area of effect. Having the chance of dropping energy orbs add to the lethality of Mag, since her and her allies can keep casting their abilities.

With the second polarity, Mag is able to push enemies away from her, making her excellent at picking up fallen allies. With polarize she gives extra survivability to her and her allies due to shield restoration as well as debuffing their enemies. Finally, she can make enemies levitate from the ground for a period of time, relieving her and her teammates from some pressure under the most extreme circumstances. Having a chance of dropping health orbs adds to the supportive role of mag, not only helping with shields, but also with health restoration.  

All you have to do to change from attacker to support is switch polarities with her final ability.


 Mag and her allies recieve 50% of Mag’s shield as Overshield.

First ability: Pull and Push.

·         Pull: Magnetic force pulls enemies toward you, stunning them and bringing them into melee range.

·         Push: Magnetic force pushes enemies away from you, stunning them and leaving them in shooting range.

Second ability: Magnetize and Polarize.

·         Magnetize: Creates a magnetic field around Mag that magnetizes enemies in a radius. Each enemy affected by magnetize has a small aura around them that will pull the bullets towards them.

·         Polarize: Emit an energy pulse that depletes enemy shield and armor. Shields of allies touched by the pulse are polarized, restoring them by a set amount and gaining increased recharge rate.

Third ability: Crush and Levitate.

·         Crush: Magnetizes the area around mag with a polarity, as well as the enemies in contact with it with a reverse polarity, causing them to collapse to the ground and having impaired movement for the duration of the skill.

Enemies killed while under the effect of crush will have a higher chance of dropping a energy orb.

·         Levitate: Magnetizes the area around mag with a polarity, as well as the enemies in contact with it with the same polarity, cousing them to levitate from the ground for the duration of the skill.

Enemies killed while under the effects of levitate will have a higher chance of dropping a health orb.

Fourth ability: Swap Poles.

·         Mag swaps the polarization of the suit. Making her abilities have inverse polarity effects. This ability unlocks at level 1. 


Ability interactions:

Pushing the enemies away before casting Pull will increase the damage and duration of the stun, due to the higher momentum gain.

Pulling enemies while under the effect of magnetize will remove a higher percentage of armor and shields

Pushing enemies while the air is polarized will increase the amount of shield her and her allies gain, due to part of the shields and armor from the enemies being pushed towards her polarized allies.

Levitating the enemies before crushing them will make the enemies take additional damage, due to the higher fall. The duration of the movement debuff due to crush is also increased.


Ability Stats: (This is just to give some numbers, not random, but not refined at all)


Damage: 300

Radius (meters): 12 (this makes the ability have a spherical effect, every enemy in a 12 meter radius is pulled towards you)

Stun duration (seconds): 2



Damage: 300

Range (meters): 12 (this makes the ability have a spherical effect, every enemy in a 12 meter radius is pushed away from you)

Stun Duration (seconds): 2



Range of skill (meters): 20

Range of aura around enemies (meters): 0.2 (Just a little bit, you are still supposed to aim)

Damage multiplier: 0.5x (Less damage from the bullets that actually miss the target, you can miss and do damage, but do not expect the full damage) (Can be higher with strength mods)



% of Shield and Armor depleted: 50% ( With 200% power strength you should be able to remove 100% of Armor)

% of Shield restored: 50% ( With 200% power strength you should be able to restore 100% of Shields)

Shield recovery per second: 100 (just an example, take the shield regen as the oberon health regen)



Range: 20

Damage: 1500

Duration of movement debuff (seconds): 4

Energy orb drop chance: 0.2

Extra damage per levitation meter: 150 (The higher you make enemies levitate, the more damage they will take with the fall)



Range (meters) : 20

Damage: 1500

Height (meters): 1.5 ( The stronger your magnetic field, the higher they levitate) 

Duration (seconds): 4

Health orb drop chance: 0.2


That's all ! I hope you like it. Maybe someday Mag will have the role and the power she deserves in the game. At the end of the day, the electromagnetic force is one of the four forces of nature, Mag should be like that. 

Edited by Pakon3ds
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4 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

current Mag is more fun than your proposed rework imho

and to be honest your "polarity swapping" idea seems just like a cheap Equinox to me


Could you please link me to a build / setup and possibly "guide" on how this fun Mag works now? I have done my research and my testing and honestly i dont find anything really good, either by myself or interntet. Also, having a warframe that consists only in one ability (Magnetize in this case) has always been a problem, not only with Mag, but with other warframes as well. What I am proposing is completely different. 

I didn't think about Equinox when I was writing this rework, if I have to be honest I had Nidalee, from LOL in mind, but its true, is a similar mechanic, calling it "cheap" seems like derogative tho. This is meant to give versatility, not to replicate another warframe if that is what you are suggesting. 

Also, can you tell me that the current Mag is fun for new players that don't have the requirements to make her work? Or do you think she fills the support role she could fill as an starter warframe? So many people like to support, and the new players that come to the game don't have that opportunity right now. 

But thanks for the reply. 

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40 minutes ago, BladeRambler said:

Neat! I like the polarity idea as it meshes perfectly with her magnetic themes, and this gives her way more versatility.

Thanks very much. I think that fits the theme as you said. 

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Great idea, but the ultimate (4) swap pole must be the 1 (and give a bonus for a few seconds). Also, you are weaken too much Magnetize and Polarize (it should be like now).

I think that heal orbs are wrong for Mag, and his passive is... strange, she could give 50% base bonus shield, or improve recharging shield 25%.

Edited by Enderlook
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8 minutes ago, Enderlook said:

Great idea, but the ultimate (4) swap pole must be the 1 (and give a bonus for a few seconds). Also, you are weaken too much Magnetize and Polarize (it should be like now).

I think that heal orbs are wrong for Mag, and his passive is... strange, she could give 50% base bonus shield, or improve recharging shield 25%.


Yeah... i thought about making the swap on 1, but then you don't have any abilities when you start with the frame. Now with the bonus to something (maybe when you swap you get magnetic damage on weapons ) could be good. 

Heal Orbs for Mag I also had my doubts, but its a way of making the ability "complete" I guess. And oh well, you have iron in your blood, so it's not all that weird when you think about it :D. 

Passive, yeah. You are right, that might need a tweek ;)

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16 hours ago, Pakon3ds said:

Could you please link me to a build / setup and possibly "guide" on how this fun Mag works now? I have done my research and my testing and honestly i dont find anything really good, either by myself or interntet. 


this is my build I don't know and I don't care if it is on the internet already

17 hours ago, Pakon3ds said:

Also, having a warframe that consists only in one ability (Magnetize in this case) has always been a problem, not only with Mag, but with other warframes as well. What I am proposing is completely different. 

Mag is more than Magnetize

Pull and Crush are Good CC

Polarize is repleneshing your shields while removing enemy shields and armor

Your proposal adds no benefit to Pull, absolutely ruins Magnetize,increases the need for power strength for Polarize and makes crush unneccessarily complicated

17 hours ago, Pakon3ds said:

I didn't think about Equinox when I was writing this rework, if I have to be honest I had Nidalee, from LOL in mind, but its true, is a similar mechanic, calling it "cheap" seems like derogative tho. This is meant to give versatility, not to replicate another warframe if that is what you are suggesting. 

your idea of versatility makes Mag dependant primarily dependant on Power strength and people would use her as either an Armor debuffer or for crush (oh she turned into a one button Frame again. Surprise)

18 hours ago, Pakon3ds said:

Also, can you tell me that the current Mag is fun for new players that don't have the requirements to make her work? Or do you think she fills the support role she could fill as an starter warframe? So many people like to support, and the new players that come to the game don't have that opportunity right now. 

But thanks for the reply. 

It's simple. Mag the current and your proposed rework are not meant for beginners since they lack the needed mods to make her usefull

There is a solution to give new players a support Frame without the need to rework Mag tho.

It's called Oberon

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I play Mag now like straight 2-3 months.

I dont regret 1sec playing her! She is extrem agile (her animation look like that) her casts are extrem fast or at least spamable...

She got 3 HARD CC's !! Actualy it is not easy to play her right. You need to understand her kit. And when you do it...

U start "surfing" through the mission, over mobs flying while casting your stuff...puuuuur fuuun !

U support your team with 1 main button (3) :

Reduce armor and Shields. Additional recharges your squad members shields when they the puls touches them. Ofc mags too. Also recharges cryopods shields too...soo what can you expect more from 1 button ?! Oo...

Her 1...is utilitie, support und low lvl killer at a heavy range. U can even make a true CC build on pull arround and spamable. Leaving her normaly main DD skill (2) like only 2,x sec duration...almost dead...

buut at max effi and a balanced range (26+ meters) and rest into almost max str,... 

You get the ultimate CC frame... perma ragdolling foes to your squad or away from a spot to deff ooor up in the air to keep them away doing anything but flying while squad AoE nuke them..

... use her 3 and ofc use a lot 4 with her aug to reduce on top direct 50% armor but you can use ofc 80% of the time greedy pull aug to direct refresh your energy pool and get ya loot to your save zone...which keeps you spaming 1 and 3.

Her 2...is Mags ultimate DD source. She simple needs no other damage dealing skill. Her (2) offers 3 things in one: DD/ team support/ CC.

DD: read wiki...and read it twice! Millions over millions of dmg the more bulldoh the foes are..the better does her 2 DD. 

Support: her 2 supports? Yes, no enemie can punch trough her bubble. Your teammates shots get the multiplier on top too while shotting in the bubble. Foes can not leave the bubble! They stay as long the duration is on inside.

Now use radiation...they go agro and throw all bulldoh on eachothers...foes shots get also the multipliers...increasing the perma dmg within the bubble and on top the burst AoE dmg when the bubbles duration is going off..and Baaaang....huge numbers flying arround. Her 2 is therefore also a HARD CC...no escape..

You can also stay save in her bubbles. Save vs range atacks that uses shots. Not vs melee atacks, care! ;)

Her 4 is Hard CC and a sos tool or room stoper to give your team time. Not to deal dmg at higher lvls. Its supportive! Your someone is ressing another one? Bubble a foe close to him, jump in and press 4...all save from shots while all foes and incoming foes get stoped and take a "air-break"...yay you gave all arround time...you are the CC queen.

If you do not like it..go use another frame..bc she is almost perfect...i love her. And i still have to learn her. Esp the movment with her...the "surfing". Enjoy her and take a ride with her 😉

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