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GG but no GG


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It's generally used to communicate in a competitive match (like soccer for example). It's to let the other team know you respected how well they did even if they lost, or to show humbleness in defeat, honoring your competitors. I would never expect one in a co-op vs. AI game like Warframe, and rarely use it myself, save for like super fast Akkad's, or some crazy bullshet (which I never do with randoms).

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Text chat is for ship/relay socialization.  Voice chat is for mission.  Random pugs i usually don't say anything unless we decide to becomes friends after.  Played a ton of sc2, so I'm over the whole auto gg thing.  Speak when you have something to say.  If it's just some default canned response then the emote system is more than enough.  If you want to chat, don't just say gg.  Have a real convo.  It shouldn't take much more effort to get one kicked off.

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If it isn't endless, and lasted at least 20+ waves, or a sortie the chances are that the mission problem lasted only twice as long as the time ti takes to type "GG" for the average player....

So no, I don't say GG normally.

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I always try to thank people who revive me but from time to time I forget which makes me feel bad, I dont use GG in normal mission but I do after harder sortie missions, or if we simply really work together(great team synergy).

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GG is an acknowledgement of the skill and competence of your teammates (or opponents for that matter). Saying GG in your average warframe match makes about as much sense as saying GG after finishing piss next to someone at the urinal.

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