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Keystone Closed Alpha Announcement!


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@[DE]DrewI was thinking since it is still in it's early stages if I might make a suggestion, why not let it be both First Person and 3rd Person like Warframe and let the player select which he wants to play in, this way your sure to get a even bigger player base, because like myself as soon as I see a game is first person I don't even bother with the game. Just a thought:)

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On 25/05/2017 at 6:25 AM, (PS4)jedion said:

is this game PC only or we getting consoles too?

well, it's only in alpha, so not on consoles yet, but when the game goes into beta, it'll surely go to consoles (that's mostly there that DE gets its fans)

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So, have the alpha keys been distributed already? 

How about sharing some stats, like, number of keys versus total number of registered losers versus "VIP" registered losers who brought friends? ^^

(Just to be clear, my mailbox is empty, same with everyone I sent the referral link to, so I'm a sad panda on that)... 

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3 hours ago, BabyKurama said:

I have been trying to sign up but noting happens when i do, I just get send back to the Home page. 
No confirmation email noting.


So is it suppose to be so or am I doing some mistake?

I had those problem what browser are you using ?

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