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Sybaris Prime is a Nerf


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So I compare the Dex Sybaris with the Sybaris Prime and it has less crit chance about 5% which means you can't mod it for 100% unless you have a riven mod. So if the weapon isn't perfect for ether 100% Crit, Status or high raw damage that means it isn't work your time. Please note when you do end-game content you need the best OP weapons to kill high lvl mobs like on sortie, Kuva Flood or Endless fissure so if the weapons your holding isn't perfect that it isn't worth your time. 

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gonna have to disagree with you here. One does not nearly need perfect weapons to do floods and sorties, a braton will do just fine. You can get it to redcrit with argon scope, or accept a reasonable crit chance without having to put in too much work for a riven. Remember, compared to the normal sybaris, it's a wonderful buff, we just already have an upgraded version.

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1 minute ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Hmm, I'm having no trouble killing lvl 100 enemies with a dual crit/status build right now.

Aye, I think that's the key. This thing can status like nobody's business, something the Dex Syb can't boast

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3 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Hmm, I'm having no trouble killing lvl 100 enemies with a dual crit/status build right now.

Hmm and I rip through 145 heavys like paper. You wanna see something nasty? Ballistic Battery with Sybaris Prime...that's some nasty S#&$ right there!!

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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For certain end-game content like spy, sabotage or rescue mission I can agree that you don't need to bring a OP weapon to kill anything but for most end-game content where you do good luck because if that weapon isn't perfect 100% crit, status or high raw damage then it's just mainly worthless junk your holding. Even with the use of Riven mods DE should start thinking about making stronger weapons for these end-game content most like wraith, vandal, prisma, prime or syndicate weapons since their always a better version over their counter parts. But as I already said since you can't get a perfect 100% on ether status or crit chance unless you have a riven mod for your Sybaris Prime then it is mainly worthless.

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1 minute ago, Tamirn said:

For certain end-game content like spy, sabotage or rescue mission I can agree that you don't need to bring a OP weapon to kill anything but for most end-game content where you do good luck because if that weapon isn't perfect 100% crit, status or high raw damage then it's just mainly worthless junk your holding. Even with the use of Riven mods DE should start thinking about making stronger weapons for these end-game content most like wraith, vandal, prisma, prime or syndicate weapons since their always a better version over their counter parts. But as I already said since you can't get a perfect 100% on ether status or crit chance unless you have a riven mod for your Sybaris Prime then it is mainly worthless.

you know, if you had a flat 50% chance for both on this weapon, there's a high likelihood of it proccing, due to the fact that this is a burst weapon. your opinion of the weapon is valid, of course, but don't expect a whole lot of people to agree. As previously said, compare this to the standard sybaris, as it is not Dex Sybaris Prime.

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4 minutes ago, Tamirn said:

For certain end-game content like spy, sabotage or rescue mission I can agree that you don't need to bring a OP weapon to kill anything but for most end-game content where you do good luck because if that weapon isn't perfect 100% crit, status or high raw damage then it's just mainly worthless junk your holding.

(Looks at Sancti Tigris) That weapon is definitely not junk. Yet according to you, a weapon must either have top status or crit ratings.

Also as myself and others have said, we are having an absolute blast with the Sybaris Prime. Maybe actually experiment with it first instead of just looking at the base stats.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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2 minutes ago, Tamirn said:

For certain end-game content like spy, sabotage or rescue mission I can agree that you don't need to bring a OP weapon to kill anything but for most end-game content where you do good luck because if that weapon isn't perfect 100% crit, status or high raw damage then it's just mainly worthless junk your holding. Even with the use of Riven mods DE should start thinking about making stronger weapons for these end-game content most like wraith, vandal, prisma, prime or syndicate weapons since their always a better version over their counter parts. But as I already said since you can't get a perfect 100% on ether status or crit chance unless you have a riven mod for your Sybaris Prime then it is mainly worthless.

What Endgaem really? Msot i see is peopel trying to get as far possible with enemys above level 200 and complain they can't cheese trough a mechanic that is clearly made to force people out of missions after awhile, still on there on pase, without DE having to abort 5 hour survials automaticly.

We need new content which acutal mechanic that maeks such weapons relyable, on the other hand tehy not want to much and more imbalance as it is already on some stuff.

No one should be forced to only usea certain loadout with the "best" weapon. How about we just enjyo the game how it is and how thigns work without creating another Tonkor or SImulor Situation would we?

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7 minutes ago, Heckzu said:

Guys, it looks like we have an oblivious meta-sheep here. Just pay no mind, he's probably one of those guys who thinks the Tonkor and Synoid Simulor are worthless now, too.

The Synoid Simulor has a base of 35% status chance which can be modded to 100% to infect a status proc. And with a good riven mod you can fix that nerf with more multishot. So I got nothing against that weapon.

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10 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

(Looks at Sancti Tigris) That weapon is definitely not junk. Yet according to you, a weapon must either have top status or crit ratings.

Also as myself and others have said, we are having an absolute blast with the Sybaris Prime. Maybe actually experiment with it first isntead of just looking at the base stats.

The Sancti Tigris was good but compare to the Tigris Prime it's nothing since the base damage of the Sancti Tigris and status chance is lower so you can use it for MR fodder for all I care but overall if you want to kill lvl 125+ use the Tigris Prime for less trouble.

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6 minutes ago, DonGheddo said:

Sybaris prime is a straight upgrade from the dex  , nothing more to talk here. 

How so the crit chance is 5% less which means you can't mod it for 100% crit chance which makes it making a crit build worthless if you can make crit shots.

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2 minutes ago, Tamirn said:

if you want to kill lvl 125+

Where are those in the star chart? Other than an hour in mot...And status completely outweighs crit when you start reaching those levels anyway. And Syb P is a hybrid. It will do loads better in that type of situation.

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

Where are those in the star chart? Other than an hour in mot...

Try to Solo a High Risk challenge on The Index you'll find your enemies lvl up pass 125 after 50-75 points

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It sacrifices crit for status and more base damage. That itself is already worth the slight crit decrease. Viral or Corrosive builds will become even more effective. If you have a multishot Riven, it's gonna fire 6 shots per volley with stupendously high status probability. 

It's a sidegrade much like the Sancti Tigris vs Tigris Prime. Both are built and function differently. 

Edited by Agentawesome
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4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

And in that case your better off using a status weapon. 

Yeah the Status chance on Sybaris Prime is only 20% so you can't mod it for a 100% status chance.

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Just to let you know...  Have 100%crit or status chance is not the be all/end all of weapon caliber.  You still got to pull the trigger, dive and juke enemies, and be able to use your abilities without becoming a bullet sink.  


But keep talking.  Everyone should think like you do because it is the absolute way to have fun in this game.  (And that's the point....  Having fun.)  To me... Being a statistic crunchier and having that absolute ideology with this is what kills the fun that is being had.  It infects the rest of the community.  You personal displeasure is your own.  People will find and use this weapon just as well as anything else.  I know ofna person who obliterates 4 hour survivals with nothing more than a plasma sword.  


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5 minutes ago, Agentawesome said:

It sacrifices crit for status and more base damage. That itself is already worth the slight crit decrease. Viral or Corrosive builds will become even more effective. If you have a multishot Riven, it's gonna fire 6 shots per volley with stupendously high status probability. 

Try that doesn't work even if you have a good riven mod with multishot it doesn't give you 100% status chance.

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5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)PyreneDream said:

Just to let you know...  Have 100%crit or status chance is not the be all/end all of weapon caliber.  You still got to pull the trigger, dive and juke enemies, and be able to use your abilities without becoming a bullet sink.  


But keep talking.  Everyone should think like you do because it is the absolute way to have fun in this game.  (And that's the point....  Having fun.)  To me... Being a statistic crunchier and having that absolute ideology with this is what kills the fun that is being had.  It infects the rest of the community.  You personal displeasure is your own.  People will find and use this weapon just as well as anything else.  I know ofna person who obliterates 4 hour survivals with nothing more than a plasma sword.  


Yeah sure anyone can solo a end-game content when they cheese it with Naramon Shadow Step and a high crit melee weapon with Body count and Blood Rush but where the challenge in that. If however you were only limited to a shot-gun, assault rifle, or pistol only from sortie content good luck.

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