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So, Did De Fixed About Raptor Being..


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"I heard you like farming for over 5 hours so i made my bp's drop rate like "cronus-ic" =) enjoy, oh and i don't want to give you anything mod and resources, go !@#$ yourself about it."?


..at least i hope he's not being "cronus-ic" after this hotfix, but i'm too lazy to check it out.

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It's still incredibly glitched. Tried him 3 times today after the most recent fixes and 3 times no one in the group could find any drops.


I'll save myself some frustration and wait for further fixes.

Edited by f3llyn
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They said "Maybe it's because you aren't seeing the loot drop when it dies"

Has this happened to anyone? I mean, when I was farming him, he died, everyone watched him avidly, nothing would drop (no flash of purple either, as if the orb went flying off or something), and when a BP WOULD drop, it more or less just fell straight down, not shoot off at some weird angle or something. (And yes, we searched the entire arena too, just to be sure, on top of crates, where he spawns, edges of the map, etc)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Has this happened to anyone? I mean, when I was farming him, he died, everyone watched him avidly, nothing would drop (no flash of purple either, as if the orb went flying off or something), and when a BP WOULD drop, it more or less just fell straight down, not shoot off at some weird angle or something. (And yes, we searched the entire arena too, just to be sure, on top of crates, where he spawns, edges of the map, etc)


2 people (me and my friend) 2 maxed out thief's wit mods, 2 runs, killed him in front of us by freezing him with rhino stomp, no drop whatsoever, no drop at all!

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Yeah just ran him with a group.  Nothing dropped.  We're not imagining anything.  We can see drops when they actually do happen.  They hover in the air for a split second then fall. 


I guarentee everyone is looking right at him when he dies, just so they see where the drops land.  He's broken.

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Ok so what physical items does it drop?


Was playing with a group...someone got a Nova helmet but i didn't. 

I walked over the mod item. But didn't see that little cylinder thingy. 


When do you get a Nova part?

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They fixed no drop rate.


They said "Maybe it's because you aren't seeing the loot drop when it dies"


That's all.



 This isn't the case. Rebecca said that the numbers for the drop rates look exactly how they should - so that isn't the problem.


 I've talked with her about it. She is aware that whatever is causing this issue is some strange situation. The more information that can be gathered about the situations where he does/doesn't drop properly the better I think. 


 Personally I'm starting to believe his drops 'reset' when he dies at certain elevations. Like how they would when you see them pop off a cliff. The issue is figuring out where the hell the game puts them. I've been taking a look around - I'm starting to believe they end up falling through the map.

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It's not even a case of the drops flying off into oblivion.  I've been in several matches were a Loki switch teleports him into the building and we kill him there, right on the ground.  I've seen him drop a mod a couple of times, but the majority of the time he drops absolutely nothing.

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It's not even a case of the drops flying off into oblivion.  I've been in several matches were a Loki switch teleports him into the building and we kill him there, right on the ground.  I've seen him drop a mod a couple of times, but the majority of the time he drops absolutely nothing.


This, we kill him by switch teleporting the boss in the middle, and only once has he dropped a mod. That's all of the loot I've got from the boss, no blueprints whatsoever (20 ish kills)

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Ok, as far as I can tell, IF something falls off the map (which im pretty sure it doesn't), it teleports back to where he spawned.  So yeah, Thats one of the first places I check every time and there's still nothing there.

Edited by Soulie
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