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Can we have a Warframe with 0 Powers?


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1 minute ago, Asuraph said:

I just want a Warframe with 0 powers, 100 health, 100 shield, and 100 armor. It can be modded. But that's it. Just a base frame. nothing more nothing less.

1. Take a warframe that fits criteria #2, 3 and 4. 

2. Don't press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 while in mission. 

3. ????

4. Profit

Edited by aligatorno
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6 minutes ago, Asuraph said:

I think it would be interesting. It would be a cool thing to have a frame that doesn't give you the temptation to use powers. Also, I want dexcalibur.


So you basically want to become one of the defectors or edgy veil boys?
What's the point, though?

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4 minutes ago, Magnar21 said:

Just... don't use your powers then?

I don't want to deal with temptation. Also I think it's an awesome cheap idea to throw into the pot. Think of the people who would use it as a challenge run. It would be like Solar System run with (Baseframe name here)

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1 minute ago, Wiz3rd said:

So you basically want to become one of the defectors or edgy veil boys?
What's the point, though?

Essentially yea, I just want a world where a squad of scrubby frames can run with scrubby guns. No powers just ninja movement.

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1 hour ago, SurrealEdge said:

The question that remains is why?

I don't feel tempted to use abilities unless its to save my hide. 


I understand why OP might want such a Warframe, but it would be non-canon and basically wouldn't fit into the lore at all, not even slightly. The whole point of a Warframe is, that they're created harnessing such powers.

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3 minutes ago, Asuraph said:

I don't want to deal with temptation. Also I think it's an awesome cheap idea to throw into the pot. Think of the people who would use it as a challenge run. It would be like Solar System run with (Baseframe name here)

But then they would waste time and resources to give use something that can already be done by not pressing 5 buttons instead of working at actually useful stuff. Take any frame, put only defensive and utility mods on it, go into the Options menu and disable the 1,2,3,4,5 hotkeys and you have one for free. 

Edited by aligatorno
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1 minute ago, Ferah_Frithu said:


I understand why OP might want such a Warframe, but it would be non-canon and basically wouldn't fit into the lore at all, not even slightly. The whole point of a Warframe is, that they're created harnessing such powers.

Lore wise it could fit. Weren't frames created to focus the Tenno powers? Just focus the powers into movement? Make a passive that increases base stats I guess?

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Just now, Tveoh said:

solve the temptation by unbinning the hotkeys for the powers

Fair point, but I only suggested it because it I believe it would be an easy way to implement a different playstyle.

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1 minute ago, nerfal said:

Just make a game mode that takes away powers at that point if you wish for a frame like that.

Right game mode seems reasonable, just takes away powers and stats, and leaves you with base 100 across the board?

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6 minutes ago, Asuraph said:

I don't want to deal with temptation.

Boy, are you gonna have a wake up call when you go out into the real world.

If you can't handle the temptation of using abilities in a computer game, I strongly recommend you take a course in impulse control BEFORE you screw your life up.

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