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Can we have a Warframe with 0 Powers?


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That would be a neat "hard mode" "frame" just have it look like one of the normal people, disable the advanced parkour while using it and have it give no powers. Not canon at all of course, and the other concern would be people bringing it to troll, but still, would be a fun option to have.

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On 02/07/2017 at 6:52 PM, Asuraph said:

Lore wise it could fit. Weren't frames created to focus the Tenno powers? Just focus the powers into movement? Make a passive that increases base stats I guess?

They could create a frame that has movement only powers. But things like Passives are considered Powers.

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I actually kinda like this idea.


I once suggested a Warframe model whose concept was that it was explicitly a crude prototype, a proof of concept, with the concept being "Let us project one of these Void tainted psychos into this brain-dead battle zombie which we've helpfully covered in armour and given reinforced joints and muscle fibres. Give us a sack of funding and six months for the pilot to train and I'll give you something that can fight toe to toe with a Dax."


The idea was that it would look a little like Excalibur, but plainly not quite finished, with all the effort put into making it battle functional and very little effort put into givingn it fully sophisticated Void powers. I reckoned it should have one power, and that could just be a blind lashing out with crude, destructive Void energy channelled directly from the pilot.

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11 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I actually kinda like this idea.


I once suggested a Warframe model whose concept was that it was explicitly a crude prototype, a proof of concept, with the concept being "Let us project one of these Void tainted psychos into this brain-dead battle zombie which we've helpfully covered in armour and given reinforced joints and muscle fibres. Give us a sack of funding and six months for the pilot to train and I'll give you something that can fight toe to toe with a Dax."


The idea was that it would look a little like Excalibur, but plainly not quite finished, with all the effort put into making it battle functional and very little effort put into givingn it fully sophisticated Void powers. I reckoned it should have one power, and that could just be a blind lashing out with crude, destructive Void energy channelled directly from the pilot.


Building upon this, perhaps its quest given warframe.


You're put on a mission on an infested tile. You reach upon an entrance that seems to block your warframe due to abnormal amount of transference interferences. Having no choice, you're forced to use your operator mode in order to pass through.


Once inside you discover its a research lab on the creation of warframes. On the wall lies a prototype warframe and a basic skana. However, soon corpus units enter the room in the hope to gain the research information.

No way out and unable to get pass them, you reluctantly to enter the prototype warframe. Because of the crude craftmanship, void energy leaks outs, making you unable to maintain an energy pool. Any energy you do gain will drop at an alarming rate.


Edit: even thought of an Ordis line for the end of the quest.


Ordis: i see the operator has acquired a new warframe. Though Ordis would not recommend using -THIS PIECE OF GARG- ... It for future use.

Edited by 321agemo
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