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Anyone else excited about matured operators?

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Honestly, I like where they're going with the Operators. I like them as it is, but there's not enough viable use for them right now without additions & improvements. With armor, weapons & merging the Focus system, I see potential for bigger & better storyline arcs. They're powerful adolescents, I'd imagine probably the most powerful beings in the universe currently. Leaving them on the ship full-time is kind of insulting to that status. And very lame. "I'm so powerful that my powah's harnessed in biomech! But I'm wimpy weaksauce solo." Sounds really lame in that wording, doesn't it? They're crucial to the backstory & story development, not Orbiter decorations.

I also hope to see their dialog mature further over time like with anyone growing mentally. They strike me as somewhere between 13 and maybe 16 physically (not 9 like someone said, I have a 9 year old, lol! Def not 9) They have some obvious social & behavior stunting due to their history. They may have lost much in the Dream, but some of these 'tics' remain.

As a borderline unnecessary aside, would the poster harping on the gender slang knock it off? I'm a woman, too, and wording nitpicking is a grating soabox nobody cares about.

Edited by Nyx219
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49 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

While I don't expect DE to actually make a move towards physically maturing the Operators.. as much as I personally do want them to, I would like to see DE give us an actual choice. As in, the option to mature our Operator into a proper man or woman, rather then this very, to me anyway, strange androgynous looking Operator we have now.

I mean, have you ever seen a thirteen year old or someone who's just hit puberty?  When you're going for a face combination that looks like a child; they look pretty spot on for a twelve-fourteen year old.   


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6 hours ago, GhostLacuna said:

There is not a hint of maturity in any quest nor any line the operators speak.

What is heard and shown is rather a lack of experience and childish outbursts.

How some of you can find any maturity in DEs writing is beyond me.

To me it seems we have a lot of younger gamers who have not come across the very old storytelling trope of powered by a forsaken child before warframe.

both western animation and anime has done this to death already.

one of the most well known examples in the western world is neo evangelion and that was released in 1995. 

Not to mention all the times it has been used in comic books by marvel and DC or regular litterature.

Coming of age stories like this has been made before. Even the orokin is not something unique some litterature like david farlands the runelords series has the lords behaving very similar  to how the orokin behaves in warframe. 

In my opinion DE need to show that the operators are mature in their writing before they strap some scrap armor on them.

Otherwise we will just have the same inexperienced children clad in armor and nothing of substance will have changed.


Originally, I schemed not to leave any posts in this and any other "maturing operators?" threads since I learned not to waste my time and emotions on things that have no practical value and don't give me any kind of moral satisfaction. But yet, I have to give you - fair sir or madam - a kudo for coldly summarizing the point of view that we share. Good day.

Edited by Teloch
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I'd rather have the "powered by a forsaken child" cliche instead of the "macho brown haired square jawed manly man space marine" cliche because the latter is the single most uninteresting character design trope to have ever existed and has been pile driven into the ground over the past few console generations.   I'll take pretty boys/girls any day over more space marines. 

I have an unbridled loathing of Space Marines as a design trope because they all look the god damn same.

Edited by Mental_Omega
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8 hours ago, (Xbox One)Knight Raime said:

I have only seen the umbra teaser and the 17 minute demo of PoE.  I also saw the hydroid prime and glass warframe.

I saw a thumbnail for operator weapons/armor.  That's it though.

My point still stands.  Nothing shown today that i'm aware of says they are not merging those 2 systems anymore.  And the fact that our operators are getting armor and weapons now doesn't directly mean they are forgetting about the focus system.  You're still jumping to conclusions.  "man" was used in a universal sense.  Not as a designation.  I don't even know why you had to clarify.

And you didn't directly state that they would age.  But you basically implied you were against it due to this topic being about our operators maturing.  Lastly if you can't see the growth our operator is taking that's entirely on you.  They are going from being sheltered to figuring out who/what they are.  that is basically text book for maturing as an individual.

Snatched.You just snatched every hair follicle off of my scalp.

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While expanding the role of operators is well and good in my opinion, I sincerely hope that either equiping this massive power armor is not required for us to be somewhat useful in battle, or there are a bit more elegant designs in the works. I just can't imagine my quiet bespectacled girl wearing any of presented armor sets.

Other than that I'm all for the idea of a warframe and their operator working in tandem and operators becoming overall emotionally mature and taking more responsibilities. Although i doubt that they'll ever grow up physically - it's just too much work for de, and would ruin the contrast between operators and warframes.

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7 hours ago, GhostLacuna said:

There is not a hint of maturity in any quest nor any line the operators speak.

What is heard and shown is rather a lack of experience and childish outbursts.

How some of you can find any maturity in DEs writing is beyond me.

To me it seems we have a lot of younger gamers who have not come across the very old storytelling trope of powered by a forsaken child before warframe.

both western animation and anime has done this to death already.

one of the most well known examples in the western world is neo evangelion and that was released in 1995. 

Not to mention all the times it has been used in comic books by marvel and DC or regular litterature.

Coming of age stories like this has been made before. Even the orokin is not something unique some litterature like david farlands the runelords series has the lords behaving very similar  to how the orokin behaves in warframe. 

In my opinion DE need to show that the operators are mature in their writing before they strap some scrap armor on them.

Otherwise we will just have the same inexperienced children clad in armor and nothing of substance will have changed.


I see your point, there hasn't been much done to give the Operators personality or show their maturity or lack of it but I disagree that it's nonexistent at all. Even adults still have shades of childish behavior in how they speak, think and act... Outbursts of anger? Being cocky about one's skills? Those are traits adults show quite often. What would define maturity in that regard then? Taking responsibility? Operator does that in War Within.

In the context of post-Second Dream, the Operator grew overconfident in their power and virtual invincibility. Teshin's line "You think you're safe behind this metal..." along with something similar said by the elder queen. The events of The War Within took the Operator and had them confront their past in order to move forward - to come to terms with what they've done (which really needed more depth and felt half-heartedly done) and stop hiding behind others. We went back and reclaimed our Warframe, forgave and protected Teshin and dealt with one of the twin queens...
While their dialog does not reflect recent developments, they have been put on a path to eventually show that they are no longer sheltered children who hide behind their space mom and play around with a biomechnical drone.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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Maturing the Tennos will just negate Lotus' utility.

It will also negate the Warframes' utility. A "matured" Tenno (i.e. controlling his feelings) may completely control his Void powers thus he may destroy approximately everything in the known universe by thinking about it (if that's not what people are asking in this topic, then I don't see the point of requesting them to be older. Just for the appearance/voice ?).

I'm more in favor of us remaining kiddos. Kiddos who will slowly learn to master our gifts through tough trials.

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19 hours ago, SolidBeast said:

I... don't like it at all. The whole appeal to me is that it's a fragile kid and their warframe is their armor, guardian, and weapon. Not saying the operator gameplay doesn't need a rework, but that is a topic for another time. Part of the appeal to me was how these are WAR frames but they don't look like your typical "power armor". The notion of putting the kid in power armor and giving them guns so you can jump out of your war frame in another frame is just ridiculous to me.

The fact is, DE chose to go this route originally: they made us be broken children controlling these instruments of destruction. So that became a defining thing for the game. I can't think of another game that has a similar concept, but I can think of many where you're a dude in armor running around with a chaingun.

Add to this the fact that I was hoping for an actual focus rework, like making unairu, madurai, and vazarin stronger, branching off the trees based on alignment, etc. Instead, we got none of that, leaving the system raw but adding another massive new "system" on top of it. My guess is that one won't be properly fleshed out either.

The idea of the Operators would have worked however it was poorly executed.

"Shinji you have to pilot the Warframe!"

Except Shinji had depth, and that is saying something.

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2 hours ago, Mental_Omega said:

I'd rather have the "powered by a forsaken child" cliche instead of the "macho brown haired square jawed manly man space marine" cliche because the latter is the single most uninteresting character design trope to have ever existed and has been pile driven into the ground over the past few console generations.   I'll take pretty boys/girls any day over more space marines. 

I have an unbridled loathing of Space Marines as a design trope because they all look the god damn same.

Some like redheads while orher prefer blondies. Personal tastes is probably the worst base for comparisons.

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Just now, Teloch said:

Some like redheads while orher prefer blondies. Personal tastes is probably the worst base for comparisons.

The brown haired square jawed 30 something year old space marine is an objectively terrible design trope born of focus testing with nothing but 16-21 year old boys.   It's boring, it's overdone, and it needs to die.

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DE say that dont look for emo kid and that he need to look more like some badass dude who know how to fignt in the fights for the big boys 😏😊👏👏 Mature operator is on baybe! 

this is my old post and looks like De did see this and im happy for that 😀😁😊👏👌

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3 minutes ago, Mental_Omega said:

The brown haired square jawed 30 something year old space marine is an objectively terrible design trope born of focus testing with nothing but 16-21 year old boys.   It's boring, it's overdone, and it needs to die.

And can you provide us with the same critique of the "tormented child" trope? I would really like to know its target audience.

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Just now, Teloch said:

And can you provide us with the same critique of the "tormented child" trope? I would really like to know its target audience.

Childhood is a universal thing.   Everyone's been a child(except for triple A game company executives whom I'm not yet unconvinced aren't lizard people) and most people have had unhappy moments during childhood.   Powered by a forsaken child is taking that suffering in youth and placing it in the framework of a fantasy story by making that suffering mean something.  Instead of it just being the wheel of life crushing you into the dirt over and over and over again.

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3 minutes ago, Mental_Omega said:

Childhood is a universal thing.   Everyone's been a child(except for triple A game company executives whom I'm not yet unconvinced aren't lizard people) and most people have had unhappy moments during childhood.   Powered by a forsaken child is taking that suffering in youth and placing it in the framework of a fantasy story by making that suffering mean something.  Instead of it just being the wheel of life crushing you into the dirt over and over and over again.

Not the answer for my question. But anyway, you have all right to prefer one tropes over others.

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1 minute ago, Mental_Omega said:

The target audience is everyone who isn't a lizard person because all non-lizard people have had childhoods.

Not all people enjoy compensatory plots that play on their childhood traumas, and deliver the message that "it was all for a reason and will only end in plentifull good because of karma retribution". 

And that is what I am trying to say: tastes vary from one person to another. Some tropes work better for rational individuals, while others may hit emotivist in the spot.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Not all people enjoy compensatory plots that play on their childhood traumas, and deliver the message that "it was all for a reason and will only end in plentifull good because of karma retribution". 

And that is what I am trying to say: tastes vary from one person to another. Some tropes work better for rational individuals, while others may hit emotivist in the spot.

And you still haven't addressed the issue that characters like Marcus Fenix or John Shepard are just not very interestingly designed.   Character design should be eye catching and memorable but Triple A games have an issue where they're so risk averse nearly everyone looks the same from a sihlouette.  All just bland, boring, focus tested drivel and rubbish.   All the soulless focus tested garbage of a micheal bay movie with none of the actual heart of a Micheal bay Movie.  

And yes, I'm calling most triple A games objectively worse than Micheal Bay movies as art.  

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2 hours ago, Mental_Omega said:

I'd rather have the "powered by a forsaken child" cliche instead of the "macho brown haired square jawed manly man space marine" cliche because the latter is the single most uninteresting character design trope to have ever existed and has been pile driven into the ground over the past few console generations.   I'll take pretty boys/girls any day over more space marines. 

I have an unbridled loathing of Space Marines as a design trope because they all look the god damn same.

Kids look the same. And there are mature players who like to look normal in the game and not like some kid emo

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1 minute ago, Mental_Omega said:

And you still haven't addressed the issue that characters like Marcus Fenix or John Shepard are just not very interestingly designed.   Character design should be eye catching and memorable but Triple A games have an issue where they're so risk averse nearly everyone looks the same from a sihlouette.  All just bland, boring, focus tested drivel and rubbish.  

True. Although, there is a lot of less cookie-cutted masculine (not necessarily the spase marines) who have much more depth. Personally, I would nit recommend something like Spec ops: the line to 16-21 individuals. 

Performance is what matters, and with proper execution, even 30+ manly brunettes may show quite some character.

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4 minutes ago, fatpig84 said:

Tenno are extremely old. So they aren't kids to me anyway.

Well, there was no confirmation that they are older than they look. Even the opposite - the latest quest flatly states that they do age and die.

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9 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

GhostLacuna is abrasive but sadly correct. The first thing which really needs to be fixed about the Operators is their dialogue. Give us an option for patient, thoughtful space ninjas who simply happen to have the unaging bodies of youths, and then I'll happily strap on armour and use weird hair-dryer pistols.


I have no problems with Operators aside from their childish feats and toddler level speech lines.

My 3,5 year old son often utters more weighted and thought out comments/observations than these brats.

I am not even exaggerating. 

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