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PoE could be plat friendly


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The currency is prob gonna be credits guys, remember while they are scavengers that doesn't mean they would create a new currency to trade in that would be ineffective off world plus there were corpus salesman in the colony so they are most likely using a tradeable currency.


That being said they most likely will have a barter/trade system involving both new and or classic resources depending on what you need or are buying. The resource bartering for items or goods is more likely due to them being mostly scavengers.

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34 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

It does add a useless extra step ? 

- New Currency ? // Nope, " long time players " have to farm something new.

- A Barter System ? // Unfair , " long time players " have more resources than newbies.

So what kind of solution do you offer other than its resource / credits based since it is unfair for new players ?


to OP , plat as optional currency is fine but not everyone uses plat so we need a required currency for PoE stuff and I say Cetus Coin is fine by me.


adding a new currency that you can buy with other, already in game resources, is literally just adding a pointless middle step to obtaining new items.

So instead of:

Resources = items


you want:

resources = currency 

currency = items


its just adding an extra step that doesn't need to be there.



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New and Casual (once a month) players are always going to be on the bottom of the resource stockpiles. Any new and casual players post Plains of Eidolon will have to now deal with a deficiency of those resources.

Just like they are with Oxium, Nitain Extract, Tellurium, Cryotic, Ducats, Void Relics, Void Traces, Animo Nav Beacons, Syndicate Standing/Medallions, Judgement points, Javlok Capacitors, and so on. Adding new resources and currency only temporally levels the playing field. It does nothing to actually address the Stockpiles that accumulate. If anything adding more resource/currency types just makes it worse for New and Casual players.

I reiterate, we don't need new currency or really new resources. What we need are Resource (currencies are a resources) sinks. Ways for those stockpiles to get depleted. And we could have had that with Riven Mod re-rolling and control over how those re-rolls happen.

It is cool to have flavorful resources that help immersion, simply adding them to try and even out access to new features is counter productive in the long term. Again look at Cryotic and Oxium costs. And the Hema, let us not forget the abominable pricing that was set for the Hema.

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On 7/10/2017 at 9:51 AM, JCperfect said:

I hope this doesn't mean you CANNOT pay plat to progress. There are some people who have a lot of money but less time to play. Please don't forget the people who spend real money, DE.

They're not, or they won't survive lol.

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I'd rather use credz please. I have 80+ million, what am I and a many many other people who have a literal dumptrucks worth of creds going to ever do with them? The corpus trade with these scavanger people, so obviously there must be some use of credits there.

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On 7/10/2017 at 3:58 PM, Wrum said:

just let us use credits, most older players have nothing to do with there massive hoards of credits.

That's actually an argument against using old currency. The whole point of new currencies is make all players start on same ground and encourage grinding the new content. Having a stockpile is not a good thing. 

They can't balance content around stockpiles either because then it's unfair to newer or non grinding players.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I'm fairly confident that everything there will have a credit cost (as everything). 

The problem with stockpiles is solvable by not using old resources.The problem with stockpiling a new resource is not having one. 

What do we have left? Favors! The 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' type (in addition to credits, duh). 

We as tenno, highly skilled mercenaries that have no respect for boundaries, are great at 'borrowing' stuff and disposing of waste/grineer. I'd say it's much easier for the locals to trade goods with the Corpus.

Let's say you arrive at the camp for the first time ever. Nobody knows you and you need stuff. Weapons, cosmetics, etc. Sure cosmetics are cheap but convincing a total stranger to build you a custom built weapon on the basis of not killing him afterwards with it takes trust that's why I can see certain futures being unlocked by small favours/quests that are not related to old resources.

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