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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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I never have many issues doing things solo, you just have to be a bit slower, a bit more careful, and a bit more observant. Taking out high-priority targets first(Elite Lancers, Heavy Gunners, Napalmers, Bombards etc.) finding tricks to elude other enemies(jump on boxes to avoid rollers) and learning how to approach and fight each faction are key to playng solo. Each faction has its strengths and weaknesses. Grineer are tough and hardy, but they tend to hide behind cover a lot, and their melee units are squishy and easy to take down fast if they don't surprise you. Corpus send their robots to do all the fighting, and the crewmen themselves are barely able to defend themselves. Infested are ALWAYS rushing straight at you, but they can't jump, get to a high place for some safety and take them out bit by bit. Or keep on high places and make your way through the level avoiding them all(Which is pretty fun btw, the floor is lava, but with space cancer zombies :D). Ranking up your mods consistently, and making sure you use all your weapons to their best potential helps. Don't be afraid to forfeit a mission where you died if you were doing terribly, leave, go back with a new weapon, or a new strategy, or a new mod set up.


signed it's not impossible to solo, just more challenging, which is the point.

Zylo the Wolfbane


Reading the post makes you able to realize that im not suggesting to make it easier. just to stop making stupid choices like making more enemies to spawn but rather make them more tactical and intelligent. its not challenging its dull.








"Dark souls and difficulty lol apparently hitting and parrying is considered difficulty these days
Wasting efforts? Name me some missions which are impossible to solo i'd prolly make it with a underleveled frame"


I will assume that you only played this game once.

Edited by Gem145
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I was trying to do Psamathe because I needed control modules. In my 990 shields(12 point redirection) 580 health(8 point vitality) trinity. I kept getting one-shotted(or near enough to make no difference) by the _trash mobs_. Corpus crewman kills me in 0.5 seconds. Dubya Tee Eff.


Make this BS optional. I hate waiting 10m+ to get a squad to do a run where I maybe have a chance of getting the resource I need, because that mission isn't popular, or because the squad matching never sends any players my way EVER(100/10mbit line, settings set to a 200 ping limit so I don't have to put up with uber-netlag.).


I ragequit last night for the first time since I started playing the game(just came back from a break, recently purchased borderlands 2 so I've been busy playing that).

Edited by Cerebrawl
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Reading the post makes you able to realize that im not suggesting to make it easier. just to stop making stupid choices like making more enemies to spawn but rather make them more tactical and intelligent. its not challenging its dull.


More enemies spawning means more targets on the field, requiring the things I pointed out to be used even more. Enemies spawn in most games, that's how it is. One of the few exceptions is Dark Souls. When you kill enemies in this game, expect them to be immediately replaced soon enough, that's a staple of video games for a long, long time now. This is a different difficulty from Dark Souls, (Not going to even try to say which is harder or easier, that's up to you.), instead of making solid progress everytime you overcome a challenge, like in Dark Souls, the challenge is all at once, get through the mission, complete your objective, and get out alive. There are no bonfires for checkpoints, no shortcuts to unlock to make getting through faster or easier after you've overcome the challenge.


If you have a problem with video games that respawn enemies, then I'm afraid you'll just have to wait for Dark Souls 2 to come out and play that instead, sorry.


signed I doubt they'll ever get rid of spawns in anything other than Exterminate.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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its like asuming that i forgot to buy health packs for a Saturn mission that i failed 3 times already.

it does not work like that. but i really appreciate the kindness. now get your computer to south america , and help me with this.


I made the comment for the general casual player as a community helper and not specifically steps that you have not taken advantage of or do not do regularily.  It was more of an intent to take positive things from the discussion and avoid the "go big or go home" type of comments.




Quantum Entanglement

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Your new to game, which means that you won't have many mods at a decent level. High ranked frames and weapons mean nothing unless you have the mods to put in them. Do some farming, defense missions being the best for getting mods, and build up your mod collection/levels. This is vital for progression.


Stuff gets much much easier once you are kitted out properly, though some missions will need a squad to complete *cough* T3 Defense *cough*

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If you have a problem with video games that respawn enemies, then I'm afraid you'll just have to wait for Dark Souls 2 to come out and play that instead, sorry.


signed I doubt they'll ever get rid of spawns in anything other than Exterminate.

Zylo the Wolfbane


i actually was in deep thinking about that.

Keep reading the original post. i have no problems with respawning enemies. i have problems with how much of them can appear in one single room. if you cant understand the difference between a good challenge and a bunch of S#&$ thrown together and see what happens. i think that you should not comment anymore. 

you never commented about my suggestion of making them smarter.

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I agree with op 100% it broke the game IMO and you can really see it with the physics now enemies react weird and they fly all over the place, my melee just goes though everything I don't seem to do any damage and lots of them end up in a very weird death animation and theres too much S#&$ going on, Hes right I could parkour and explore way better before now its just waves and waves of enemies sometimes its even hard to see anything and people are starting to crash because there is too much going on, WE NEED AN ENEMY DENSITY SLIDER PLEASSE !!

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Will the elitists quit crying noob or telling the man 'l2p'? The OP has as much right to enjoy this game as all of you in his own way. Stop being toxic. Please.


I agree with the OP about the numbers of enemies and their actual difficulty. Having higher numbers of enemies is not a terrible thing, but a better thing would be making them smarter. Unfortunately, DE doesn't appear to have the time or money to make them smarter right now. Hopefully, they will later when they have more time.


Also, I agree that the enemies are now amazingly tough. Just because I run a Rhino doesn't mean I can press 4 and nuke everything. I had an (almost) fully modded, potatoed hek with fire damage and I couldn't kill a charger in one shot during the event yesterday. Level 30 enemies, level 30 weapon. Sounds fair doesn't it? Think again.


Solo play has gotten a big nerf during U9, especially for mobile defense. And for those of us with lousy internet connections, it can mean the difference between gaming with a lousy pug or trolls (if you get unlucky) while desperately looking at the top of the screen for the enemy health bar because you can't tell if it's actually moving.

Edited by Destro6677
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I agree fully with the op, and all the other comments here that support it. I'm a solo-er, and I guess it was time to take a break from WF anyway and try out some other games. It's not that solo is impossible, it's just not fun or rewarding enough for the effort involved after this solo nerf.

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Alright...here's some things I want to touch on.


It was said that there was content that existed that the casual crowd could not solo and that it was "wrong". That statement itself is wrong, the pro community needs a way to stand out from the rest, beyond just dueling in the dojos. In fact, this kind of needs to be taken further, to the point that casual squads can not complete certain content. Not because of too many numbers or not enough numbers, but due to sheer skill requirements.


Another thing that was touched on was that there was "no reward" for doing "harder" content. Problem with this, is that there is. Not only do enemies give better exp, but their drop rates, and drop amounts change as you fight higher level enemies. Feel free to test this. Pay attention to however often x resource drops and how much of it you get on average on a lower level planet, and compare it to a higher level planet.


On the touch of difficulty should come from more intelligent AI instead of just throwing large numbers of enemies at you...I only agree partially. They both have their place, they both should exist in the game.


Now when it comes to mission types, there are certain ones that exist that are just flatout harder and/or designed for certain frames. These are defense and mobile defense missions. Unless you're that special frame, I suggest you find friends or at least go online. You may call this a problem, but honestly, the frames specialize in certain aspects for a reason. I really don't want to see it all become &*$$genized.


As to you, yourself OP. From what you've said it would appear to me that you have not taken the time to level your basic mods up. Having additional ammo is great and all, but you need less ammo if mods like Serration and Hornet Strike are leveled up. The next step is making sure you're nailing weakpoints, this also greatly reduces your ammo dependency. Now if you're complaining that you're running out of ammo while using something like twin vipers, I'm going to hit you. You mentioned a bow at one point, snipers are another known type for running out of ammo, for a couple reasons: low ammo cap and rare-ish drop rate on additional ammo. Though since you're using a sniper, you should be 1-2 shotting your enemies, if you're not, you need higher level mods, otherwise ammo will indeed be a problem. Also, refusing to melee in this game is kind of a problem if you're having ammo issues. You may prefer to use guns(like I do), but sometimes you just need to use it to get through the mission, ideally before you're forced to only using melee. To prevent this altogether, your weapon must simply be better equipped. You don't need level 10 serration to be at this point either, hell level 5 might even be overkill, I personally only run with level 2(though my elemental mods are typically 3-5).


If you're still deadset on claiming the game is impossible to solo with frames other than the top 3-5...give me a mission(i refuse to do defense/mobile) and I'll record the run for you as a Mag that's not using rank 30 weapons.


On the offnote of Dark Souls....if my cousin whom I consider mentally handicapped at games can beat that game, I have trouble calling it a difficult game. He brought it over once and in the 15 minutes I actually got to play it(instead of watching him fail), I was able to pretty much dismiss it as overrated. Feel free to hate on me about it, but it only seems to not hold your hand, as opposed to actually being difficult. Most games these days hold your hand, some even pull you in tight and mostly play it for you...both of these are easy, and just because a game doesn't do these things doesn't make it "hard"...there's another difficulty level between easy and hard in most games ;p

Edited by Ghobe
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Then you should get a squad , this is a coop pve game , not a solo . DUH.

There is a solo option ;and i know that you wont be able to solo your way through the game, but as long as im able play it alone, i will be playing it that way. Or are you going to tell me that you cannot play this game the way you want it?


Ok, so you say you know you won't be able to do everything... why is it a problem that you can't do a mobile defense though?  Thats just a fraction of the levels...


Honestly, a good portion of your issue is coming from you 'doing it wrong'.  You can't kill a elite lancer with a paris because of their shield?  Head shot with serration, cryo, and piercing hit will break their shield allowing you to get your headshot damage bonus and 1 shot them on ceres and you don't need a potato for that.  You running out of ammo?  Why are you taking weapons with very low stores of ammo and lower drop rates (sniper weapons) or weapons that chew threw ammo like crazy when you know you need enough shots to kill the entire mission on your own?  Go get a latron or another fairly ammo effecient non sniper weapon.  


Your argument about frames...  outside defense or mobile defense, load of crap.  I can solo just fine on any other mission types on my non frost/nyx frames (which are ash, trinity, vauban, saryn).  You definitely don't need forma, and you really don't need a potato to slot the most important stuff now that you can get an extra 14 mod slots from your aura (which is half a potato).  Are you trying to take level 10 frames into Ceres/Xini/Pluto or something?  If thats the case, I can maybe see why you think its hard if you aren't rhino, frost, nyx.


Edit:  I mean really, a level 20 frame now gets 34 mod slots.  Lets say you use 12 on abilities (enough to slot at least 3 and 4 max rank), 10 on redirection, 8 on vitality.  But now either you have a D, -, or a V so you can also slot 1 fairly high rank 'utility' mod in there also.  You can solo non defense missions on pluto with that if you wanted.

Edited by Sesshou01
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Other than defense missions, I find that most of the missions, even on Eris and Pluto, are at least doable in solo (and I'm not even really that great a player). However, I do agree with the OP that solo doesn't scale well in the sense that the logic for amping the difficulty is throwing another 30 of the same standard shotgun and SMG grunts at you mere seconds after you fought off the 6th wave of them. Sometimes I choose to rush the latter half of a mission not because I'm losing, but because it just gets so IRRITATING not being able to move 5ft without another horde coming at you.


I know it's a co-op game and I do enjoy tackling the final planets with groups, though it would be nice to see some scaling down for solo play, maybe improving the AI and lowering the mob counts so that way instead of fighting 10 waves of Lancers every room you can fight a smaller mob of mid-high level Grineer every now and then. It would really cut down on the monotony of missions and discourage rushing the level since your efforts to stay and fight are fruitless.

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In my opinion we need to move away from high tier solo play. I'm not saying anything about the difficulty more then that in my saryn, vauban, volt or nova I can with ease do most of the content (t1,2 and some 3 keys, defenses, pluto, eris)

I think in high tier play, these end game things. We should need to co-operate in a co-operative game. Just because we have the right to solo, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be hard or almost impossible to do solo. Because the game need to be balanced around 4 players, there need to be enemies like the nervos for those groups, that require people to help eachother out, making solo play as a alternative for late game, end game or high tier play (whatever you want to call it) would pretty much remove the need to ever group up to beat the games ultimate challanges, in theory turning a ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game into a singleplayer game.

I Understand that people don't want to be playing with others all the time. But play something else when you don't want to play together. I want this game to be a co-operative game, where playing with friends (IRL or online) is required from time to time and just not an optional, where veteran players either have to down-grade whatever they like to be playing (by forma or restricting themselves, like not using any mods and so on.) or be a sort of carry for the others. While the newer player will either get carried and feel like they are not pulling their weight in groups or if the case is that of IRL friends and the vet down-grades to play with his friend, it can create feelings of guilt in those players.

If we want this game to become a game that appeals to us all, it will not appeal to anyone, because there will just be better games that are more to your taste then this one, because this game will be to broad. I've litteraly heard ppl say that this game looks like a borderlines 2 rip-off. I've heard ppl call this "the new WoW" because the game-play only consists of farming.

Even as a casual or a hardcore pathfinder (I've been both in different games, EvE casual player but WoW Hardcore pathfinder during vanilla) we want the content we are playing to be offering us fun. something to stimulate us after a long day of work, school or trying to find said things and we all are different. Some people want space ninjas to be solo-play. But you people who have solo play has that. You can solo in this game. But the Co-operative players, who wants to min-max their builds to bring down a foe or best a challenge none else has done yet doesn't have anything.

This is a co-operative game, the content hopefully will show us this soon. Solo play is already there, but there is no co-operative enhancing game-play. almost everything is already solo-able, If you are a solo player, you have your game play, you have bosses and missions that are maybe not made for you, but that you can tackle. As a person who really wants to play co-operative there is nothing for those players, because group difficulty is non-existant 

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So, let me try to understand this. You want to solo a team game, basically not playing it how it is supposed to be played... BUT you are not good enough to manage the "high level" content, therefor it needs to be easier? Enjoy the challenge and get better.

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something i do agree on, game difficulty have ramped up across the board. this probably is not good idea because it makes new players even harder to get used to the game. most of us are probably farming vor for seer and not paying attention to his levels because we're  used to lv60~80 met in t3 exterms. the joke of all bosses vor (before U9) now can get to level 30 or more if someone with high ranked frames and weapon joins in. which could turn into the game of slaughter-o-noob for new players that just unlocked tolstoj.


another thing which makes the game unnecessarily hard/annoying is upright pods in void defense missions. killing the mobs is not hard if brought the proper weapons for it, but the mobs go straight for the pod, which puts on heavy emphasis on frames with defensive powers.


overall game is online, BUT since it has solo mode option, making some scaling to number of mobs spawning and etc in solo mode would be good to have. There are times where you just want to unlock all missions but no one queue for it. Recently i had to solo at Ixodes on Eris due to no one joining. its the old grineer defense map with infested. I'm sure they didnt intend it but infested running straight to the giant core and ignoring you makes the defense harder than it is.

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So, let me try to understand this. You want to solo a team game, basically not playing it how it is supposed to be played... BUT you are not good enough to manage the "high level" content, therefor it needs to be easier? Enjoy the challenge and get better.

Co-op is a meaningless term, go to any old arcade and basically every game was both solo and duo co-op. If a game function for both DE get a larger player base than if they alienate either. Getting 100% of the market shares of people that solo and go teams is better than getting only one. It not hard for DE to scale a mission for a solo experience and making it harder for parties.

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Difficulty needs to be somewhere between where it is now and where it used to be. Can't do solo and duoing with my fiancé used v to be really fun. Now we just die a ton and it's not fun at all.



many replies here suggest that this is issue of being unskilled. but New players cant and wont get better if they dont enjoy the game because they just kept dying.

For example, saying "i cant solo to wave 30+ on outer terminus. nerf the mobs" is stupid. but i think solo mode scaling need some look at.

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In my opinion we need to move away from high tier solo play. I'm not saying anything about the difficulty more then that in my saryn, vauban, volt or nova I can with ease do most of the content (t1,2 and some 3 keys, defenses, pluto, eris)

I think in high tier play, these end game things. We should need to co-operate in a co-operative game. Just because we have the right to solo, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be hard or almost impossible to do solo. Because the game need to be balanced around 4 players, there need to be enemies like the nervos for those groups, that require people to help eachother out, making solo play as a alternative for late game, end game or high tier play (whatever you want to call it) would pretty much remove the need to ever group up to beat the games ultimate challanges, in theory turning a ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game into a singleplayer game.

I Understand that people don't want to be playing with others all the time. But play something else when you don't want to play together. I want this game to be a co-operative game, where playing with friends (IRL or online) is required from time to time and just not an optional, where veteran players either have to down-grade whatever they like to be playing (by forma or restricting themselves, like not using any mods and so on.) or be a sort of carry for the others. While the newer player will either get carried and feel like they are not pulling their weight in groups or if the case is that of IRL friends and the vet down-grades to play with his friend, it can create feelings of guilt in those players.

If we want this game to become a game that appeals to us all, it will not appeal to anyone, because there will just be better games that are more to your taste then this one, because this game will be to broad. I've litteraly heard ppl say that this game looks like a borderlines 2 rip-off. I've heard ppl call this "the new WoW" because the game-play only consists of farming.

Even as a casual or a hardcore pathfinder (I've been both in different games, EvE casual player but WoW Hardcore pathfinder during vanilla) we want the content we are playing to be offering us fun. something to stimulate us after a long day of work, school or trying to find said things and we all are different. Some people want space ninjas to be solo-play. But you people who have solo play has that. You can solo in this game. But the Co-operative players, who wants to min-max their builds to bring down a foe or best a challenge none else has done yet doesn't have anything.


This is a co-operative game, the content hopefully will show us this soon. Solo play is already there, but there is no co-operative enhancing game-play. almost everything is already solo-able, If you are a solo player, you have your game play, you have bosses and missions that are maybe not made for you, but that you can tackle. As a person who really wants to play co-operative there is nothing for those players, because group difficulty is non-existant 

Honestly, the problem with satisfying online players is the way defense missions scale right now. I played with a great pub group yesterday for the forma alert, everyone was decent, no trolling, did their bit etc etc.


We wiped the mobs out so easily it was ridiculous. We ground them into the floor. 


When I was doing the mission solo, I couldn't even kill a charger with one headshot.


As you say, co-op difficulty is non-existent and will continue to be that way if co-op hardcore players are allowed to get away with saying 'why should my enemy mobs be too hard to beat in co-op? But let the solo players have a harder time.'


The way it worked in U8 was fine. More players, higher level enemies, harder to beat. It's a reasonable expectation that the game will feed you a higher quantity and quality of enemies if you're working in a group, regardless if you are prepared for them.


Imo, co-op difficulty already existed before U9. You'd just have to endless defense Pluto.

Edited by Destro6677
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Pro Tip: If higher level missions are too hard for you to solo, back it down a notch and find a lower level mission.

Problem.  I have an Ember I'd like to build.  I can't do Neptune, not even the easiest of missions, the Exterminate ones, because I have not been lucky enough with the mods to actually get the damage output I need.  I have been upping my Excalibur's defensive options like crazy, and I still die.  And I've charged with the Orokin Reactor.


I solo, and the difficulty is a little nuts.

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IMO: Put all the Elitist Players in Nightmare, and let us casuals have normal.


If they think it is "OMG TOO EASY" when they have maxed out *bleeep*, then just shove em all into Nightmare so they can stop whining already. Let them fight Level 150 stuff if they so want.

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FYI the OP must suck really hard if he cant even solo simple missions anymore. As for the rewards, they are fine. The game is not difficult enough to say that its impossible to solo missions anymore nor should we change the rewards for missions to please the noobs. I have had no problem solo'ing standard missions even with newly unranked warframe and unranked weapons equipped. You should not be queuing by yourself for defense and boss missions anyways.

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