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On the "Suspicious Shipment" (and perhaps other) missions, multiple users, including myself, are dying by low-level enemies because our mods aren't being taken into account. For example, my Fury mod doesn't make my weapon any faster, nor do any other attributes attached to my weapons or Warframe boost my stats. I've checked prior to entering the mission and even after the mission, but all of my mods are properly equipped.


Is this how it's supposed to be on these missions or is it a glitch? Please assist.



Email: katsuo.dood@gmail.com

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Game crashes multiple times and when i verify local files it says X files were not verified and downloads 4.2 GB. I mean i don't mind if there is a crash or two but 5 times in a row and re-downloading 4.2 GB everyday.. Well you get the idea. I haven't checked if it happens on other missions but i get the crashes on the suspicious shipment alerts. Someone has a solution to this or encountered a similar problem?

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Hey i've posted 3 times already and still i haven't got any responses or actions made by the forum...   i need a support ticket because i have mistakenly sold my ash warframe roughly a month now please response i need to get that warframe back,,

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Well, in my case I'm mostly on the "I'd like an item removed from my inventory please" section because I have lots of void keys that I have mostly no use on them, but not quite, I still like playing there. It just sounds to me that T3 void missions are only possible with a Rhino and I still didn't build him (I don't have enought platium to get all the Warframes), either way once my friends are mostly offline I just can do Void missions alone.

Usually when I'm alone I love exploring the places and not just in the Void, but the problem is not just that I have many void keys, another problem is that the game tends to crash randomly for no reason when I'm doing a void mission. Sometimes it doesn't crash but still I almost can't use all keys because of that. Oh, and I also have a duplicated blueprint for Vay Hek's triangulator, I recieved it from a message in the same way as I recieved the 1st one. I just need 1 blueprint for his triangulator, right?

By the way, I currently have 32 T1 void keys, 21 T2 keys and 17 T3 keys (this might change over time). I just would prefer not to get rid of T1 void keys because I like easy missions.

Edited by JackMcRain
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You dont tell about missing fusion core after missions. Effectly i have credits and ressources after each games, so i have my cores too but i'havent my fusion core in inventory. This bug made me lose some rare and communs fusion core mods. Apparently this has existed in the past and you patched it.

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I just finish t4 Sur and i didnt receive anything ( xp, credit, resouse, mod, BP).Sometime i got that bug but today it appeared twice and i can't bear it any more!! i lost so much items.

I hope that DE can restore my rewards and fix this bug please! thks very much

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This is about the new Breeding Grounds mission. The game crashes after destroying all hives when repeating the breeding grounds mission.

By the way I think it's the best update I've ever seen so far. Keep it up and try to fix the crashes that it causes when repeating the mission some few times.


PS:. By the way, the game tends to have some bad perfomance when repeating the Breeding Grounds mission enough times before it crashes.

Edited by JackMcRain
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my crafting got bugged

got bugged while crafting
my glaive prime crafting must be done two hour ago
it always reset to 1 hour 26 minute -_-






email : masyafwhite@gmail.com

Edited by Masyaf
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  • 2 weeks later...

So me and my fried were playing before hotfix 14.0.5...after updating the game he tries to log in and a message pop's up saying that he is banned until 2035...Now he's side of the story....By the way he's name tag is Migalhinhas...: So... I was playing Warframe, and me and a friend, we decided to do some Orokin Derelict Assassination missions, he had 2 keys, and he used the 1st one, We ended the mission and he noticed that the key wasnt disappearing after he used it, so we thought that was a funny thing, so we kept on doing it, we did some runs like 5 or more and he still had 2 keys, at some point I start getting the warning of "updating account information and the previous progress wont be saved" (or something like that) at the end of each mission, I didnt really pay attention to that and kept on going, until the hotfix 14.0.5 came up so i refreshed the game, and when i log in after the update and i put my e-mail and password, it basically says im banned until 1st of june 2035, and I did nothing wrong... And I have to report that i was getting a bug where, for example i crafted some ODA keys in the forge, and when i go to the iventory or to the derelict in the navigation menu, they are not there and i cant use them, i dont know if that is related or not but, there it is, all the information i can give right now. Please fix this.

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Not sure if i must adress here for some minor problems i have met in the game:
DOJO: my clan can't access the dojo more than 2 players at once....it's keep saying " there is no sesion avaiable" even if they have the right to host the dojo

MOD MACHINE: when i want to fuse mods i can't see all my mods, i talk about the ones that are already at max level, and most important there is the DUPLICATES button that when U press it should select all your duplicate mods...but it doesn't.

Void connection: do not know why, but i can't play any void sesions with more than 1 player, it just stuck while connecting, but i can use weapons and use warframe powers but not move and see only the ships flying.


the last thing i want to tell U about is the resources founded on every map......i mean argon cristals and control modules on mercury, or rubedo and orokin cells on venus, i founded even a mutagen on mars ....all this were found in the exterminate missions or in defense(not as a bonus for going home)


BTW can someone do something about hacked players..........since update 14 i saw at least 20-25 players that didn't played more than 30hrs with Mirage and all kind of prime items.

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