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Are there any Frames that's not of the typical two Genders?


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2 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

I feel like Nidus' gender is pretty clear given how... gifted... he is in the nether region. 


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More fun fact: Ember was originally a male Warframe in game (Blaze), then DE decided to change him to a her because... reasons.



1 minute ago, Andaius said:

I'd also say Nidus is an infested "He".

Just throwing it out there: Do infested retain genders anyways? I mean, it's basically rotting/twisted into....not that anymore. He wouldn't "technically" be a "he" anymore outside of masculine shoulders and chest, right?


Also, nothing on Rhino's codpiece from what I understand of others.


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Dunno I wouldn't bet on Infested keeping much of anything. I'm thinking of the "thing" it would just morph into what ever shape it would need eventually.  Just look at the Ancients. They used to be people.  Yes, the general shape of the body feels like it would be a male. Female frames are more slender generally.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:


Just throwing it out there: Do infested retain genders anyways? I mean, it's basically rotting/twisted into....not that anymore. He wouldn't "technically" be a "he" anymore outside of masculine shoulders and chest, right?

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Also, nothing on Rhino's codpiece from what I understand of others.


Well, every Warframe is made of Infested goo on the inside, it just so happens that Nidus is also covered with Infested goo on the outside. Warframes, as we know them now, don't really have genders at all. That Saryn may look like she has a nice rack, but it is all just goo on the inside. Same with Rhino's codpiece. 


We will probably learn more with the Umbra quest, but until then we can all identify any Warframe as whatever we want as they all are the same on the inside. Just because a dog wears a dapper suit and tie it does not make them a businessman, same applies to Warframes. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

I would actually enjoy seeing a dog wear a dapper suit and talk business since it was mentioned. But I'm aware of the state of the Warframes, but just to keep it in context of the thread is why I said what I said.


not exactly a dapper suit, but it is dog in a suit. :P

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2 minutes ago, Duavey said:

Well, technically Warframes are non-sexual biomechanical meat golems. They're kinda missing... parts. 

Well it's still unknown exactly what "parts" are in those suits. All we know is it's infested flesh. Maybe they reproduce the original anatomy for the most part?

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Just now, PowerofTwo said:

Since when did gender imply having "parts"? :shocked:

Frames apparently have no sense of self either; so identifying is right out.

1 minute ago, PowerofTwo said:

My Trinity identifies as a lobster and nobody can say otherwise!

The queen of all lobsters.

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3 hours ago, Arniox said:

well DE never specifically said she was male or female for ages. When she first came out, everyone just assumed she was an a-sexual none binary.... thing. I still think it's both male and female. But with how many forum posts were going on about this fact, DE ended up making a final decision and saying on the wiki she was classified as a female.

For ages, by that you mean in the streams they showed her before her actual release? That's not very long. That's before she came out.
And the DE staff member who clarified again that both forms are two female twins, did not take long. It was 5 days later. Released in July 31st, he repeated the info on August 4th..
Either you've been lied to or we have a very view of time.

Back on topic though, I would say Nidus is the closest.
But honestly, no warframe no longer has a gender. Before the infection I'm sure they did as humans but as what they are now? They do not have reproductive organs to differ them, they're only referred by genders because of their looks but I they technically none have any.

Edited by Navarchus
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8 minutes ago, Kobold101 said:

I think she's more pissed off than having PTSD

Ow i'd go more on the PTSD side. She pretty much got dissected live and got knows what other pokes and prods by Salad V. I'm surprised she can even wield balded weapons anymore without freakin the F*** out. Now granted the Warframes arn't exactly ... hmm i'm not sure what they arn't, they're probably self-aware since... Second Dream, might even be intelligent but the teno are surpressing their conciousness.... on the other hand even a "mindless animal" will remember it's being choped up and poked and proded... alive

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Hey everyone,

I am going to lock this thread as the OP's question was answered quite quickly with some other bits of speculation/discussion happening. I want to remind everyone here that Warframe and its forums intend to be as inclusive as possible, and this is clearly outlined in our community guidelines. This means that comments that show marked disrespect towards people who may live different lives than your own are simply inexcusable. I have gone through this thread and cleaned it up, I understand many of you will not agree with the things I have hidden, but I am working according to our community guidelines. Warframe is for everyone, and the language we use here matters.

Thanks Tenno,


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