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Ordis as a companion? Companion Idea?/ Quest idea?


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So i was in a Facebook Group, and the topic of if you could have anything as a companion what would you Chose? While everyone was saying everything from one extreme to another i went with one that sparked a little bit of interest.please not this is a rough idea its not fully fleshed out.

 My hope here in posting this is i'm wanting to try to reach out to [DE] and have them see my idea. So here it goes... 

Sorry for the wall of text.


The Basic Idea 

So the idea in a nutshell is having Ordis as a companion, occupying his own frame of sorts and being able to customize his load outs like our own. he would be AI controlled and would have his own abilities he would have a Assault ability, Defense ability, Support ability, and his fourth would be air support based on landing craft. As stated he could have access to the same arsenal we have including mods.on top of that useing our gear wheel we could issue simple commands to him. Ordis could not be used unless playing solo, and could not be took on void fissure or sorties.  since it wouldn't make since seeing four Ordis's , and it would break the game making things too easy. the idea is he would be used for players who don't have friends or squads to play with or simply would rather to play alone giving a more immersive companion unlike specters he would have unique dialog when with you as well as his own quest to acquire him. as the idea would be to have him to help players early on or just to have as a more reliable companion i would think we would be given his quest without too much hassle i figured it would fall right afte we completed the second dream. 
if you're not interested in my story idea just ignore The Quest part . 


The Quest

The quest would start somewhere after we dealt with Simaris for the first time, being that after the events Simaris lets Ordis browse all the information he has collect and Ordis stumbles across information about a group of Corrupted Cephalons trying to find host in empty Prototype Frames with most being unsuccessful with there being a few who manage to achieve controlling these frames. after marking the quest as active ordis would start to talk to you about this information and ask you to go talk to Simaris, at this point you would ask Simaris about this information and he would tell you that this is strictly forbidden and that any Cephalons who have attempted this has been lost to the void. after having been optimistic about the idea of fighting along side the operator and Simaris Shutting him down like that Ordis drop the subject for a set period of time. But Ordis being Ordis he wouldn't listen and would dive deeper into the records.

After these events Ordis Would ask if you would go to Lua for him because he wanted to see what these Prototype Frame looked like. when arriving to Lua the lotus would inform you something isnt right there seems to be a presence here that she Does not recognize  she would urge you to turn back but Ordis would insist to go further until you would encounter a unusual frame being controlled by a unknown Cephalon. Ordis would try to converse him trying to find out how to find his own host and how to control it himself. the Cephalon would speak in a tongue language that only ordis would understand Ordis would freak out and just go silent not responding to you or lotus at this point while the Cephalon Frame would attack you. after defeating it you would extract.

After you returned to your ship ordis would explain to you the only way he could achieve this is he would have kill the operator and use their energy to link to the frame. and Ordis could not simply do this for the operator means too much to use them for his own selfish wants. after this lotus tells the player they have located the rogue Cephalon it would be wise to see what they are doing on Lua anyways. after Arriving we find this Cephalon trying to kill another operator who haven't awoken from their sleep yet. at this point ordis would try to reason with him and yet again he would speak in a code like manner that ordis would translate. after yet another encounter with him you find his name (insert name) and that he was cephalon for a past operator. this operator misused him and rewrote him and forced him to do what they felt pleased and for this reason he killed them. and when he did he felt this strange energy and with that energy he was able to find a way to reprogram himself into the frame. Ordis asks you to go see simaris so he can ask a few questions.

when talking to simaris, ordis brings up the past events. simaris confirms Ordis suspicion about the reason that its deemed Forbidden is that in entails the death of a tenno. at this point Ordis presses on has then been any other way for a cephalon to have a host frame, simaris denies but confirmed that they were possible ideas but all reports shown that they failed. ordis askes for this research and another times period passes 

ordis tell the operator later on the he studied all the forms that was used to do this and they all were missing one thing, a mean to not fully move the cephalon over to a frame but to remotely control a frame similar to the operator's transference. so you go on on a few quest to build ordis a control link module once you have the resources and build the piece he asks you if you can do one more thing help him acquire the parts for the Proto-Frame after you find the parts and build the frame oridis will attempt his link. at this point ordis will go quit for a few minutes and the frame will begin to move. ordis requests to take his body on a test run on lua but first he askes the operator if they have any spare gear he could use. 

you travel back to lua so ordis can try out his new body also allowing you to teach him by giving him commands (using the gear wheel)  at this point of the quest we would encounter (insert name here) and he would tell ordis he was incomplete that he still was missing the blood of an operator to be fully free and he goes to take a strike at you to kill you ordis deflect it with quick shield ( similar to volts) and ordis proceeded to attack him saying you will not hurt my operator. at this point the fight begins ending with as you would kill him ordis would deliver the finishing blow.

after this the operator and ordis (in frame) go see Simaris and he details the event to him ending the quest and giving you ordis a permanent Companion.


 So if you've made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this and leave your thoughts of what you think of this and hopefully maybe [DE} might see this and acknowledge it!  

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I'd prefer if he just used a Sentinel as a host. A custom one for him. Also, it's fine to have multiple Ordis thingies. He exists in the Weave and can control multiple landing crafts at a time so controlling more than one companion cube bot thing wouldn't be a stretch. I will do a full read later. 

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He really is better suited to being either a sentinel or a robot dog (like Dexter's Dyno-Mutt from the old cartoon on Cartoon Network) with some cc abilities including potentially one that acts like a larger scale mind control (normal grineer units and corpus proxies as its limiter), but that would be about it outside of maybe one ability to energize or tamper with your warframe to boost efficiency depending on the circumstances at hand.

(Taking heavy fire may boost your shields, give damage reduction, or armor by a fixed amount + a scaling percentage deduced by the incoming DPS of enemy fire as an example).

Also, I'm not sure if you've used Tenno Specters from Rescues before, but they aren't as helpful as you think considering that they follow you like your Kubrow/Kavat despite having aimbot headshots most times.


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imo giving ordis a frame would be able to give him more of a life like feel to him as he could interact in the similar manners as other players and it would be cool to see able to switch gear and mods on him as easy as it is on us  and like i said maybe seeing four wouldn't be weird but it would sorta brake things if we had this uber companion in multiplayer i would be open to a the sentinel idea as well i just felt the idea about a Proto frame was more compelling seeing what one of the first frame looked like I( even though i do know Excalibur is supposed to be said frame i thought it would be cool to see what came before a fully functional frame) i still would find it enjoyable to have ordis as a companion with his own dialog in battle. and he wouldn't be like specters he would have a more life like ai where he wouldn't stay as close to you but wouldn't stay to far and he would fight on his own and like i said we could have some type of command option in our gear wheel like (Hit said button) it would swap the wheel out. he would have like a stay close to me where he would follow close scout ahead he would go to objective point killing anything in his way as best as he could, and etc. but like i said its not a fully fleshed idea just something i thought would be cool as a quest / companion and i wanted [DE] to see           

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The final Quest: stage an all-out assault on the Sentient Mother, burrowed deep within the Tau Ceti star and shrouded by the Dark Void. Ordis assumes direct control of your unused Warframes, using them to protect you, The Operator, as you fight your way to the center of the Dark Heart. There, a terrible foe wipes Ordis's puppets out with one strike, leaving you vulnerable.


In a desperate attempt to preserve the Chosen One and bring an end to the Eons-old war between the Sentients and the Origin System, Ordis transforms the Liset into a Gundam and Void Warps (a one way trip) into the Dark Heart to stave off the Terrible Foe as you regain your footing and head into The Core. There, you press X to remove the power core and message the Lotus for reinforcements. But then you remember the Lotus along with all other Tenno were wiped out in the events leading up to your assault and Ordis is all that remains of the Orokin Legacy, along with you. So you run back to Ordis only to find his Gundam half-destroyed. Trembling, you tell him to activate the Warp Core as you weave and dodge the megalithic weapons of The Terrible Foe. Ordis's body begins to shake and powerful beams of light shines from the cracks in his armor. "Operator, my body can no longer facilitate a controlled Void Warp. I will overload my remaining systems to hopefully shield you during the process". 


The Terrible Foe stops attacking. The ancient walls of the Sentient Dark Heart begin to boil into organic mush. Everything begins moving in slow motion. Then you hear yourself shout "Oorrddiisssss nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" As the screen turns white and the Lotus pops up in the overview and says "Another mission complete. Well done Tenno".

and then you're in outer space, your Warframe frozen stiff as you watch the Tau Ceti star explode (not implode). As your vision fades, you check your inbox one last time. A message from Ordis: "Operator, I've been thinking. I thought you'd want to know". 


The War is over.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Sure, I'll take Vlad the Impaler in Sentinel form with his Limiter turned off. My Warframe Life needs more bloodlust, skull bashing, and verbal warcry obscenities.

id actually enjoy having his one liners it would be sorta amusing to have him in combat and him have new and more funny comments as well as having him be serious some times. but of course if you dont want to here it you would just not take him with you lol  

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23 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

The final Quest: stage an all-out assault on the Sentient Mother, burrowed deep within the Tau Ceti star and shrouded by the Dark Void. Ordis assumes direct control of your unused Warframes, using them to protect you, The Operator, as you fight your way to the center of the Dark Heart. There, a terrible foe wipes Ordis's puppets out with one strike, leaving you vulnerable.


In a desperate attempt to preserve the Chosen One and bring an end to the Eons-old war between the Sentients and the Origin System, Ordis transforms the Liset into a Gundam and Void Warps (a one way trip) into the Dark Heart to stave off the Terrible Foe as you regain your footing and head into The Core. There, you press X to remove the power core and message the Lotus for reinforcements. But then you remember the Lotus along with all other Tenno were wiped out in the events leading up to your assault and Ordis is all that remains of the Orokin Legacy, along with you. So you run back to Ordis only to find his Gundam half-destroyed. Trembling, you tell him to activate the Warp Core as you weave and dodge the megalithic weapons of The Terrible Foe. Ordis's body begins to shake and powerful beams of light shines from the cracks in his armor. "Operator, my body can no longer facilitate a controlled Void Warp. I will overload my remaining systems to hopefully shield you during the process". 


The Terrible Foe stops attacking. The ancient walls of the Sentient Dark Heart begin to boil into organic mush. Everything begins moving in slow motion. Then you hear yourself shout "Oorrddiisssss nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!" As the screen turns white and the Lotus pops up in the overview and says "Another mission complete. Well done Tenno".

and then you're in outer space, your Warframe frozen stiff as you watch the Tau Ceti star explode (not implode). As your vision fades, you check your inbox one last time. A message from Ordis: "Operator, I've been thinking. I thought you'd want to know". 


The War is over.

i mean i dont see what this has to do with what i posted but i do think it sounds cool as an idea being the final quest would result in ordis sacrificing himself to help the operator i would like to see this as it would be semi emotional to end like this,  

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11 hours ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

I'd prefer if he just used a Sentinel as a host. A custom one for him. Also, it's fine to have multiple Ordis thingies. He exists in the Weave and can control multiple landing crafts at a time so controlling more than one companion cube bot thing wouldn't be a stretch. I will do a full read later. 

We could use it for the Coprus style pet, but he must spout stupid things as he runs around...

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)DmDarkshade said:

i mean i dont see what this has to do with what i posted but i do think it sounds cool as an idea being the final quest would result in ordis sacrificing himself to help the operator i would like to see this as it would be semi emotional to end like this,  

Halfway through update 71 Stalker finally gets banned for griefing, so as one last act of revenge he returns in Quest #33, invades your liset, and steals all your sentinels and companions. Ordis responds to this by contructing an Excalibur to assist you in the final quests against the Sentient Horde (except in one case where he dons Excal Prime in a desperate bid to save the Lotus in quest #37). You can customize his frame and load out anyway you want.

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I would actually prefer if the quest would become available after unlocking all the secrets of the fragments. It would make sense for Ordis to try to remember some of his combat abilities there and figure out how to use it in his new bod. This almost makes me want to see him in a humanoid form but I still prefer something like claptrap from borderlands 2. 

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20 hours ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

I would actually prefer if the quest would become available after unlocking all the secrets of the fragments. It would make sense for Ordis to try to remember some of his combat abilities there and figure out how to use it in his new bod. This almost makes me want to see him in a humanoid form but I still prefer something like claptrap from borderlands 2. 

i like this idea too! the idea of having ordis as a companion though would be helpful and new is something id love id prefur a frame or humanoid (maybe take over a corpus creation) quest was just a rough idea i cam up with on the spot but idc how we get him just the ida would be cool 


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