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Titania's Razorwing QoL Idea


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I know I'm late to the party on this, but I finally built Titania and have been enjoying her so far, but once I got her to rank 10 and started using Razorwing, 2 things really jump out at me and make me throw my hands up and go... "why??"

1st is probably the most obvious and that is she needs a passive vacuum ability. Make it an augment mod for all I care, but holy crap is it annoying to have to either grind her face into the floor or hop out of razorwing to let my sentinel vacuum up my loot. Another option that kinda fits the theme would be to have the Razorfly drones pick up your loot for you. I know they are an offensive addition to razorwing, so how about a second set of razorfly drones specifically for looting? OR you could just let our sentinels fly right by our sides just as normal? It makes sense to bench a Kubrow or Kavat while in razorwing, but a sentinel flies just like you do so this makes no sense to me for it to be treated the same...

2nd is: Why the hell is Duration a determining factor on energy used per second while in razorwing? Especially considering the fact that the only way to get to 175% efficiency is to use Fleeting Expertise and it gives a negative % to your duration. /shrug?

The only other minor thing I could say is that her casting speed is extremely slow for her 1, 2, and 3 abilities. Razorwing feels fine to me, but using those first 3 out of razorwing AND in combat has gotten me killed more than once while in the casting animation...

All in all, I really enjoy Titania (minus that needed QoL vacuum addition) so far and can see her becoming one of my most used Warframes. If the QoL vacuum is added, she might just become my favorite because Razorwing is so much fun! :)

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Personally I think theres a bigger issue that needs fixing and thats the clipping mask that is applied during pixie mode, it's much bigger than titania is in pixie mode and you can be a long way away (based on pixie model) from stuff and grind to a halt because your clipping it. 

Mind you it's been like it since release so it's not likely to get fixed any time soon by the looks of it.... and it's pretty much the primary reason I don't use titania much.


The only thing from your list I see as an annoyance is no vacuum but based on recent changes to hydroid's puddle this isn't likely to change either. 



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Man, she's got so many issues other than Razorwing. Energy pool is too low, Spellbind's range is too short, Tribute hits her energy hard, Tribute effects are mostly mediocre, it takes forever to even build up Tribute stacks, Lantern target floats away, Enemies within Lantern's range often don't take the aggro, Cast time are too long for a frail caster...then add on Razorwing's issues, Her hitbox is too big, She can't pickup items easily without a vacuum effect, Titania doesn't even benefit from Full Moon while in Razorwing


Titania has a plethora of issues, it's amazing DE hasn't already revisited her yet

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3 hours ago, Fox_Starwind said:

1st is probably the most obvious and that is she needs a passive vacuum ability. Make it an augment mod for all I care, but holy crap is it annoying to have to either grind her face into the floor or hop out of razorwing to let my sentinel vacuum up my loot.

Just stepping in to say there's a legitimate programming reason she doesn't have vacuum currently. However, with Plains of Eidolon showing off the new in-mission archwing system it's likely that she'll get a revisit and they'll plug that system into her instead of the existing one. So... yeah you're late, but there literally was nothing we could actually do about this until DE demonstrated that they had a system that made in-mission archwing work as part of the main game engine instead of as a separate game 'mode'. PoE is coming, we'll likely get our fix then.

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