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When you realize Mirage will be the first primed quest frame, how will that translate?


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Just now, aligatorno said:

No,they specifically said that every prime will get primed multiple times during the devstreams of this year. 

Then I hope they won't allow players to grind the prime unless they own the original or simply buy prime access. Easy as that owo

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1 hour ago, Imaru said:

They won't difinitely go in release order, so it is possible we get Mesa or Equinox Prime (Equinox is officially a female warframe before anyone argues that) before Mirage. As to how they'd make it work? I have no idea. 

Volt and Banshee come from the Tenno Lab and they drop as normal, and Vauban comes from alerts, and yet relics are still how he can be found. Quests would pose an interesting challenge to prime as they imply that there aren't a whole lot of these items floating around, whereas a boss fight or other aquisition there are as many as you need to find. 

Perhaps they were more abundant in the Orokin Empire, so there are more blueprints to be found (in lore). This is supported by the Octavia Comic, where we see several Octavias standing as an escort for Suda at the end (I think). 

But the thing is, Vauban needs a ton or Nitain which means you still need to get him from alerts.

I say, make all Quest frames that get Primed cost Orokin Ciphers. Put some use to those billions of Orokin Ciphers.

Edited by (PS4)godlysparta
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this is the same problem as valkyr. you see. we never know if the mirage talked about in the quest (the original one) was a prime or not. but because its the original it has to be primed. our normal mirage is just an interpretation based on thousand-year-old blueprints. 


also. im hype for mirage prime. because if they keep the lore of mirage and her favourite weapons. she's coming with akzani prime. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

Honestly, I like that description for priming quest frames. The quests where we receive the parts of the frame are just damaged versions of the prime.

The way I think of it is that the Prime frames were frames specially built for the earliest Tenno, i.e. they were linked to a specific Operator who had an affinity for one particular way of manifesting Void energy and who "dreamed" of being a particular type of "superhero"-like thing.  So a frame was built for him/her - that was the Prime.

Then later they became mass-produced and/or later reproduced by our new crop of Tenno, so there could be more than one of a given frame, and any Operator could use it.

So in essence, it's like "Hoover" being a generic name for vacuum cleaners.  The first vacuum cleaners were made by Mr. Hoover, and the name caught on as the generic name for that type of machine.

So Mirage was Mirage Prime (i.e. the Operator "in" the frame designed specially for her by the Orokin), the one and only Operator/Frame combo of that type, in that time.  And we can reconstruct and make slightly cruder versions of that frame type - and then later, we discover schematics for the original version.

Oddly enough, while neither Mirage nor Valkyr are a problem in this sense, I'm wondering if Titania would be - even though she's one of the more recent frames, you'd think they'd have sorted out the lore in their own minds!

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i dont think WE reconstructed it. more like the Orokin approved the original design, as per Ballas trailers, with those being the first of the frame/operator. then they keep making some more(duh - wouldnt make sense for prime parts otherwise), but after a while they had to switch to war time production, cutting the gold frills for cheaper, more practical designs that we have now. 


that being said - imo, Quest frame parts should still drop as normal, but you cant build the actual frame(parts are free game) until after you finish the appropriate quest(or buy the normal frame from the market), with the justification being the quests 'introduce' the concept of how these more outlandish frames(relative to the simplicity of the likes of Banshee and Ember) actually work, and therefore how to actually use them.

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It will be that simple. nothing special just like vauban. Collecting it wont change. There might be a PoE night time farm item if nothing else to quest gate actually building it. But side-story quests are optional. Just like people who can buy their way past them.

Edited by Firetempest
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3 hours ago, (PS4)joe03827 said:

Ummm i don't see a problem with that. Why wouldn't there be a mirage prime? Being a quest frame really doesn't change things much.

Theres this really weird unsubstantiated rumor that quest frames cant be primed. i dont know how, or why it was started.

Its like one person said it, and a bunch of other posters just ran with it for some reason.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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A cool lore direction, that came to mind, was that the first Primes were the front line forces that finally defeated Hunhow, in an epic battle, in our Solar System and were granted Orokin fineries for their victory.

And given only, for the victorious Tenno, to be paraded in front of the Orokin subjects; and these Primes were at the final Orokin Ceremony, where they committed their 'act of treason' against the deserving Orokin.

I wouldn't doubt that the Ceremony would have also served as a platform to direct resources towards more conflict and war, outside of recognizing their remarkable Victory, that motivated the Tenno to rise and strike the Orokin down.

However, the Prime videos released so far would contest this idea, but for a brief moment it seemed interesting, so sharing anyway.

As for Mirage specifically, there are many ways to craft the story of the one that was lost battling Sentients when its her turn to get Primed. Curious where the devs want to go with their stories.

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